Egyptologist and social historian Kara Cooney wrote a new book titled, “The Good Kings: Absolute Power in Ancient Egypt and the Modern World,” in which she claims that Kyle Rittenhouse killed ‘two black men” in Kenosha, Wisconsin during the summer of 2020.
National Geographic Press published “The Good Kings…” for Cooney, a UCLA professor on Nov. 2, 2021.
On page 341 of the book, Cooney writes, “Or consider 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who used his semiautomatic weapon to kill two Black men in Kenosha, Wisconsin, while waging a glorious race war on behalf of his inherited White power.”
“That’s not to mention the White people who rallied behind him to post his bail,” she continues. “Fear has grabbed the patriarchy, and the threat of righteous violence — or the lethal use of it — is the patriarchy’s response.”
I’m literally wheezing this is so funny 😂🤣 this is the last chapter of “Good Kings” by Egyptologist Kara Cooney. I’ll say this delicately… she’s not the brightest and it shows. pic.twitter.com/YoI4sGGM49
— Kara McKinney OANN (@Nefertari_25) January 5, 2022
Thousands of users on social media have pointed out the obvious error to Ms. Cooney.
The two men fatally shot by Rittenhouse, Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, were WHITE, not Black. Both were convicted felons as well.
Rosenbaum was a convicted child molester who was sentenced to 14 years in prison in 2002.
Huber was convicted of domestic abuse and disorderly conduct in 2018. But he received his felony conviction for attempting to choke his own brother in 2012.
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In the end, Rittenhouse killed a WHITE sex offender and a WHITE domestic abuser. None of the facts support Cooney’s assumption that the teen’s actions were part of some “glorious race war.”
Rather, the facts of the case indicate that Rittenhouse was acting in self-defense. A jury of his peers affirmed that conclusion, finding the teen not guilty on all counts after four days of deliberation back in Nov.
On Twitter, Cooney apologized for the mistake but was quick to flip the script and attack those who criticized her for botching the details of the Rittenhouse case.
On p. 341 of THE GOOD KINGS I state that Kyle Rittenhouse shot two Black men when instead he shot two white men. That was my mistake, and I apologize. The response has been a hateful stew of ridicule and denial that America has a race problem at all.
— Kara Cooney (@KaraCooney) January 5, 2022
So yeah, tiny detail of the book with a big mistake about a massive American issue. And that’s on me. But the white supremacy is still a problem. And the misogyny is still a problem.
— Kara Cooney (@KaraCooney) January 5, 2022
Apparently, that wasn’t the only error in the book.
Cooney also misstated what happened to Rosa Parks, as Kara McKinney, the host of Tipping Point on One America News Network (OANN), noted on Twitter.
Another error: Rosa Parks did not sit in white section of bus. She refused to give up seat to a white passenger when the white section filled up. You’d think @NatGeo would have better editors? https://t.co/jiVtgrvnQQ pic.twitter.com/39sEKWZknm
— Kara McKinney OANN (@Nefertari_25) January 5, 2022
The problem with the left is they will push a narrative justifying their particular take on a situation and it does not matter if it is a complete unadulterated LIE. They hope they won’t be caught and Evan if they are the sycophants that follow them are too stupid to find out the real truth. This seems to be mutually exclusive within the democrat party when all they watch is MSNBC, CNN.
“Egyptologist”. Lol. Please, these flaming nuttbag liberals like her have no idea how the real world works.
UCLA and professor. That says it all. Has to be the atmosphere or the water or could it be drugs?
As stated before, the land of fruits and nuts!
Another specimen of the democrats ability to convert the decendants of democrap farm equipment into cannon fodder for their war against our constitutional republic.
Pathetic,but the goods news is the number of them that have been red pilled grows everyday and they join us in crushing the un-American pos
Well I was going to say that she’s an ignorant idiot and only ignorant idiots would believe her, but we seem to have an abundance of both…
As a former Chicagologist I submit that knowing the lyrics to Steve Martin’s 1977 song “King Tut” does not make one an Egyptologist.
Was Cooney “born in Arizona and move to Babylonia?”
What’s the difference if they were red,white,black or yellow.They were all human beings. It all begins after your born who teaches you right from wrong. Who was born with common sense and who wasn’t. You figure it out.
Another educated idiot opens mouth to change feet.
Rittenhouse and his lawyers are going to be rich after all the lawsuits.
I smell a law suit. Hope Kyle wins a huge settlement
I find it reprehensible that GunAmerica Digest would print a link to this miscreant’s so-called ‘book’. It’s neither a book nor is it worthy of a link. Why give either Amazon or this idiot author any consideration (via clickbait) whatsoever?
