Check Out This Amazing Malfunction – And Top-Shelf Hi-Point Service

in Industry News, Max Slowik, Teachable Moments, This Week
Check Out This Amazing Malfunction - And Top-Shelf Hi-Point Service

Sometimes bad news is good news as this customer goes the distance to prove that Hi-Point makes hard-use guns. (Photo: Hi-Point)

Hi-Point shooters sometimes get a bad rep. And this case doesn’t make this Hi-Point owner look all that great. But it does show off how tough Hi-Point guns can be and why so many people love shooting them.

Hi-Point just shared photos of a 995TS – originally reported as a 4595TS – with a fully-obstructed barrel. Apparently the owner squibbed a round and followed it with at least 34 more shots, filling the barrel end-to-end with bullets.

At least 34 more shots, because the owner was complaining about “accuracy issues.” It’s even possible that some rounds were leaving the muzzle like a gunpowder-operated Newton’s cradle!

In any case, Hi-Point serviced the carbine, replaced the barrel and sent it back to the owner. Not before snapping some photos, of course.

Check Out This Amazing Malfunction - And Top-Shelf Hi-Point Service

The bullets start stacking up right after the leade. (Photo: Hi-Point)

It’s always amazing to see what gunsmiths find when servicing people’s firearms. Hopefully this will be a reminder to people to check their barrels for obstructions if they suspect that their gun is running incorrectly.

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At the same time, it’s a testament to how Hi-Point overbuilds their products. As inexpensive as they are, their guns are meant to last. This type of malfunction could have led to a catastrophic failure, seriously injuring the shooter or worse.

Instead, the carbine trucked along, just with those “accuracy issues.”

Check Out This Amazing Malfunction - And Top-Shelf Hi-Point Service

And they run right up to the muzzle. (Photo: Hi-Point)

Hi-Point produces a wide variety of carbines chambered for 9mm Luger, .40 S&W and .380 and .45 ACP. The company is adding 10mm Auto carbines to their lineup now, too. Hi-Point also offers factory camo guns including Woodland, Desert Digital and pink Muddy Girl.

Real-world pricing for Hi-Point carbines usually run between $250 and $350 leaving plenty in the bank for ammo.

Hi-Point is working on a new pistol as well. The company had a prototype on display at SHOT Show earlier this year. The upcoming 9mm has a 10-round tapered magazine, a grip safety, a reversible backstrap for a personal fit, a completely redesigned slide compatible with mini red dot sights and an extended, threaded barrel.

Hi-Point hasn’t finalized the design and hasn’t set a release date yet. But they expect to have it finished and in production this year. The suggested price will be around $200, making it one of the most affordable suppressor-ready pistols ever.

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  • alex boatwright September 13, 2019, 4:13 pm

    When I was a kid (in the ’50s) , my grandmother died. In her house was an old rabbit eared percussion double barreled shotgun. My dad had a brother-in-law that was an amateur gunsmith, and he got Uncle Ralph to fix up the gun for a wall-hanger. The gun came back with polished wood and blued metal, but was completely non-functional. Uncle Ralph said , ” good thing she never tried to shoot it, it had about 6 charges (patch, powder, and ball) one on top of the other”. So it hung on the wall until not long after my father died, and then someone relieved the family of the gun. My mom was at the beginning of dementia when I found out it was gone, and didn’t remember what happened to it.

  • Dave Brown August 23, 2019, 10:53 am

    I will guess being Hi-p is a blowback the pressure was released by the bolt opening which kept the thing from blowing. Great ammo can have a dud round so you have to pay attention to the sound and feel of each and every shot. Now if ur hammering away on the trigger u could pop off the next round, but not 30 some. U can also have an over charged round, and yes ur Marbles should roll after u pop that one off. Reloads might have been the issue, but brain power and experience should be the safety factor. Yep Hi-p are fine firearms and have a place in any of our Shootn Arms.

  • Ejharb March 24, 2019, 8:48 am

    I will never forget the video of 3 youths fleeing after a ornery black lady opened up with a highpoint carbine when they invaded her home.if she wanted to hit them there’d be dead punks but she just wanted them gone. If you’re low income and want more than a pistol to defend your home I’d recommend this

  • KennySmith March 17, 2019, 6:11 pm

    I have four Hi-Points 2 ea. .380 acp handguns ,1 ea. 9mm handgun and 1 ea. 995TS Pro, the pro just means it comes with two extra mags. but I love all of my Hi-Points, they are all good guns and I don’t give a crap about the ignorant people who bad mouth these weapons . Now, I cant wait for the new model,I will be getting one. For the money , Hi-Points are the best guns made.

