Hawaii Senate Expands Gun Registration Requirements

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week
Hawaii Senate Expands Gun Registration Requirements
(Photo: Hawaii Senate/Facebook)

This week the Hawaii Senate passed a bill that requires gun owners to notify the government when their firearms leave the state for good. 

Per the legislative summary of SB 3054: 

Requires every person who permanently moves firearms out of the State to contact the county police department where the firearms are registered to notify that police department that the firearms have been moved out of State within five days of their removal from the State. Imposes a fine of $100 per firearm for violations. (HD1)

The Senate passed the measure by a 20-2 vote. 

The text of SB 3054 states that “…there is no accurate data on the number of firearms in the State.”

In other words, the state’s gun registry is not as comprehensive as it could be because it only tracks firearms being transferred into legal gun owners, not those going out.

Of course, Hawaii’s gun registry will never be complete nor will it ever be an effective crime-fighting tool because criminals, those who actually commit violence with firearms, don’t opt into the system.

In recent weeks, lawmakers have been considering other onerous gun-control laws, according to the NRA-ILA.  Those include:

House Bill 1902  prohibits the manufacture, possession, sale, barter, trade, gift, transfer, or acquisition of magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds. Possession of magazines acquired prior to the ban will remain legal, but will be prohibited from any transfer other than inheritance.  HB 1902 was passed with amendments by the Senate Judiciary Committee on June 30 and will soon be eligible for a vote on the Senate floor. 

House Bill 2744 places severe restrictions on certain firearm parts in an effort to ban home built firearms.  The language is vague and overly broad as to what can subject a person to felony penalties. It fails to recognize that prohibited persons cannot lawfully possess any firearm, whether home built or produced by a licensed manufacturer. Additionally, the bill uses your tax dollars to create a commission to research “gun violence.” While the NRA does not oppose objective research, this is likely to produce biased advocacy instead of sound science.  HB 2744 was passed with amendments by the Senate Judiciary Committee on June 25 and will soon be eligible for a vote on the Senate floor. 

Senate Bill 2635 SD 2 requires anyone wishing to buy ammunition to provide proof of firearm registration for the particular caliber of purchase. The owner of a firearm may also designate an alternate person who, after fingerprinting and a background check, will be issued a permit to purchase ammunition for that firearm. In the case of firearms capable of firing multiple calibers, the bill leaves the decision to include any additional calibers on the permit up to the discretion of the police, with no outlined process for appeal. SB 2744 was passed with amendments by the House Public Safety and Judiciary Committees on June 24 and has been referred to the Finance Committee for further consideration.  

Thus far, it appears that only SB 3054 will head to Gov. David Ige’s desk for a signature. 

If you live in the Aloha State, contact your lawmakers and tell them to oppose these unnecessary gun-control bills!

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  • Murdock July 10, 2020, 8:42 am

    G. Gordon Liddy used to tell everyone regularly through his radio program that forcing you to register your gun is illegal and not to do it.

    • Mark N. July 11, 2020, 1:01 am

      Why would that be? There is no Constitutional prohibition on registration that could apply to the States under McDonald v. City of Chicago. At best, there is a federal statute that prevents the federal government from creating a registry, but this law is not applicable to or binding on the states. Thus, there is no legal prohibition on a state level registry, and a number of states have them.

  • Jrp July 10, 2020, 5:16 am

    If they could just ban them out right they would. They just keep inching closer and closer everyday. It’s called tyranny. The forefathers explained this in the Declaration of Independence. This is what happens when the government believes the rights come from them and not from god, or for atheists, the natural world. Someday in the near future we are going to have to stand our ground and say no and like the declaration states to abolish “such government”.

  • Give Me Freedom July 9, 2020, 3:39 pm

    The 2nd Amendment is already gone in Hawaii. These new restrictions are just the lawmakers telling themselves how good they feel about themselves in making more needless rules and laws for the common people. There are so many rules and restrictions on citizens about firearms that the 2nd Amendment is already dead. I wonder what the Hawaiian government will take from its citizens next since they have effectively taken the 2nd Amendment away from its citizens?

    • Murdock July 10, 2020, 8:45 am

      Maybe we should send some more frat boys to Hawaii to conquer it in the name of the United States once again.

    • Ti July 13, 2020, 9:12 am

      My opinion is Hawaii is like Casa-Blanca. If you’re connected – no problem bra.