ProTech Knives is well known for its high-quality automatics. This year at SHOT Show 2020, they’re debuting three new knives. The Malibu button lock flipper, Strider Operator SnG, and a collaboration with Arcform featuring the automatic version of the popular Slimfoot. They will also be moving their facilities in the Spring to increase production.

Malibu Button Lock Flipper
The Malibu flipper will come in two different blade shapes: a reverse tanto, and a sheepsfoot. Both will be premium 20CV steel. The prototype I handled at the show was a mirror finish CPM154 blade. The ball bearing action makes the 3.25” blade deploy with ease. It has a nice detent and the flipper tab is comfortable to use. The knife has no hot spots when holding and the handle has nice smooth edges.

The button lock also keeps your hands out of the path of the closing blade. The handle is aluminum and features a deep carry clip. MSRP will be around $260-270 and they will be available soon.

Strider SnG Tritium Button Lock

The Strider Operator SnG is an updated version of the previous model featuring a blacked-out blade with no markings, and a button lock with a tritium insert.

The 3.5” blade is CPM154 with a black DLC coating. The automatic action feels great and the lockup is solid. A tritium insert sits in the button lock that was installed by a certified tritium installer. MSRP is $380 and it too will be available soon.
Arcform Slimfoot Automatic

My favorite was the new Arcform collaboration featuring their popular Slimfoot design in an automatic. The Slimfoot was originally designed by Geoff Blauvelt of TuffKnives. The CPM154 Sheepsfoot blade has unique grind lines that flow well with the knife.

The handle is anodized 6061T6 aluminum and the it has a deep-carry pocket clip. The knife deploys like a rocket, just like all ProTech autos. MSRP is $170 and they are available now on the Arcform website.
The feds don’t bother much with switchblades anymore. The gangbangers all have Glocks and Hi-Points, and a decent quality auto knife costs as much as an 80% receiver M4 replica.
Strider….$380 for a CPM-154 blade with a tritium button. Jokey. Stupid. Premium price for sub-premium steel gimmicky toy.
I’ll stick with my Camillus I picked up for 1/20th the price. A lot of “assisted open” knives out there and I am sure there will be plenty who buy this, but will they really treat it like a tool everyday?
I’ll live with my SpydrCo.