Illinois Town to Fine AR Owners $1,000 Per Day to Increase ‘Public Sense of Safety’

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Current Events, Jordan Michaels, This Week
Illinois Town to Fine AR Owners ,000 Per Day to Increase 'Public Sense of Safety'

AR owners face a $1,000 fine per day if they refuse to cooperate. (Photo: CBS News)

A suburban town near Chicago voted on Monday to ban the sale, possession, and manufacture of “assault weapons” and “large capacity magazines.” Not to increase public safety but to “increase the public’s sense of safety.”

The town of Deerfield, Illinois, will fine violators $1000 per day until they turn in the rifle or remove it from town limits.

“The possession, manufacture and sale of assault weapons in the Village of Deerfield is not reasonably necessary to protect an individual’s right of self-defense or the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia,” the ordinance reads.

“Assault weapons are dangerous and unusual weapons which are commonly associated with military or antipersonnel use,” Deerfield Village authorities continue, referring to the most popular and commonplace rifle in America.

They define “assault weapon” in the usual nonsensical manner.  But they also include a laundry list of additional weapons now deemed unclean. These include semi-automatic rifles with a fixed stock capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, pistol-caliber carbines, semi-automatic shotguns with pistols grips, shotguns with revolving cylinders, and AR-15 parts kits.

They even provide a helpful list of the now banned firearms, which includes AK, AKM, AKS, AK-47, AK-74, ARM, MAK90, Misr, NHM 90, NHM 91, SA 85, SA 93, VEPR, AR-10, AR-15, Bushmaster XM15, Armalite M15, Olympic Arms PCR, AR70, Calico Liberty, Dragunov SVD Sniper Rifle, Dragunov SVU, Fabrique NationalFN/FAL, FN/LAR, FNC, Hi-Point Carbine, HK-91, Kel-Tec Sub Rifle, SAR-8, Sturm, Ruger Mini-14, and more.

SEE ALSO: Vermont Bans Mags & Bump Stocks, Criminalizes Private Transfers, Raises Purchase Age

Town leaders see their ordinance as a possible model for state and national legislation.

“We hope that our local decision helps spur state and national leaders to take steps to make our communities safer,” Deerfield Mayor Harriet Rosenthal said in a press release, after the ban on assault weapons passed unanimously.

They also see their legislation as the first step in effecting a “cultural change” that “communicates the normative value that assault weapons should have no role or purpose in civil society in the Village of Deerfield.”

Illinois already requires anyone purchasing a firearm or ammunition to hold a valid Firearms Owners Identification Card. But the state is perhaps most famous for Chicago, a city with both historically strict gun laws as well as terrible crime rates.

The Village of Deerfield is home to approximately 18,686 people living in 6,518 homes. The population is 94.7 percent white and has a median household income of $143,729. It’s also literally surrounded by country clubs:

Illinois Town to Fine AR Owners ,000 Per Day to Increase 'Public Sense of Safety'

Deerfield, IL, where it is better to feel safe than to be safe.

Legal challenges to similar local ordinances have been met with resistance. A resident of nearby suburb Highland Park challenged the constitutionality of a similar ban 2013 but was defeated in court.

This is yet another example of de facto confiscation.  Forcing citizens to give up lawfully owned property is confiscation.  It is infringement.  And, as Alan Korwin recently noted, infringement is illegal!

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  • frontncenter September 2, 2018, 11:05 pm

    Oh.. well that just makes perfect sense. In a town plagued by dangerous gun violence, how ever could a rifle serve the need for good? LOL. Oh well.. At least now they’re making it 100% obvious as to what they’re really up to. And it’s exactly what gun owners already thought & knew. They’re coming for all guns.. and you can thank Trump for that.

    • Willie-O October 23, 2020, 7:58 am

      And how exactly is this Trump’s fault ??? I guess we can blame him for Chicago’s crime rate too. And let’s not forget the “WooHoo flu”. Hell, let’s just blame everything wrong today on him just to make things convenient for “simpletons” such as yourself. Give me a f’n break. I am by no means giving Trump a pass on everything he does and says, but I’m sick of the constant negativity and Trump bashing – you must work for CNN.

  • SEABEETOM July 29, 2018, 9:59 pm

    You MORON’s elected them, now suffer. Think about who you vote for next time.

    • Penrod May 24, 2019, 5:17 pm

      I suspect plenty of people undoubtedly DID vote against these anti-Constitution politicians. Why on earth would you blame the victims? Because they were a minority of voters?

  • stan j July 20, 2018, 3:01 pm

    If the Constitution was enforceable the city councilmen would all be in jail.

  • Mike Franklin July 20, 2018, 9:20 am

    So the Village Council of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois, has the power to overrule the finding and directive in the United States Constitution that the people’s right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed because a well-regulated militia (i.e., armed citizenry) is necessary to the preservation of a free state? Didn’t know that. Actually, this is great – I’m going to ask our local Council to find that payment of federal income taxes is not necessary to the public welfare in our town, and order everyone to cease paying them.

  • FB May 18, 2018, 10:24 am

    Where is the Illinois militia?

