Improved Performance Optics from Zeiss—SHOT Show 2014

in Authors, Optics/Sights, Paul Helinski, SHOT Show 2014

zeiss03Carl Zeiss Sport Optics

We live in a wonderful time for guns, scopes and shooting accessories of all kinds. Never before has there been the selection that we enjoy today. Zeiss optics just added a few more choices for those looking for the perfect scope or binoculars for their hunting/viewing needs and budget. Long known for superior glass, Zeiss has added larger objective lenses to its line of HD binoculars. You now have the tremendous light-gathering ability that 56mm objective lenses afford. They come in 8 power, 10 power, and 15 power magnification. They are all tripod adaptable, and you’ll need a tripod for the 15 power binoculars. It would make viewing easier for the 10 power as well. Big objective lenses make for big binoculars that beg for the stability a tripod provides. For their popular line of scopes, Zeiss has added 50mm objective lenses to get the brightest sight pictures in low-light situations. The Terra Series of entry level scopes are available with the 50mm objectives in 3-9 power, and 4-12 power. MSRP starts at $349. That’s a great price to put the quality of Zeiss glass on your rifle.


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