From Forbes:
The United States has more guns than people and the research estimates that it had a grand total of 393,300,000 civilian-owned firearms in 2017 – 120.5 for every 100 residents. So how does that compare to other countries? India has a population of 1.35 billion and it comes a very distant second in the gun-ownership league with an estimated 71.1 million weapons. China, the world’s most populous country, comes third with 49.7 million. Pakistan is in fourth place with 43.9 million civilian-owned guns while Russia rounds off the top-five with 17.6 million.
That was 2017. Add about 10MM more to the USA total since then.
Surprised to see Germany or any other EU country since United Nations wants control of all guns fpr submission to one world government. India surprised me. Would be interesting to see ammunition breakdown per country…….give it a try Guns America.
I am a patriot, I believe in and love, my Country, my Flag, my Constitution. I took an Oath to defend and protect my Country from all enemies foreign and domestic. Little did I know they would be in my own government. And I have never been relived of that oath.
Other than India I don’t believe those numbers. The other countries mentioned have one of the strictest gun control measures. And China and Russia? I guess they are counting the military. Brazil with their new president signed a huge law allowing citizens the right to armed themselves so their numbers should come up, also the Czech republic just passed a huge gun law similar to our 2A. Only in America, the greatest country in the world!!!!! MAGA!!!!
We need to pick up the pace!
I agree….
Does it not feel amazing to be in fitst place? Thank you 2A!
While this is a mildly interesting infographic, a more useful infographic would be one that showed percent of population with access to firearms.
Exactly. Much like Chicom flu stats. What is the count per capita? I suspect we are still #1, but but those simple numbers hold NO reasonable conclusion.
Were number ONE. !
Were number. ONE. !
Let’s. keep AMERICA GREAT !
And is most of these other countries, when the government tells you to do something, you do it, or else!
China had 49 million guns? Must be all in the hands of government officials’
Whats the point?
The point is that even totalitarian regimes can not completely rid themselves of guns. Forbes’ stats do not tell us if those civilians are the criminals in those nations who were not following the laws to begin with, either.
If the DemonRats ever take full control of our Government. All gun owners will become criminals.