Check out These Leaked Photos of ‘Gen 5’ Glock 17M

in Current Events, Industry News, Max Slowik, This Week
glock 17m

Is this the next generation Glock pistol? Looks legit. (Photo: TFB/P&S)

Pictures of the rumored “fifth-generation” Glock 17M have been leaked courtesy The Firearm Blog and Primary & Secondary. Developed for FBI and other law enforcement agency contracts, the newest Glock pistol drops a lot of unpopular features and adds a few modern upgrades.

While Glock’s handguns may be the most well-known and most successful polymer-framed service pistols in the world, they’re a little dated. Even the newer generation models don’t stray far from the original design. Because of this other companies have been encroaching on Glock territory with more innovative, feature-heavy designs.


glock 17m 2

No more fingergrooves! (Photo: TFB/P&S)


glock 17m 3

The changes meet key contract requirements. (Photo: TFB/P&S)


These photos indicate that the next-gen Glock 17M has come a long way, incorporating an ambidextrous slide release, reversible magazine release and a reprofiled grip shape. The new model has a straight grip without fingergrooves and an enlarged, flared magazine well. The grip looks like it can accept add-on backstraps for larger hands. It also has a cutout at the front and redesigned magazine baseplate. This is probably to make it easier to remove stuck or jammed magazines.

Other changes include a new muzzle contour and a smooth trigger. There are more than just cosmetic changes here, too, as the 17M has a different pin layout and a new, enlarged recoil spring assembly. Glock also upgraded the finish, but exact details about that remain unknown.

See Also: FBI Awards Glock with $85 Million Contract for Glock 17M?

These changes largely conform with the FBI’s service pistol requirements. The FBI awarded Glock an $85 million contract for new handguns and parts earlier this year, and keen-eyed observers pointed out that no Glock pistol meets those requirements. These changes will open up many new markets for the Glock 17M.

It’s not uncommon for agencies to have a gun in mind when they draw up service pistol requirements. These requirements can be so specific that only one handgun can meet them all. A way to rule out Glock for contracts is to require a grip without fingergrooves.

glock 17m 4

Notice anything different? (Photo: TFB/P&S)

Hopefully these photos are real and that Glock plans to make these pistols available to the general public and soon. It’s not just agencies that are turned off by fingergrooves. A lot of gun owners have sought out other designs because they dislike Glock’s love-it-or-leave-it grip.

Also these left-handed features will help draw buyers. It’s not just lefties that want left-handed and ambidextrous controls — many right-handed shooters practice shooting off-hand and one-handed, too.

Time will tell what else may be new and different about the next generation of Glock pistols. It’s probable that some parts will not be compatible with previous-gen pistols. Still, it would be surprising if major components like magazine bodies and sights are changed. With such a huge, established market and aftermarket, major accessory compatibility will be critical for rapid adoption.

About the author: Max Slowik is a writer with over a dozen years of experience and is a lifelong shooter. He has unwavering support for the Second Amendment and the human right to self-defense. Like Thomas Paine, he’s a journalist by profession and a propagandist by inclination.

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  • Kuhammed September 11, 2017, 12:01 pm

    I’ll have to agree that the Glock grip was my breaking point, and I elected to buy Springfield for that very reason. The 17 was lighter than the XD Tac, but I just couldn’t get a good grip because of the darned finger grooves. Glocks either fit your hand or they don’t. Too bad they waited so long.

  • REAPER 8 September 6, 2017, 8:07 pm

    I have a Glock 30S that I carry every day one of the best damn guns I’ve ever known

  • Fred August 25, 2017, 4:46 pm

    Trigger guard looks the same size. Gloved shooters will hit that safe action trigger and discharge negligently.

  • Gary W April 20, 2017, 9:25 am

    This Thread makes me wonder why I signed up for Gtalk sound like a bunch of school girls arguing over boys. Sorry I came on this morning. I own Glocks Sigs Rugers Bersa Kel tecs S&Ws, Semi Autos Revolvers Etc. Etc. I love them all they all are different I have some that are favorites but I shoot them all. I’m a newer member of Gtalk but if this is what I signed up for you can have it. I have enjoyed the posts the last few days but this is over the top. I’m with the guy who said if you don’t like it join one you do.

  • Wesley April 18, 2017, 12:30 pm

    Glock did what it took to go after a big contract when the agency thought they had them written out. Smart on there part.
    I like almost all makes of guns some better than others. My main carry is a G-27 that I’ve tuned up. I have shoot
    1,000’s of rds through it and treat it like a good tool. I have taken apart most makes of guns and you can’t beat the
    simplicity of a glock.

    • TEACH August 14, 2017, 12:25 pm


    • Markus August 17, 2017, 11:58 am


    • Jason August 21, 2017, 12:15 pm


    • Troy August 24, 2017, 12:45 pm


    • Dogpile August 30, 2017, 6:54 am


    • MagnumOpUS July 19, 2019, 8:42 am

      written ‘off’..

      Cheers! 🙂

  • D Bow December 2, 2016, 1:03 pm

    I would hate to design a gun to meet the demands of the “consumer”, because the consumer is often retarded, including the government. Their brand miopic, emotional without logic, and obsessed with always changing trendy crap. The 17M looks like a gen 1 with ambidextrous controls. It might be just a prototype testing how to make the ambidextrous slide release work. An ambidextrous slide lever is going to make parts incompatibile with previous generations. I have my doubts Glock is going to make this the gen 5 for civilians anytime soon.