  • MadDogMike May 3, 2018, 10:27 am

    Almost a month has passed now people. What have you been doing to head this off. I hope you’ve talked to fellow gun owners, attorneys, the NRA, etc. to get ready for that day. Stand your ground, don’t do anything with your guns – don’t sell them, move them or turn them in. Your move Deerfield. Molon Labe!!

  • Minute Man April 27, 2018, 5:07 pm

    Get a thousand people to arm up and occupy the local town hall. How long do we let them poke the badger before it bites back? Let it be clear we are not kidding. Could this be a statement advocating sedition? No bloodshed, but no foolin’ either.

  • Hondo April 15, 2018, 6:18 pm

    If you know the Chicagoland area you also this a progressive/liberal stronghold as is much of this area, it’s a lost cause because Illinois run by complete fools.
    People are fleeing this craphole state at an alarming rate, F Illinois and let these idiots fail.

  • Thunder April 13, 2018, 1:42 pm


  • John Conway April 11, 2018, 6:44 pm

    Maybe we should ban cars. Remember people that want gun bans, (also Semi automatic weapons) want to blame machines not the criminal. So we should blame car not the Individual.

  • kjj1564 April 11, 2018, 3:58 pm

    The constitution doesn’t mean diddly squat to any politician you elect they have and agenda, they will prostitute there own mother to be reelected over and over, because they love that power and they love everything that goes along with it. If it means taking guns away from the people to stay in power so be it, who cares if the second amendment states that you cant do it, its just the right thing to do because i feel love. CHRIST ON A CROSS PEOPLE OF DEERFIELD DO NOT COMPLY ITS ILEAGAL WHAT THERE DOING TO YOU, GET RID OF THESE ELECTED LAWBREAKERS BEFORE THEY MULTIPLY INTO UGLY UNSTOPPABLE IF IT ISNT TO LATE ALLREADY.

  • The Churn April 10, 2018, 11:56 pm

    Since nobody is willing to state the obvious I’m willing to. What type of crack pipe are these town leaders smoking from? I’ll wager a dollar to a doughnut, whatever flavor you may choose, that individuals of this town bully pulpit cozy up on the couch & play a nice round of first person shooter on their Xbox or Playstation or whatever killing field they choose. If not them, I’m sure that a family member and/or members participate in virtual reality killing. The formula is very simplistic…left in its pure unadulterated form free from the gun haters bastardization, firearms are not the problem or the second amendment. People will always be the problem that misuse a firearm, that stab victims with a knife, that willfully bludgeon another person to death, or strangle the life from another person. The root of the problem is ‘people’. No matter what device is used as a weapon, a variable, the constant is the person & this is what needs to be addressed. It’s far easier to eliminate the ownership of a firearm than it is to challenge the judicial system by eliminating the true threat. Our society has become soft, we’re a great ‘humanitarian’, we are too ‘civilized’ to eradicate, to eliminate the true perpetrators that victimize us. Most people don’t have the stomach to make the real decisions that would make our lives better if we were to have a true justice system. Our justice system benefits the perpetrator rather than the person using a firearm in their own home for self-defense. What type of convoluted signal does that send you? Don’t use your firearm?! Better to run out to the shed & crank up the DR chipper to disable the perp. I’m sure a jury of your peers would find it more ‘humanitarian’ & ‘civil’ of you to of used a chipper over your firearm. The penalty would be much less severe plus you regain the wood chipper in time for that yard clean-up you’ve been planning on. I’ve always believed that if a person is to take the life of another, then they forfeit their own or the consideration of due process. Consciously, unconsciously, makes no difference. If they are caught committing the crime, sentencing to be carried out on the spot & executed. This is why it is far easier for the gun haters to go after an inanimate object rather than tackle the animate object that is the actual problem. It’s only a matter of time when the minority of people opposed to guns will find out that the majority of Americans do not support their unfounded baseless fear mongering endeavors. One more ‘word’ worth mentioning: hoplophobia. A term coined by Marine Colonel Jeff Cooper in 1962 to describe a mental fear that instruments possess a will of their own apart from that of their user. With that being said, I shall draw to the conclusion that these town leaders will forever live in fear of firearms because they show no intentions of conquering that particular fear.

  • LAZER April 9, 2018, 9:55 pm

    First of all, these idiots have to learn exactly what an a ASSAULT RIFLE is. An AR-15 is a semiautomatic rifle just like any other rifle. You cannot buy an ASSAULT RIFLE. Case closed!!

  • Grant Stevens April 8, 2018, 9:41 pm

    Molon labe! “Shall not be infringed” means just what it says. Until all politicians who violate their oaths to the Constitution are held accountable for their treasonous legislation and are immediately removed from office, our unalienable right to keep and bear arms will be assaulted. Like our forefathers before us, when tyrants come for our guns, it will be time to use them. Sic semper tyrannis!

