Meprolight’s New Low-Light Sights

in David Higginbotham, For Handguns, Gear Reviews, Uncategorized


The sights on the GLOCK 42. They're sized for the 17, and 19--but fit the 42.

The sights on the GLOCK 42. They’re sized for the 17, and 19–but fit the 42.


Check out Meprolight’s Night Sights:

Looking for a way to see in the dark? This isn’t it. But if you need to see your sights in the dark, these Meprolight sights are a great option.These are the R4E Optimized Duty Sights from Meprolight.

We saw them at NASGW at the end of October, and a set appeared at my door last week. I would have put them onto either my GLOCK 17, or my GLOCK 19, but both have gone out for service. The only GLOCK I had kicking around was the 42. While these were designed for the larger, longer GLOCK slides, I didn’t have any trouble fitting them to the 42.

The most attractive part of the set, for me, isn’t the glow in the dark feature. That rocks, and is easy to see. For me, I really like sights with a vertical shelf on the front edge of the rear sight. I’m a big proponent of one-handed manipulation, and being able to catch the edge of a sight on a belt, a heel, or a table may allow you to stay in the fight.


The front edge of the rear sight has a forward slant.

The front edge of the rear sight has a forward slant.


The front sight has a forward facing slope. This allows it to be used for manipulation, too.

The front sight has a forward facing slope. This allows it to be used for manipulation, too.


But these take that to the next level. The slope isn’t perfectly perpendicular along a 90 degree line. Instead, they can’t slightly forward. That allows the vertical edge to be more of a hook. And the front sight has it, too. This one leans slightly forward. While it may increase the chances of you pushing the slide out of battery if you are firing from inside a coat or a bag (as we demonstrated here in this test), it provides more opportunities for improvisational manipulation.


This is a low-light shot inside a man-purse.

This is a low-light shot inside a man-purse.


The full dark glow is impressive.

The full dark glow is impressive.


When the appropriately sized GLOCKs come back, I’ll fit one with these and we’ll do a follow-up.


Two mags from the 42, fast from the holster.

Two mags from the 42, fast from the holster.


Lines, not dots.

Lines, not dots.


My one complaint is that sights are not as easy to use in bright daylight. They are still easy to see, but not as easy as dots.

My one complaint is that sights are not as easy to use in bright daylight. They are still easy to see, but not as easy as dots.



The come in a cute tin, which is padded inside.

The come in a cute tin, which is padded inside.


The front sight has a dot and a vertical line.

The front sight has a dot and a vertical line.


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  • Kent Nordland December 10, 2015, 4:15 pm

    I have a Glock 22, LE trade-in with factory night sights. It sits on my head board and the glow of the sights make it easy to find in the dark. Once retrieved, I turn on the Stream Light TLR-4 light/laser, blind, and identify the threat.
    And if that doesn’t blind the bad guy, the muzzle flash from the 22TCM9R conversion kit will fry him or her. Very loud too!

  • Kalashnikov Dude November 16, 2015, 11:14 am

    I purchased a set for my AK. In all but complete darkness, the dim glow of the front sight makes it harder to acquire quickly in relation to the rear sights. The rear sights are more easily acquired simply because they are closer to the eye. In complete darkness, you probably hadn’t ought to be shooting just because you can see your sights. I was disappointed with the performance of “low light” sights. A few extra lumens from the front sight makes all the difference in the world. I wouldn’t buy these again. Though hand gun sights will be a different matter due to the shorter sight radius, I still feel there is a fundamental lack of understanding on the part of the manufacturer of what makes these types of sights worth having. I will be more selective in the future.