    I love how haters always attribute Glock’s dominance to good marketing. Its really the exact opposite. Their original moto was; Glock perfection (meaning what Glock considers to be perfect)…..everything you need and nothing you don’t. I think they started moving away from that moto at about the 3rd generation. I have a gen 3 G19. I like the finger grooves, but its not needed. Glock dominated the market and they did it by focusing on the tool and not the user. It just seems now there moving towards whatever the customer wants no matter how useless or unnecessary.

    They need a second series of pistols. Keep the G-series true to the “perfection” mission statement. Create a 2nd series to keep up with the latest fads and accessories they can change every few years. Only change the G-series if its an actual fuctional or capabitily improvement.

    BTW-Its ugly or its not pretty is just the queerest comment. It a gun, not jewelry Elton John.

    • Chris April 17, 2017, 12:03 pm

      Well said. As an avid Glock shooter I love it. It’s a hammer when you need a hammer, it’s just always what you need. As a shop owner, I know we’re never going to change public perception no matter how many times I explain to them that they shouldn’t have a safety and that slide release lever doesn’t really serve much purpose anymore but there’s hardly any convincing people. At most, it’s there to hold it open, not facilitate closure, but they consistently want it bigger and hey by the way, add a second one while you’re at it…

      I struggle with wanting the perfection that I’ve embraced (wasn’t on board for the first 15 years) and wanting a product that other people want to embrace. If I wait for guys like you and me to come along, I’m out of business.

      I feel your frustration my friend.

  • Tom H November 27, 2016, 12:50 am

    Wow, so much negativeness. If you don’t like it don’t buy it but don’t put down a weapon that is largely taking over sales of any other pistols out there due to its reliability. I personally can’t comfortably hold a Glock and don’t own one but they are great.

  • David Patt October 11, 2016, 4:17 pm

    Looks Awesome! I just recently got my first Glock. I needed something for CCW and went with the Glock 27. I love everything about it. I now want a full size Glock. I would like to start shooting more competitively. I own a FNX-40 that I shoot really well with but would like to get a 9mm. I’m thinking that this might be it!

  • Randy summers September 6, 2016, 3:52 am

    Am I the only one who sees this as an upgraded gen 1 glock? No finger groves, single pin, flat trigger? I wonder if they made this from modifying old gen 1 molds. I wish they would’ve put a full picitinny rail on it though. I love the look of the old 21sfs that had them on it.

    • Fred August 25, 2017, 4:52 pm

      Trigger guard might be the same size. Gloved shooter’s nightmare. Agreed. No flat trigger. What’s up with this? You keep buying after market parts that should already come with the gun. And that includes the plastic sights that everybody hates. Even if it may mean a little more in the cost, put it on the gun. We’re not little boys.

  • Bob J. August 24, 2016, 10:51 am

    Lipstick on a pig. Fugly gun.

    • Mark August 28, 2016, 8:46 pm

      Yeah, because looks matter when you are shooting a criminal in the face with a reliable pistol.

    • Kt August 26, 2017, 12:39 am

      It’s a tool, not a piece of jewelry Elton John!

  • John Tinelli August 22, 2016, 4:11 pm

    Duel wielding this would look amazing

    • Lee1500 August 23, 2016, 3:38 pm

      You watch too many movies, grow up

      • jkels81 September 23, 2016, 5:19 pm

        he must be tacticool.

        • Gene March 6, 2017, 7:22 am

          You guys just got trolled.

  • John Tinelli August 22, 2016, 4:10 pm

    Great news . Sounds like a great guns . Hype for buying

  • M1 August 22, 2016, 11:28 am

    Again…all the reliability and all the styling of a Railroad Boxcar!

  • akjc77 August 22, 2016, 7:20 am

    As usual to all the smarta$$es,know it alls,Glock fanboys cuz ya own one or Glock haters cuz ya own something else= Thanks for making the shooter community look like a bunch of arrogant punks and giving the commies plenty of material (posts) to bad mouth the gun community with. Let people have their opinions and respect them. Shoot what ya like and what works for You, thank gawd people or guns arent all just alike! This is directed only to the insult/smarta$$/ know it all know nothings I see posting! Way to ruin a good thing!

    • Buttered cheese grits November 25, 2016, 9:14 am

      I’m with you on the “shoot what you want”. I have friends that like blocks, I personally don’t care for them. I don’t see what the big deal is.

    • Bill Talaber April 16, 2017, 12:09 am

      I sold a lot of Glocks, new and used and never liked them. Until I got one from an officer who was able to buy his issue 23 when the city switched to 21’s. Since I had a lot in the pistol(had op-rod laser in it) I decided to carry it for awhile and shoot it some; WOW! I could hit a paper cup at 25 yards with ease! I’m not bad with handguns, but the ease I could hit with this compact surprised me. The 21’s,,,I hate! But became a fan of the “plastic” guns!

  • LHS August 21, 2016, 1:53 am

    Finally shot a Glock I liked. A 26 with the pinky finger groove mag base plate added so I could get all my flippin fingers on the grip. Didn’t like the 19 or the 17 in the past but the 26 is very good up to 25yrds. Very compact. Very consistent.
    A few revs I’d make before acquiring one though.
    1. Smoother trigger. The 5lb pull is OK, but it’s gritty or grainy, if that’s the right descriptor. XD’s & Rugers are decidedly better.
    2. Nitron metal sights
    3. Thumb safety. I know, I know, but if you practice with and are comfortable with your guns, a safety is not going to slow you down.
    As far as the non-finger grooved grip on the supposed new FBI Gen 5?
    Bad idea. Bad. I don’t get it.

