Hush Holsters – Holster Your Suppressed Pistol

in Authors, Gear Reviews, Holsters, True Pearce
Silencer Central
Hush Holsters - Holster Your Suppressed Pistol


Why a Hush Holster?

Suppressed pistols are kind of a pain in the butt because when the suppressor is attached the pistol no longer fits in your holster. At worst it can create safety issues and at best it’s inconvenient. Hush holsters has solved this problem with a new holster that allows you to holster your suppressed pistol. The caveat is that you must have a Streamlight TLR1 light attached to the rail of your pistol as the holster retains the gun by locking on the light (Other options are coming soon for lights).

Hush Holsters - Holster Your Suppressed Pistol
Glock 17 with SIlencer Central Banish Suprressor and a Streamlight TLR1 HL Light.

Multi-Gun Holster

To be clear you don’t have to have the suppressor attached, just the light for the gun to fit in the holster. The really good news is that the same holster fits most pistols that have a rail.

Hush Holsters - Holster Your Suppressed Pistol
S&W M&P with Banish Suppressor
Hush Holsters - Holster Your Suppressed Pistol
SIG P320
Hush Holsters - Holster Your Suppressed Pistol
Hush Holsters - Holster Your Suppressed Pistol
SIG P322

During testing I didn’t find a pistol that didn’t work as long as it had a rail to attach the light to.

Streamlight TLR1 Lights

The Streamlight TLR1 series of lights, in my opinion, is pretty much the best pistol light you can get for the money. They cost between $100 and $140 depending on which model you get. They are extremely reliable, put out decent lumens, are ergonomic, and costs hundreds less than their closest competitors. There are arguably better lights but not anywhere near that pricepoint. I’ve personally chosen the Streamlight series for years and even used them in big nighttime 3 gun competitions like the Crimson Trace 3 Gun that used to get close to 500 shooters between both matches. I’m a fan of the light and think that they’re unbeatable for the price.

Hush Holsters - Holster Your Suppressed Pistol

The new Hush holster works with the Streamlight TLR1, TLR1HL, and TLRVIRII.

Hush Holster Build Quality, Finish, and Belt Attachment

The Hush holster I received for testing is 3D printed from Carbon Fiber Nylon. It is extremely stiff and I like the way the finish looks. This version uses Nylon 6 which is the same material most polymer handguns are made of but reinforced with Carbon Fiber.

Two versions of the holster are available; one in FDM, which is the version I tested, and also a version in Multi Jet Fusion. The difference is that one uses plastic melted and printed (FDM) and the other uses a complex system of adhesives, Nylon powder and heat to produce a part that is indistinguishable from injection molded unless you know the process intimately. Both units are identical in design, it’s merely a finish/color difference. I have no complaints about the appearance of the FDM.

The belt attachment screw pattern works on Safariland QLS holster belt attachments so if you don’t like it just swap it out.

Hush Holsters - Holster Your Suppressed Pistol

Hush Holster Retention

To unlock the gun you simply swipe the lever with your index finger as you draw the gun. Hush holsters has announced on their site that they are also going to be making a thumb release that is available for preorder.

Hush Holsters - Holster Your Suppressed Pistol

I have mixed feelings about the retention release as it reminds me a little of the Blackhawk Serpa release. I didn’t like that because it has your index finger over the trigger as you draw rather than up on the frame of the pistol. The Hush differs from a Serpa as it’s swipe across rather than depressing towards the trigger. With a little practice, I got pretty fast at it. Check out the video.

Carrying and Drawing from the Hush Holster

I packed the Hush holster with a couple of different pistols for several days and got some range time in. I used several different suppressors including the Silencer Central Banish Pistol Suppressor.

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Overall the holster is exactly what I’ve been waiting for someone to make. The draw stroke is fast as you don’t have to lift your arm up to clear the end of the suppressor. The retention locks the gun in and you don’t have to worry about it falling out. It’s possible to burn yourself if you get your suppressor really hot, reholster and then put your body in a position that pushes the suppressor against your leg. That, however, isn’t the fault of the holster and there is some built-in offset.

Hush Holsters - Holster Your Suppressed Pistol
You can see some the offset on the holster.

Price & Availability

The Hush holster reviewed here is available now and sells for $99. The thumb release/retention model is available to preorder.

Hush Holsters - Holster Your Suppressed Pistol


Overall, I really like the Hush holster and if you want a way to carry a multitude of different pistols its an excellent option. If you want to carry a pistol with a suppressor on it, it’s one of the best options available as it works with an affordable and reliable light.

Visit Hush Holsters by clicking HERE.

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Hush Holsters - Holster Your Suppressed Pistol

About the author: True Pearce is the Managing Editor at GunsAmerica. He’s a competitive shooter, hunter, instructor & attorney. You can see and follow his adventures on Instagram. @true1911

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  • Gunsmith February 20, 2023, 10:11 am

    This is a neat idea! I look forward to seeing what their thumb-release design comes out as. I really like the open-top design. I can’t decide if locking on to a rail-mounted flashlight is a pro or con overall though…

    I’m not sure why people say Serpa holsters put your finger over the trigger upon drawing. Every Serpa holster I’ve seen (including the one I’m wearing) literally has a channel that guides your finger away from the trigger – and onto the frame upon drawing.

  • Mike in a Truck February 20, 2023, 8:45 am

    I like carrying my suppressed pistol walking on my property plinking at stumps. Its way cheaper than psychiatric therapy which a certain “someone” says I need every time I bring home a new gun. Right now I carry it in a “modified” G.I. surplus tanker holster. It leaves a lot to be desired. I think I’ll give this new holster a try.