Remington Bicentennial Limited Editions – SHOT Show 2016

in Collector Corner, Sam Trisler, SHOT Show 2016

Remington is turning the big 2-0-0. It is not every day that an American firearms company hits that number. Actually, they are the oldest so there hasn’t been anyone else to hit the Bicentennial. So what do you do when you turn 200? Well, Remington decided to make some guns, some special guns to mark the occasion.

If you ask 100 people to name the most iconic of Remington’s products over the past 200 years you will undoubtedly see a couple come to the top of the list. The 700, 870, 1100, 7600… add in a 1911 and you have the special editions Remington has put together to mark this milestone.

On the slide of the 1911 is the likeness and signature of Eliphalet Remington,

On the slide of the 1911 is the likeness and signature of Eliphalet Remington II.

But these are not just your run-of-the-mill guns with a 200th-anniversary roll mark.  These are works of art!

Take a look at the pictures below to get an idea of the level of fit and finish on these guns. The walnut on all of the long guns has a beautiful figure. The bluing is deep, dark and glossy. There is engraving and gold inlay on all of the guns. I must admit that it has been a long time since the fit and finish on a Remington has wowed me. These are wow guns. The work here is what you expect from a high-end custom shop.

Of course, this high-end craftsmanship comes with a high-end price tag.  Remington is only making 2,016 of each model. The prices range from $1,499 for the 870 to $2,399 for the 700. We are not sure on the exact timeline, but Remington said all of these guns will be shipping this year.



The 1911 R1 Bicentennial.

The 1911 R1 Bicentennial.


Some beautiful grips here.

Some beautiful grips here.


700 Bicentennial

700 Bicentennial


Info on the 700.

Info on the 700.


Stock on the 1100.

Stock on the 1100.


1100 Info.

1100 Info.


The long guns.

The long guns.


The 700 muzzle.

The 700 muzzle.


1 of 2016.

1 of 2016.


Two pumps and a bolt.

Two pumps and a bolt.


870 details.

870 details.


7600 details.

7600 details.




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  • Rem870 January 25, 2017, 6:04 am

    Awesome looking Remington firearms but they are very expensive. Really like the Remington 700 muzzle with protector.

  • Jack January 22, 2016, 7:03 am

    Kinda sad to see a special edition, $2,400 model 700 has machine cut / stamped checkering.

  • John January 20, 2016, 6:47 pm

    Their using the COLT 1911 as one of THEIR commemorative’s, what cheek!

    • Don January 20, 2016, 9:12 pm

      Remington, among several others made 1911 under license from Colt.

  • Allan Templin January 20, 2016, 8:32 am

    I will be real interested to see if they can deliver any of the guns. I have had an R-51 on order for two years and only hear that it will be a couple more weeks every time I inquire about delivery.

  • Rob62 January 20, 2016, 8:28 am

    Good for Remington, I am glad to hear there are people making enough money to afford a $2,399 (MSRP) model 700.

  • cc January 20, 2016, 8:03 am

    how about the old model 51 pistol

  • Clifford Holcomb January 20, 2016, 7:45 am

    Uhm… Springfield Armory – 1789? 226 Years Old.

    • Paul Helinski January 20, 2016, 7:53 am

      There was a period after Springfield closed in Massachusetts that it was dark, before it was rebooted at the current Geneseo Illinois location.

      • joe January 20, 2016, 9:21 am

        It’s not even the same entity – and it existed from 1777 to 1968. The name was licensed out.

  • winthrop kellogg January 20, 2016, 5:47 am

    I am a big fan of the 870, I have owned and enjoyed many of them over my 50 year hunting and clay shooting career and would like to own one of these, will they be made in all guages.