    • kjj1564 April 9, 2018, 1:11 pm

      Sounds like tyrants coming for our guns have arrived. If all The gun owners of the town of Deerfield, Illinois stick together and stand up against this unlawful order do not comply, it becomes a civil suit that will we settled in court. If these gun owner comply without a fight of civil disobedience for there constitutional rights, they have become nothing more than a flock of sheep led to the slaughter. Do not become another Australia get together and fight against the very government of Deerfield Illonois that the second amendment was written to protect us from.

  • Eduardo Saldo April 8, 2018, 5:30 pm

    The answer to this problem is in the constitution.. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”. The people in this town need to understand their duties at this critical time and demand the tyrants out of power, even if they have to bear arms for it.

  • jim April 7, 2018, 5:12 pm

    This is how the Leftists do confiscation they legislate away our freedoms. We need to draw a line in the sand and stand against these terrorists Commy Pino Fags. It may come down to us and them at some point. The country hasn’t been this divided in decades. No one should be able to take a firearm from a legal owner or subjugate us to a fine. This must not stand.

  • David Telliho April 7, 2018, 4:50 pm

    So, does this mean warrantless house to house searches to locate or affirm that these type firearms are removed ? I fear for those who draw that duty. I hope this gets lots of news coverage. TV time.

  • Rangemaster11B April 7, 2018, 11:54 am

    “The claim and exercise of a Constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime”…”No state shall convert a liberty into a privilege, license it, and attach a fee to it”.
    Miller v. U.S., U.S. Supreme Court. 319 U.S. 105 (1943).

  • Delmar April 7, 2018, 12:37 am

    So does that mean that all the armored vehicles carrying all that money will be unarmed! Huh that’s very interesting!!

  • Jaque April 6, 2018, 11:33 pm

    When the shooting starts, and it will, the revolution will have begun. The Marxist judges and lawmakers are going to light a fuse that cannot later extinguish or cut. These judges and lawmakers actions are exactly the kind the authors of the Declaration of Independence and second amendment we’re thinking about when they wrote the law preventing the federal government from infringing on the people’s natural right to bear arms.

    We get the government we deserve. If the people of this town give up without a fight they deserve to lose their rights. If they stick together and collectively defy tyranny I will support them.

    • Shawn Borri April 7, 2018, 11:18 am

      The judge should be tried by a common law magistrate for treason and if found guilty punished to the fullest extent of the law.

  • Singleshotcajun April 6, 2018, 6:52 pm

    They,them and their

  • Larry April 6, 2018, 6:14 pm

    I will gladly turn over my guns, bullets first…

  • James April 6, 2018, 4:13 pm

    Clueless rich white leftists will be clueless rich white leftists. Model for the whole country? Good luck with that nonsense!!!

  • ExGob April 6, 2018, 3:21 pm

    You folks living in Deerfield had better get ready to have your taxes raised to hell and gone to pay for that huge jail that’s going to have to be built to house all those who refuse to pay that obviously illegal fine. Since when is it legal to pass laws that require people to be ‘aware’ of anything? Is it now legal for lawmakers to tell us what to think? Surely we haven’t come down to that in The USA. ( By the way: The burden of proof about what one thinks or doesn’t think lies with the accuser.) If the governor of Illinois gives his sanction on this action, the citizens should band together and spend whatever it takes to get him impeached. Surely it won’t cost anyone more than a thousand dollars a day! And don’t forget to remind his successor that the USA Supreme Court still sanctions the Second Amendment to The Constitution Of The United States.

  • DDayDog April 6, 2018, 3:20 pm

    Okay NRA … I’m waiting. File suit. This law discriminates against other residents as it allows EX police officers to keep their AR15s. Mind you that is EX police officers. EX police officers are no different of a “civilian” than I am. Allowing them to keep their AR15s is discrimination and the constitution forbids that. Moreover, WHY can the EX police officers keep their AR15s and I can’t? Civil unrest? Militia? WHY …? Their rights are no different than MY rights.

    NRA … WTF are you? WTF do I pay you dues? You best be filing suit on this one or you will definitely lose more members – myself included. WE ARE WAITING NRA …

  • Tim Allen April 6, 2018, 3:09 pm

    If AR15s are weapons of war, then every law enforcement office in this country has declared war on American citizens by having, training with, and using these weapons.

  • Phil April 6, 2018, 2:13 pm

    Deerfield, apropos! I notice I-94 passes thru a portion of the town. Could be an issue.

  • Jeremy April 6, 2018, 2:04 pm

    Is Illinois doing this to make up for their shitpoor, backward run state/local economy? Hopefully Wi doesn’t follow in Illinois stupid government footsteps.

    • M Hunt April 7, 2018, 10:06 am

      Wisconsin will not follow if Governor Scott Walker wins another term. If he loses all hell will take place in WI. All those Illinois people who fled here for a ‘better life’ had better make plans to go elsewhere if a Democrat takes control. Union thugs, drug dealers, communist (Democratic) oppression, gun control, Indian casinos, and tax rates will effectively kill this state and make it unfit for human habitation (like Illinois, Colorado, and California). Not only that, it will become an open gateway for illegals and terrorists coming into this country through Canada.