    • kjm33 September 30, 2016, 10:45 pm

      You have no idea what you’re talking about.
      Glocks are NOT meant to have manual thumb safeties.

  • Matthew August 20, 2016, 11:16 pm

    With one pin it looks more like a modified Gen One Glock.

  • glock loversi August 20, 2016, 10:18 pm

    Fred the gunsmith should read a glock owners manual your hand shoundnt go anywhere near the muzzle to dissasemble a glock so I dunno what he is talking about

  • Ray August 20, 2016, 1:40 pm

    I don’t like the gen 5. The more Glock changes the style, the more they screw it up. This is just my opinion and I don’t expect anyone to agree. I like the finger grips.

    • Tom H November 27, 2016, 12:42 am

      Some of their models are geared for law enforcement and military. It is what their contract specifies and not geared for civilian preference. That is why there are many other models to choose from however, collectors have always favored military and law enforcement models for their collections thus making those models more popular such as the G17, G19, G21 and G23 models.

  • fred the gunsmith August 20, 2016, 12:38 pm

    looking at the pics I can say that I will stick with my M-1911 and clones that I custom build for myself and anyone else that wants them. the heel swell is still there; a major beef I have with the whole Glock line, the Gen 4 grip pattern is still there, I liked the feel of the Gen 1-3 bumpy pattern, the trigger safety is still there, I hate that “new york” trigger. one of my clients had me glue the safety back on his trigger so it would not interfere with his trigger pull. it was a competition pistol so it’s okay with me. the boxy slide is still there, its still striker fire, it still has the ergonomics of a brick, it’s still polymer. the trigger guard is the same,, a definite flaw in my opinion, I am going out on a limb here and speculating that its got the same barrel design.. a serious flaw in my opinion, the chamber is a serious detriment to the overall reliability of the gun and a real heinous head up rectal orifice in more than just my opinion. It’s a striker fire system.. need I say any more????? if you really want a polymer gun; get a Sig Pro 2022. It will never fail you.

    • Lee1500 August 23, 2016, 3:43 pm

      I have 10k rounds through 2 different Glocks and have had one malfunction, the first mag I put through it

  • Paul Strickland August 19, 2016, 11:52 pm

    Looks like the same crappy trigger/safety design….no thanks. I’ll stick with my Sig.

  • Bert August 19, 2016, 6:57 pm

    I didn’t read all the comments but did anyone mention the sights? Unless the ones in the pictures are after-markets’ it appears they nixed the plastic sight groove protectors!

  • Eric Holder August 19, 2016, 3:07 pm

    Love it! Would buy 100 of them and give them out at Halloween however my old one is not broken. Why do the FBI/LE even need guns don’t they just burn people to death? WACO MOVE CHRIS DORNER

    Wish Glock made gloves that had better grip so it would be easier to choke people selling a cigarette.

    • Shawn August 22, 2016, 2:42 am

      Lmfao well played.

  • BIGKIELBASSA August 19, 2016, 2:41 pm

    Anybody who doesn’t like their Glock , you can send them to me . If it’s free, it works for me 😊………ALL GUNS MATTER

  • Bagdadjoe August 19, 2016, 1:52 pm

    Where’s the thumb safety? They STILL can’t get it right…. more AD’s happen with Glocks than any other weapon.
    I know…keep your finger….shirt tail, holster, sleeve, muffin top…out of the trigger guard.

    • Joel Preisser August 19, 2016, 5:01 pm

      obviously don’t know how to run a handgun…never heard of AD amongst glock shooters, I have fired my gen 3 17 and 21 endlessely without an ad, what are you talking about, are you a walking accident waiting to happen???

      • G_Dog August 19, 2016, 9:45 pm

        In full agreement with you, Joel. I’ve had me Glock 19 Gen 1 since late ’90s, NEVER any AD. Me G’Snots has been shooting it since they were 8 or 9 yrs of age. THEY NEVER had an AD either. I read Bagdadjoe’s comment to me me 8yr old G’Snot (who’s well on her way to besting me scores VERY SHORTLY). She seems to BELIEVE maybhaps Bagdadjoe isn’t OLD ENOUGH to handle a handgun YET! BTW, between me Wifey, me G’Snots, & meself I’s know we put easily 10,000 plus rounds through it.

      • Beachhawk August 20, 2016, 1:08 am

        You must be living under a rock on the dark side of the Moon. There have been dozens of ADs with Glocks, mostly in law enforcement agencies since they were widely adopted. Google it to see for yourself. There’s a learning curve any time there is a widespread change in technology, even firearms technology and just because you haven’t had an AD yet, doesn’t mean you won’t have one sometime down the road.

        • moldybacon December 14, 2016, 10:26 pm

          I’ve seen plenty of cops on the range shooting their service weapons, and about a 1/3 of them have no business putting their hands on a firearm. The only reason a AD is the weapons fault is breakage or malfunction. A bad design is no excuse for operator error, or just bone headed ignorance. If you can’t follow safe firearms handling procedures, and keep your head on straight while handling a firearm, just don’t do it!

    • fred the gunsmith August 20, 2016, 12:52 pm

      Don’t you mean that the Glock has been the cause of the most visits to the ER for LEO’s and civilians? Along with being a 10 year pistolsmith, I am an NRA certified handgun instructor; I have taught LEO and Civilian alike. I have had so many students shoot themselves in the weakside hand on the range and in my shop/teaching facility while disassembly because they can not remember that you first take the magazine out then rack the slide to clear the gun before (putting your palm to the muzzle, pushing slightly back, pulling the trigger to release the striker, then pulling down on the barrel stop) I have come up with a non-Glock approved method of taking down the Glock.. it involves a discharge barrel outside and not allowing anyone with a glock to handle their guns in my shop. if you do not believe the stat about the number one reason a cop goes to the ER then google the FBI and LEO stats on why their agents and LEO’s go to the ER.. I think the Glock is inherently flawed in their design and need to be scrapped for a more intelligent design that does not have you shooting the pistol to disassemble it.

