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A Double-Barreled Arrow Gun: Umarex’s AirSaber Elite X2 — SHOT Show 2022

in Levi Sim, SHOT Show 2022

What’s better than one well-placed shot? Two well-placed shots, and that’s what the Umarex AirSaber Elite X2 brings to the game. It’s launches arrows at lethal speeds and gives you two shots right away for less than 1/4 the price of a quality crossbow.

A Double-Barreled Arrow Gun: Umarex's AirSaber Elite X2 -- SHOT Show 2022
This air archery rifle packs a wallop — twice.

AirSaber Elite X2

Shooting arrows at 350 feet per second would be fast for a compound bow. Shooting over 400fps is fast for a high-end crossbow. The X2 shoots over 450fps, and it does follow-up shots with the push of a button.

A Double-Barreled Arrow Gun: Umarex's AirSaber Elite X2 -- SHOT Show 2022
The X2 packs two 376-grain arrows triggered individually.

The X2 is a pre-charged pneumatic arrow gun. Its onboard 240cc tank is charged to 4,000psi, and it uses that air to shoot 20 to 25 full power shots. They say the first five shots will be over 450fps and all of them will be big game-lethal. It launches a 376-grain arrow (including 100-grain tip).

The very unique thing is that it loads two arrows at once and with the press of a button you can change barrels and shoot again.

A Double-Barreled Arrow Gun: Umarex's AirSaber Elite X2 -- SHOT Show 2022
Push the barrel selector to shoot the pre-loaded second shot.

It comes with a scope and Picatinny rails on top, plus three accessory rails at the front. The safety is on the trigger. The included scope includes stadia lines that correspond with shots at 20, 30, 40, and 50-yard ranges. Curiously, it ships with 3 arrows, but an additional pack of six is just $45.

A Double-Barreled Arrow Gun: Umarex's AirSaber Elite X2 -- SHOT Show 2022
The scope includes stadia for 20, 30, 40, and 50-yards.

Umarex classifies this weapon under “air archery”, and that seems appropriate. What your local fish and game department classifies it as varies from state to state. And it’s doubtful any would allow its use during archery seasons.

The Umarex AirSaber Elite X2 is available now. MSRP $499

A Double-Barreled Arrow Gun: Umarex's AirSaber Elite X2 -- SHOT Show 2022
The safety is mounted on the trigger, which is normal for air guns.

  • Double Barrel Arrow Performance
  • 4,000 PSI Fill Pressure
  • 450+ FPS with 376 Grain Arrow
  • 135+ Ft-Lbs Energy
  • 240 CC Tank
  • Picatinny Scope Rail
  • Side Cocking Lever
  • 14.5″ Length of Pull
  • 42.5″ Overall Length
  • Thumb Barrel Switch
  • Green All-Weather Polymer Stock
  • (3) Picatinny Rail Sections on Forend
  • Easy to Read Manometer on Bottom of Forend
  • Fill Probe Included

About the author: Levi Sim Levi is an avid hunter, and an increasingly avid shooter. He strives to make delicious and simple recipes from the game he kills. He makes a living as a professional photographer and writer. Check out his work and he’d love to connect on Instagram: @outdoorslevi

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  • Dan Reese March 20, 2022, 4:10 pm

    In what states is this legal and are there any dealers in the Syracuse, NY area?

  • DustyW February 10, 2022, 5:57 pm

    Well, I don’t see it qualifying as a “primitive weapon”- then again neither is a crossbow… Scope sight, mechanical/ compressor charging at another site? effective range is?
    Interesting toy, but as a hunting weapon it will be considered a ‘modern weapon’ with limited range, in most States- competing with firearms…

  • Mark Jordan February 6, 2022, 6:58 am

    I am excited about buying one.

  • Godfrey Washington February 2, 2022, 7:51 am

    Why side by side instead of over under? In my experience adjusting vertically has always been easier and faster for follow up shots than adjusting horizontally.

    Or is this to preserve the archer’s paradox that bow users are used to?

  • Donald KNAPP February 1, 2022, 8:04 pm

    What wholesaler can we buy these from. Thanks Don

    • Levi Sim February 1, 2022, 10:19 pm has a dealer locator tool at the bottom of their webpage.

  • Andrew Hansen February 1, 2022, 5:01 pm

    How loud is it compared to a rifle

    • Levi Sim February 1, 2022, 10:20 pm

      Very quiet. It’s quieter than the crossbows I’ve used. Hearing protection is not required.

  • Elaine L Ball February 1, 2022, 3:02 pm

    How many pounds of pressure to cock it? I tore both my rotator cuffs so I can’t fire my .06. This may be a good alternative for me, I think.

