Homeowner chases down, shoots suspected burglar

in Authors, S.H. Blannelberry

A homeowner in Amarillo, Texas, chased down and shot a suspected burglar on Saturday morning, local media reports.

After his alarm system was triggered, the homeowner awoke and armed himself with a handgun.

Upon searching his house he found a burglar attempting to break into the residence via the back door.

The homeowner confronted the burglar, identified as 63-year-old Steven Brawner, who then began to flee into the backyard.

However, the homeowner chased down Brawner and the two men began to fight. Brawner punched the homeowner in the head a few times and tried to run away again but was shot in the leg by the homeowner.

Both men were hospitalized following the confrontation. The homeowner was treated and released while Brawner remains hospitalized.

Police found a small amount of methamphetamine on Brawner. He will face charges for burglary of a habitation and possession of a controlled substance.

About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • Brian June 9, 2017, 2:46 am

    This homeowner dumber than a box of rocks. Has no business owning a gun. He’s lucky he’s not in jail right along with the burglar

  • porter martin August 19, 2016, 1:26 pm

    anyone who owns a handgun in Texas is responsible for knowing and upholding local, state, and federal Law. In this instance, the home owner violated Texas law and the use of Deadly Force; irresponsible and dumb.