      • Doug August 25, 2016, 5:26 am

        Does this mean we should blame guns for all shootings now too? I mean you’re saying that the person who is being stupid using the glock isn’t to blame for pulling trigger with one in chamber but glock for a “lack” of safety. No ADs where I am in glock platforms. AR we have had some….don’t know how gun has a safety…OHH wait it’s the users responsibility. If you need a gun with a thumb safety get one, and be happy. If someone doesn’t and doesn’t need/want one don’t come crying and blaming a gun for peoples stupidity. Why even come on here if you don’t like glock? Easy answer your an ahole, who’s just here to be a dbag. If you like sigs or rugers so much go support them and leave others alone. I see glock as the tool it is and it performs its job how it is designed too. So don’t blame glock for people. I hate you liberals who don’t like someones stuff so the gears flawed and dangerous, change them or take them away!!! Glocks aren’t to blame on AD your talking about, just people. Stop looking at glocks if you hate them and leave them alone.

        • Shawn N September 16, 2016, 8:57 pm

          I have a gen 3 21sf. And what kind of “instructor” tells you to put your palm over the muzzle? You treat EVERY firearm as if its loaded at ALL TIMES. First drop the mag. Second rack the slide to ensure an empty chamber. Third point in a safe direction and squeeze the trigger. Finally place your hand around the back strap to where your thumb is around the back strap and your four fingers are on top of the back of the slide. Then pull the slide back 1/8 inch or so. While the slide is pulled back slightly pull down the break down lever (small tabs on both sides) and let the slide come forward and it will come off. At no point should your hand ever be in front of the muzzle.

        • GunsRgooD January 11, 2017, 8:28 pm

          Thank you Doug!!! I echo all you’ve said to everyone on here!
          A bunch of fricken whiners!

      • Ashley August 24, 2017, 11:53 am

        “…if you do not believe the stat about the number one reason a cop goes to the ER then google the FBI and LEO stats on why their agents and LEO’s go to the ER.”

        That’s absurd. Far and away the most common reason for a LEO trip to the ER is automobile accident. In my experience, things like cuts and back injuries would follow. As a dispatcher, I saw officers go to the ER on a number of occasions, and not a single one of them was from an accidental discharge. I don’t know. Maybe Florida cops just aren’t retarded or something?

  • Michael Tinsley August 19, 2016, 1:38 pm

    I am a proud owner of a Glock 23C Gen 3 pistol which has never failed me (practice only). It has the features mentioned in the article as negatives, finger grooves and handedness. Those don’t bother me, in fact.I like the finger grooves and even being left-handed as I am, I don’t have any trouble using the weapon or dismantling it for cleaning and maintenance.

    I’m not a purist so I’ll leave it to them to say what ‘should be’ in a handgun and I’m sure these discussions drive competition among manufacturers which is great until it becomes redundant.

    I also have my Dad’s 1963, 5 shot, .38 Police Special and I’ve never had a problem with it’s features and/or shortcomings. I’m sure someone feels it too has deficits (5 round limit, slow reload time) but I’ve never found them to be detrimental by keeping in mind the revolver’s limitations when I carry it instead of or along with my Glock.

  • Paul August 19, 2016, 1:05 pm

    So it takes them a while to catch up. Sort of like BMW with cup holders!

    • The Original Brad August 20, 2016, 8:38 am

      I’ll take the bait. As a life long BMW owner, I learned, back in the 90’s, that early BMW models had no cup holders becaus the Germans didn’t understand why you would not have both hands on the wheel, when not actively shifting. It was simply unthinkable to them that while driving 200kms per hour down the autobahn why you’d have a soft drink or coffee cup in your hand. The 7 series was the car most called out for that as it was their luxury, flagship line. It did have cup holders but only in the back seat. Call it poor market research but it wasn’t a design flaw. It was a feature, not a bug.

  • Jack Yindebaux August 19, 2016, 12:32 pm

    There’s three things I’ll never understand, women, Trump getting the GOP nomination & Glocks continued popularity. Actually of the three I have some ideas on what makes Glock so popular. Their marketing/sales department and the aftermarket industry. I laugh at Glock’s tagline “Perfection” yeah maybe perfect if we still lived in the 90’s. Back then innovation & reliability drove Glock to the top but as time goes by what was innovative becomes mainstream and the top tier firearm manufacturers are just as reliable. And before you blast me me for not being a Glock fanboy I really tried to like Glock. I bought a G22 in the 90’s which I traded for a Sig and in ’12 I bought a G26 which I sold after 500 rounds of brass hitting me in the head or going down my shirt. Today there are better choices, ones that don’t need modifications to make them better, like the Walther PPQ, FN FNS & the H&K P30 & VP models and Sig’s P320.
    But hey give the marketing/sales team credit they get the government contracts and that drives the sheeple to the stores.

    • The Original Brad August 20, 2016, 8:42 am

      Trump got the nomination because people are mad. And they are making decisions while they are mad, which is rarely a good thing. People like Glocks because they work, all the time, in all conditions. If the Zombie Apocalypse occurred tomorrow and I had to choose one pistol, it would be a Glock 17.

