GunsAmerica NRA Show 2012 Giveaway – Walther, Kel-Tec, SlideFire, Leatherwood

in Current Events

Enter the GunsAmerica NRA Weekend Giveaway

  • Step 1: Add GunsAmerica on Facebook – (click here)If you use Facebook you must know the Like button. Add GunsAmerica and you will get their posts in your updates.
  • Step 2: Comment! – Facebook has this new thing where they only show you the posts from those you interact with. If you comment on GunsAmerica’s “timeline” it will make you active, or it should.
  • Step 3: Watch for the Code! – We will post a code to our status every day of the show, starting Thursday April 12. It should come up in your updates on Facebook.
  • Step 4: Email the code – Email this code to using regular email. DO NOT POST THIS CODE ON FACEBOOK OR COMMENT ON THE BLOG.
  • Step 5: Win! – On Monday or Tuesday we will contact and announce the winners.

Please see the full Terms & Conditions

GunsAmerica on Facebook:

Hi Everyone,

The NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits is this weekend in St. Louis. It starts today, April 12th, and goes through the weekend. If you are an NRA member you can go to the show for free. If you aren’t an NRA member, please consider JOINING NRA now. No matter what candidate gets in this year at this point we are going to have a tough 4 years ahead and NRA is the only organization that consistently is watching the ship.

As is our custom, we are doing a big giveaway for the weekend. This is our biggest yet actually. Because of the issues with spam filters and a ridiculous delay on all of our communications by AOL, Yahoo and many cable internet providers, we have to do the announcements for the giveaway through Facebook. As with all of our Facebook giveaways, you don’t have to be a member of Facebook to get the codes. It just makes it easier. The codes will be posted to our public Facebook page throughout the show. The process is the same as the others. We will post a code and you use standard email to send it to (not case sensitive) to enter.

Here are the giveaway things this year. And please note that there is a “Like” option on every page of the blog.

Walther P99 & PPQ 9mm

Original Article: Elite Striker Pistols from Walther
GunsAmerica NRA Show 2012 Giveaway - Walther, Kel-Tec, SlideFire, Leatherwood

This Walther article is one of the more popular posts in the blog. It seems that the word has gotten around that the Walthers are formidable striker pistols with ridiculously tight resets, great triggers, and common sense, reliable function. The P99AS is a decocker gun, very unexpected in a striker pistol, and the PPQ is a traditional striker pistol design with a great ergonomic feel, flawless reliability and great accuracy. We are giving away these actual 9mm guns from the article that Smith & Wesson said we could keep to give away.

Kel-Tec Sub -2000

Original Article: The Kel-Tec Sub 2000
GunsAmerica NRA Show 2012 Giveaway - Walther, Kel-Tec, SlideFire, Leatherwood

The Sub-2000 is a pistol caliber folding carbine that takes the same mag as your service pistol. The giveaway gun is the exact gun you see in the pictures, a 9mm with a Glock 17 mag. This is a really fun gun to shoot, and as a backpack, kayak, or under the front seat gun, you have a long sight radius and nice reliable function with some real firepower. Thanks to Kel-Tec for the Sub-2000, and yes , we have a KSG on order. Hopefully we’ll see it soon.

Two New Bumpfire Stocks from SlideFire – AR-15 & AK-47

New Article: SlideFire SSAR-15-SBS and SSAK47-XRS
GunsAmerica NRA Show 2012 Giveaway - Walther, Kel-Tec, SlideFire, Leatherwood

You may remember the original SlideFire article just over a year ago here in GunsAmerica Magazine & Blog, and at the time there was genuine doubt if this product would be legal a year later. Well it has made it so far and the SlideFire has become nothing short of a phenom in the shooting world. This new SBS stock looks a lot more like your adjustable tube stock, and the AK version actually work. SlideFire was nice enough to send us review stocks and two extras to give way for NRA Show this week. Thanks!

Point of Aim, Point of Impact, 1000 Yard Auto-Ranging Riflescope

New Article: Leatherwood ART M-1000 Auto-Ranging Riflescope
GunsAmerica NRA Show 2012 Giveaway - Walther, Kel-Tec, SlideFire, Leatherwood

Back towards the end of the Vietnam war a man named Jim Leatherwood invented a scope for the M21 sniper system that allowed you to “frame, aim and shoot” out to 1000 yards with no math and no holdover. His son has taken his updated design forward with this revolutionary and slightly ugly and nerdy scope that can be set to any rifle with any ammo, point of aim, point of impact. You have to check this out, and thanks to Hi-Lux/Leatherwood for the giveaway scope!

Terms and Conditions

1. Details – Starting Thursday, April 12, 2012 and ending Sunday, April 15, 2012, GunsAmerica will be posting a code to our public Facebook page. Email this code to to enter the giveaway. Random winners will be chosen daily and contacted Monday or Tuesday. The prize list is announced as follows.

