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Why Upgrade Your Cleaning Kit?
Cleaning kits are kind of like triggers. It’s easy to convince yourself that you’re happy with a stock AR-15 trigger. It gets the job done, right? But then your buddy convinces you to spring for that aftermarket trigger kit, and you can’t imagine using anything else. It’s light, crisp, and makes shooting the rifle twice as fun.
For me, the Montana X-Treme Cleaning Kit is like that aftermarket trigger. It makes cleaning my rifle a quick, painless, and hassle-free experience, and I can’t imagine going back to my bargain bin rod and brush.
Here’s what comes in the box, which arrived in just a few days from Midsouth Shooters:
- Four-Piece Rod – Constructed of heat-treated 17-4 stainless steel with centerless ground shaft that will not pick up grit and dirt. Hardened steel pre-loaded bearing system eliminates galling and wear. Solid aluminum, comfort-fit anodized handle.
- Montana X-Treme Bore Solvent (2 oz)
- Montana X-Treme Gun Oil (2 oz)
- 30 caliber jag and brush
- Highest quality 100% cotton flannel patches
- Cleaning tools – stainless steel pick and scraper for tough carbon deposits, two double-ended brushes (brass and stiff nylon), and pipets
I’m not going to tell you how to clean your rifle, but I did want to point out a few of the items I found particularly helpful.
1. Four-piece Rod
The rod is really what separates this kit from cheaper models. It’s got a nice heft to it, and the bearings are smooth. The quality construction allowed me to move the barrel brush with ease, which helped to break up the junk (that’s the technical term) that had been building in the barrel. The large handle also makes it easy to manipulate the rod in the barrel.
2. Patch Jag
This is the best patch jag I’ve ever used. The eyelet patch holders always bunch the patch in the barrel, which sticks the rod and keeps the entire patch from making contact with the inside of the barrel. But this jag is designed so that the patch can be wrapped around it. This way, the entire patch can make contact with the barrel without getting stuck. Both of these advantages saved me so much time as I was cleaning my rifle. Each pass-through collected way more crud than usual, and I wasn’t constantly struggling to push the rod through the barrel.

The jag allowed the patch to make contact all the way around the barrel, and you can see how much crud it pulled out.
3. Solvent
The solvent worked like a charm. I ended up using five or six patches, but I could have gotten away with two or three. I also noticed a distinct turquoise color on the wet patches. After doing some research, I learned that the turquoise indicates a copper remover in the solvent. Powder residue is more or less harmless, but copper residue can affect accuracy and barrel life. The solvent’s ability to remove the copper residue is a fantastic feature, and I can’t believe I’ve been using a run-of-the-mill solvent for so long.
4. Pick and Scraper
I’ll be honest—I didn’t use these in my routine cleaning. But I wanted to mention them because if I ever have to do a deep cleaning, I know these will come in handy. Plus, I can use them on my pistols to clean the powder residue from all those small crevices.

The pick and scraper set this kit apart from cheaper options. I know they’ll come in handy in the future.
5. Pipets
The pipets are the unsung heroes of this kit. I always struggle to get the solvent on my patches without making a mess, and the usual oil dispensers drop way too much oil. The pipets allowed me to transfer the perfect amount of solvent to my patches without spilling it all over the table. They also made it easy to get the right amount of oil on my locking lugs.

The kit includes two pipets: one smaller and one larger. I used the larger one for solvent and the smaller for oil.
All in all, I had a great experience using the Montana X-Treme Cleaning Kit. And for just $66.22 from the good folks at Midsouth Shooters, you’ll never regret your decision to upgrade from your bargain bin cleaning kit.
Click here to purchase one of these Montana X-Treme Cleaning Kits from Midsouth Shooters.
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About the Author: Jordan Michaels is a new convert to the gun world. A Canadian immigrant to the United States, he recently became an American citizen and is happily enjoying his newly-acquired Second Amendment freedoms. He’s a communications professional, a political junkie, and an avid basketball fan.
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