  • Mike Watkins April 6, 2018, 1:51 pm

    I’m not too worried about the authorities in Deerfield having any problem confiscating “all” these newly illegal firearms. In that particular community there probably aren’t any.

    These are folks who have attorneys on speed-dial so they can SUE you if you break into their homes.

    Actually a lot of them probably are lawyers.

    But gangs might just as well stay away. I doubt the Deerfield PD is short on modern weaponry.

  • Lewis April 6, 2018, 1:48 pm

    Folks we are in real trouble. Our government is composed of three parts, the presidential is typically an elected stooge of a political party, our Congress and Senate are complete jokes they are composed of nothing more than professional politicians that will swing in the breeze to keep their job. Last and not least is the judicial branch. Unfortunately for the citizens of this country for at least the last 30 years the judicial branch has proven to be spineless and detrimental to following the Edex of this country as proposed by our founders. I say again we are in trouble and this will not be the same country as we recognize today….

    • Chris April 6, 2018, 4:52 pm

      you are correct, but only if we continue to sit by and let it happen!

  • Birdman April 6, 2018, 1:48 pm

    None of this surprises me. I grew up in one of the neighboring towns and graduated from a nearby High School and Northern Illinois University in the 1980’s before leaving the Chicago area for a career in the U.S. Army. It certainly was a different place then. I also grew up with the false sense of security that will undoubtedly plague these residence in the future. I naively believed the police were a phone call away and were there to “stop the bad guys” only to learn that they typically arrive after the crime has been committed. A crook with any “snap” has already done what they are going to do and are long gone before any legal authorities arrive. Like most people when asked about response time of a 911 call to their home, I’m sure the local populace will have the same puzzled look that most Americans have. By doing this you are “ringing the dinner bell” for criminals to commute to Deerfield each day. Having visited the area a few years ago, other than massive growth over the last 30 + years, it still has that falsely safe “Brady Bunch” vibe (only bigger and with more people). I’m glad I now, and for quite a while, reside in Texas. You practically get issued a gun when you become a Texas resident.

    • MikeB April 7, 2018, 1:25 pm

      To Serve and Protect should be replaced with To Investigate and Report.

  • Dave Brown April 6, 2018, 1:04 pm

    This Town is way out of line, but maybe they figure doing something is better then doing the same old same old. Yet, this town is a little nuttier the nutty. Read below and you will think I am a nut, and yes I am, I try real hard to think out of the box.

    OK here we are complaining about the complainers which is just the same old same old. Me, Gunner for 54 years, NRA brought me in at age 12, and I am still going strong. The NRA sure ain’t what it use to be. My take is simple, I have lived with gun regulations like They are trying to pass again, and they did not hurt me. I look at this this way, Gun don’t kill people, yet people with guns kill people……. My challenge, meet me in the hallway at school, bring your Fav Daily CC (I have had one for about 40 years, so u should have one), I will bring one of my AKs or maybe my SKS BullPup, either way I will have a 30 rd mag. Guess what no one will meet me, but maybe if we did limit the mag to 10 rounds they would show up. Yet we want our Teachers to use a small CC pistol against me and my 30 round mag. Now if you are able to see but still cannot see this, I feel Sorry For You. But, please get out of the way as we can protect our kids and ourselves, and at the same time protect The 2nd!

    • Erick April 6, 2018, 2:43 pm

      Dave Brown – you say you think outside the box, but you’re using the same old, tired “logic” that has been proven wrong (and dangerous) for decades.

      If you think a criminal is going to OBEY a “10 round magazine” limit, then why are they not OBEYING the laws already in place, such as those great big signs in all schools “GUN FREE ZONE”, and laws which forbid felons from owning/possessing/buying/selling/transporting guns, knives, clubs, etc. Hmmmm?

      The fallacy in your logic is that you believe all people will obey all laws; or if you pass just ONE MORE law, then THAT will be the magic trick. They won’t – it’s proven time and time again. Laws are words on paper – they are not magical forces which or robots which actually ensure people obey it. It’s a CHOICE to obey. When someone breaks it, then police come, but that’s AFTER THE FACT, when the crime has already been committed.

      Europe and Australia is screaming at us to NOT go down the path towards tighter restrictions, gun-bans, buybacks, magazine limits, etc. Hopefully we’re smart enough to learn from the mistakes of others….

    • Tim Allen April 6, 2018, 3:48 pm

      The fallacy in his rhetoric is more simple than that. Murder is illegal, and we’re arguing over the type of gun and number of rounds it holds? The criminal is there to commit a crime,…intentionally. By this guy’s logic, it is acceptable to lose 2 or 3 students as opposed to 10 or 15, simply because the criminal is limited to a less capable weapon and smaller round count. In reality, if the criminal’s intent is maximum carnage, he is going to bring the tools that create maximum carnage, regardless the laws. Whether he skirts the law and illegally purchases so called assault weapons and high cap mags, or builds a bomb, the bliss-ninnies cannot change the criminal intent. So in effect, the bliss-ninnies are not trying to prevent school shootings, they are trying to decrease the carnage. So they want to pass laws that say YOUR child is safer because an intent killer may run out of bullets before he gets to YOUR child. But even a bliss-ninny knows this is nonsense. Their true intent is to evenyually ban ALL guns, because when some kid brings a .22 varmint gun to school and kills someone, these fools will be after that gun too. After the ban of ALL guns, only the government and criminals will have them. Please forgive the redundancy in that previous sentence.