      • Shawn N September 16, 2016, 9:04 pm

        Dont forget glocks field knife. A must have in the zombie apocalypse.

  • DIYinSTL August 19, 2016, 11:31 am

    It’s about time Glock wised up about the “finger grooves.” I’ve told Glock reps for years that their guns are made for girls and piano players. I’d point out that the crown between the 2nd and 3rd groove hit right in the middle of my ring finger and half of them said I should just grind away the high points. It’s a reflection of how cheap it is to make their frame that the company reps would think nothing of taking a grinder to one.

    • Michael Tinsley August 19, 2016, 1:49 pm

      Based on your comment I’m _sure you wouldn’t like having to ‘overcome’ the Crimson Trace laser I have installed on my Glock 23C as well as the finger grooves.

      I’m sure you have thought about people’s hands being different and having different grips so that your inconvenience might be a bonus to someone else.

      I am certainly not a girl but I am a keyboardist so I meet part of your criteria as a Glock owner and, I respect your stance because people have different likes and dislikes and are certainly entitled to their preferences.

  • L Charles August 19, 2016, 11:26 am

    85 Million to Austria. What is wrong with American made guns, especially the Sig 320.

    Shame on the FBI and the entire purchasing departments of this Ole USA Gov’t.

    • Richard August 19, 2016, 12:10 pm

      I did not know know that SIG was an American company?

      • Charles August 19, 2016, 1:32 pm

        Me neither!

        • Cobrapilot29 August 19, 2016, 3:38 pm

          They are not a US company.

          • Paul Strickland August 19, 2016, 11:50 pm

            Sig Sauer’s are made in New Hampshire by American workers, with American materials. Where the company is based or started is irrelevant. I’ll take my Sig 320 over any Glock made.

    • Jeff August 21, 2016, 7:38 am

      Glock assembles pistols at their Smyrna, Georgia plant.

      • John August 21, 2016, 9:17 pm

        And there is now a division of Glock that makes entire pistols in the US. Some Glocks have “Austria” stamped on the slide, but some are now stamped with “USA”. Glock is now just as much an American company as Sig is.

  • shoobear August 19, 2016, 11:11 am

    I’m not a Glock hater, for those with the right hand shape and they are accurate and reliable pistols. They aren’t ideal for me (and many of my students) and the primary reason is the grip angle and grip thickness. They are not comfortable in my hand, so I don’t tend to shoot them much. When I do pick one up and shoot to my natural point of aim, they group well, but they shoot high for me. Sure, I can adjust and shoot them accurately and have done so, but when I pick up a 1911, a Sig, a Smith, a CZ, (all of these models with a less dramatic grip angle and better ergonomics) they point and shoot naturally right where I want the rounds to impact with their issued sights and without any adjustment to my natural POA. So, I’m not knocking Glocks, they have ton of advantages including accuracy, reliability, low bore axis, great availability of accessories and holsters–great pistols in the right hands–just not everyone’s hands. If these pics are accurate, I do see the introduction of the ambi-controls (slide and mag releases) as a very positive step which will help them compete with the S&W M&P and the FNX series which already have controls that are friendly to southpaws (or injured righties if it comes to that).

    • BUURGA August 19, 2016, 12:21 pm

      I have always felt the whole Springfield line points and shoots a lot easier than Glocks. They just seem to sight on better.

      • shoobear August 19, 2016, 4:54 pm

        I agree that the Sprinfield XD line is outstanding in terms of ergonomics, build quality and value. Like you, I think they point really well. I would happily own and shoot them (I have a Springfield 1911 and it’s been rock solid), but (and I know this is shallow), frankly, I just don’t like the way they look. I much prefer the looks and somewhat prefer the ergonomics of the S&W M&P line over the XD line. I know this is all subjective, I have friends who say the M&P’s butt ugly. Compared to a 1911, a Browning Hi-Power or a CZ75, all polymer guns are ugly!

        I have a friend who moved from Glocks to XDs and one day at the range we stripped one of each down and, nothing against the Glock, but innards of the XD were rather more “overbuilt” than the Glock. Both great, but I think the XD’s a better value. I also think the way they took the grip safety of the 1911 and applied it to a modern pistol is pretty cool. Very safe pistol, and yet it’s as reliable as anything out there.

        • John August 21, 2016, 9:23 pm

          The grip safety was the reason I moved away from 1911s for CCW. I have long fingers and a deep 1st web space and there have been many times at the range when I draw a 1911 and it won’t go bang–because of not choking up on it completely and depressing the grip safety. This I can’t live with, and I don’t have the money or time to train out of it. Clocks on the other hand just fit me perfectly, and WILL go bang every time. I really wanted to make the 1911 work, but in the end, had to be real and not live in a state of denial about it. I still love 1911s, and shoot them whenever I can. But when my life depends on it, I choose a Glock.

  • MagnumOpUS August 19, 2016, 10:36 am

    Dang! It’s always exciting to get to see spy shots of the next and greatest Tuppergun.

    I just know it always looks drastically better than the preceding version…

    Trump/1911s 2016!

