Minnesota Lawmaker Looking to Reschedule Marijuana to Protect Gun Rights

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Max Slowik, This Week
Minnesota Lawmaker Looking to Reschedule Marijuana to Protect Gun Rights

One Minnesota legislator is looking to remove medically prescribed cannabis from the list of Schedule 1 narcotics. State Rep. Rod Hamilton, R-Mountain Lake, hopes the move will see federal adoption.

“The bill I am proposing would make medical cannabis a Schedule 2 drug — legal with a prescription but yet allowing you to renew your permit to carry and hunt with a firearm if you so choose,” said Rod Hamilton. “We need to do this, along with other states like Oklahoma, to get the attention of Congress in Washington, D.C.”

“It needs to change at the federal level and here so people can legally get their gun permits renewed and so they can hunt with family and friends and not be in violation of the law,” he said. “No one in the medical cannabis program wants to be in violation of the law.”

Because it’s a Schedule 1 drug, like heroin, LSD, or ecstasy, marijuana users are not allowed to own firearms under federal law, even if they have a prescription to use it. This is true nationally, even in states that have decriminalized marijuana use.

According to KSTP, that means over 40,000 people in Minnesota alone are prohibited persons, registered with the state’s medical cannabis program.

See Also: Drug Overdoses Kill More Than Firearms

“How is it acceptable that a grandfather can’t go hunting with his grandkids?” said Patrick McClellan, who is registered with the program, to KSTP. “Or, how is it that a disabled person cannot protect themselves in their own home just because they use medical cannabis instead of opioid pain killers? It is unacceptable.”

McClellan is one of the thousands of Minnesota residents who cannot renew or apply for a carry permit due to the registration program.

Hamilton plans to reintroduce the legislation to reschedule medical marijuana later this year. He planned similar legislation for 2020, but due to COVID-19, it was delayed.

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  • CC Rider March 5, 2021, 10:51 am

    Pot is an illegal drug-federally. This state move doesn’t matter. Look at all the states where it’s legal. If you pull out your marijuana card, thinking it’s ok then. It isn’t. You can’t be sold a gun. If you just say no to the illegal drug use and get the gun, you are lying on the ( federal) form.

  • Cosmic February 12, 2021, 10:39 pm

    WHAT? if you have a medical marijuana card, you cant own a gun? If a person already owns a gun, or 12, and goes to get a new medical marijuana card, they would have to get rid of their guns?? How does that compute?

  • a11four1 February 12, 2021, 2:37 pm

    Hamilton plans to reintroduce the legislation to reschedule medical marijuana later this year. He planned “similar legislation for 2020, but due to COVID-19, it was delayed.”
    Again if you missed it ” but due to COVID-19, it was delayed”
    Possibly true, but our improvised pandemic been used to avert, delay, inflate or corrupt [as the case may be] plenty of important issues already, with no end in sight.