    • Rick Layton April 6, 2018, 4:48 pm

      My carry gun has seventeen round mags and I have a total of three. One for the gun and two for back up. I would meet you in the hallway providing your hallway lives in the real world. It is reasonable that most school shootings occur at distances less than twenty yards. At that distance it is anyone’s game.

    • Big John April 7, 2018, 12:32 am

      Dave Brown, my father always said it’s better to sit quietly and let others think you may be stupid than to open up your mouth and remove all doubt…Dave, you should have listened to my father.

  • Eric Reynolds April 6, 2018, 12:52 pm

    I lived in N.Y. when Governor Cuomo (The Homo) In the middle of the night enacted the “SAFE ACT”. Our Police could not carry their Service Pistols because they held more than 8 Rounds. The Pastor of my Church became a felon because he had guns that held more than 8 Rounds! We either had to destroy our magazines or black them so they could not hold a capacity of more than 8 rounds. When the Cops could not use their Pistols the Governor quickly changed the law to 10 Rounds! We could not have Plastic Pistol Grips on Rifles or Shotguns because that makes them more dangerous some how! There were many other restrictions place on us as well. then 12,000 of us descended on Albany, N.Y. to protest the “SAFE ACT”. Did it do any good? NO! The Libratards in N.Y. have the overwhelming control! My point is that I was left with one choice. Give up my God given rights or move out! I am now living in the great State of Missouri! Home of the free because of the Brave!

    • loupgarous April 8, 2018, 8:15 am

      Congratulations! I made the same choice to move from Colorado. There, thanks to rich yuppies (“Californicators”) fleeing the madness they made in California, the State Assembly tolerates illegal sanctuary cities Denver and Boulder, but imposes 10-round magazine limits and other idiocy on law-abiding citizens. I now live in open-carry Mississippi, where I am safer and freer than I was in the People’s Republic of Colorado. Moreover, my cost of living and insurance rates shot down dramatically.

  • Delmar April 6, 2018, 12:46 pm

    By the time it goes through court it’ll be to late. They’ll already confiscate everyone’s guns!! Gun owners need to organize and have a protest march on the town of Deerfield! Organize before it’s to late!!

  • Patriot April 6, 2018, 12:35 pm

    Public Information for the Mayor:
    Harriet Rosenthal
    745 Sunset Ct, Deerfield Ill 60015

    Send letters of encouragement directly to her and others, along with history lessons and information why the Second Amendment should not be tampered with.

    Can use this to search for more city council and public figures:

    Click on the top right icon that says “Query”, then click on “Tax Parcels: Taxpayer Last Name Search” to find other elected and un-elected city official addresses. For names of public officials, search through this website:

    Be smart and educate them. If we don’t TELL them that we will not stand for our rights being abused, then they’ll never KNOW. Some day, it will be YOUR city doing this.

    • loupgarous April 8, 2018, 8:18 am

      Sounds like a good idea, and it might make you feel better to educate these yuppie fascists, but the government of Deerfield can only legally respond to the people of Deerfield. If those people like living in a police state, there’s not a lot we can do about that.

  • Gary Moore April 6, 2018, 12:24 pm

    Just another ploy to raise revenue and make the snowflakes happy at the same time. I purchased a 2001 Dodge Truck in Portland Oregon, brought it home and was charged $1230 to plate the vehicle. Show Illinois the money, they will do their best to relieve you of the burden.

  • Luke April 6, 2018, 12:15 pm

    Well. Confiscation has begun. The North American news media wins . . . WITH the blessing of judges who uphold it. The United States no longer has a Constitution. ELECTED and hired government employees no longer uphold their oath of office. And, the only thing that law-abiding gun owners can do now is leave comments and platitudes on social media. (?)

    I pity the poor son-of-a-bitch or feminist bitch that shows up to confiscate anything from me.

  • MD April 6, 2018, 12:06 pm

    This is a trial run of sorts by the liberals to see if the social experiment will be successful. Of course it involves a country club environment to almost guarantee 100% complience .

  • Awesome Bill from Dawsonville April 6, 2018, 12:00 pm

    Deerfield is a white-flight suburb of Chicago and part of the blue corner of the state dominated by democrats who believe that government is the solution not the problem. The most up to date statistics I could find show no murders have taken place in Deerfield for the years 2012-2016. I was unable to find calendar year 2017 stats and too lazy to look further than 2012. So clearly “assault rifles” and “gun violence” aren’t issues in this town.

    Their ordinance goes so far as to limit the capacity of semi-automatic rifles to 10 rounds. That means that they’ve effectively outlawed your old tube-fed Marlin .22 rifle. They did not grandfather in current weapon owners so those owners will have to remove their weapons from city limits or face fines of $750 to $1000 a day.