Hope Rittenhouse sues this imbecile and the publisher for this slanderous drivel. Oh and bluedouche he/stupido you’re a clown no doubt.
Too bad the real story isn’t that Kyle killed two Egyptologists– we have to settle for a couple of antisocial miscreants.
She forgot to mention the fact that she and blm start this so called race war . They started it , but now that they can’t finish it , they call it racist . Just like everything they want with out working for it like every body else has to . But then you can blame the delusional democrats for that . They gave freely as long as you voted for them . Pay for votes is what it is . Saying it’s racist is just a get out for free card they use just like a true racist would . Funny how that never works for us half breeds
So far, Portland, Oregon is the only US city destroyed by a white gang.
Givin them credit though, that gang is a far left bunch of nut jobs, led by the Mayor and the Soros financed County DA.
Is ANTIFA a White gang? Or is it a left wing terrorist group and a branch of the multi-racial Dem party?
Could ANTIFA destroy a City in a few months if the Dem stood by the real tax paying citizens?
I saw plenty of film of Blacks rioting in Portland AKA the autonimous zone “Chad.”
BTW, Ray Epps and other agents provocutuer are funded by the deep state including drug runners like Barry Seal Bill Clinton and GHWB.
Infiltration goes back more than 2000 years. The deep state and George Soros are the real insurrectionists.
The only racists in the United States are the DEMONcRATS. EVERYTHING is racist to them. I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t be since they started the KKK and passed the Jim Crow laws. The people who vote for them are either racist or idiots or snowflakes who think they will get something for nothing. If they had half a brain, they would see through the DEMONcRATS agenda, but, sadly, they don’t.
Just take a look at the 1-star-reviews on Amazon of Mrs. Cooney’s book and you’ll see that she is one of those disgusting feminazis that want to cancel ancient cultures, just so that it fits with her deranged, modern woke world, because they were not matriarchic, but patriarchic. The lie about Rittenhouse having shot three black men and killed two of them is not the only lie which she has written down. Mrs. Cooney is totally controlled by her general hate towards men, as long as they are white, and nobody should listen to what she wants to say.
Another important information: The production of Mrs. Cooney’s book is financed by National Geographic, which is not what it used to be in the old days, as it has also been conquered by feminazis that fill all of their articles with woke, leftist nonsense and threw down a once very informative magazine right into the drain.
I just hope that once they have cancelled everything in this country or even in the world (God forbid), they will then cancel themselves as well, because there is nothing else left for them to cancel.
White people are blamed when Blacks keep moving into a neighborhood and over time the demographics drastically change. The area that costed millions of dollars spent on floating bonds to build infrastructer soon looks like a war zone and Whites are blamed for what is called “White flight.”
At the same time when neighborhoods experience a rebirth by industrious people that understand the value of real estate pariicularly old quality materials that circumstance is “gentrification.”
So the left is saying, its your fault privaleged White people either way.
Whwn corporations flee the US, well that’s just a sober businessw decision.
BTW, how many US citiies have been destroyed by White gangs?
Who floods Black neighborhoods with drugs? You average White guy? Or maybe the CIA? Barry Seal And Bill Clinton types?,
I retired from UCLA (administrative, not faculty) in 1984 and absolutely, positively will never donate a dime from my estate to this increasingly Leftist bastion. Dr. Cooney is but the latest iteration of academic “woke-ism” on this once glorious campus. Not as polluted as its Berkeley sister, but working hard to achieve parity.
Hey, tell the truth, they were not black. Stop trying to make this racial.
“Tell the big lie, and tell it often, and the people will believe it. And for those who will not believe it, we have ways of taking care of them”. A loose translation, attributed to goebbles, via hitler, and who knows who he stole it from, and I would bet you won’t find that as a full quote on goooogle
At best that quote is a mistranslation. Hitler and his propoganda minister believed in their cause and from their perspective the liars were the Jews , Communists et cetera. Besides the Nazi card a tired topic since the US faces so many current and massive problems today. If the Nazis must be rehashed at least make the post interesting, relevant and credible
Here is some easily found information from a virtual “Jewish Library.”
({“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
This is an excellent definition of the “Big lie,” however, there seems to be no evidence that it was used by Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, though it is often attributed to him.
