Hunt365 - Year Round Hunting

Holiday Gear Guide for Coyote Hunters

in Ammo, Game Calls, Geoff Nemnich, HUNT365
Holiday Gear Guide for Coyote Hunters

With Christmas right around the corner, I figured this would be the perfect time to discuss the latest and greatest gear in the predator hunting world. Santa has a lot on his plate nowadays and expecting him to know what gear is best for stacking up coyotes is a little unreasonable.  So when it comes time for you to draft your annual “wish list” letter to him, use this guide to specifically mention products and I’ll guarantee there will only be tears of joy Christmas morning!

The Electronic Call

Holiday Gear Guide for Coyote Hunters

The Revolt by Lucky Duck predator calls has the ability to revolve left or right 360 degrees with the push of a button.

Lucky Duck Predator Calls offer an electronic call lineup that fits the needs and budget of any coyote hunter. With a sound library, that is regarded by most in the industry as the best out there, and innovative features like the ability to revolve the call in different directions, it’s easy to see why many of the top coyote hunters in the country are choosing Lucky Duck!

The Rebel – MSRP of $119.99.  The Rebel features the loudest and clearest speaker in its class, a built-in decoy, a basic long-range remote loaded with 12 of the best sounds, and the ability to play 2 sounds at once.

The Riot – MSRP of $199.99. The Riot features the loudest and clearest speaker in its class, a built-in decoy, and an upgraded remote loaded with 50 of the best sounds. The Riot uses the same upgraded long-range remote that you’ll find with the Revolt and Revolution and has the capacity to hold 2000 sounds.

The Revolt – MSRP of $299.99. The Revolt features the loudest and clearest speaker in its class, a built-in 3-speed decoy, an additional tweeter speaker for higher pitched sounds, and a revolving base and tripod which gives the user the ability to spin the call left or right 360 degrees. The upgraded long-range remote is pre-loaded with 100 sounds and gives you the ability to control the decoy and the revolving base.

The Revolution – MSRP of $399.99. The Revolution features the loudest and clearest speaker in its class, a built-in 3-speed decoy, an HD video camera, and a revolving base and tripod which gives the user the ability to spin the call left or right 360 degrees.  The upgraded long-range remote is pre-loaded with 100 sounds and gives you the ability to control the decoy, camera, and the revolving base.

All 4 of the ecalls are powered by 10 AA batteries.  Lucky Duck offers a 12V rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack and wall charger that is compatible with every ecall they make. Sound management is made simple on the Riot, Revolt and Revolution models. All sound files are stored on an SD card in the back of the unit. The SD card can be easily removed and users can add or remove sounds and change sound folders right through their home computer. More info can be found at

The Bipod

Holiday Gear Guide for Coyote Hunters

The Hunter42 offers the flexibility and stability to fit any coyote hunting situation.

Swagger bipods are quickly changing the shooting game in the predator world! Unlike traditional stiff-legged bipods, shooting sticks or monopods, Swagger does more than simply function as a barrel rest. The adjustable telescoping legs feature flexible joints that allow infinite maneuverability, which means you get the stabilizing benefits of the bipod without the restrictions of the stiff, fixed legs.  Swagger allows you to maneuver in any terrain and any situation, constantly stabilizing your rifle while you raise up or lower down, slide left or turn right, move forward or lean back.  With the push of a button, Swagger transforms from full flex to rigid legs, just like a traditional bipod.  Swagger also lets you shoot prone, sitting or standing.  Having a tool like this while coyote hunting allows the hunter to quickly adjust positions and get on target all while providing the stability needed to consistently put rounds on target at any range!

The Hunter29 – MSRP of $199.  The Hunter29 easily adjusts from 6 ¾” to 29” and is ideal for western hunters, spot-and-stalk situations, and anywhere long shots from the ground are likely. Assembled weight is 23.6 oz.