  • Walther P99AS 9mm
  • Walther PPQ 9mm
  • Kel-Tec Sub 2000 9mm with Glock 17 Magazine
  • SlideFire SSAR-15 SBS Stock – Right Hand
  • SlideFire SSAK47-XRS Stock – Right Hand
  • Hi-Lux Leatherwood M-1000 Riflescope

2. This is a Facebook contest, but Facebook membership is not required to win. The GunsAmerica Facebook page is public and the codes may be picked up by monitoring the page throughout the days of the show. All entries are sent via standard email, not by posting on the GunsAmerica Facebook or involve Facebook in any way.
2. There is no purchase required. Anyone who has a free GunsAmerica account may enter.
3. You must reside within the USA and your must be legally allowed to own the prizes. If a non-eligible winner is chosen another will be selected.
4. Non-gun prizes will be sent directly to the winners. Gun prizes will be sent to an FFL dealer in the state of the winner, chosen by the winner. Winner must have the FFL dealer send a signed FFL license before the gun can be sent. Failure to provide an FFL dealer within two weeks of being notified forfeits the prize and a new winner will be selected.
5. All taxes are the responsibility of the winners.
6. Winners have 24 hours after notification via email to respond. A new winner will be chosen after this time and the original winner loses the opportunity to win.

7. GunsAmerica and all other companies involved are under no obligation to give away anything or to administrate the giveaway in any way. This is an advertising promotion, not a contractual obligation, and we will do our best to choose and contact the winners in a timely manner, and to deliver the prizes as hoped.

8. By entering the giveaway you give GunsAmerica and all the companies involved permission to contact you via email for any reason as often as we like.

9. You may enter once per code. Entrants will be eliminated and disqualified for entering more than once or for using automation utilities for entering.

10. Winners agree to hold harmless GunsAmerica LLC and all the companies involved, and any and all FFL holders who may receive contest guns.

11. These rules may change or be added to throughout the period of the contest.

Leave a Reply

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  • Anthony April 16, 2012, 8:33 am

    *THE CODES!*

    Today’s codes are for the Slidefires- both right handed.

    For the SlideFire SSAR-15 SBS Stock the code is: “AR-15 Fun”

    For the SlideFire SSAK47-XRS Stock the codes is: “The wait is over”

  • Lionel Williams April 15, 2012, 10:13 pm

    They are all awesome prizes. Hope I win one

  • Jay Bruce April 15, 2012, 9:13 pm

    I think you guys are doing a terrific job despite some of the oddball comments made by a few nonconformists.

    • Administrator April 16, 2012, 1:09 am

      It’s ok nonconformists give it right back to them lol.

  • Oz April 14, 2012, 11:06 am

    The slide fire and the Subgun 2000 look like they’d be fun to shoot.

  • geo1 April 14, 2012, 11:04 am

    I have received error reports/messages when sending the codes to the email address provided.
    Not sure if the codes I entered even got to that address…so…I have been trying to resend them…hope that won’t disqualify me IF they FINALLY were received??? Here is what I receive for about the 3rd or 4th time … …This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
    Delivery to the following recipients failed…… …….Reporting-MTA: dns;
    Received-From-MTA: dns;SNT110-DS4
    Arrival-Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 07:57:17 -0700

    Final-Recipient: rfc822;
    Action: failed
    Status: 5.1.1
    Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.1.1 Reporting-MTA: dns;
    Received-From-MTA: dns;SNT110-DS4
    Arrival-Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 07:57:17 -0700

    Final-Recipient: rfc822;
    Action: failed
    Status: 5.1.1
    Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.1.1
    Action: failed
    Recipient address rejected: User unknown
    : Recipient address rejected: User unknown
    WTF??? OVER???

    • Administrator April 14, 2012, 8:57 pm

      We don’t have any other reports of this, and I just tried gmail and it worked fine. It seems like maybe it was a router between your hotmail and us or something.

  • Edwin Nieves April 13, 2012, 10:00 pm


  • Edwin Nieves April 13, 2012, 9:59 pm


  • Bob Mueller April 13, 2012, 6:09 pm

    I presently own a Kel-Tec P-11 and would definitely like to add some more Kel-Tec or Walther Models to my collection.

  • suzanne April 13, 2012, 3:57 pm with the subject line “Pull a fast one” for the Walther PPQ 9mm. For the P99AS 9mm, use the code “Anti-Stress Trigger.”

  • Officer J April 13, 2012, 2:37 pm

    What a full blown PRIC& that Administrator is for saying:
    “Apparently you guys don’t have a 4th grade reading level”

    Let me tell you something brother, Apparently >you don’t have< a lick of common sense when it comes to security on digital devices!

    I say…..BOYCOTT any organization that MAKES you go thru F-Book to get anything!
    How much are they paying you?

    We have a voice and we can choose to NOT associate with any group that funnels more $$ to Mark Zuckerberg!
    I Hope all free men make the same choice I have.