The original description of the big lie appeared in Mein Kampf. Adolf Hitler applied it to the behavior of Jews rather than as a tactic he advocated. Specifically, he accused Viennese Jews of trying to discredit the Germans’ activities during World War I. Hitler wrote of the Jews’ “unqualified capacity for falsehood” and “that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation…. From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited.”}]
Yeah, I did say loose translation, and I’ve never been able to find it the way I heard it from a fellow who said mein kampf was badly translated, tho the mixed metaphors are supposedly just as goofy auf den urdeutsch. Wish I had the time anymore to dig deeper, friend Kane, but you have put it up as I usually find it.
We’ll , it appears ms. Cooney has taken a page from
the Goebbels playbook .
Tell a lie often enough and it soon becomes the truth .
Another clown who thinks he knows something but doesn’t. Leave the Nazis out of it. Leave them out of everything. They haven’t been relevant for more than 75 years.
“ Those whom do not learn from history ,
are destined to repeat it . “
It would have been excellent to turn this back on her…. penning a letter back to Ms Cooney telling her that just because one man was a domestic abuser and the other a pedophile it’s racist of her to assume they were both black.
And these are the Educators who have the responsibility for preparing our youth for the future? Shameful and destructive.
Don’t ever let pesky facts get in the way!!
I love the smell of a Lawsuit in the morning! Its the smell of victory and a huge monetary payout.
Well, she can sweat it out at KRH sues CNN and all the others who slandered him.
She is an idiot, plain and simple.
I have heard of “cultural whiteness” and “multi-cultural whiteness” offered as an explanation for when non-whites fail to be sufficiently intersectional; perhaps Rittenhouse’s victims, having been martyred in Black Lives Matters protests, we’re absolved of their sins and became culturally Black in death? Usually even the most kool-aid drinking whites are still considered white by the race hustlers, maybe it is the way these guys died that made a difference?
Kind of like the Rosa Parks thing. It seems like rigorous adherence to a factual recounting of past events is subordinate in academia to something feeling right. Rosa Parks sat in the white section of the bus. Kyle Rittenhouse shot Black guys. Nick Sandman was just a goofy kid caught unaware by a man with a drum. January 6th wasn’t an overt and organised attempt to thwart the peaceful transfer of power. Saddam Hussein had WMDs. This war isn’t for oil. That waitress is flirting with me, not just being friendly for tips. I could win in a fight with another adult male. I would have a shot with that hot actress if I ever met her. These lies we tell ourselves feel true, by-golly.
Blue Dog the retard idiots again with his uneducated bullshit again,that thing needs to stay in his basement where he belongs and binge CNN,,
Maybe it was their previous felonies that made them “culturally black in death”.
My goodness…you truly are a fricken idiot!
“Usually even the most kool-aid drinking whites are still considered white by the race hustlers . . . .” Really? Then explain to me George Zimmerman, the “white hispanic”.
Just admit it. Facts are irrelevant on this subject. The ONLY thing that matters is dissent and disruption in society, which opens the door to the entry of totalitarianism and seizure of power by those “ins” in Washington and the other various capitals around the country.
From my understanding, and keeping in mind I am not progressive per se, George Zimmerman could be considered “culturally white” in a few ways. He was acting in defense of property rights, particularly property rights of upper middle class homes, which is a tool of the white supremacist patriarchy et al… so he was operating to preserve privilege, operating from a place of cultural whiteness. The fact that his victim was an unarmed black teenager, a representative of a community that has been more historically disadvantaged than Zimmerman’s own Hispanic heritage, was “punching downward” and further advanced the cause of cultural whiteness. This was not an interaction between individuals but instead an example of the relationship between communities, and importantly, communities of disparate historical advantage. This is not one man fighting, killing or oppressing another. This is one point on the thread of oppression that runs through all of America today and throughout all of American history; another brick in the wall… or glass ceiling?
Again, I am not a progressive myself and hope that I have represented their outlook fairly in response to your question.
We know you’re not a progressive. I would say you are actually regressive. Another American Marxist who obsesses over our differences. You people would see our country burn so you can justify your own hatred of free men, Black or White. You should research the author Shelby Steele. Maybe then could you gain some perspective on how the other side rejects your notion of “The White Patriarchy.”
Oh and he’s African American. Because the color of someone’s skin is what’s truly important right? Not their actions or character.
Blue dog is a troll. Pure and simple!! He is here to rustle jimmies.
It’s quite clear you are enthralled by the sound of your own voice (and poorly written words), yet you have absolutely nothing to say. Why do you even bother? You are clearly not “progressive”, you’re just another libtard who thinks he’s intelligent because he can parrot back the party line.
And nobody cares about your pronouns, you woke imbecile.
You go to the everlasting flames flamer. That’s right! You’re already reserved and twice dead!
Rosa Parks is a commie same as MLK. We know that they both went were every democrat goes. HELL