Glock. Love them or hate them, we all know what they are. Regardless of your personal feelings, chances are you know someone who has at least one, you’ve probably shot it, and you’ve heard their opinion on why the G19 is better than any other gun ever made.
News of a new Glock model becoming available would normally only excite the Glock-heads, but the .380 ACP double-stack Glock 28 is turning the heads of even the non-Glockers. Though .380 ACP isn’t all that exciting, the Glock 28 is.
You know the adage; you want something more when you realize you can’t have it. It’s called the scarcity effect. It’s a psychological phenomenon that says when you see something that is rare, desirable, or expensive, your subconscious mind makes you think about having it more than if you saw something that was abundant. And, it’s no different with the Glock 28.
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Thanks to the 1968 Gun Control Act and the ATF, the Glock 28 had been nearly impossible to own in the United States. The Glock 28 isn’t new. In fact, it has been available overseas for years. But the Gun Control Act established specific “sporting purposes” criteria that all imported handguns would have to meet.
Simply put, the Glock 28 never made the grade, could not be imported, and has never been available… until now. Sort of.
While Austrian-made G28s will forever be extremely rare here in the states, USA-made G28s are now available in the land of the free and home of the brave. Thanks to the new Glock production facility in Smyrna, GA, a small number of Glock 28s have been manufactured.
The only difference between the Austria-made vs USA-made is the manufacturing stamp. “Made in Austria” vs “Made in USA.”
The small run is being facilitated by the TALO buying group, which also includes a long list of wholesaler members, retailers, and dealers.
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How does it measure up? The G28 has a 3.43-inch barrel, a standard 10+1 bullet capacity, and weighs 20.64 ounces, unloaded.
It is a smidge smaller and lighter than the G26 and G27, which is great for a pocket-carry pistol, or even an ankle-carry, if you’re into that kind of thing.
Put up against the other .380 ACP Glocks available in the USA, the G42 stands as a bit thicker and heavier, which is a no-brainer when you consider the double-stack magazine.
How does it perform? Stay tuned to GunsAmerica for a full review.
Even though this release is utilizing the TALO distribution powerhouse, don’t let that fool you. Glock 28 production has been officially labeled “limited,” meaning if you want one, don’t wait.
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How about the story on why a 10mm G20 just as an example that can drop pretty much everything in the continental US can be legally imported from Austria, but this puny round comparatively speaking effectively put in the same gun isn’t legal? I have a G22 from Austria and again it’s a more deadly .40 S&W than the .380 ACP. I can see for deep concealment this could work, but logically after the G43X and the Shield Arms 15 round 9mm mags came out, made all these others in my opinion sort of obsolete. Without holding this I’d bet the G43X is thinner so would be easier to conceal. Remember people in most all conceal carry situations the length of the muzzle isn’t really a factor since it’ll be down your pants in the holster(I hope)so really the grip and rear of the gun is what’s harder to conceal with a basic shirt especially if the guns thicker can see it’s printing. Buy full size or go with the G43X for deep concealment. Why be limited to less powered .380 and why would 50% more ammo not be a good thing per mag? Love Glocks’s, just not this model.
Because gun control is stupid. Same galaxy minds that fear chainsaw bayonets.
Why would anybody want to carry an underpowered .380? Which is a caliber primarily for blowback actions, When you can carry a Glock 19 in 9mm parabellum??
Underpowered?? Let someone shoot you with a .380, see if it’s “underpowered “
you have a typo in your article:
Put up against the other .380 ACP Glocks available in the USA, the G42 stands as a bit thicker and heavier, which is a no-brainer when you consider the double-stack magazine.
Pretty sure G42 should be G28.
Thank you. The article has been updated. 🤙
I have been using the g28 in Mexico for more than 5 years, with zero failures with Aguila ammunition, I have the same g25 which is the size of a g19, this one has some aberration to flat tips, but the g28 is by far my favorite for transport hidden
Can anyone tell me the decimal inch measurement of a “smidge”?
G28 is 20.64 oz with mag empty.
G26 is 21.51 oz with mag empty.
Author, re-read the 3rd to last paragraph. I’m assuming the 28 is thicker and heavier than the 42, not the other way around.
Thank you! Good catch. It has been updated.
Okay – so I’m scratching my head wondering why I would want or need one of these, but being a GSSF member, and a Glock collector, I guess I’ll have to have one. Probably buy the damn thing and put it in the safe, never to be fired. My grand kids will probably find it one day when I’m dead and gone and ask; “why in the hell did granddad buy this thing”? Gotta go – where’s my check book …?
If glock was gonna manufacture the pistol here why not just make it in .30 super carry and have two selling points for the fan bois to get their panties moist over? The .30 super carry has more energy and the malfunctions experienced would probably not happen, Hot .380 ammo is virtually non-existant in the U.S.
Another Yawn!
Sorry, not excited about a new glock. After seeing Mr. Guns n Gear’s review with all the malfunctions the gun had one would be better off throwing it at an assailant than attempting to use it in the intended manner.
Even a perfectly functioning Glock is just too ugly to own.
Too many beautiful guns that work as designed to carry a ugly brick shaped one.
I’m quite sure an incapacitated assailant won’t be wondering whether or not he was stopped with a “purdy lil’ gun”. I carried a G22 for years on duty, and carry a G23 now. Never saw a Glock have a catastrophic failure on the firing line. Those “purdy” sigs were a different matter altogether. Saw a few of those quit on the line, and then have to go to the armory before they could function again.
“Never saw a Glock have a catastrophic failure on the firing line.”
I would be willing to bet you could say that about a passel of brands.
I own a 19,27,42,21, and 43x. Carried the 42 for couple years until I got the 43x. Say what you will about the .380 cal, but out of all my Glocks. The 42 will out perform all of them in an all out mag dump in a close range defense situation. Very controllable and accurate in that situation. And it fits in any pants/shorts pocket with ease. Perfect hot weather carry that will perform flawlessly with any ammo.
I have a Glock 23, 40 caliber, I have used lots of American made ammo and never had any reliability issues.
And you probably never will. I have 10 Glocks, including a 23 and a 22, and have never had reliability issues with either. The only Glock I’ve had failure to feed issues is with the G44 using cheap, low powered and dirty .22LR’s that would jam up any .22 caliber semi-auto pistol. If it’s kept clean it operates just fine. But there again, who in their right mind would rely on a .22 rim-fired pistol for self defense?
Please, a 22 cal is as good as any other.
All it takes is to put the round in the right spot.
Who in their right mind wouldn’t mind a 22 shot in the head, or testicles?
But I prefer a .45 cal, either Colt ACP or GAP.
I WOULD BE INTERESTED ON A .45 PILTOL WITH A 3½ to 4 inch barrel.
Because US ammo tends to be lower pressure than ammo from Europe, this pistol does have some reliability issues.
Ammo, USA or European are loaded to the same SAMMI standard unless listed as plus P.
^^^ This.
Different units of measure do not equal different pressures, and while some cartridges spec’ed by CIP actually do have different pressures, they are few and far between.