  • danny March 15, 2019, 5:22 pm

    So, through this entire episode (minimum 35 rounds fired and mysteriously vanished) and the post-range routine, the owner never cleared, examined, or disassembled the weapon to determine a potential (and seemingly obvious) cause of the “accuracy issues”…? This story is not so much a testament to Hi-Point’s engineering and construction as it is a terrifying tale of a gun owner who came dangerously close to injuring/killing themselves and anyone around them. Either this is a terribly incomplete report or this is not a person who should own and operate a firearm in a public setting.

  • Just1Spark March 15, 2019, 4:17 pm

    I been thinking on this. I wonder if the shooter was using some (crappy) reloads. Which would result in the first bullet not exiting. And all the follow up shots not being catastrophic aswell.

    Or was shooting subsonic ammo. ?

  • Adam Jeppson March 15, 2019, 3:20 pm

    This is proof God was not done with him! WOW, just WOW! Good on ya Hi-Point for doing the right thing!

  • TJ March 15, 2019, 1:34 pm

    In 1960, I was 13, just old enough to buy my first gun, a $10 SMLE No.1,Mk3. Took it into the woods to try it out with some surplus .303 ammo that came in canvas bandoliers (I should have known it was too old) and heard an almost musical “whooop” but no report. Had no idea what it was but thank goodness I had the presence of mind to check the bore. Rammed it out and never happened again.

  • Lou Keating March 15, 2019, 12:15 pm

    I KINDA/SORTA feel sorry for him. Sorta like the old lady who spilled hot coffee from Mc Donald’s in her lap and sued them! The jury gave her over $1Mil We are doomed ! However for all of you mentally challenged people out there Hear Ye ! Hear ye ! Beware ! I have a solution to STUPID ! Just remove ALL wrning labels !

  • Roy Pastorek March 15, 2019, 10:21 am

    I had a squib (Hollow point) stop four inches from the end and then two more rounds fired after that. The last one went out the side of the barrel. The gun is a soft shooter plus the range noise kept me from sensing the failure. A blow back gun will keep on firing. I sent it back and they fixed it quickly plus they even gave me a Hi-Point hat, Tee shirt and even an extra mag! Plus, (and don’t tell anyone) it was my wife’s 4595 carbine, and she never knew that I blew it up! (An extra bonus!) The gun has been reliable and I am happy with it. I only put a red dot on it so she could ‘point and shoot’. Good gun.

  • DrThunder88 March 15, 2019, 9:49 am

    That’s almost 6 ounces of lead in there!

  • Joe March 15, 2019, 8:22 am

    Man he won the lottery on stupidity. Stackem long and deep..LOL

  • JDS March 15, 2019, 7:52 am

    Wow that is certainly a well built gun. I am surprised that after 35 rounds the barrel just did not burst open.

  • adam March 15, 2019, 2:58 am

    i have used hi point customer service twice in my life and i can say they were by FAR the easiest to deal with and the fastest turnaround. A+ company in my book.

  • Michael Moore March 12, 2019, 3:30 pm

    I have had several Hi-Point Carbines, thru out my 60 years of life, and never had any major problems with them. That being said I had to buy the C9 and try it, am happy happy that I did. I love it and look forward to purchasing the 2019 version. Thank you for doing such a fine job on my guns. I recommend only two brands of carbines, to my family, friends, and associates and they are Henry and HI-POINT.

  • James Mowrey March 12, 2019, 9:29 am

    I’ve had a C9 for years, I love it! Accurate, reliable and made to last!

  • Bob March 12, 2019, 7:59 am

    Love my Hi Points, can’t wait for the new 2019 pistol.

  • AJ March 12, 2019, 12:30 am

    “ghost gun”… Fire full mag, bullets disappear.

  • Bill March 11, 2019, 10:34 pm

    I have 995 and what is in those pictures square barrel I don’t think so wtf

    • Js March 12, 2019, 5:01 pm

      It’s because we cut it in half. You are only seeing half of the battle in this picture. It also turned out somewhat polished from the cut as well.

      • Bob March 15, 2019, 8:55 am

        Don’t encourage him, if he is too dumb to figure out what is going on in those pictures he is to stupid to safely use a gun and hopefully has not procreated yet.

  • ST March 11, 2019, 9:53 pm


  • Mike March 11, 2019, 8:18 pm

    Mmm, I’ve got a few rifles that don’t shoot very well, I better check their barrels.