Hi-Point Firearms
Hi-Point Firearms is the first manufacturer to offer a lockable steel box in a new gun package. You can get the package with any of its 9mm, .380 ACP, .40 caliber, and .45 caliber pistols. The lock box has a simple key access and can be readily mounted wherever it’s needed, like a bedside table, inside a truck, and so forth, and comes with a braided steel cable for additional security. MSRP is $250. Great for the first-time gun buyer who doesn’t have a safe.

To all the Hi Point Haters, I remember a couple of things back when I was younger Ruger made lower cost (affordable) guns. What you always heard was “Well its not a Smith and Wesson”. I also remember back when anyone wishing to carry a 1911 sent it out to a gunsmith to make it reliable all the cutom featues now found on your $1200+ guns. My first handgun was a Ruger, because it was all I could afford in 1982. Now I can afford what I want, but I still remember what living on a limited budget was like. All the reviews I have seen have been positive, it goes bang when you pull the trigger, which for defensive purposes is what you want.
I agree with the others here that the kid in this Phenomenally Stupid Ad should disappear into the Juvenile Justice System, and momma should be raked over the coals for letting a minor get hold of a weapon and take it to a school. But then, we all know that most anti-gun nuts are already disconnected from reality.
Yeah, the mom should have kept it somewhere else or in a gun safe. Years ago in a Sunday Supplement in the “Baltimore Sturm” an article about single parents with guns had one mom who practiced how fast she could hit the 4-digit combo to the gun safe bolted to the night stand and pull out the gun, and had her kid timing her.
On the other hand, when my youngest daughter was in Middle School one of her classmates was visiting another classmate and the two boys got into the family shotgun with bad results. My wife took our daughter to his funeral.
Finally, in the realm of Hollywood, does anyone remember the show “St. Elsewhere?” In one story arc, the doctor who was raped while volunteering in a prison later has a son. When the perp who raped the doctor was let loose and vowed to come after him, the doctor got a gun to protect himself, keeping it under the mattress. Kid in cowboy outfit with cap pistol goes into bedroom. Later, the bad guy breaks in, the father runs to the bedroom and reaches under the mattress and pulls out a cap gun and points it at the bad guy, leaving the bad to start laughing and the doctor about ready to crap his pants. Then the kid comes in with the real gun holding it in both hands since the revolver is heavier than his cap pistol, the bad guy starts laughing, and the kid (maybe 2 or 3 years old) pulls the trigger and unknowingly saves the day. Kind of weird, two messages — kids should not have access to guns but guns save lives. Wrap your head around that one!
You must be kidding me is it a piece of junk you better beleive it is not all.
You non Hi Point talkers i have a number of Hi Point Weapons ,9mm rifle the early model,380 wich my wife
finds a delight to shoot at the range and a 45 cal. that sits by the bed for protection.
Now just to let you all know it is a fine product but to each his own.
I am happy for little price and fine prodct.
You are happy for big money and fine product.
By the way its Pistol and Box for under 250.
Have a good day and its not a nice shot its a good shot.
I shoot and carry either a Springfield XD-9 or XDS-9, but that’s my choice based on my preferences. Someone who can’t afford, or chooses not to own one of the “top of the line” brands, should not be bashed or left to feel inferior. Most of the reviews I’ve read about Hi-Point firearms and the service provided by the Hi-Point company have been quite positive. Everyone should be encouraged to exercise their second amendment rights and the shooting sports. So whatever your preference, get out and shoot a lot and shoot safely. As shooting sports enthusiasts, we have plenty of opposition out there. Let’s not bring it into our ranks.
This last comment should end the discussion! Well said.
Where can you order the package online
Where can you order the package online
Where can you order the package online
Hi Point has never let me down. For the price it is the best weapon on the market. It is made in the USA and that I appreciate. Their service department is great. I had a 9mm that felt as if the slide was binding slightly. One week later they had my gun and I had a brand new one. That was 10 years ago and that weapon is still working without a flaw. Try one. If you do not like it (but you will) you can sell it for what you spent or more. Excellent company.
Amazing HighPoint can make Guns and Small gun Safes yet cannot make a decent magazine for their guns…wow maybe one day.
Man please $250? My wife just bought me a $79 safe and that same box came with my safe.
Allways makes me laugh when I read all the hi point haters! They are the best gun value for the money!
prices do include a gun and do vary according to caliber.
There claim to be the first to offer a lockable steel box is wrong. Smith&wesson had the same idea about 2 yes ago with the SD line it came as a kit, I think it came with a light too
Bought mine through Walmart On-Line. $32.00. Don’t think they will sell many unless they throw in the pistol.
Locally, ALL Hi-point pistols are $130 + tax and background. Hi-points are junk. You get what you pay for. I have NEVER been to the range and see one function flawlessly. PERIOD! Save your money and buy a real gun!