    My concern is for the individual who passes thru their town and gets stopped with a prohibited weapon in their vehicle. Imagine moving homes and getting stopped as you pass thru town with your legally owned rifle?

    Undoubtedly this will end up in court and only the lawyers will profit from this mess with the citizens of Deerfield footing the bill. All I can say is the citizens of Deerfield got the government they elected and they are the ones who are going to have to clean up their own mess.

  • Perry Wood April 6, 2018, 11:59 am

    You just can’t fix stupid

  • Dan Crocker April 6, 2018, 11:40 am

    Can anyone spell court case?

    • john howard April 6, 2018, 8:16 pm


  • JoshO April 6, 2018, 11:35 am

    Let’s dispense with the foreplay and just get this civil war over with already. My money is on the side with all the guns.

    • Capn Stefano April 6, 2018, 12:11 pm

      I stand ready, Josh

  • Adam Jeppson April 6, 2018, 11:28 am

    Wow. Molan Labe. Pushing awfully hard for that second world war aren’t they.

    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    • Singleshotcajun April 6, 2018, 6:48 pm

      “Schoolhouse rock” love it.

  • Paul Jeannides April 6, 2018, 11:02 am

    Fiction have fun reading it, Chief of DFPD, speaks to his deputy’s, Good Morning , The order of the day is to go house to house and confiscate all weapons in any of the houses you want too. Break the doors down with your pipe ram and in the mean time don’t touch any Jewelry or cash you may find. Also maybe we should wait for the law abiding citizens to go to work in the morning, and smash the doors down when the sheeple’s are not home. Don’t scare the children and women, and grandma while your at it. Make sure you leave a note and an invoice for $1000.00 on the first day we start. Mention that tomorrow we will be back to make sure we didn’t miss any guns in the crawl space, and give the resident another invoice for $1000.00. Hurry up because the Mayor has a national press conference Saturday morning and she wants a big pile of guns to point at when she shows how successful you deputy’s have been at your new job’s . In the mean time ladies and gentleman my fellow law enforcement brothers and sisters, This is my last day on this job, I am resigning as of 12:00 hrs today. Good Luck and be safe out there, Chief Illiniwek (former mascot of University of Illinois)

  • Mike V April 6, 2018, 11:00 am

    So $365,000 for one year with one gun?

    Where is the mad dash from all of the politicians and pundits who claim they are for common sense gun control, but don’t want to take your guns or that they also believe in the 2A?
    Wouldn’t this be a perfect opportunity to prove how reasonable they are by condemning this absurd ordinance?

    I won’t hold my breath.

  • JungleCogs April 6, 2018, 11:00 am

    Firearm Bigots!

  • John Stanton April 6, 2018, 10:59 am

    There must be a crime wave of armed violence in Deerfield. ARs and AKs blasting away on the streets. So 6 half wits and the mayor pass an ordinance to make everybody “feel safer”. Don’t we already have “feel good” laws? I’d feel safer if I was left alone to legally own whatever firearms I wanted for recreation, hunting, self-defense, etc. But then again I’m in Illinois the home of the most dysfunctional state legislature in the country, Chicago the former home of the strictest gun laws in the country with the highest gun violence rate. I could go on, but I need to buy more ammo before the idiots in Springfield decide to act.

    • Terence April 7, 2018, 8:24 pm

      Sorry to inform you that the California State Legislature is even more screwed up than Illinois is. They have alienated the legal citizens and have liberated illegal immigrant criminal aliens & forewarned them of coming Federal I.C.E. deportation sweeps so we can become future victims of crimes by foreigners in our own legal homeland. I lived in Mexico for 8 years on temporary 6 month tourist visas. Once I overstayed it by a few days. Well actually a week because I was in Jail until I went before a Deportation Judge & he released me upon purchasing a plane ticket home. BUILD A WALL DEPORT THEM ALL! But its probably a toss up between for which state is more communist than the other.. Take care in Illinois Keep shooting.

  • Us Army Ranger April 6, 2018, 10:50 am

    People are stupid. They miss the whole problem, security in the schools, be aware of the crazy people, it’s not the gun. They are scared of the way it looks is all. Stupid uninformed politicians and stupid people
    If this is real

  • Dexter Winslett April 6, 2018, 10:50 am

    Would no fly in Alabama. We would destroy the unconstitutional government. Death by hanging.

  • scott April 6, 2018, 10:49 am

    Gonna take a lot more than a den majority on a town council to seize my firearms.

    Universal “Sense of security” is an impopossibility. Will their next incursion be to demand hybrid electric cats for a universal “sense of environmental consciousness”?

  • Boz April 6, 2018, 10:35 am

    Question? How will they know who these “violators” are??? Search door-to-door? They don’t have the sphericals!

  • NevadaVoter1 April 6, 2018, 10:30 am

    I guess Deerfield is off limits to visit with my AR andAK! Wonder where I’ll spend my tourist $?

  • Jim April 6, 2018, 9:56 am

    The 2nd A has is not to protect ourselves, its to keep our government in check, which means we have the right to have what our government has, and there is NO AR15s used by any law enforcement or Military, are all of these liberal democrats that stupid,,,Yes..

