IWI X95 Tavor – Redesigned Controls, More Compact – SHOT Show 2016

in Authors, Jacob Epstein, SHOT Show 2016

Read more at IWI: https://www.iwi.us/

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IWI has brought the X95 to the SHOT Show this year. This updated Tavor is going to be available in March and will be retailing for $1,999.00.


The original Tavor and the new X95.

The original Tavor and the new X95.


The X95 makes a handful of upgrades to the standard Tavor. Most importantly, the magazine release has been moved to the front of the rifle giving the X95 an ambidextrous AR-15-style magazine release. The next big improvement is the relocation of the Charging handle. Moving the handle closer to the shooter’s center mass means the gun can be charged and manipulated without over-extending the shooters balance. The final big upgrade is the handguard. With a built in tri-rail and removable rail covers, the X95 is able to be outfitted with accessories straight out of the box. In short, the X95 carries over all of the attributes of the original Tavor design but none of its weaknesses.

The new X95 will come in typical Tavor colors.

The new X95 will come in typical Tavor colors.

The gun will be available in black, flat dark earth and OD green, and in right and left-handed variants. Initially, it will be sold in 5.56/.223 but will be available in 9mm and 300 Blackout later this year. There will be conversion kits available for those of you wishing to convert between calibers that will retail for $899.00 in 5.56/.223 and 9mm and $499 for 300 Blackout.

The X95 has one huge improvement that will affect all Tavor owners. With a vastly improved trigger pack, the X95s trigger breaks cleaner at almost half the weight of the standard Tavor. This new trigger pack has also passed vetting with the IDF and is in use overseas as I write this, so reliability has been tested and is guaranteed. For those of you who want to upgrade the trigger you will be happy to hear that all standard Tavor trigger packs and linkage are used so Geissele, Timney, Tav-D trigger packs will all work with the gun.[full_width]


Looking forward, we’re pleased to report that IWI is bringing the Galil Ace in 7.62×51/308 to the US market this summer. It will be available in both a braced pistol form and a full-sized battle rifle. It will use SR25 magazines and the safety, magazine release, and bolt release will be ambidextrous. It will stay at the same price point as the other Galil Ace rifles and pistols so we can expect it to sell around $1,900.

Check back in the following months as we will be taking a more in-depth look at these new products from IWI.


The X95, from the right side.

The X95, from the right side.


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  • kbel10 September 12, 2016, 3:21 am

    Does anyone know if the 9mm and 300 BO conversion kits will work with both the 95x and the older model? I’ve been searching for information on this and can’t seem to find any info about it. I like the older version rifle; but, would love to have the 9mm and 300 BO option for both models; I’ve seen the 9mm conversion kit for the older model rifle but haven’t seen nor heard of the 300 BO kit for either model. thanks in advance for you help, assistance and or advice.

  • Mole July 6, 2016, 8:45 am

    Just purchased my x95, I was on my way to purchase another high end AR knew all about the SCAR but when I laid eyes on the x95 had to get it.
    If people would or if they were old enough think about the earlier days of the civilian Colt AR’s now look @ today’s AR market. There is so much junk out there it’s a shame plus half these builders have no ideal what they’re doing. Nowadays there’s so many AR company’s closing down due to all that had open a few years back. Let me just say one thing to these people that are learning or building ARs if you do not want to invest into a nice AR you will never know what a $2,000 AR shoots like, I can remember purchasing my first Colt Sporter II (CAR15) know that was like the world just changed no one ever thought 10 years after Vietnam civilians would be allowed to purchase a real war like gun that the military uses but simi.

  • Adam J February 26, 2016, 10:00 am

    Of course the X-95 came out because I’ve been lusting after the Tavor for years and finally plunked down the $ to buy one this past fall. Maybe I’ll have to sell the farm and buy it a nice little brother?

    Two questions, namely there’s increased mass in the buttstock; why and does it add more weight? Also, when would the new trigger back be available to retrofit current Tavors, at what cost, and does it just drop in? Thanks!

    • J.R. July 14, 2016, 1:16 pm

      Me too

  • Corrigan February 6, 2016, 5:43 pm

    To everyone who says “Make it eject downward!”, get a KelTec RDB, which DOES eject downward.