Where is local to you? I would like very much to buy one at 130.00. All I have seen has been 200+ here in Virginia and on Gunbroker.com.
All my research has shown the Hi Point to be very reliable. Plus they have a life time warranty.
Have been apprehensive to buy high point due to low cost (quality?) and a lot of negative chatter. But price makes it tempting. Available in CA?
Their pistols are bottom line but they do shoot and the carbines are fun pls the better made firearms its the magizens for their fire arms that suck so you would be best getting like a 45 carbine and and adaptong normal 45 clips to use with the carbine and you tube shows you how to do that. The pistols will not take another mag no matter how much work is done on them…if all you can afford is a high point then they are better then nothing and unlike their magazines the firearms stand up to abuse.
I looked around before I bought my Hi Points in 2013. I had to adjust the feed lips on one or two of the magazines and I polished the feed ramp on one of them, but they’ve pretty much gone BOOM when I pulled the trigger. I figured that if they would warranty ANY of their guns from ANY customer, not just the original purchaser, that they were quite likely to stand up to whatever use I would give them. I think I have about 200 rounds through each of them, so they are just getting broken in. I had one or two misfeeds early on, but heck, I had a misfeed on an M1 Garand in a match, on my last shot, the first time I ever shot one. Stuff happens, unfortunately.
When I lived in Calif it was an Illegal semi automatic assault rifle; ok now
Don’t need a pistol for home defense much rather have a short(Mossberg 500) with buck shot
That is not a “safe”! It is a lock box. Most places sell them for $50.00 a piece tops. I bought 3 or 4 and had the option of getting them keyed the same. $250.00, Wow the fleecing of America.
Likewise; own both 9mm and.45 carbines; may be ugly, but I love them as inexpensive and easy to use starter guns; trained my daughter as a first timer on the 9mm
Trigger pull heavy? I thought about 9mm for wifey. Shes Not real into guns but if and when she would I would like to have something for her since my G 22 has a bit too much snap for her
Go with the Smith & Wesson 380 body guard
Great concealed gun for women
Trigger pull is comfortable; just takes a few shots to adjust; my daughter enjoyed the peep site too
Likewise; own both 9mm and.45 carbines; may be ugly, but I love them as inexpensive and easy to use starter guns; trained my daughter as a first timer on the 9mm
Are we really talking about a Hi-Point…? I would not own one. There is a reason why a new gun cost 200$ now you are going to try to sell me a 250$ tin can for a box!!! Come one man!! Colt, Kimber, Springfield… Is all I would buy,
SMH Hi-Point
Are we really talking about a Hi-Point…? I would not own one. There is a reason why a new gun cost 200$ now you are going to try to sell me a 250$ tin can for a box!!! Come one man!! Colt, Kimber, Springfield… Is all I would buy,
SMH Hi-Point
Hi- Point gun and box costs $205 in 9mm. Read-ing com- pre-hen-sion- it’s covered in your Kimber manual. LOL.
Hi Points are cheap crap and gun safes serve no purpose other than to render a weapon inaccessible and thus useless. I think I’ll pass on this product.
They may be cheap, and not precision manufactured but try to blow one up. Or force a barrel failure, check you tube for all the attempts. Then try that with your gun & see what fails first.
If you don’t own one and have not had first had experience with one you can’t make an educated comment, so don’t make an uneducated comment. It just makes you look stupid.
To everyone mad about the price, pretty sure you are missing the word PACKAGE. You get the box AND the gun of your choice for 200. That’s a deal!
Over the years I have owned several Hi Pints and have NEVER had one of them fail.
PLEASE, unless you have ever owned one don’t knock them. Other brands have their
problems also. Apparently those who critize them have either not owned one or are exagerating.
How many other brands have a life time warranty and are made in the USA??
American Made. Affordable. They might be heavy and bulky BUT the wife loves the .40 I bought for her (because of the extra weight) and the 9mm I have is great to keep between the seat ant the console of my truck. These guns are just as accurate as the other pistols I own.
Some people can not comprehend the written word. The price is for the firearm and the safe.
So, most of the comments are, “The poor shouldn’t be able to own guns” or “I’m a criminal and theses guns will make it harder to exploit the poor”. These products allow people access to a reliable weapon that can’t afford much more. I for one applaud Hi Point for their efforts. This could secure a weapon in a household with children. Remember… When seconds count the police are minutes away.
Hi-points great price and also a great hammer.
I know people who own them no complaints i would be interested in the carbine only. And the pistols if i need a replacement hammer, but all my hammers are still working just fine.
I have 4 Hipoints,9MM carbine,45 auto,9MM auto,380 auto and I am waiting for a 45 Carbine. I like everyone of these guns,have owned them for years with no problems. I am 78 years old and I can hit whatever I aim at.These are great guns for the price.I carry one for self defense,they are just as deadly as any other weapon.