    • Levi Sim February 1, 2022, 3:04 pm

      We’ll have to find that out in our full review later. In my experience, these kinds of guns require very little strength to cock.

  • michael chiaurro MD February 1, 2022, 2:29 pm

    I think you guys might be missing an import opportunity with this. This system is very lethal and can take the place of a traditional firearm while circumventing the rules with ATF. Imagine how this sidesteps all the gun grabbers and regs. If the shit hits the fan one day and guns are confiscated, or restricted, this is a viable option

    • Jon February 1, 2022, 7:39 pm

      What makes you think “they” wouldn’t confiscate this one while “they” were at it?

  • Trevor February 1, 2022, 11:42 am

    Cool idea, but… in shooting, and especially so with archery, consistent accuracy requires consistent velocity with every single shot. Over 450fps for the first 5 shots? Then what? Does velocity degrade with each consecutive shot for the advertised “25 full power shots”. So you zero your scope with the first 5, then each shot after will continuously impact lower and lower as velocity drops off. Seems to me this would be very irritating for anyone expecting any kind of repeatable precision.
    If they had a regulator to maintain consistent velocities through the tank charge, that would be far superior than advertising scorching speeds for the first few, then who knows what after that.
    Just my $0.02 as a competitive shooter and avid bow hunter for over 25 years.

    • Levi Sim February 1, 2022, 2:59 pm

      Excellent points. We’ll address those when we do a full review.

  • Jim Morrison February 1, 2022, 11:38 am

    Will this be legal in CALIFORNIA? If so where will they be sold?

    • Levi Sim February 1, 2022, 2:58 pm

      You’ll have to be responsible to make sure that you can use these in your region. They are available for order from umarex now. See the link above.

  • Al Fehr February 1, 2022, 10:43 am

    Articles like this shouldn’t be published.. They leave you with more questions than answers and no information on how to get them answered… Just read the comments and they support my comment. Maybe the author can answer the comments.

    • Levi Sim February 1, 2022, 2:57 pm

      This type of article at a major release event like SHOT Show is aimed to announce new products. We’ll get many of these new products for review when they become available and do in-depth write-ups at that time. Air rifles of this sort and those that shoot other projectiles are actually quite commonplace in other parts of the world. We’ll be happy to share more of the process when we do a review. I’ve answered other questions, too. Thanks for weighing in.

  • SCOTT February 1, 2022, 10:11 am

    3000 PSI ??? THANK YOU

    • Levi Sim February 1, 2022, 2:54 pm

      Many people use scuba-like tanks filled at a store to charge their tanks at home. Umarex also sells a compressor that will do it, as well as a beefy handpump.

  • Slim February 1, 2022, 10:07 am

    Cute, I had a sling shot as a kid and guess this is the next step for those who have NEVER SEEN REAL GUNS! What MORON IS BUYING THIS CRAP?! Lazy people don’t want to have to pull on something for a grrabd total of SECONDS in order to kill an INNOCENT animal! Imagine being at the grocery store and SOME MORON HUNTER has a scope lined up on you and took it… IS THAT HUNTING OR JUST KILLING?! If it’s just KILLING which it IS then how is the wolf animal that’s at HIS HOUSE EATING HOS FOOD and SOME LOSER picks them off when they had NO CLUE they were in a LIFE OR DEATH GAME that ONLY THE LOSER non hunter took! Go hunting with a KNIFE AND LETS SEE WHAT YOU MORONS COME BACK WITH BESIDES EXCUSES! For all you rednecks, there’s these things that have been around long before any of us were around called “grocery stores” so WHY KILL?! And don’t say it’s cheap since the animal you MURDER is free, but IS IT?! Sure it’s free to drive your hillbilly truck all the way into the woods, all you eat that day/s, weapons, dumboflauge, ammo, and I could keep on going! That money could of without having to hike mountains in the rain, snow, extreme heat, etcetera could of been spent sitting on your ass and ordering it all and having bit all delivered right to YOUR DOOR! But tramping around the tick and mosquito infested woods in the HOPES you kill something that you then have to CARVE UP and NOBODY except future or current KILLERS can do without losing sleep at night since NORMAL PEOPLE THAT CARE could NEVER go home and sleep well without thinking of the poor animal and the HOLES in its body and tongue hanging out it’s mouth with a little blood going down it’s jaw! JUST BUY A REAL GUN AND LEAVE IT AT HOME AND DO THE CIVILIZED THING AND GO TO A GROCERY STORE LIKE NOOOOORMAL PEOPLE DO! It’s NO LONGER A HUNDRED YEARS AGO so there’s ZERO NEED to hunt EVER! If you can’t afford food, FOOD STAMPS!!!!!

