Fox News: ‘Do gun control laws really work?’

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

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Pop quiz hot shot: Do gun control laws really work?

SPOILER ALERT: No, they don’t, as Fox News’ Tucker Carlson and his guest a retired Chicago police sergeant recently pointed out.

To prove that gun control laws are ineffective at preventing violent crime, Carlson examined the Windy City where gun-related violence is spiking out of control — over 923 shootings in 2015 — despite the fact that Chi-Town has some of the toughest restrictions on the Second Amendment.

As the two men discussed, Chicago’s problem with violence has nothing to do with inanimate objects and everything to do with gangs. After all there is a reason Chicago earned the dubious nickname “Chiraq.”

Sadly, city leaders seem to ignore the obvious problem with gangs and drugs and instead focus on rolling back the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizen. The result is an unarmed and defenseless civilian populace in the midst of war zone.

About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • Dragtrk April 21, 2017, 7:09 pm

    Has anyone ever done a complete and through census on how many people are actually murdered by perpetrators. using other than firearms to kill people. including drunks in cars? NO and the government takes a completely different approach to a drunk driver assaulting or killing or maiming others while criminally and purposely driving knowing they are not in control of their faculties, therefore knowingly and many times frequently, directing a weapon that is as deadly as any firearm! I think that the tax’s on alcohol outweigh the crime,,, don’t think the government doesn’t want THAT TAX REVENUE, that’s a obvious generator of cash in our society, and non-profitable Tax issues the government simply ignores as they render NO revenue. Ever think how you can get a 300 dollar ticket for not wearing seat belts, yet, no seat belt laws for school busses exist!, and what about those ignored issues like people riding in the back of pickup trucks and on running boards? Its obvious they are two sided issues that would cost the government money to pursue, so Damn the safety issues. They often tend to ignore serious everyday safety issues just for the sake of convenience or profit, here in good old America. Still, no one ever makes any REAL noise about them. The Government is a two faced, self serving, bunch of hypocrites. Sorry to say, but its the truth. “Amen”

  • Mark N. July 1, 2015, 3:41 am

    Chicago used to have some of the toughest gun control laws (actually a total an on handguns); now it is required to apply the same law applicable across the state, which includes “shall issue” CCW.