    C ya at the show, online GFYS!

  • Joseph Janowiec April 13, 2012, 2:27 pm

    Obviously my 4th grade edumacation didnt learn me to follow directions well my sincere apologies I figured it out

  • Joseph Janowiec April 13, 2012, 2:16 pm

    pull a fast one! and use your anti stress trigger!!!

  • Edwin Nieves April 13, 2012, 2:04 pm

    Pull a fast one

  • Edwin Nieves April 13, 2012, 2:03 pm

    Anti-Stress Trigger

  • Neil Savage April 13, 2012, 1:17 pm

    Two great powerhouses teaming up. Its a great country we have!

  • steve April 13, 2012, 12:46 pm

    gun show?

  • floyd April 13, 2012, 12:45 pm

    I hope you’re getting my e-mail entrie’s not used to sending e-mail’s

  • Del Hulse April 13, 2012, 12:05 pm

    Anti-stress trigger

  • ron April 13, 2012, 2:49 am

    Good unfo

  • James Masters April 12, 2012, 11:05 pm


  • bob west April 12, 2012, 7:22 pm

    Games on!

  • Paul Bennett April 12, 2012, 1:19 pm

    Thanks to “Ron” I remembered that my NRA membership expired recently. I’m going to renew now.

  • Lasrry April 12, 2012, 1:06 pm

    Thanks for all the useful info!

  • Gary Foster April 12, 2012, 12:32 pm

    Sounds great to me.

  • Ron April 12, 2012, 12:23 pm

    Great site. Don’t forget to join or renew your membership in the NRA.

  • Bill April 12, 2012, 10:54 am

    Love this site..Lot’s of great information you share

  • Herman Wolfe April 12, 2012, 10:50 am


  • Richard Baggett April 12, 2012, 10:34 am


  • Gary Sneller April 12, 2012, 10:13 am

    Similar to respondent, “Kevin”, I value my privacy and “Don’t do” Facebook.
    Would love to be able to get the the codes through your “regular” email.
    I’m sure that many “members” feel slighted about this exclusivity.

    • Administrator April 12, 2012, 10:43 am

      Apparently you guys don’t have a 4th grade reading level in addition to your desire for privacy.

      • Paul Bennett April 12, 2012, 1:25 pm

        That remark is insulting. Why are you so crude towards people who are only enjoying themselves by making comments?

        • Mark Jacks April 16, 2012, 12:27 pm

          This may be insulting, but so is not reading a post that someone took the time to put together so everyone could have a fun time trying to win a gun.

          Thanks, GA – I really want those Walthers and Sub 2000!!!

  • Thomas April 12, 2012, 9:50 am

    I hope to win something.

  • Thomas April 12, 2012, 9:43 am

    I enjoy your site.

  • Bob Blaske April 12, 2012, 9:42 am

    If the Queen Of The Everglades were alive today, she’d wear a holstered Walther on her hip. Check the website to see what I mean.

  • Terry Horner April 12, 2012, 9:12 am

    I`ve been wanting a SLIDE FIRE STOCK, but unfortunately have not been able to afford one, maybe I`ll be LUCKY enough to win one.

  • Garland Bowers April 12, 2012, 9:08 am

    That new scope looks good

  • Steve April 12, 2012, 8:49 am

    Awesome, awesome, awesome. Why not one more awesome

  • Kevin April 12, 2012, 8:48 am

    Sorry, “Don’t like.” But I do like my privacy, so I don’t participate in any Facebook promotions.

    • I Love Ruger April 16, 2012, 12:17 pm

      you dont have to be on facebook to do this. Unfortunately, for many, you DO have to exhibit basic reading comprehension skills but that seems to be too difficult for you. Oh well, if you don’t enter, I have a higher chance of winning.

  • Jack April 12, 2012, 8:43 am

    those 9mm are sweet!

  • Jim Bryant April 12, 2012, 7:45 am

    The SlideFire is Cool

  • Dave Friece April 12, 2012, 7:44 am

    These are some Great Prizes !

  • Randall Garrison April 12, 2012, 7:02 am

    I enjoy reading gunsamerica blog and its articles.

  • John Beals April 12, 2012, 6:50 am

    Love the website!

  • John Parker April 12, 2012, 6:47 am

    What is there not to like in these prizes. They are all on my wish list for my disaster prepping plan.

  • Greg April 12, 2012, 6:36 am

    Tge best place to look for firearms

  • Larry Runk April 12, 2012, 6:00 am

    The Walthers look like nice hardware

  • George Jones April 12, 2012, 4:10 am

    GunsAmerica is the outstanding source for unbiased reports on lots of my favorite firearms.

  • William Melvin April 12, 2012, 3:50 am


  • Charles Piotrowski April 12, 2012, 2:19 am

    Great way to hopefully win something!!! 😉

  • Michael April 12, 2012, 1:58 am

    I enjoy your site, it’s very informative.