Gary, old GUNGHO USMC Vet.
Oh look! Hi Point hawking more over priced junk. If you paid 110 bucks for a Hi Point… you’ve still overpaid.
tell me, that guy, what problems have you had with all the Hi Points you have owned and shot over the years?
Oh, he forgot to mention, he has never owned or shot one.
My guess is he’s never owned one and has only heard a couple stories of people who may have had problems. Any gun can have problems, but Hi-Point rarely has any. And if you do have a problem, you can send it back to have it fixed for free. Tell me how many other gun manufacturers do that. In short, it just makes people mad unnecessarily when you say their gun stinks when you really don’t know what you’re talking about. Watch the Youtube videos where they torture test them, bury them in mud, etc. and they still fire. It’s simply not fair nor a good idea to bash a good American gun company for no reason.
My son has the 9mm and we have shot it time and time again with no issues and as good of accuracy as any of my Taurus, Rugers or Glocks. That guy probably won’t answer and probably has never even owned or shot one. I hate people that run their mouth based on what they have heard.
Calling this a “Home Security Pack” may be an oxymoron. Any gun that’s locked up doesn’t make you more secure. It just keeps you from defending yourself as fast as you possibly can. Maybe I’m confusing “Home Security” with “Home Defence”.
I agree with you on the Home Defense and I think you make a good point. Home Security does lend itself to folks that lock them up because they have little kids or older ones they have not educated on guns. Home defense on the other hand would be having on you or in your nightstand drawer. My personal opinion is if you are going to own a guns educate your children and when they are little simply keep them up high and out of reach.
Home security would be having the weapons on hand……..Home defense would be utilizing them.
My children were taught to respect the tool from a very early age. I, personally, keep my pistol well holstered, by my side at all times. Open Carry gives you the ease of access but still retains the safety of keeping the weapon in YOUR control.
AND I say that because like Michael said … If and when you NEED it … YOU NEED IT!
I’ve owned two of the 9MM Hi points as well as a colt 1911 and a ruger pt. 9,The hi points are bulky, and ugly,
but after thousands of rounds and years of abuse they have never misfired or jammed no matter what kind of junk ammo I run thru it. When I go to the range I always run two boxes of ammo thru the point and maybe one thru the 45 colt or the ruger.
That is the real test and it takes time because you should fire at regular intervals in different environments to see if it is really reliable. I don’t own a HiPoint pistol but their little carbines are a JOY to own and shoot and for under $300 everyone should have one or two in the same caliber of pistol they carry. They are amazing with no FTE FTF etc…
I have both the 9mm pistol, and the 995TS. As long as you don’t “limp-wrist” the pistol, it works just fine, even if it isn’t real pretty. The 995TS is a joy to shoot. My only complaint is that it could use a high-capacity magazine. That way, I can spend more time punching holes in targets, and less time swapping mags.
@HI-Point, if you are reading this, a 50-round drum mag, similar to the one offered for Glock pistols, would be a popular accessory, IMHO. See: http://www.glockstore.com/fifty-round-magazine-drum-for-glock
I also believe these carbines will make an excellent “personal defense weapon”. They aren’t AR-15s, but for half the price (or less), anything within 100-150 yards is in serious trouble.
You folks that are criticizing the High Point obviously have not owned or fired one! My 9mm has over 3000 rounds though it and never a failure. Sad thing is, it has only been cleaned once!
Cannot say the same thing for my Glock! That thing had better be cleaned every time it fires, or the next time it will not cycle properly! And yes, I own 6 other brands and enjoy them all!
My High Points are just fun to shoot and very accurate to boot!
Right on, trailrider; I just opted for the new .45JHP with laser. Traded my old JHP with the clip release on the bottom of the grip; couldn’t fare well in combat course shooting with the stupid clip release there. The old, and new gun shoots with outstanding results. Heavy to carry but it helps hold on the target. Like you say; if you haven’t owned one, spend your money on the Glock or Sig or beer, for all I care. I have S&W M&P’s, Rugers, Springfields, Kimbers, and keep them at home; to expensive to lose, so I shoot the HiPoint. Reloaded semi wadcutters, .200 grain and clean it after every shoot. Usually shoot 100 rounds per shoot. One misfire, no squibs, much fun.
I’ve put hundreds of rounds down my Hi-Point C9 without any problems. I never clean it except for a bore snake now and then and it goes bang every time. It’s accurate too. I’m not sure why people try to knock something they don’t own. Some people call it gun snobbery. Whatever. It’s a fine gun that does what guns are supposed to do and they don’t cost much. Mine holds 8, 10, or 15 rounds depending on what magazine I put in it. If I had to equip lots of people with guns on a budget, this would be the one I would choose.