  • DasGlock August 19, 2016, 9:43 am

    I been shooting Glocks since the first ones hit the markets. I heard all the comments at the range and now here with the 1911 Groupies as it’s ugly etc etc and so on and so on. I do know the 1911 very well from being in the military and shooting one for years prior and after military service. I have seen many modified 1911’s and still own several variations of this 1911 very dated pistol. It is time to move on… But when I was handed a Glock in the early 1980’s that all changed. I still have my original 1st Glock 21 and there is not much you can improve from that design but any innovation helps to whom prefers these options upgrades being introduced as in this 5th Generation models. To me this is a ploy to bolster sales again, but all good as Glock is the finest in this realm of Polymer type pistols and deserves all credit. As far as upgrades for myself it was some simple things as in take down maintenance and the ammo capacity for these ammo eating machines. My 21 has over 10,000 rounds through it, yes 10,000 and counting. Only things I had to replace from wear were the sear spring and return spring assembly so far. It is amazing the barrel’s metallurgy as the barrel shows in excellent condition still after 10,000 rounds through it. There are no 1911’s that add up to a Glock I assure this as it has been proven over and over again. Hands down in a situation for dependability I take a Glock. Once you know the Glock you are in control of a bad situation for the better behind this pistol.

    • steve August 19, 2016, 12:11 pm

      it wasn’t a “ploy for sales”, they made these changes specifically to meet to list of FBI requirements for their new service pistol (such as the gun not having finger grooves, having ambi-slide locks, etc.)
      we don’t even know if these guns will ever be offered to the public.

  • Johnny VanZandt August 19, 2016, 9:07 am

    I carry a glock every day. Glock pistols dominate my collection. They have had the opportunity to rule the pistol market for a long time……but they have sat on their butts. Getting fat on PD contracts, reminds me of Colt.
    This is what I wish they would do…….. look at the after market modifications that Salient Arms , Robar, Bowie Tactical, ATEi, and Agency Arms are doing. Get their hands on an HK P30 or VP9 grip so they can experience what a modular and comfortable grip feels like. Then I want them to realize that they can listen to their consumers and work with them to develop a pistol that will rock the market……….but I doubt all this will happen.

    I guess I will be like everyone else and wait for another company that will produce a pistol that can do everything the Glock does and have all the features Glock refuses to do.

    • Jeb August 19, 2016, 11:07 am

      The S&W MP 9.

      • Dan Kidder August 19, 2016, 11:39 am

        You beat me to it.

    • luch 14 August 19, 2016, 1:29 pm

      Wah wah the glock gun is the best made gun feels great in my hand I own 16 of them and wont ever buy anything other then the best Glock!

    • joe August 21, 2016, 8:39 pm

      I like my glock 19 would not sell it but I love my bersa ultra compact and my bersa HC just as much

      • Larry E Henson November 25, 2016, 9:14 am

        Warning! Bersa, Llama, and many other cheap imports are Dangerous! They WILL go full auto, when least expected!!! Always inspect the small Sear and Use thicker black “Gun Slick” on the sear. Another note: WD40 was originally a “cure for arthritis” (SIC) it added many medical problems and THEN sold as a lubricant (Andy Garanilteli) – it DESTROYS all metal that it’s applied to – DO NOT USE! NOTE: now it’s being sold (using another name) by Richard Petty!!!

        • Norm Fishler April 14, 2017, 11:58 am

          In the 1980s I bought one of the first Colt Mustangs off the assembly line. I Loaded up my new pistol, many boxes of ammo & headed for the range. What a disaster! The only thing that did not go wrong was that the medallions didn’t fall off the grips. My session was abruptly terminated when the little .380 went full auto on me. It took three trips back to the warrantee station to get it figgered out but finally a flaw in the interior of the slide was discerned & the problem corrected. I said that to say this: I do not like the Bersa or Taurus & am not even a little surprised to hear of them going into overdrive for no reason. BUT, it can happen to even the best of them. As for all you Glock lovers out there, keep pumping that lead down range. Having long since moved on from Glocks to the CZ line, I no longer even own a Glock, but as I see it, the more the merrier. Every Glock out there is another potential blow against tyranny.

  • Al August 19, 2016, 8:45 am

    OP, are you sure this is not a ruse using some photoshopped pics?

    Glock went from a single locking block pin on the Gen I to a dual pin setup on the the subsequent generations. IIRC, they did this for durability/reliability concerns.

    Why would they go back to a single pin design? It just doesn’t make any sense…

    • Mark August 19, 2016, 1:38 pm

      I have the Glock 43 single stack 9mm and it has a new internal design to hold the slide stop. Very good design in my opinion. It is the one pin design and I understand all Gen 5s will be changed to that design. Actually looks stronger in my opinion. ~Mark

  • ToddB August 19, 2016, 7:59 am

    “Hopefully these photos are real and that Glock plans to make these pistols available to the general public and soon. It’s not just agencies that are turned off by fingergrooves. A lot of gun owners have sought out other designs because they dislike Glock’s love-it-or-leave-it grip.”

    This has always been a big problem with glock. So what if the finger grooves are unpopular, buy glock anyways. They tend to be a bit arrogant about things. And usually way behind the curve. Most other polymer pistols had customizable grip, glock finally did it, almost grudgingly. They let others rule the single stack 9 market for how long? Oh did people want those? We weren’t listening as usual. And then they only came out with the 9 after they made people buy the 380 for a while. So now the gen 5 will basically be the gun people wanted 5 yrs ago. Wow an ambi slide lock, nobody ever thought of that before.

    I tried to like glock, had a couple at one point. Sold em all off. Just did not like that grip, and the only way to fix it is take after your pistol with a grinder. That big empty spot you generally have to buy a part to fill, could have been so easily a slide in part that gave it a more traditional grip. And I traded my G23 for a FNS. It came out of the box with all ambi controls, Im a lefty a definite selling point. And even tho the FN was the same price as the glock, I had no need to go buy a metal guide rod, it came with one, also came with metal sights, vs plastic. And I had to do nothing to the trigger. Its like shooting my old fav, my browning HP. Now if my G23 had been the same I would have kept it, maybe the other ones to. So glocks loss not mine.