The Hunter42 – MSRP of $209.99.  The Hunter42 boasts an extension range of 9 ¾” to 41 ¼” and adapts to unique challenges of hunting from treestands, blinds, steep terrain, or any enclosure with an elevated window.  The Hunter42 is ideal for taller coyote hunters as well as those who find themselves sitting on side-hills for a majority of their coyote stands. Assembled weight is 25.78 oz.

Both models feature removable rubber feet with metal spike feet underneath, nitride finish springs and spring housing and reinforced bungee. Each bipod comes standard with a rifle adapter that allows the bipod to be mounted to a swivel stud.  Picatinny mounts are also available and sold separately.  More info can be found at

The Rifle

Holiday Gear Guide for Coyote Hunters

Born of necessity and raised in the Army’s Marksmanship Unit, the MK12 is the ultimate coyote hunting AR.

As a coyote hunter that has exclusively used an AR-15 since 2004, I’ve used many brands over the years.  None though have matched the accuracy, dependability, and craftsmanship of Daniel Defense.  Whether it’s for the military, law enforcement or hunting applications, they offer many different models to fit the need of any marksman. Here are several models specifically designed with the coyote hunter in mind!

MK12 – MSRP of $2,099. The MK12 is chambered in 5.56 and is constructed around an 18-inch stainless steel barrel with a chamber created during the Cold Hammer Forging process, which ensures the most precise alignment of the chamber to the bore possible. The barrel is DLC finished and has a 1:7” twist. The MK12 comes standard with a Geissele SSA 2-stage trigger, ambidextrous safely, DD 6 position buttstock and DD pistol grip. The MK12 utilizes a BCMGUNFIGHTER charging handle and the upper receiver is equipped with a free floating DDM4 rail 12.0 quad picatinny rail for adding accessories.  The barrel is threaded in 1/2×28 TPI and comes with a DD improved flash suppressor. This rifle is available in a black, tornado or deep woods finish and weighs in at 7.41 lbs.

Ambush 5.56 – MSRP of $1,889. The Ambush hunting line takes the best aspects of Daniel’s battle proven designs and tailor fit them to the modern sportsman. Built around a chrome-moly vanadium steel, cold hammer forged barrel in a 1/7” twist, the Ambush 5.56 offers precision and accuracy with a wide variety of projectiles. The Ambush line comes standard with a Geissele SSA 2-stage trigger, BCMGUNFIGHTER charging handle, ambidextrous safety, DD 6 position buttstock, and DD pistol grip. The upper receiver is equipped with a DD MFR 15.0 free-floating handguard with a continuous picatinny rail on top and the M-Lok rails on the sides and bottom.  The barrel is threaded in 1/2×28 TPI and is capped with a knurled thread protector. The Ambush line is available in Kryptek Highlander or Realtree Xtra and weighs in at 7 lbs.

More info can be found at

The Ammo

Holiday Gear Guide for Coyote Hunters

Supreme accuracy and devastating terminal ballistics, the 53 grain V-Max is the ultimate bullet for your AR coyote rifle.

Your rifle is only as good as the ammunition you run through it and coyote hunters need a combination that provides supreme accuracy, devastating terminal ballistics and minimal fur damage. Hornady offers a vast line-up of ammunition that will accomplish this. In the 223 Remington lineup, the Superformance propellant technology delivers muzzle velocity increases of 100 to 200 feet per second from every rifle. Accuracy, increased range, flatter trajectory, less wind drift, and devastating terminal results are all realized with Superformance Varmint ammunition.

223 Rem 53 gr V-Max Superformance – MSRP of $21.99 (box of 20). Featuring the industry leading polymer tipped V-Max bullet, the 53 grain projectile is specifically designed for superior performance out of the 223 or 5.56 platforms. The bullet delivers match accuracy and rapid fragmentation for thin-skinned, small game like coyotes. With a muzzle velocity of 3465 fps out of a 24” barrel and a ballistic coefficient of .290, the 53 grain V-Max will be the best ammunition you’ve ever shot out of your AR!

