Perazzi Shotguns: The New MXS Line Brings More Affordable High-End Shotguns—SHOT Show 2014

in Authors, Paul Helinski, SHOT Show 2014, Shotguns


Perazzi knows how to make a hell of a good shotgun and brought a plethora of them to SHOT show this year. The most exciting one for most of us is the new MXS series of scatterguns. These are Perazzi’s new, more “affordable” line of sporting shotguns. Affordable is subjective. In order to keep the costs down, Perazzi isn’t using the fanciest wood or including the beautiful engraving we usually expect from a Perazzi. That’s not to say that the wood or the finish is lacking. The MXS is most certainly nicer than you would find on your standard run-of-the-mill shotgun (if you don’t mind the large “MXS” carved on the side of the receiver).

Perazzi003The Perazzis we handled at SHOT this year were extremely well made, and the MXS is no exception. From the balance to the firm and solid lock up, the MXS is ready to dust some clays and knock down some birds. They come with either a blued or nickel finished receiver, fixed or removable chokes and fixed or adjustable stocks. The best part is that the gun is only $569… oh wait. The chokes cost $569. The gun sells for $6,900.

A trip to the Perazzi booth wouldn’t be complete unless we drooled on some of their high-grade guns. Check out the photos of the set of four games guns in the SCO Sideplates grade. They run around $240,000. But you get one each in 12, 20, 28 and .410. So they are only $60,000 apiece, which seems perfectly reasonable, considering they’re from Perazzi.

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  • Frank January 31, 2014, 9:01 am

    I want the 4 gun set but then again I want a Ferrari too.

    • Manosteel February 7, 2017, 1:30 pm

      4 barrel set you think??? No one wins any major skeet shoots with 4 barrel sets! Most are won with tubed 12 GA guns. I guess if you want a 4 barrel set JST to have one great. I shoot the Beretta 682 with Briley tubes for 20,28, and 410 also have mechanical triggers