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NDA: How to Age Deer in the Field, Plus 20-Buck Aging Test!

in #HUNTNews

September 1, 2022 – The National Deer Association is pleased to announce the premiere of a new educational video project, “Aging Deer in the Field,” produced in partnership with The Bearded Buck. The 31-minute video uses footage of dozens of live, wild whitetail bucks to teach the aging technique, followed by a test using 20 additional bucks.

“The team at The Bearded Buck gave us full access to their incredible collection of whitetail footage from years of their hunts, with bucks of all ages, and then offered to produce the final product,” said NDA’s Chief Conservation Officer and host of the video, Kip Adams. “The result is NDA’s most comprehensive and realistic look at how to age deer in the field.”

Estimating buck age in the field is an important skill for any hunter who wants to increase the number of adult bucks in the woods they hunt and help balance the buck:doe ratio for improved herd health. NDA teaches aging skills in numerous media, including Quality Whitetails magazine, educational posters, live seminars, and the book Observing & Evaluating Whitetails by Dave Richards. But the new “Aging Deer in the Field” video is unique because of the extensive live footage of wild bucks.

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“Aging deer in the field is not an exact science,” said Adams. “It’s a personal skill that is improved through practice, experience and follow-through. Fortunately, just like humans, whitetails possess distinct body characteristics by age class, and with a little practice hunters can become proficient at estimating the ages of bucks in the field. This video serves to introduce the topic and highlight the differences for each age class from yearlings to mature animals. The 20-buck quiz then allows viewers to practice what they learned.”

To view the new video, visit NDA’s YouTube channel at

“We are grateful to our partners at The Bearded Buck for their support with this project,” said NDA Chief Communications Officer Lindsay Thomas Jr. “Jerry Tibbott, founder of The Bearded Buck, is a longtime NDA member and supporter, and his team went out of their way to provide their incredible footage, to film Kip’s instruction, and to produce the final video. Nothing else of this quality is available out there on aging bucks.”

About the Bearded Buck

The Bearded Buck is an Outdoor Entertainment Company located in Western Pennsylvania. Founder of The Bearded Buck, Jerry Tibbott, is a longtime NDA member and supporter, and he has attained NDA Deer Steward Level 3, the top level. Jerry developed the idea as a practical joke between himself and one of his hunting buddies, but The Bearded Buck has transformed into an outdoor lifestyle brand dedicated to being deer, turkey and land stewards.

About the National Deer Association

Formally launched on November 10, 2020, the National Deer Association is a non-profit deer conservation group that leads efforts to ensure the future of wild deer, wildlife habitat and hunting. Formed by combining the strengths of two long-serving, successful organizations, the National Deer Association has a combined 38 years of action that has changed deer management for the betterment of hunting and protected North America’s most vital and admired game species for future generations. Visit or follow @deerassociation on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok.

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  • Michael Shawn Fenley September 28, 2022, 12:56 pm

    Good and valuable film on aging deer in the feild.