More info can be found at

About the author: Geoff Nemnich is a 2 –time World Champion Coyote Caller and has been an outdoor enthusiast his entire life. His addiction for calling coyotes started more than 23 years ago. Today Geoff is regarded by most in the industry as a leading expert on modern coyote hunting tactics such as using electronic calls, shooting AR15s and hunting suppressed. Geoff is the host of the popular Coyote Craze DVD series and also co-hosts a web series called The Last Stand. In 2014, Geoff and his partner, Layne Bangerter, won the World Championship Coyote Calling Contest in Williams, AZ. Then again in 2015, Geoff and partner Dustin Patterson were able to defend the title in Kingman, AZ and bring home the crown! If Geoff isn’t traveling the country competing in contests and filming hunts, there’s a good chance you will find him giving seminars at the International Sportsman’s Expo which puts on the largest outdoor sports show in the West. Geoff has the privilege of teaching new coyote hunters his tricks of the trade while conducting classes at the only predator hunting instructional school in the country, Coyote Craze College. Geoff is a former Marine and has 3 boys, Creighton, Carver & Colten. Being able to share his love for the outdoors with them has been an extremely rewarding experience! For more information visit Follow Geoff on Instagram: @geoffnemnich

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  • Joel Macha December 3, 2019, 5:06 pm

    good coyote hides bring good money.

  • Jeff December 3, 2019, 10:37 am

    And some of us don’t live “out there.” The problem is the coyotes are living with us and eating our pets. Coyotes aren’t fpour-legged dogs – they are the cockroaches of the canine world. They are cunning, fearless, prolific, and coexist comfortably with man. If I have to supervise my pets in a suburb or neighborhood because a coyote wants to eat them, he and as many as I can find are going to die. Basta.

  • Jim December 14, 2018, 1:13 pm

    I say once again…I work on farms and ranches on a daily basis. The majority of these “hunters” shoot coyotes simply because the law says they can. They use their “coyote boom-boxes” to lure them in, then put a bullet in them. It’s about as sporting as shooting a Volkswagen Bug in a WalMart parking lot at 100 yards. They never talk about where these animals fit in the food chain or the good they do in controlling a host of vermin. They say that coyotes kill the precious deer but, in reality, they take few deer when compared to sage rats and rabbits and the occasional house or barn cat that is allowed to roam freely without supervision. More deer, by far, are killed on the roads and highways than the coyotes ever get. If this Geoff-guy had to sneak up on them and slit their throats with a knife he might impress me. Instead, his claim-to-fame is “2-time, world-class coyote caller.” That simply means he’s a guy dressed in camo with a battery-operated boom-box who kills animals and wastes the meat. I mean really – a bunch of 4-logged dogs tacked to the side of a shed, and he doesn’t see that as even a little bit weird. And again – most of these people don’t work farms or ranches. They drive out on a weekend and shoot animals just because they can. Those of us in the livestock business pretty much just laugh at them. Just my 2 cents. Let the snark begin.

  • Vaughn Winslett December 14, 2018, 10:41 am

    Just like democrats all they seek is to kill. I have seen them rip pets to death and not even eat them. Just like democrats in an abortion mill.

  • Robert L Hiler II December 14, 2018, 7:07 am

    PREDATOR. Seriously? They kill edible game pets and livestock. Some of us actually live “out there”.

  • David Welsh December 6, 2018, 7:16 pm

    You hunt coyotes and other predators because they are PREDATORS. And because your state DNR wants you to thin their populations. Hello!

  • james shaner December 6, 2018, 5:22 pm

    AH, well I live in the country. So far the score is me -2 coyotes, coyotes 2 cats and one dog. DO you need further information?

  • Stan December 6, 2018, 9:57 am

    Someone explain to me Why hunt coyotes, or any predator for that matter. Edible game, sure, but are you just killing, or are you utilizing the game?