Harris Skirts Real Causes of Gun Violence in Atlanta Speech

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

No one’s better at saying a lot without saying anything at all than Vice President Kamala Harris.

This week, Harris was in Atlanta and as part of her trip, she stopped by a summit hosted by the Rocket Foundation.

What is the Rocket Foundation? It’s a non-profit created by a local rapper that works, in part, to reduce gun-related violence. A worthy goal no doubt.

But, as you can imagine, Harris did not address the elephant in the room during her entire, almost, 30-minute Q&A.

She regurgitated a lot of White House platitudes about the “cowards” who support the “gun lobbyists” and the putative evils of so-called “assault weapons” but did nothing to call out the fact that gangs and drugs are the primary driver of violence that affects black people. Specifically, young black men.

SEE ALSO: Firearm Homicide Rate for Black Men 29 Per 100,000; White Men 2 Per 100,000

You can’t solve a problem if you don’t identify the root causes!

For example, a 2023 ICJIA study outta Illinois found that there “is a significant 38.6% overlap between controlled substance arrests and firearm homicide victims.”

It’s the drugs, stupid!

That same study also observed that “over 79% of firearm homicide victims had a prior arrest, predominantly being male, Black, and under 30 years of age.”

It’s the gangs, stupid!

Nor did she bring up the fact that in these minority neighborhoods, it’s usually a small number of offenders who are largely responsible for the majority of violent crime. Not everyone’s a thug.

A 2021 NICJR study examining D.C. said, there is a “very tightly concentrated” group of “high risk” and “identifiable” individuals who are at fault. Moreover, and this is key, “their violence is predictable and therefore it is preventable.”

In other words, the police know who these bad guys are! It’s not a rancher with a modern sporting rifle or a single mom with a concealed carry license! It’s not people who follow the law. It’s the habitual offenders who wouldn’t be swayed by stricter regs.

SEE ALSO: 80% of Firearm Homicide Victims Have An Arrest Record

“Overall, most victims and suspects with prior criminal offenses had been arrested about 11 times for about 13 different offenses by the time of the homicide,” the study added.

Why are these perps still on the street? Or when appropriate, in rehabilitative programs? What gives?

It’s a question Kamala Harris, despite her legal bona fides, didn’t address.

We can not change the culture of violence in this country without speaking the truth. Everything starts from this rallying point. If black men are 14 times more likely to be killed as a result of a gun homicide than their caucasian counterparts, it’s important to really understand why that is.

Harris, unfortunately, doesn’t seem to be interested in the underlying truth. She’s more interested in demonizing firearm owners, infringing on the 2A, and bankrupting the gun industry.

Until the VP shifts her perspective to the core issues—such as the role of gangs and drugs in gun violence—we can expect nothing but the status quo.

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  • Benjamin Flanagan June 23, 2024, 9:37 pm

    Food for thought. Here in Idaho they just gave a guy 20 years in prison for giving another man a single fentanyl which killed him almost immediately. .

  • Randy June 22, 2024, 4:15 pm

    As several others have already commented, it’s not about looking at the data and finding a solution. It’s all about control with Biden, Harris and all the other gun grabbers.

  • Jim C June 22, 2024, 9:19 am

    This person Harris is just a blithering idiot token. How she can get through a day is an absolute mystery. Everyone is so afraid of addressing the truth. Fatherless young kids, rap-crap, and liberal politicians have been highly successful in creating a culture that they refuse to acknowledge.

  • John Powell June 22, 2024, 12:03 am

    She was useless as attorney general in California too. She got her start as district attorney for San Francisco when she was appointed by mayor Willy Brown when she was serving as his mistress.

  • 1SG Wriggs June 21, 2024, 8:29 pm

    it’s never about the truth and/or the recorded data, it’s about control. the only way the leftys can take over is buy taking away our 2nd amendment right. they are aware and affraid of our ability to resist a hostile takeover so, if they can take that ability away…..game over. this is why japan never attack the USA by land and why china will never either.

  • Scott June 21, 2024, 12:26 pm

    We’re lucky Venezuela hasn’t attacked and taken over the country.

  • BRF June 21, 2024, 11:02 am

    Harris is not interested in the causes of so-called gun violence, only in controlling access to firearms by law-abiding citizens. All part of the communist
    Democratik agenda of total control over law-abiding citizens, especially if they are WHITE!

  • Kane June 21, 2024, 10:03 am

    Maybe the VP should focus on the breakdown of the American family, the drugs that are destroying US citizens throughout the heartland. Of all the ethnic groups in the US, Blacks have been most devastated by the social threats that this Administration allows grow at an exponential rate. Lefties are a existential threat to America.

  • Leonard Dinges Jr June 21, 2024, 9:43 am

    Kamala Harris and the biden crime family are all a bunch of idiots. Why can’t she see the facts in front of her? it’s because it doesn’t fit their narrative. They think the people are stupid and can’t see their lies. They want a dictatorship in this country. their not fooling anybody. And lastly if there’s anyone out there who thinks that Joe Biden doesn’t have dementia or alzheimer’s I’m very impressed by your stupidity. Keeping it real peace out.

  • Walleye June 21, 2024, 9:34 am

    High rates of violence in the black community serves a valuable purpose for The System, which Vice Prostitute Harris is the mouth piece of (ahem).

    The leaders in DC don’t want to solve the death and destruction in the inner cities because it gives them the political traction to ban guns, and thus make you their servant. They create the problem, and then propose a solution that seams reasonable to the average voter. It’s just that simple.

  • George June 21, 2024, 9:27 am

    For Freedoms sake please stop being distracted by the smoke screen!

    “You can’t solve a problem if you don’t identify the root causes!”

    They know as well as anyone the root causes. They do not want to address them! It does not fit the agenda.

  • Gutsy63 June 21, 2024, 9:12 am

    It never ceases to amaze me how this woman can speak so much and not say anything meaningful. All that talking and no answers. Just spewing the same lies and rhetoric. She is the most useless VP I have ever seen!

  • Hondo June 21, 2024, 8:22 am

    Ol knee pads Harris is an embarrassment to this country, the most unqualified person to hold that office. #FJB

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