  • Cameron Potter April 6, 2018, 9:43 am

    I love living in Texas, where people value the 2nd amendment.

    • deanbob April 6, 2018, 10:36 am

      Roger that.

  • Altoids April 6, 2018, 9:29 am

    “Memo to the drug gangs in Chicago: “Nearby in Deerfield, they won’t have any semi-automatic weapons, so it will be fertile hunting grounds for y’all to walk in there and rob those sitting ducks”.

    Judging by the average median income, they’re RICH sitting ducks. So an invasion and takeover by one of the many Chicago’s gangs (who seem to get their hands on any weapon they desire) would be a highly profitable endeavor.

  • Nightshift April 6, 2018, 9:27 am

    Deerfield and the surrounding north suburbs of Chicago are mostly of jewish background . this includes those who voted this in-
    Its odd to think that Jews of all people , would favor any action which would disarm them.

    • ~ Occams April 6, 2018, 10:34 am

      I’m sure they’ll be quietly exempted – or ‘overlooked’ entirely.

  • AK Johnny 1 April 6, 2018, 9:18 am

    Screw it… If anti-2A proponents want to begin pushing the envelope, then start shooting. Radical as that sounds,only WE can draw the line here. Communicate with these socialists in a language they understand.

  • Tim Cogswell April 6, 2018, 9:11 am

    Since Deerfield has no history of significant violent crime, what is the point? This is the Progressive Fascists exercising their muscle wherever they are able. People, we are not heading for a Constitutional Crisis… we have a Constitutional Crisis!

    • JoshO April 6, 2018, 11:39 am

      We are headed for a civil war.

  • Mike April 6, 2018, 9:10 am

    The types listed are THE SAME as listed in the 2018 AWB introduced into congress….word for word type
    Look up H.R. 5087 and look at types names this is not work done but work in line with passing little by little to get a majority then push through Congress to achieve whole.

  • jim dixon April 6, 2018, 8:44 am

    How does Deerfield know if a person owns a forbidden firearm ?? they are sounding more like 1938 Nazi Germany. Dont try this down State Illinois !

  • Terry D Wood April 6, 2018, 8:11 am

    Fascinating. The citizens of Deerfield are getting exactly what they voted for. They elected these morons to the town’s government and Mayor position and now they are seeing exactly what they’ve done. They have no on to blame but themselves. This is what happens when you elect touchy, feely liberals. I hope they enjoy their status of “unprotected”.

  • BigC April 6, 2018, 8:07 am

    Congratulations!!! You’re making CRIMINALS out of law-abiding, tax-paying, American citizens!! WTF country is this??????
    Enough of these idiot rulers!!!!!

  • E.P. April 6, 2018, 8:06 am

    Memo to the drug gangs in Chicago: “Nearby in Deerfield, they won’t have any semi-automatic weapons, so it will be fertile hunting grounds for y’all to walk in there and rob those sitting ducks”.

  • Ghost April 6, 2018, 7:52 am

    The Constitution/Bill of Rights is the supreme Law of Our Land. These crap hole city/states can make all the laws they want.
    infringing on our Rights.
    Bottom line, it will make it to the Supreme Court, & they will lose. Then through a class action lawsuit, these cities should be sued for everything they have.

    • joefoam April 6, 2018, 7:33 pm

      Highland park, just across the Edens expressway already did it and it stood up in court. Saddest part of this whole gun banning thing is that it has never reduced violent crime anywhere it has been tried. Reducing citizens of the town to felons by not grandfathering the regulation is unconscionable. It’s a knee jerk reaction that paints the elected officials as caring for the public when all they are doing is pandering for votes. The total ignorance of the causes and effects of this type of lawmaking is simply astonishing. I’m sure the councilpeople have never even handled a gun or know where a magazine is inserted. Hope all you folks affected look real hard at the slate of candidates in the next election and grill them on their stance on stripping you of your rights and which right will be next.

  • srsquidizen April 6, 2018, 7:52 am

    Certain Latin American countries have some of the strictest gun laws on Earth. Their laws are so oppressive they’d make Britain look like Wayne LaPierre was the prime minister. Yet those Latin countries have absolutely horrific violent crime rates with entire sections of major cities totally under control of drug cartels and the heavily armed street gangs they control. They’d make Chicago look like Norway. But wait a minute. Norway was where they had the worst mass killing of children since the Holocaust and that perp didn’t even have an AR or anything similar. Neither did the worst of all the US school shooters (Virginia Tech). Those atrocities were carried out with ordinary garden-variety pistols. Which is what these gun banners will be going after next, of course. This “assault rifle” BS is a scam–the first step in their total gun ban agenda.

  • Brett April 6, 2018, 7:48 am

    Lol. None of these actions remove firearms from CRIMINALS it just leaves good people defenseless!

  • JD April 6, 2018, 7:48 am

    A similar law was upheld in a nearby town? They have a much deeper problem in Illinois than a rogue town council.
    Just remember people, they just want reasonable gun laws, nobody is trying to take your guns!

