North American Arms’s Two Updated .22 Mag Revolvers – SHOT Show 2019

in Levi Sim, SHOT Show 2019, SHOT Show Archives
North American Arms's Two Updated .22 Mag Revolvers - SHOT Show 2019

The True Black Widow’s 5.88″x3.69″ frame is not to be trifled with.

True Black Widow

North American Arms is famous for their small frame .22 pistols which many favor as carry weapons. The favored Black Widow got an update as the True Black Widow. The 17-4 stainless steel frame now features a flat black PVD coating to match the grips and deadly hourglass. It’s got a heavy 2″ vented barrel, 5-shot bull cylinder, Marble Arms sights and it’s chambered for .22 magnum. Unlike its classic-looking cousin, the Ranger II, this little arachnid begs to be pocketed.

North American Arms's Two Updated .22 Mag Revolvers - SHOT Show 2019

The new Ranger II is a classic-looking cowboy pistol, but it’s not a .44.

Ranger II

The Ranger II is a significant update to the first Ranger. Its 17-4 stainless-steel frame and barrel now look more like the classic Colt revolvers carried by the Texas Rangers long ago. The barrel is now 2.5″ long, and the walnut grips are checkered and carved with scrollwork. It’s got a 5-shot heavy cylinder which breaks open for reloading and a star-shaped ejector. This gun looks so good. It deserves to a leather holster to carry it around town.

Final pricing and availability for both are coming soon. Keep an eye out for North American Arms’s True Black Widow and Ranger II.

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About the author: Levi Sim Levi is an avid hunter, and an increasingly avid shooter. He strives to make delicious and simple recipes from the game he kills. He makes a living as a professional photographer and writer. Check out his work and he’d love to connect on Instagram: @outdoorslevi

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  • bill stuart February 6, 2021, 3:27 pm

    beautiful gun be nice to have phone number

  • John Hoglin February 2, 2019, 1:17 pm

    This what their revolver should have been in the first place. Very nice looking will add it to my must have list. The 4″ barrel idea would make it a dandy trail gun.

  • Scott Smith January 30, 2019, 10:23 am

    I’ve long been a fan of NAA mini revolvers, the Pug being my favorite.
    Those blade sights look like they were designed to snag on just about everything.

  • BillJ357 January 29, 2019, 1:42 pm

    Now all the Ranger needs is Speedloaders, Red dots and Laser grips…Maybe a quick-draw neck chain.

  • FlaBoy January 29, 2019, 12:39 pm

    Like TroopEmonds, I’m waiting for the longer barreled versions. Would buy a 4 inch but would prefer a 5 inch or 6 inch (which I could cut down to 5 inch). Although I would prefer a 5 inch or longer, I think they would sell a slew of 4 inch ones. Picture the gun in this article, with it’s western style, with a 4 inch barrel. It would be both beautiful and more practical. A mini western Schofield.

    NAA….are you listening????

  • Paul D Ruffle January 29, 2019, 11:23 am

    The 5-round cylinder is described above as a “heavy cylinder” and a “bull cylinder.” Compared to what? In the picture it appears that the cylinder is barely large enough to fit five rounds. There is barely any metal between adjacent chambers and between the chambers and the outside surface of the cylinder

  • Troop Emonds January 29, 2019, 10:30 am

    How about a heavy 4″ barrel I already have a 4″ and 6″ models, but so slow and weird to reload. The swing out and top break seem just more practical. Quality on all your gun very good and pretty accurate for what they are. A lot more than expected. 4″ and 6″ barrels only make sense with the .22 Mags

  • wayne wright January 29, 2019, 6:48 am

    TEXAS Rangers carried mostly Colts. That pic looks more like a Schofield.