Galco Concealable Belt Holster & Mag Case

in Authors, Columns, Gear Reviews, Holsters

“Always carry a gun”

I looked in mild surprise at the Border Patrol agent who had just spoken the words. We had been discussing the illegal drug trafficking that occurred on a near-daily basis across the West Texas ranch where I worked.

“Yeah, I usually do … But really?”

“Yes. You just never know.”

Galco Concealable Belt Holster & Mag Case

The Galco Concealable Belt holster is available in Black or Havana colored premium steerhide, as well as a wide array of exotic leathers.

That cryptic message provided food for thought for some time, especially when aligned with other messages from other folks – like the full-time trapper who worked on the ranch, had lived in the same area his whole life, and would sooner be caught without his pants than without a gun. We lived just a few miles from the Mexico/United States border, and while it’s not a big problem area there is consistent illegal traffic. And you just never knew.


SPECSGalco Concealable Belt Holster & Mag Case

  • Type: Concealable Belt Holster
  • Material: Premium Steerhide (exotics available)
  • Firearm Model: S&W M&P 9 (see website for all options) 
  • Details:  Full-barrel slide coverage; butt-forward cant; fits belts up to 1.5 in.
  • MSRP: $120
  • Manufacturer: Galco Gunleather
Galco Concealable Belt Holster & Mag Case

This holster hugs the body nicely thanks to the forward-molded design, making it comfortable and easy to wear either open-carry or concealed under a vest or jacket. The vest is pulled up for photographing purposes.

I no longer live in the border country, but I recently had an opportunity to hunt Aoudad in the rugged mountains along the Rio Grande. My new Smith & Wesson M&P 9 was high on my packing list, so I ordered a “Concealable Belt Holster”, made by Galco. Customized to fit a wide array of pistols and in a variety of colors and leather options, the Concealable Belt Holster is comfortable and classy. Better yet, the friction fit keeps your weapon in place whilst turning summersaults, yet always ready-to-hand, no snaps, buckles, or latches required. Magazine carriers are also available and tailored to match. And if you’re feeling really sporty, you can order your rig from the Galco custom shop in alligator, stingray, ostrich, shark, or horsehide.

Galco Concealable Belt Holster & Mag Case

Spare magazine carriers are made to match, and are streamlined and subtle.

When my new holster arrived it looked great, but my handgun wouldn’t slide in (or out) without a lot of grunt-inducing effort. So I called Galco. The good folks there informed me that I needed to break the holster in by placing the gun in a tough plastic bag and then working it in and out of the holster a few times. Leave it holstered that way for a day, then work it some more, until I achieved the fit I desired. They also courteously informed me that the previous information was available via the directions. (Ahem, yes. Thank you.) I followed their advice, and soon my M&P was holstering and drawing nicely. The Magazine carrier broke in smoothly as well.

The Concealable Belt Holster sits at just the right angle and location, hugs the hip nicely due to the forward-molded design, offers full slide and barrel protection, fits belts up to 1 ½ inches wide, and works great for both open or concealed carry. Just tuck your shirt in for open carry, or wear your shirt outside and over the gun and holster for concealed carry. Alternately, you can wear a vest or jacket over your holstered firearm to achieve concealment.

Galco Concealable Belt Holster & Mag Case

This photo shows how readily concealable the holster and mag carrier are. Both are mounted on the author’s belt, his short vest high enough to reveal the holster for the photo’s sake.

Galco Concealable Belt Holster & Mag Case

A comfortable, loose fitting shirt will drape nicely over holster and mag carrier, rendering them unnoticeable.

The Concealable Belt Holster runs from just under $120 for the standard premium steerhide model up to $495 for certain exotic leather. The concealable magazine cases start at $51.

For more information about Galco holsters, click here.

To purchase a holster on GunsAmerica, click here.

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  • Dillon Kelly September 25, 2017, 6:26 am

    These holsters are great. I have one for my goverment model 1911.

    I laughed when my buddy said a full sized 1911 could be concealed. Well it does… under a T-shirt no less.

    Awesome holster. Be prepared for a long brake in time. I have been using the holster just about everyday for the last month and it is just breaking in now.

    As a side not the MSRP at $120 is a little high. I found mine on amazon for $90.

    • Stormrider September 25, 2017, 10:33 am

      I have avoided Galco products like the plague since the early 1980s due to a very bad encounter with their marketing/public relations person. I tend to be extreme in that regard. Their products are superb with the exception of their shoulder holsters, that due to their design, print badly in the high ceter of the back where the harness straps cross. Consequently, I have carried and marketed Alessi products exclusively for students and clients wanting leather carry rigs. Great holsters and far more reasonably priced – at least they used to be. With all of that said, and based upon the present article regarding the Galco comcealable holster, it is time I buried the hatchet. The new Galco rig is a fine looking setup and appears to be consistent with the excellent Galco quality they are known for.

      See to your weapons and stand to your horses,