    • Danny April 6, 2018, 10:58 am

      JD, you are an idiot and part of the problem. There is no such thing as reasonable gun control. The 2nd amendment does not say we can only own certain types of guns or that the guns we own can only hold so many cartridges. Do you really think they don’t want to ban all guns? Yes they do! And it starts with banning one kind of gun then when the next mass shooting happens with a pistol instead of an AR15 then they will want to ban the “dangerous” pistol that they say nobody “needs”. Well guess what? It’s got nothing to do with need. It has everything to do with my “right” to own any damn kind of gun I want to own. We have sat back and allowed idiots like you to chip away at our 2nd amendment rights for way too damn long. The day they show up at my door to try and take any of my guns will be a day of reckoning!

      • JoshO April 6, 2018, 11:41 am

        He was being sarcastic, genius.

      • MikeB April 6, 2018, 12:11 pm

        Learn to recognize sarcasm.

    • Terence April 7, 2018, 10:02 pm


  • Norm April 6, 2018, 7:34 am

    Back in the 1770’s the local population would have organized and gone after the authorities or say “come and get them”.

  • Joseph Kiesznoski April 6, 2018, 7:31 am

    illegal as hell, no compliance should be rendered. THEY must pay foe each and everyone $25,000.00 / firearm.

    • Danny April 6, 2018, 11:03 am

      No Joseph,
      They should not pay for the guns. They should not be allowed to take them, period. I don’t mean “not be allowed” meaning the law is illegal, I mean the people should stand up and resist and not allow anyone including law enforcement to take their guns. If that means using your guns in an armed resistance then so be it. Sooner or later you have to stand up for why you believe in.

  • Steven Money April 6, 2018, 7:14 am

    This sounds modeled after the Jul 2016 same where MA AG Maura Healey did the same with a memo. Changing the definition in our law to include the same models. Simple changed the definition of ‘Assault Weapon’ This has to be sued to stop immediately. Sued to stay the ordinance until the case is heard. The effect is the confiscation and infringement is nothing we can fight. One by each, registered owners will be fined, fines against their property which, will multiply. The basis of the ordinance, for the sense of safety, something that is a dangerous precedent, is not supportable IMO. The language they use, indicated above, are the reason for having these weapons for 2a, for self defense. We need our pro-rights organizations to bring this to court now. Supreme court won’t define arms against a modern sporting rifle, they won’t define arms against military rifles. If they due it might be time to reset. Sue also on the basis of right to life, self defense and no one, based on their feeling of well being, as the right to take that away.

  • Barry Bossier April 6, 2018, 7:09 am

    How stupid is that? Send lawyers, guns and money…

    • Walleye April 6, 2018, 11:24 am

      Excellent reference to the late Warren Zevon, and it certainly applies here!
      “I’m a desperate man
      Send lawyers, guns and money
      The shit has hit the fan”

  • John Longos April 6, 2018, 6:52 am

    Urging all in the Illinois town to disregard such an unlawful law. Its time that responsible and law abiding gun owners make it clear to the government that we will not tolerate such I sanity. I will give up my guns only on the day I am killed defending my home and family from those who would try to take my right to do so away.

  • JGinNJ April 6, 2018, 6:42 am

    Is the town a nuclear free zone? If it was I am sure the residents would feel much safer.

  • MR PATRIOT April 6, 2018, 6:23 am

    Just more liberal Bull Crap I hope the legal gun owner take you to court, This has always been the number one plan of the crazies that call them self’s democrats, to strip away our God given rights. Take this fight all the way to the Supreme Court.
    Stop these crazy socialistic loser’s.

  • Fred April 6, 2018, 6:10 am

    This “model” is exactly the kind of things criminals want. So far no laws to stop or go after criminals. Instead, criminalize law abiding citizens. Going after criminals is too difficult to do because they have no brain power. College degrees they have, smarts is greatly desired.

  • Roger F. Garner April 6, 2018, 5:55 am

    Still, “you guys are as passionate as the other side was,” Benning said. “I know you are going to find this difficult to believe, but some of those folks on the other side are really scared of you.”


  • JOhn Que April 6, 2018, 5:25 am

    Sounds unconstitutional and wont hold up to scrutiny but will end up going to the supreme court if its taken on.

    • Dr Motown April 6, 2018, 8:47 am

      Unfortunately, Justice Scalia’s death left SCOTUS deadlocked on overruling the previous ordinance from Highland Park IL… the current court hasn’t shown any interest in 2A cases either. This ludicrous rule could stand, although it remains to be seen if the local PD can enforce it.

  • Bryan April 6, 2018, 4:46 am

    Why doesn’t the wonderful town of deer field just go and collect them. You think they might be a gun behind every bush. Chicago has strict gun laws and a high crime rate. Wait what did I just say something doesn’t sound right . The the legal law bidding citizens back their guns let them kill three or four thousand bad guys and crime will go down. GUARNTEED. Idiots.

  • Derek W Tiller April 6, 2018, 3:58 am

    If the state of California can ignore laws made by the President of the United States of America, why should citizens obey a group
    of ding dongs in a town council?