New York Governor Proposes Gun Legislation for 2020

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New York Governor Proposes Gun Legislation for 2020
Gov. Cuomo proposed a new gun law Sunday. (Photo:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed new gun legislation Sunday. His new idea is aimed at those who have been convicted of crimes in other states. The governor’s website released details.

Serious Misdemeanors = No Guns

Currently, state residents who have committed “serious” misdemeanors are ineligible to own guns in New York. Examples of these misdemeanors include:

  • Certain domestic violence convictions
  • Forcible touching
  • Other misdemeanor sex offenses
  • Unlicensed possession of a firearm

New Legislation Applies To Non-Residents

The major update to the law that Cuomo proposes is that individuals who commit similar crimes in other states will make them ineligible to obtain a New York State gun license. Cuomo believes this legislation will save lives.

SEE ALSO: New York Teachers Starts Hunger Strike for Black Rifle Ban, Gun Control

“This year, I propose a new law to prevent anyone who commits a serious crime in another state from buying or possessing a gun in New York,” Cuomo said.

“This new law will keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people and save lives,” he added. “I’m proud that New York continues to show the country that we don’t have to live like this – that we can and will end gun violence.”

“Gun violence in this country is a crisis”

Gov. Cuomo believes gun violence is a top priority. He says that because Washington is too “spineless” to do anything about it nationally, he will make local changes.

“Gun violence in this country is a crisis. The cause is clear: spineless politicians in Washington who refuse to stand up to the NRA and pass common-sense reforms,” he said.

“The solution is also clear: New York’s strongest-in-the-nation gun laws which have made us the safest big state in the country. But until the federal government acts, states with weak gun laws will continue to endanger New Yorkers at home, and I will not tolerate it,” Cuomo continued.

Gov. Cuomo On Guns

Cuomo has a history of pushing legislation related to gun ownership.

  • 2013: SAFE Act
    • “One-feature test” for identifying assault weapons
    • Required registration of assault weapons
    • High-cap magazine — only 7 rounds in a 10-round mag — struck down in appeals
    • Ammunition purchase background checks–yet to be enacted
    • Enabled Red Flag by mental health professionals
    • Universal background checks
    • Strong penalties for crimes committed with guns
    • 5-year certification for handgun permits
  • 2019 Legislation
    • Extended background check waiting period
    • Banned bump stocks
    • Banned “undetectable” printed guns
    • Expanded safe firearm storage law
    • Prevented school districts from arming teachers
    • Established statewide regulations for the gun buyback program
    • Expanded Red Flag law to include family members, educators, and law enforcement

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  • Easy Eddie December 21, 2019, 1:13 pm

    I would surmise that there are very few people who commit a serious crime in another state who would consider relocating to New York. I give thanks every day that I put NY in my rearview mirror six months ago.

  • Mark - Bristol, IN. December 21, 2019, 9:37 am

    To the people of New York, you elect and reelect these people so like the old saying, “You made your bed…”

  • Kelly December 20, 2019, 3:16 pm

    They forgot to add in Coumo’s last provision:

    “All firearms owners are hereby ordered to turn in any firearm designed to function with cased ammunition and smokeless powder propellant.”

  • Todd December 20, 2019, 9:32 am

    NY is “the safest big state in the nation”????? LMAO!!! I live in ny just outside the capital; Comrade Cuomo is full of horse dung. His safe act has done NOTHING to reduce shootings. In fact, shootings are UP. Our governor is delusional, being fed what he wants to hear by his spineless aides who fear for their jobs. And now he’s passed giving driving licenses to ILLEGALS-drive-bys will now increase even more. Cuomo=arrogant, egotistical, narcissistic, horses ass.

  • frank December 20, 2019, 8:55 am

    This is a perfect example of disrespect for our constitutional rights but what do you expect from a Meatball brain Cuomo along with the rest of Democratic socialist of New York.

  • Andrew December 20, 2019, 8:15 am

    I hate to break this to the idiot Gov, but if you live out of state for the most part you really can’t buy a gun in NY any way. At the very least you will have to have it transferred through an FFl to another FFL & why would anyone in their right mind buy a gun in NY to transfer to another state with all the restrictions that already exist there?

    • Ted December 20, 2019, 7:49 pm

      This is not exactly true. You may buy long arms without any special permit in NY state with only a drivers license , Unless your home state has a prohibition against it. And according to Osterweil vs Bartlett, people that have “part time residences ” in NY state ARE ELIGIBLE for pistol permits under section 400 of the NY state penal law.. NY city is a totally different animal, you need a permit to pass wind there.

  • 2A all the way December 20, 2019, 4:49 am

    There’s coming a day where we are not going to care about your licenses to keep and bear arms. We are not going to ask permission to exercise our our right to keep and bear arms. Licensing schemes pertaining to firearms are unconstitutional. Who here could imagine George Washington or Thomas Jefferson applying for a pistol permit

  • Jack Burton December 17, 2019, 1:15 pm

    Americas rallying cry! “We Will Not Comply”

    • millionth counsel December 20, 2019, 6:47 am

      Unfortunately,with their gun bans, ammo bans etc I don’t care if you want to comply or not , one will not be able to legally obtain any more guns at a gun shop, nor ammo, and any gun one owns will have to remain hidden.
      That’s not fighting anything.

      • Brian December 20, 2019, 1:55 pm

        Citizens may hide legally obtained guns and ammo but they will come out when a guerrilla style civil war erupts. And resupply of guns and more ammo will come from dead LEO’s and troops trying to enforce unconstitutional laws until the tyrants are defeated.

  • SuperG December 17, 2019, 10:19 am

    At first, convicted felons had their gun rights stripped from them. I warned then that they would not stop, and they would keep adding crimes that would take your gun rights away from you, until they had disarmed society. Now this political parasite is adding even more. Soon, jaywalking will cause you to lose your rights. This legislation, if passed, would even supersede federal law. Where is my federal government? Who is protecting the Constitution?

    • Dr Motown December 19, 2019, 7:49 am

      That’s the ultimate problem: SCOTUS takes forever to decide on which cases to review. Apparently “gay marriage” was more crucial to society’s survival than actual cases of civil rights intrusions