    • luch 14 August 19, 2016, 1:34 pm

      Im sure Glock is crying right now because you wont buy there product. Hell after what you typed I wouldn’t want you having my gun anyway take a grinder to it I got dumber just reading that!

  • Ronald Moore August 19, 2016, 7:56 am

    Glock seems to be the love it, or hate it pistol of our time. I\’ll admit that when they were first introduced in America back in the early 80\’s I was skeptical, especially due to the look. For years I carried a cocked and locked Colt series 70 government model. When I transferred to a different department they had issued Glock 17. Reluctantly I accepted it, then I shot it! Damn! Right out of the box there wasn\’t anything I couldn\’t hit from zero to 25 yards with this pistol. The more I learned, the more I loved it! I am now a Glock fan for life and own many, my favorite is the model 31 in .357Sig. As expected, right out of the box it took no time at all to hit whatever I wanted. For me, it\’s simplicity in use, cleaning, disassemble and assemble can\’t be beat along with it\’s inherent accuracy. Tactically speaking there\’s very little to consider when crisis arises and you remove it from it\’s holster. I\’ve owned Sig\’s, Colt, Smith, Ruger and several others, but to me there is no comparison. The more educated I become on service pistol, it\’s needs and requirements, the more I look to Glock.

  • Lucian August 19, 2016, 7:16 am

    Looks like every other ugly Glock I’ve ever seen.

    • Tim Pearce August 19, 2016, 7:42 am

      Yep,, seen one you seen’m all.. Will never look as good as a 1911.

      • Stitch August 19, 2016, 8:22 am

        True, but at least it will go bang everytime!

      • Jabez January 19, 2017, 2:35 pm

        Friends show their friends Thier 1911 thew show their enemy their Glock.

  • RayLow August 19, 2016, 6:29 am

    Just give me my old gen 1 back. This might get me to buy another Glock.

  • Jetbro August 19, 2016, 6:01 am

    What’s the big deal about no finger grooves? My first gen Glocks in 9mm and 40 cal don’t have finger grooves. Models 22 and 19. Go buy one of theses and you’ll have a Gen 5.

    • G_Dog August 19, 2016, 10:47 pm

      I’ve said in an earlier comment, I’ve owned a Gen 1 Mod 19 since late 90s. NO finger grooves, and OVER 10,000 rounds down the pipe. Me Wifey, me G’Snots, or meself EVER found reason to dislike a Glock. Me 8yr old G’Snot maybhaps be out scoring her Ol’ G’Fart SHORTLY. She does use a Glock arm brace, still though. But when SHTF, she and her 2 brothers will be plenty able to HELP keep the family safe.

  • CAPTAC August 19, 2016, 4:07 am

    I want 5 right now!

  • Chris August 19, 2016, 2:54 am

    I’m shocked they haven’t cut off the damn horn on the trigger guard. Not only is it ugly as hell but it’s intended use (a really shitty grip technique) was dropped in the 80’s

    • Dan Kidder August 19, 2016, 11:43 am

      I once asked the CEO of HK why they include the Eurotrash trigger guard and he gave me the most honest answer. They keep it because Hollywood likes it and it gets them to use their guns in movies and the more their guns are used in movies, the more guns they sell.

      • DrJon August 20, 2016, 12:34 pm

        I just spent more money than I should have on a Wilson Beretta to, not only get their upgrades, but also to get rid of that hook on the trigger guard, whose only use is as a silly weapon if out of bullets.

  • Nekrage August 17, 2016, 7:53 pm

    Think we have a shot at seeing a Gen 5 model for the rest of the Glock line?

  • Arc Angel August 17, 2016, 1:18 pm

    There appears to be quite a few changes on that new G-17M! From what I can tell by simply looking at the pictures:

    1. A flared magazine well with half-moon cutout on the frontstrap.

    2. A straight frontstrap without finger grooves; but, still, with the same more difficult to use grip angle.

    3. There’s a new, much larger lock block with longer, more substantial, ‘fingers’ and a single, massive, combination trigger/lock block pin.

    4. The sights have changed! Looks like some sort of tritium front sight; and, on a guess, I’d say they might even be made of metal.

    5. Dual slide-stops; but, somewhat amazingly, no Cominolli-type safety has been added to the list of improvements. (This will be the first general-issue sidearm fielded by the United States military that does NOT have a manual, user-applied safety.)

    6. Apparently (and although I don’t see it) there’s a redesigned base plate on these new Glock magazines; and, quite frankly, after using Magpul’s recently introduced, aftermarket magazines with their easy on/off base plates, this new Glock feature doesn’t really surprise me.

    7. The striker safety button is, now, fitted with a narrow, straight-edged head rather than simply having a large – much higher impingement – round button. (Which should really improve the trigger pull!)

    8. The trigger housing unit has been redesigned and enlarged. It looks like there’s going to be a lot less mechanical (side-to-side) slop in the new Glock trigger mechanism; and, perhaps, a cleaner striker, ‘let-off’.

    There might be more changes than those mentioned here; but, so far, the above items are what I can tell from looking at the photos, provided.

    • barry August 19, 2016, 4:54 am

      You IDIOT, why would you want a Safety lever on a Glock! Go back to playing checkers, or golf NEWB!

      • Cyrus August 19, 2016, 7:19 am

        LMAO – Exactly!

      • Chris August 19, 2016, 7:27 am

        Way to act like a 5 year old barry.

