You’re in bear country staring down the snout of an angry grizzly. Not a great situation, made doubly so by the fact that you can only load your Henry rifle by removing the magazine tube at the end of the gun. You’re pretty sure you have another few rounds, but it sure would be nice to top off without unscrewing the tube cap.
Well, now you can.
Henry Repeating Arms unveiled the new Side Gate Lever Action rifle at this year’s NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits, and Henry fans everywhere said in unison, “It’s about time!”
“The advent of the new Henry Side Gate solidifies Henry Repeating Arms as the first name in lever actions. For those who have been patiently waiting on a Henry with a loading gate, we have delivered – and then some,” said Henry President and owner Anthony Imperato.

Henry’s Director of Communications Dan Clayton-Luce told GunsAmerica that customers have been asking for years when the now-legendary lever action company planned to release a rifle with a side gate loader.
A side gate loader is just more convenient, Clayton-Luce explained and allows shooters to top off the 5-round magazine without removing the tube. But for easy unloading, shooters can also use the magazine tube to drop all the rounds at once.
“There has always been a segment of the market that prefers a loading gate,” said Andy Wickstrom, Vice President and General Manager of Henry Repeating Arms. “With the dual loading options, it’s the best of both worlds.”
SEE ALSO: Henry .327 Big Boy Carbine Review
As with many Henry rifles, the Side Gate Lever is just as much a piece of art as a functioning tool. The American walnut stock is laser engraved with deep checkering and scrollwork, with the forearm inset highlighting the “HENRY” name. The receiver of the rifle utilizes Henry’s signature hardened brass, which has the same tensile and yield strength as steel, and comes drilled and tapped to accept a scope base.
The rifle points naturally, the action is smooth, and the light trigger breaks like thin ice. The loading gate is easy to depress but feels sturdy and well-made.
The new Side Gate Lever Action is available in 30-30, 38-55 and 35 Rem with an MSRP of $1,045. For more information visit

I await patiently for the Henry 357 side loading gate. Have a 45long Colt in marlin however the Henry action is smoother.
I just purchased one in 3030 cal cant wait for it to come in i also will purchase one in 357 if they make one in the soon future.
I really wonder why the Henry folks went pretty much all the way up to the 45-70 with the very thing we’ve been waiting for and didn’t include It. There must be some logical engineering or production factor that we’re not aware of.
I hope someone could see to it. That this comment reaches Mr. Imperato himself and he could toss around the idea of getting this configuration chambered in 45/70 and finished in the all weather style so I could finally purchase a Henry rifle and join the Henry family. My birthday is coming up in November I have waited 15 years to finally have saved the money to purchase one but then they unveil this side gate configuration now I will have to hold off until the all weather 45/70 comes out to get one. Congratulations on a job well done HRA
I like the idea that Henry added a side gate. There is quite a few Midwestern states that are allowing straight walled cartridges for deer hunting. I think it would be wise for Henry to offer this configuration in 45/70…444 and 44mag.
When it comes out in Steel, Color Case Hardened, I will get one. Think I’ll start with .38-55 Win. Then later, a .35 Rem. I’ve got a 30-30 Win.
38-55. A man after my own heart. See comment #16 in this thread–
I have Henry products, great idea, this will help sales.
Now if they would give us the option of the pistol grip stock!
It looks like a pretty Marlin with a hybrid mag tube, down to the swollen foregrip. That’s not a bad thing, my Marlin is great. I would have liked to see the article compare the new Henry to existing Marlin models.
Well, no side gate is the exact reason I haven’t bought that treasured Henry rifle wildlife edition to hand down to my grandsons. The side gate makes it almost identical to those original lever action rifles we wee in all the old westerns. I can’t wait until u put the side gate on the 30-30 Brass wildlife Edition. I will definitely be purchasing more than a couple for my grandsons.
Cud’s to whomever came up with this idea!!!!!
I know the Winchester and Henry are names dropped in a lot of Westerns, but reading all of the comments above of people’s wishes for the Henry can easily be met by the current line-up of the Marlin 336.
A henry big boy in .357 WILL be my next firearm , as soon as it’s available with the side gate .
I thought Henry rifles held 15 rounds. Do all calibers hold only 5 rounds? What a let down.
A**! Apparently you know nothing about lever action rifles.
Dude I’ve got a Golden boy 357/38 it holds 11 thru the tube ,also if everyone is dreaming about the next Henry rifle lets see a semi auto in all calibers .
Centerfire rifles have longer cartridges. They can’t hold much more than that. I’m sure they will add a loading gate to the pistol caliber models.
Any idea if they will offer a .45-70 with a side gate? The only reason I’ve not bought a Henry .45-70 is the lack of side gate.
Thats what im wanting the 45-70 side gate but i’ve only heard a rumor no evidence to back it up i guess ill get a marlin like my dad maybe they’ll make one in the future
38-40 44-40 and others were Hand gun ammo so you can put more than 5 or 6 rounds in Henry .
I need one in .357, case hardened with Skinner peep sites to drive tacks with.
Henry needs to release a version in pistol calibers like the 357/38, 45LC and 44-40 for SASS shooting. No one in SASS uses Henry due to the lack of the loading gate. If they release this version their sales will take off!!
I have a 357 Big Boy steel side gate. It is AWESOME!
Funny it has two way to load it throw the side and the mag tub ??????
Should be one or the other
You don’t have the mental capacity to type actual words. It’s little wonder why you aren’t able to grasp why having both options on this gun is great.
Calm down buddy. It’s an easy way load/top off and an easy way to unload. Two different purposes.
For sure, it is nice to be able to empty the rifle by pulling out the tube and not having to run all the shells through the action, just one. It is a good feature.
Ok,when I see it on the really popular calibers, not just the proprietary ones Henry picked, I’ll be happy about it.
> proprietary
> 30-30
At last.
About time.
Well I have been to 3 gun shows this year not one Henery was there for sale I’m ready to be a salesman for this great company