Leupold Selling Limited Run of Marines’ New Mark 4 Scope at NRAAM

in Industry News, Long Range Archive, Max Slowik, Military, This Week
Leupold Selling Limited Run of Marines' New Mark 4 Scope at NRAAM

Wanna play Marines? ‘Cause this is how you play Marines. (Photo: Leupold)

Optics leader Leupold is selling a special run of Mark 4 2.5-8×36 MR/T TS-30A2 scopes at this year’s NRA Annual Meeting. These are the same scopes that the U.S. Marine Corps just selected for use with their Squad-Designated Marksman rifles.

“The Mark 4 is synonymous with the American military and has been included in an array of vital missions,” said Leupold military sales director Sam Horstman. “We’ll be celebrating its relentless service all weekend in Dallas, and wanted to do something special for fans of the platform. If you’ll be in town and have been looking for a Mark 4 to add to your collection, be sure to come and see us.”

This short run of scopes will be in high demand with shooters and collectors, so if you are planning to attend this year’s Annual Meeting head straight to the Leupold booth. With its 2.5-8x magnification range it is a very flexible piece of kit.

Leupold Selling Limited Run of Marines' New Mark 4 Scope at NRAAM

M38 in testing. (Photo: USMC)

The Marines adopted this model Mark 4 earlier this year for their new M38 package. The M38 is based on the M27 IAR, or Infantry Automatic Rifle, which is itself based on the HK416. The IAR was originally developed as a lighter, more accurate alternative to light machine guns.

But its improved accuracy makes it a solid platform for a marksman’s rifle. It also won’t stand out from M27s in the hands of other Marines. This will make them harder to pick out as high-value targets in combat. Late last year the Marine Corps announced that they were looking to make the M27 their standard infantry rifle.

See Also: Leupold Launches New Mark 5HD 5-25x56mm & 3.6-18x44mm — SHOT Show 2018

If 2.5-8x isn’t big enough for you, Leupold will also have their updated Mark 5s at NRAAM. The two new scopes include the Mark 5HD 3.6-18×44 that balances wide-ranging performance and compactness. The other scope is a Mark 5HD 5-25×56 model for shooting far-away targets while delivering usable magnification at medium ranges.

They are both relatively lightweight. The 5-25x weighs just 30 ounces and the 3.6-18x is impressive at only 26.

“The new adjustments are the heart of the Mark 5HD,” said product line manager John Snodgrass. “The elevation dials deliver 30-mils of adjustment in three turns, at 10-mils per turn, which will let you max out the performance of your best long-range rifle and ammunition. Visual and tactile revolution indicators are in place to make sure you don’t get lost in the travel, and the auto-lock at zero means you can’t inadvertently move the dial.”

If you’re shopping for glass this year, Leupold probably has just the ticket for you.  Visit Leupold.com today to learn more.

***Did you know we’re not just guns? Shop GunsAmerica.com for Leupold optics today!***

About the author: Max Slowik is a writer with over a dozen years of experience and is a lifelong shooter. He has unwavering support for the Second Amendment and the human right to self-defense. Like Thomas Paine, he’s a journalist by profession and a propagandist by inclination.

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  • Kole May 4, 2018, 4:47 pm

    They will be around 2 to 2,500 bucks or more for the 5-25×56. That one will probably be closer to 3,000. That’s about the going rate for this particular brand. This is NOT a for sure price, rather a guess based on they’re passed modles.

  • Bob May 4, 2018, 1:40 pm

    It would help if you included the price. Thanks.

    • Mike May 4, 2018, 4:11 pm

      If you have to ask the price – you can’t afford it.