    • Ray February 1, 2022, 3:15 pm

      Shut the f__k up !

    • Brandon February 2, 2022, 11:30 am

      Cute indeed Slim! It is almost as “cute” as your comment. You know, the comment that is very difficult to read because of all of the mistakes made in your writing (what the h*ll is grrabd?), run on sentences, your over-use of ALL CAPS in a blind attempt to get your point across, etc. If you are going to insult millions of citizens that actually hunt to put food on the table for their family, at least write legibly and coherently. I hate to be the one that brings this to your omniscient attention (which is actually an oxymoron- emphasis on moron) but ALL of the animals at the grocery store were killed to provide food for everyone, including the Slims of the world. The grocery fairy doesn’t just drop them off during the night to fill up the meat section of your local store. The majority of hunters will harvest their game much more humanely than what happens at the slaughterhouses across the country. You graciously and liberally used the words “loser”, “moron”, ‘killer”, “lazy” but refer to yourself as “normal”. Well Slim, perhaps you should walk down the hall to your bathroom and look into the mirror my friend. Your comment would prove otherwise.

    • Lightfield February 2, 2022, 11:58 am

      You are a fkn MORON!!!!!

  • Mike in a Truck February 1, 2022, 10:00 am

    Ha! Nothing new. As young teens we made “spear guns” out of empty propane torch tanks. Gramps had a complete shop to repair/ build anything on the farm. Drill and tap tank for air inlet schrader valve. Outlet was a threaded coupling at the tank threads which had a copper tubing “barrel” bent over the tank. The valve was the “trigger”. The spear shafts we’re aluminum tubing with a bolt threaded in for the tip that was cut and ground to a point. The fun ended when we shot those spears into the side of Gramps barn. He had little humor.

  • Daryll Olson February 1, 2022, 9:44 am

    Awsome. Will it be available on gunbroker?

    • Levi Sim February 1, 2022, 2:53 pm

      I can’t speak to GunBroker, but you find one on GunsAmerica 😀

  • Mark A. February 1, 2022, 9:17 am

    Thank you Umarex! For putting your thinking caps on and for coming up with a wonderful weapon to take into the field for big game hunting. God bless America!!! Is this a great country or what. I’m buying one.

  • Glenn Gault February 1, 2022, 9:04 am

    Describe the air filling supply process. Thanks

    • Levi Sim February 1, 2022, 2:48 pm

      They make a compressor that connects to the gun and charges the onboard tank. There are also hand pumps you can use, and many people take a scuba tank to the store and have it filled then use it to charge little tanks on guns.

  • Bob Lyons February 1, 2022, 9:01 am

    Need more information.

  • Rex Dickerson February 1, 2022, 8:56 am

    Interesting. Unless you’re already set up with an air tank and compressor, expect to sink another $700-1000 to run this rig.
    No thanks. I’ll stick with my compound and my crossbow.

    • Levi Sim February 1, 2022, 2:46 pm

      Yes, Umarex has a compressor for $700, but you can also use a much cheaper hand pump or scuba tanks. Followups shots here are probably much quicker than your other arrow-shooters.

  • Raymond Bixby February 1, 2022, 8:55 am

    How do you get the 4000 psi into the tank? compressor? Pump?

    • Levi Sim February 1, 2022, 2:45 pm

      Umarex sells a compressor, for $700. They also sell a beefy handpump, for $179. Another option is to use scuba tanks to charge it.

  • survivor50 February 1, 2022, 8:19 am

    I think I’ll wait for a trebuchet… that fires FLAMING BALLS !!!

    (Really ? I’d ask “What will they think of next ? “, but I shudder at the thought…. ” Ancient weapons and hokey religions etc…)

  • Wilko February 1, 2022, 7:47 am

    I would have to check. My state might allow it – but only on a firearms tag, not on an archery tag.

  • Sylvester Mabien February 1, 2022, 7:04 am

    What is the price

  • PHILIP PALERMO February 1, 2022, 6:55 am

    Is it legal for deer hunting?

    • Chaz February 1, 2022, 11:23 am

      MSRP $499, near the end of the article.

    • Levi Sim February 1, 2022, 2:42 pm

      That varies from state to state. You’ll have to look closely at the regulations.

  • James February 1, 2022, 5:13 am


  • Michael Collins February 1, 2022, 5:12 am

    Can broad heads be shot out of the weapon?

    • Harrison Hebert February 1, 2022, 9:36 am

      Can you use broadheads in it

      • Levi Sim February 1, 2022, 2:49 pm

        Yes. You can see that the arrows stand proud of the barrel. I suppose you’d want to make sure that the broadheads don’t interfere with each other. This is a cool tool for hog hunting.

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