Gun-Wielding Yoga Instructor Kills Two of Four Home Invaders


Hari Nam Kaur Khalsa, 61. (Photo:

Yoga mats. Ferns. Air diffusors. Small decorative waterfalls.

These are the items one expects a yoga instructor to keep in her bedroom. A Taurus .38 Special is less expected, but, it turns out, more necessary.

That’s what 61-year old yoga instructor Hari Nam Kaur Khalsa found out this week, and she used her small revolver to kill two of the four men who invaded her home and tried to harm her.

Originally from Texas (surprise, surprise), Khlasa has been living in Batuco, Chile, since 1979 where she teaches kundalini yoga. Four men broke into her home last Thursday, and two of them found her in her bedroom. There they hit her in the head with a gun and tried to tie her up, according to the Dallas Morning News.

But Khlasa was able to get to her bed where she kept a Taurus .38 Special revolver under her pillow.  She turned the gun on the two men, killing one instantly and wounding the other. The wounded man made it to the front yard, where he died, and the remaining two robbers ran off.

Despite her occupation, Khlasa’s actions came as no surprise to José Nuñez, who runs the building where Khalsa lives. “This is not a grandma as you can imagine,” Nuñez, told the Dallas Morning News. “So don’t be imagining a little grandma who killed two crooks with her cane.”

Chilean authorities said Khlasa acted in self-defense and will not face charges.

Interestingly, Chileans seem to appreciate the foreigner’s use of a firearm to defend herself, her home, and her students.

El Mercurio broke the story in Chile, and while Google’s translation is admittedly sketchy, the meaning of one of the article’s top comments comes through clearly: “The gringa deserves citizenship by grace noble action for the benefit of society, thousands of Chileans appreciate it!!”

Another commenter called Khlasa “Mrs. Valient,” and one said she should run for mayor.

The most praiseworthy came from someone named Guillermo Barria, who got right to the point: “Idol.. Master… great woman take up arms…” he said in his comment.

The praise from Chileans is well-founded, as they are no doubt frustrated with their country’s rising crime rates, especially in Santiago, their nation’s capital. The U.S. Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) notes that Santiago saw a dramatic increase in home invasions in 2015. These communities also saw a rise in “robbery with intimidation,” as burglars used knives, bats, and guns to intimidate their victims.

According to OSAC, burglars often bind their victims’ hands and feet while they steal possessions, which is clearly what the men in Khlasa’s home were attempting to do.

Khlasa’s residence is located about 20 miles north of Santiago, and she was obviously aware of and prepared for the increased possibility of a home invasion.

  • Alan May 3, 2019, 4:35 pm

    A clockwork orange, alternate ending.

    • Julie Campbell June 6, 2019, 5:40 pm

      First thing I thought as well!

  • Mike Watkins December 10, 2016, 1:42 pm

    Hooray for Ms. Khasa!

    And hooray! that Chile is not one of those countries that immediately locks someone up for defending themself!!

  • Vaughn Winslett December 10, 2016, 11:16 am

    You go girl.

  • Russell Hall December 9, 2016, 9:49 pm

    I would like to see her carry method when she is in yoga gear!

  • perlcat December 9, 2016, 2:59 pm

    “Now pay attention class, as I teach you the ‘mushroom’ position. You may feel a little pressure; that is to be expected, especially the stretching, tearing feeling as the slug penetrates your useless head. After the exercise, you can cool down on the slab.”

  • jim hamfeldt December 9, 2016, 2:19 pm

    bravo!too bad you didn’t get the other two.crimes go down when there are armed citizens.

  • J in AZ December 9, 2016, 1:44 pm

    The Taurus .38 should very much be expected. More to do with the fact that she’s obviously Sikh (name and turban) and has a religious duty to provide self-defense and defense of others, and less to do with the fact that she’s originally from Texas. Someone didn’t do their homework…

  • Fred Ziffle December 9, 2016, 9:48 am

    I love Instant Karma! It tastes even better with a twist of irony.

  • Raskolnakov December 9, 2016, 7:17 am

    I applaud this person’s preparedness, presence of mind and lack of hesitation in meting out “street justice”. The old saw about having it and not needing it, versus needing it and not having it is truer today than any time in recent memory. They say that Americans are gun “crazy” and point out that countries like the UK don’t even arm their police but, as more and more incidents of gun based violence occur in “Old Blighty” you may rest assured this “head in the sand” attitude will change. Anyone want to lay odds?? Give this “Granny” a Kewpie doll and a “well done”.

  • DRAINO December 8, 2016, 7:01 am

    Outstanding Job!!! With that scenario, batting 500 is a great average. Always good to see articles where the good guy (or woman) prevails.

  • John Yossarian December 5, 2016, 10:05 pm

    Boo Yaa! Yoga – America’s export

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