        • Dan Kidder August 19, 2016, 11:46 am

          Many of the RFPs require it. Not that the end-user wants it, but a bean counter and a lawyer writing the policy guidelines want it. The same reasons that many agencies have crappy triggers.

      • Jeb August 19, 2016, 11:14 am

        Really Barry? Someone has a different opinion and they are an idiot? Holy cow.

      • John August 21, 2016, 9:42 pm

        I don’t see him stating that he WANTS a safety, just that it will be the first issued sidearm without one. Learn to read first, Barry, then type!

    • Juanito August 19, 2016, 9:10 am

      While I don’t agree with the verbiage, I agree with Barry. Why would you want a manual safety?!?! In my eyes a safety is a solution to a problem that should t exist!! Practice, practice, practice!!!

      • shoobear August 19, 2016, 12:01 pm

        I agree with Chris. There’s really no call to be calling folks on gun blogs names. Let’s reserve the name calling for those who would oppose our rights. I also think you’ve misconstrued Arc Angel’s point to some degree. He/she’s not necessarily advocating for a manual safety. I believe he’s remarking that it’s surprising that no manual safety is present because, if this is the eventual pistol adopted by the U.S. military, it will be the first without a manual safety. Smith & Wesson recently added a manual safety option to their M&P line and FN has a manual safety as well, ostensibly added so that they could submit their guns for consideration in military contracts. Also, in reading through the rest of Arc Angel’s observations, while people of good will may not agree with everything stated, they are certainly thoughtful observations and do not merit a derisive NEWB label. Finally, (I know, right?) as a firearms instructor, I believe we are a stronger community when we DO NOT deride each other (especially NEWBies when we encounter them). We can all learn a lot from each other and disagree, or instruct (as the case may be) with respect and dignity that makes us all stronger. If someone is interested in guns (but is new to the game), I want to help them along, not berate or deride them when they say something I don’t agree with. It’s the young bucks and single platform devotees that think they know everything that I find detrimental, not comments by folks who hold different opinions or naive comments from NEWBies. We should always be able to have a polite difference of opinion or gently point a new shooter towards the light without resorting to arrogant foolishness.

        • Will August 19, 2016, 12:53 pm

          +1 for Shoobear and the call for civility.

        • luch 14 August 19, 2016, 2:01 pm

          Well said shoobear. A good informative talk is more beneficial then calling names Let’s all just get along.

        • G_Dog August 19, 2016, 10:56 pm

          Amen, Shoobear! Amen!
          And for those who aren’t as religious, Damn Skippy, Shoobear! Damn Skippy! Shoobear for President?

        • Arc Angel August 20, 2016, 11:19 am

          Thank you, Shoobear!

          One of the risks everybody takes whenever he goes onto the much too plebeian internet is exposure to nitwits and fools. Reason too often loses, and stupidity, vulgarity, and make-believe, ‘cyberspace courage’ always seem to win.

          Among my credentials are the facts that I am a (former, because I’m retired) expert long-range rifleman, a (former) championship pistol marksman; and one of the fastest pistol shooters that many people I either shoot with, or have shot with, have ever seen. (During my career I’ve taken several standing ovations from groups of both state and local law enforcement personnel; and THAT, so help me, is the straightforward honest truth.)

          I’m a certified firearms instructor and I’m, both, approved to teach and able to demonstrate unusual proficiency in three popular shooting disciplines with either a: rifle, shotgun, or pistol. I’ve been teaching, now, for the past 15 years; and I’ve trained hundreds of young people in how to safely and accurately use firearms.

          I’m, also, a skilled pistolsmith and a highly experienced (but admittedly uncertified) Glock armorer. (I’ve just never had the time, or the inclination to attend a factory class that – truth be told – I’m very well qualified to teach rather than to listen to.) Years ago I was privileged to study my craft with one of America’s most famous gunsmiths: Austin Behlert, himself; and, since then, I’ve had numerous occasions to use everything that Austin taught me!

          Listen, it’s obvious to me that some motley collection of gun forum fools took it upon themselves to, ‘dump’ on me. I, also, realize that the sort of young men who would do something like that are all born losers – Losers who are going to spend the rest of their lives either working for someone else, or at the smallest of businesses.

          How vulgar! (How cowardly!) Theirs was an unprovoked, and unwarranted attack that a genuinely clever man would have known better than to enter into; but, these easily angered simpletons obviously didn’t know any better; and THAT tells me a lot about who they really are.

          (You may take me at my word: In no shooting event, and on no gun range would any of these simpletons ever dare to speak to me like that – Nowhere, and never! That kind of false bravado I only run into on the internet.)

          Cowardly, damn fools whose only real realm of personal influence is in cyberspace, and nowhere else. I’ll bet that none of these people have, themselves, ever been shot, or had an authentic personal accident with a gun. (I’ve seen several.) How do I know? I know because, again, if anyone of them had, then he wouldn’t talk so stupid – Period.

          It’s one of my personal rules to NEVER say (or write) anything on the internet; or, in particular, on any internet gun forum that I absolutely positively wouldn’t say to someone else’s face while he was standing right in front of me.

          THAT is just good manners, common sense, and proper personal decorum. I’m, now, done with this. Again, thank you for your intelligence, (You are, pretty much, ‘spot-on’.) and the, ‘breath of fresh air’.

          • Jay December 7, 2016, 10:11 pm

            Jesus, somebody apologize to this guy please before he writes another 10 pages

  • jaxgun August 17, 2016, 6:11 am

    Thanks for sharing these photos.