    Personally, it’ll be a fierce competition between the X-95 and RDB once both get .300 Blackout options.

  • MHatch February 6, 2016, 11:27 am

    Decisions, decisions…

  • VirtualWatts February 5, 2016, 4:53 pm

    I have the original Tavor and have been through several advanced carbine courses with it such as EAG. I ran it mainly to see what would be the differences in manual of arms for later instruction. There were some differences, especially night exercises. Ran fine, shot great. But the damned mag release PITA more complex drills. It was a full re-train from the AR. Then I figured out to run it like an AK and suddenly the whole thing made sense. Also when bolt locked open the bolt release would catch on my plate carrier and close the bolt. The X95 pics appear to have a different bolt catch and release mechanism, which would be nice.

    • J.R. July 14, 2016, 1:19 pm

      My brother and my cousin, both of whom had served in the army, said the same, preferring the AR controls. Myself, having little interaction with the AR, will have an easier transition to the original Tavor controls. But I can see why they changed them

  • sherwin February 4, 2016, 9:11 pm

    It’s look like an amazing atumatic gun. But the question your web only works on this specific gun? Is that best? How much is it? And what are legals ways to ordert? Thanks

  • DEBO February 4, 2016, 7:21 pm

    Why can’t they make it with a “DOWN” Ejecting so it will be Ambidextrous for “Everyone”!! We have both left hand shots as well as right hand shots in our shoots!! (no fun getting cut and or burned with hot shells to the face!! Looking forward to see the 7,62 but will wait for the “DOWN-EJECTING” 7.62 Before I fork out that “Ridiculous Over-Priceed” amount!!! Price shouldn’t be over $800.00!!! So Unless it’s completely Military Grade Complete “Metal” “Everything” then it shouldn’t be anywhere near their “Ridiculous” asking price!!! Where are our American ingenuity and make a USA Model with all these features at a reasonable price?? Still Waiting!!

    • jeremy February 5, 2016, 5:56 pm

      It is fully reversible. You can make it left or right handed. bolt, ejection, charging handle… they can all be switched for a lefty.

  • KMacK February 4, 2016, 1:15 pm

    Okay, I like the Tavor (even though I can’t own one here in California). I’d like to see it in 6.5 Grendel; now THAT would be a real a** kicking battle arm. I only wish the sights were better protected: Plastic is not steel no matter how tough it is.

    • Rick February 4, 2016, 7:02 pm

      KMacK, umm I like to be the bearer of good news so just thought you should know, you can own a Tavor in California. I know we’ve lost our minds here but the CA legal Tavor is available. As a matter of fact I’m looking at three of them right now. Just FYI.

    • Maurice February 26, 2016, 11:03 am

      I live in California and I’ve owned one for a year. The only difference is CA version comes with a longer flash suppressor and the stupid CA legal mag release. All reversible if you move to a free state.

  • shooter February 4, 2016, 12:53 pm

    Me want.

  • Chris Rushlau February 4, 2016, 12:38 pm

    Let’s see how it works in a real battle, if the IDF dares to face Hezbullah again.

    • Maurice February 26, 2016, 11:06 am

      “If the IDF dares to fight Hezbollah”? Let’s see when Hezbollah stops hiding behind civilians and then cries to the UN when things go bad.

      • Edster September 28, 2016, 5:40 pm

        …or when Israel stops taking land that’s not theirs, maybe the retaliation will stop. So, stop being zio-zombies for Israel!

  • chief February 4, 2016, 11:26 am


  • Scott Bush February 4, 2016, 10:42 am

    If it was downward ejecting it would be perfect!!!

  • Scott Bush February 4, 2016, 10:39 am

    If it were downward ejecting it would be perfect!!!!!

  • Lonny February 4, 2016, 9:06 am

    Hmmmm…. Let’s see… What can I sell off to raise the $$ by march?

  • Dan February 4, 2016, 7:40 am

    Like it hell yes ! Got get my hands on it! It’s just get better an better!

  • Steve K February 4, 2016, 6:43 am

    A little less “clunky”. I’m beginning to like it.