Meet Glock’s New Celebrity Spokesperson

in Authors, Industry News, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week
Meet Glock's New Celebrity Spokesperson

Chuck Norris, an all-American badass, is now a spokesperson for Glock. (Photo: Glock)

The king of the polymer pistol has a new celebrity spokesperson!  Carlos Ray Norris.  Better known as Chuck Norris.  Maybe you’ve heard of him?

“Chuck Norris revolutionized and ushered martial arts into the American mainstream just like GLOCK revolutionized firearms by inventing and commercializing polymer-based pistols and the SAFE ACTION System” said Josh Dorsey, Vice President of GLOCK, Inc, in a statement obtained by GunsAmerica.

SEE ALSO: Customs and Border Protection Awards Glock $85 Million Contract for Glock 19, 26 and 47!

“Having him represent the GLOCK brand brings two iconic names together that are mutually committed to perfection and their fan base,” continued Dorsey. “We couldn’t be more excited about this partnership.”

With the passing of R. Lee Ermey aka “Gunny” in April of 2018, Glock was no doubt looking for someone to fill the role of public ambassador for the brand.  The problem is how do you replace a legend like Gunny?  You don’t, I guess is the answer.

Instead, you have to find someone who will proudly continue the legacy of what was started. And, I ask you, who better to carry that torch than Chuck Norris?

“I’m honored to partner with this world-renowned brand,” said Norris. “The values that I have built my life and brand on—tough, real, constant and powerful—are echoed in everything that GLOCK does and creates.”

“Let me put it this way, if I ever decided to go into firearms, there would be no point—I would just be recreating what GLOCK has already built,” he added. “The only thing that would change is the name.”

Norris will be making his first public appearance as a Glock spokesperson during the 2019 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Indianapolis later this month, April 26-27, 2019.  We’ll be there.  Hopefully, we get a chance to meet this Hollywood icon.

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About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • Sepp W April 22, 2019, 6:33 pm

    Never understood why companies pay celebrities to endorse/shill their wares. Ought to have everyday people relating real world experiences.

    Naturally, pay me enough money and I’m going to say anything you want me to say, “This Glock is the greatest thing since sliced bread, That’s why I carry one and you should too.”

    If it’s good enough for Norris, it’s good enough for me. Despite owning several Glocks, I still carry/prefer a revolver.

  • Jeremy J April 12, 2019, 11:17 am

    I always figured Chuck Norris was a 1911 kind of guy, guess either I was wrong or he’s just a pay me kind of guy lol. Either way this is a win win for the gun community

  • MagnumOpUS April 12, 2019, 8:40 am

    “Only a Glock is more deadly than Chuck Norris’ roundhouse kicks.”

    Dang nammit, and I recently sold my only Glock!

  • Eric April 12, 2019, 6:36 am

    Glock invented polymer pistols? I didn’t think Glock was even making guns in 1970. See: H&K VP70.

    • MAS April 12, 2019, 7:32 am

      I too, was going to dispute their claim to inventing the poly gun. Mainstreamed it, yes. Invented it, no.

  • WAYNE L RANTZ April 12, 2019, 4:26 am

    Since John Wayne is other wise occupied Chuck Norris is the most logical choice to take over the role.

    • Leo Espino April 12, 2019, 1:52 pm

      Personally speaking, I think Chuck Norris is much better suited than John Wayne to represent Glock.
      The fact that many of the young folks of America don’t even know who John Wayne was. Totally different generation of Americans. Congratulations to Glock and Chuck Norris. What a combination. Can’t wait to see if Glock will be creating some of those witty commercials that Gunny used to star in.

  • loupgarous April 9, 2019, 1:34 am

    I can see the advertising tag line now.

    “Glock’s the only pistol on the market that can fire bullets faster than Chuck Norris can spit them!”