As for the safe, Walmart has one with a key or keypad for about $35. We have 3 and they work great. I’m not sure why the high cost of this safe. Does it include the gun? That would be worth it. I agree with Mike. $30 for a gun safe like this is more like it. Maybe the article was written poorly and it includes the gun. That may be why they call it a package. I just Googled it and it looks like it includes the gun and you can get it for $179.99 plus shipping and FFL fees. I don’t know who the link is below, but it’s what I found:
The Hi-Point of Value
Value means offering the most gun for the dollar, and Hi-Point proudly delivers. Our semi-automatic handguns and carbines are available in several calibers.
Hi-Point firearms are 100% American-made from top to bottom and are very affordable.
The Hi-Point of Reliability:
Hi-Point never makes you choose between reliability and affordability. Our quality control measures are second to none. Each Hi-Point firearm is test fired prior to shipment to ensure proper and safe functioning. The result is high customer satisfaction, and one of the lowest return or repair rates in the industry.
The Hi-Point of Service:
Damage, age, and plain old wear and tear – these things happen. When they do, Hi-Point customers enjoy a lifetime, no questions asked warranty. And lifetime means just that – free repairs for the life of the gun, whether you are the first owner, or the third. That service is fast, friendly and expertly performed. Your Hi-Point will be back in action, good as new, in no time.
This series ships with a free Handgun Locker. This locker has an All Steel Contruction and has 4 ports in the back for bolting down to a table, floor, or wall.
Baked on finish and padded internals. Hi Point calls this the Home Security Pack, and it is a tremendous deal. The locker itself is a $40.00 value and is perfect for storing virtually all handguns and will even hold 2 if turned the right way. Limited time promotion… Hurry.
This pistol also has a polymer frame and a durable, attractive easy-grip finish. Quick on-off thumb safety. Free extra rear peep sight. Free Trigger lock.
All Hi-Point handguns feature:
Polymer frame
Durable, attractive easy-grip finish
Last round lock open
Quick on-off thumb safety
Operations safety sheet
+P rated
Free extra rear peep sight
Free trigger lock
Lifetime warranty
100% American-made, parts and assembly
This is from their website,
Hi-Point’s Home Security Packs include:
Your choice of a Hi-Point .380 ACP, 9mm, 40 S&W, or 45 ACP handgun
One magazine
One trigger lock
One 11.5″ x 8.5″ x 1.5″ heavy-duty overlap pry-resistant 18-gauge powder coated steel security box with half-inch memory-fitting foam liner, cable, and matched numbered keys
Suggested retail price for the Home Security Pack
With Hi-Point’s .380 ACP handgun and 8-round magazine $174
With Hi-Point’s 9mm handgun and 8-round magazine $205
With Hi-Point’s 40 S&W handgun and 10-round magazine $215
With Hi-Point’s 45 ACP handgun and 9-round magazine $215
I could try to say bad things about hi point firearms , but to be honest my hi point .40 is the most reliable, accurate pistol I’ve shot to date. I wouldn’t depend on it to save my life and besides the fact it’s like holding a brick, I would recommend their products as a first handgun. Sounds crazy but I’d take one over a glock… But I hate glock in general.
If you are any kind of shot the Hi-point will save your life just as soon as any other gun. Very reliable and accurate gun when in the hands of an accurate shooter.
What were these guys thinking ?… I love my Hi-Point 9mm. Put many rounds through it with no trouble, but like someone else said, this is around $30.00 multiple places. Why not offer a fingerprint safe for around $100 and be credible, aye?
I’ll say again, pay attention! The $250 if for the box AND the Gun!
Great deal. It’ll probably be under $200 at your LGS. I had a JHP .45 and I’m sorry I sold it, great pistol. Not selling that 995TS, though. I’ve got way over 2,000 trouble free rounds through it and one of these days I think I’ll field strip it.
Don’t know about hi-point and safe being mentioned in the same sentence. Kind of an oxymoron. Any firearm that uses the firing pin as an ejector, scares the crap outta me. I bought one, but since I found out that particular quirk its been put away and stayed put away. I don’t even want to sell it for fear it might hurt someone.
I would gladly take that Hi-Point off your hands. I have two which I’ve used regularly for over two years and have put a lot of ammo through both of them with no safety issues at all.
I have put thousands of rounds through my Hi-point pistols and carbines and have never had a problem
Have you ever heard of anyone being hurt by one of these weapons or any weapon using this method?
That steel box looks just like the ones they sell in local gun shops for 29.99. Can’t believe they getting $250. bucks for one…. I have one looks just like that I gave 30 bucks for…..
The 250 dollars includes the gun, not just the box. I have used Hi-point 9mm pistols for years and the carbine,s are great also.
Pay attention! The $250 is for the box AND the gun! C’mon have some common sense.
Carl, did you get a .45 ACP with it? You better read the article again.
250 for gun and box…duh