NEW: Walther PPQ Subcompact: 10+1 or 15+1 9mm — SHOT Show 2018

in Authors, Clay Martin, Gun Reviews, Handguns, Semi-Autos, SHOT Show 2018, Uncategorized

New for 2018, Walther dropped the PPQ subcompact at SHOT Show. Following countless consumer requests, the famous PPQ has now been shrunk to subcompact size. The sub takes the same famous Walther trigger and mates it with a 3.25-inch barrel. It ships with two magazines are in the box, one a flush fit 10, the other a 15-round extended magazine. The 15 round includes a grip extender, and when inserted, gives the subcompact a full-size grip.NEW: Walther PPQ Subcompact: 10+1 or 15+1 9mm — SHOT Show 2018

NEW: Walther PPQ Subcompact: 10+1 or 15+1 9mm — SHOT Show 2018SPECS:

    • Low-profile three-dot polymer combat sights
    • Cartridge:9mm
    • Capacity: 10+1 rds.
    • Weight: 21.1 oz.
    • Trigger pull: 5.6 lbs.
    • Overall length: 5.4 in.
    • Mil-Std: 1913 Picatinny accessory mounting rail
    • Tenifer coating on slide, barrel and inside action parts
    • Serrated trigger guard
    • Front and rear slide serrations
    • Ambidextrous magazine release
    • Ergonomic Walther grip
    • MSRP: $649NEW: Walther PPQ Subcompact: 10+1 or 15+1 9mm — SHOT Show 2018

NEW: Walther PPQ Subcompact: 10+1 or 15+1 9mm — SHOT Show 2018The original PPQ models feature a rounded feel to the grips, and a near tri-cut slide. This is true even of the long slide PPQ 5 Match, it’s line are unmistakable. It translates well to a CCW gun. But trust me, it does. If you are a fan of the PPQ family, you ware going to love this as a carry gun. The PPQ SC features three safeties: two drop safeties and one in the firing pin block. The Tenifer coating on the slide and barrel helps it resists corrosion, which is important, especially if you’re carrying this every day. Featuring interchangeable backstraps, you can swap out the grip to better fit your hand. According to Walther’s specs, it has a 5.6-pound trigger pull. Let me tell you — it’s smooth.

These pistols are shipping now and will run you about $649. We’re glad to see new options from Walther and look forward to getting one in for review to see how well it performs.

For more information about Walther firearms, click here.

***Check out GunsAmerica for your next Walther purchase.***

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  • flawlessfoose February 1, 2018, 11:38 am

    I had better get me one!

  • Tom A February 1, 2018, 9:26 am

    Walther website specs show 6.6 inch length not 5.4.

  • Jeffrey Crawford February 1, 2018, 8:19 am

    Love Walther but won’t own a gun without an external hammer. With one in the Chamber I don’t want it cocked all the time. Have seen law enforcement try to finish a deer only to find guns like the Glock won’t hit the primer hard enough in cold weather.

    • LOL February 1, 2018, 9:04 am

      That’s the dumbest Fudd nonsense I’ve ever heard. Don’t use cheap ammo.

      • Ken ellsworth February 1, 2018, 12:12 pm

        Cold weather?? Nonsence, your firearm is dirty and gummed up

      • buhbang February 1, 2018, 12:30 pm

        it’s amazing how you “think” you know what the problem was, when you weren’t there and know nothing about it. I’m surprised you didn’t say that it wasn’t a law enforcement either but a fireman whose gun was wet and soaked his cheap ammo.
        he said he’s seen law enforcement have primer failure, it wasn’t his gun or ammo, and you don’t know what ammo was used and it could have been a worn out trigger spring, or too light of a spring was installed for an attempt at a better trigger, because it is well known that glock triggers suck.and one of the 1st things glock owners change. I too prefer a hammer, as i carry cocked and locked, but more importantly my SAO trigger with over travel set screw and a short reset.

        • Phil Whitehead February 1, 2018, 7:16 pm

          Lots of experts out there trolling for someone to bitchslap with their keyboards…those that can’t do, troll…
          In other words, you cant fix stupid.

    • TXM1836 February 1, 2018, 4:23 pm

      Does the PPQ not have a decocker? Or is it not striker fired?

  • Jack H. February 1, 2018, 7:22 am

    Looks like a cheap copy of the HK P30sk.

  • Sepp W January 31, 2018, 4:36 pm

    Great. But where the heck is the Ft Smith PPK/S in 9mm Kurz? Release date has come and long gone.