Oregon Homeowner Shocked to Find Armed Felon in His Kitchen

in Authors, Defensive Use of Firearms, Kimber Pearce, This Week
Oregon Homeowner Shocked to Find Armed Felon in His Kitchen
(Photo: USCCA)

A sandwich-demanding home invader was caught last month by an Oregon couple in their own kitchen.

The owners of the house in Malheur County were home when an intruder found their door unlocked and walked in. The wife was in the living room reading and the husband was in a shed outside.

The husband entered his kitchen and found the armed intruder, a 67-year-old parole violator, who authorities later identified as Terry Lee Martz.

Martz is a wanted felon who faced charges of kidnapping, rape, and sexual abuse of a minor in Idaho.

With the gun pointed at the husband, Martz demanded that the husband make Martz a sandwich.

Complying, the homeowner asked if his wife was okay, and the intruder responded that she was fine. After the sandwich was finished, the homeowner asked if he could go check on his spouse, which Martz apparently allowed.

The wife, still in the living room, was informed by her husband that they had a “guest.” The homeowner then procured a shotgun and returned to the kitchen. 

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Police reports indicate that at this point the two men had some sort of physical fight, during which the shotgun went off, hitting Martz “near the side of his chest”, according to the ArgusObserver.

After Martz was hit, the husband and wife promptly disarmed and immobilized him and called the police. Martz was taken away by paramedics to be treated at a local hospital, where authorities said he was expected to survive.

The victims of this odd situation thankfully found themselves unscathed. 

The homeowners did not know at that time who Martz was, nor did they know about his extensive criminal history. Once he has recovered, Martz will be turned over to Idaho officials, whose active warrants against him take precedence.

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About the author: Kimber Pearce is a student, an avid shooter, and a pro-2A advocate.

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  • Steve L October 3, 2022, 9:24 am

    Why didn’t they mention what the perp was armed with and made the point of the homeowner retrieving his shotgun?
    Are they afraid of justifying the use of lethal force by the victims of a potential life ending situation for them?
    I’m sure they can make all the excuses necessary for the scumbag killing that couple had it going the other way! After all being murdered for ham sandwich is all the excuse they need to let the guy go (because he was hungry) back on the street with no bail.
    Just wish the homeowners aim could have been centermass or between the ears!

  • MB September 19, 2022, 9:58 am

    I’m surprised a Oregon resident owned a shotgun. Maybe he took dementia Joe’s advice.

  • D.J. September 18, 2022, 3:07 pm

    I hope the homeowner had the foresight
    to load that shotgun with some no.#4 pellets.
    That convicted s.o.b. would have gotten the
    sandwich off lifetime .

  • Mike in a Truck September 16, 2022, 12:22 pm

    Its not the 60’s, 70’s or even 80’s anymore. Crimminals are now on a conveyor belt in and out of the judcial system and these days are completely ruthless. We have free will and the choice is yours. Be armed and skilled or be butchered in your own home. I know which choice Ive made.