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Competition is a good thing. Hell, it is the very basis of our free-market economy. We Americans tend to shy away from monopolies, mostly. But the last 25 years, at least, have seen one pistol dominate the compact 9mm market. There are new guns in the works form a lot of manufacturers, though, that are slowly eating into GLOCK’s market share. And now FN is poised to take a big bite out of the Austrian behemoth. The FNS-9C (compact) is a rocking gun with a lot of features. It’s made in America by a company with a long history, and the retail price should settle in right at $500.
FNS™-9 Compact
- Striker-fired autoloader
- Double-action operation
- Available in Standard and Manual Safety
- 5.5 to 7.7 lbs. trigger pull
- Stainless steel construction
- External extractor with loaded chamber indicator
- Front and rear cocking serrations
- Available in matte black or matte silver
- Cold hammer-forged stainless steel
- Polished chamber and feed ramp
- Polymer construction with replaceable steel frame/slide rails
- Two interchangeable backstraps with lanyard eyelets
- MIL-STD 1913 accessory mounting rail
- Serrated trigger guard
- Fully-ambidextrous slide stop lever
- Fully-ambidextrous magazine release
- Available with or without an ambidextrous manual safety lever
- Polished body
- Low-friction follower
- Polymer base pad
- Fixed 3-dot or fixed 3-dot night
The 9C feels good. The polymer frame is heavily textured. There subtle lines, knurls, and sharp diamonds. The whole pistol is aggressive in its feel. Even the slide has serrations on the front and rear, which makes it that much easier to clear any potential malfunctions. The overall length of the gun is 6.7″. The barrel is 3.6″. It weighs in at 23.4 ounces, empty.
The ambidextrous controls are all easily accessible. The mag drop has a strong spring to push against, and the button actually moves–all without protruding too far from the frame. It is very easy to use and not at all easy to accidentally press. The slide drop is small, but it works, too. There is no external safety to fuss with-at least not on this model. If you want to fuss with external safeties, you can.
The grip has more body to it than some compact 9s. It is easy to hold, even for people with large hands. The backstraps are interchangeable, and they have a slight tail on them to help with mag drops. Push the button and the mag drops free (thanks in part to the mirror finish on those dudes). If your hands are big, the mags may hit the heel of your hand when you drop them. I was shooting the 9C with a couple of guys with hands like Virginia hams. At first, they couldn’t get the mags to drop free. After three or four attempts, though, they’d both picked up the subtle rotation needed to free up all the paths. This is not the 9C’s fault, really–all compact 9mms have this issue to one degree or another.
The 9C does ship with 3 mags. Two hold 12 rounds, and one holds 17 (and has a grip extension, too). That’s a generous thing FN has done. With 12 in the gun, and 29 to spare, you aren’t likely to run dry when it actually counts.
Another thing that is good about the design is the wide floor plates of the magazines. These protrusions help you manipulate the magazines. Pulling them is easy, getting them to the gun, and into the mag well is easy enough. And there’s a wide platform for you to hammer home. Watch out for that last one, though, as you can pinch a thin roll of skin between the end of the mag well and the floorplate. Still, the magazines are nice, and the extra protrusion allows for a fourth finger on the grip. The extended mag gives more capacity and allows for even more real estate.
Concealing the 9C
It is a compact, so concealment shouldn’t be an issue for most adults. The double-stack magazine means the gun is wider than some of its competition, but it also holds more. And I’ve always contended that only the thinnest, smallest shooters really benefit from the fraction of an inch that a single stack magazine shaves off of the width of a double-stack. The 9C is a great contender for in waist band (IWB) carry. And for those of you who carry out of the waist band (OWB), a decent coat should cover the gun easily. The barrel has been shortened and the grip has, too.
We had no difficulties shooting the 9C. We had no jams or malfunctions. The sights sit up a bit higher than they do on some compact 9’s, so there’s a bit more to see. That makes target acquisition fast. We had good results with the 9C. We banged steel, shot plate racks, punched some cardboard for accuracy, and even stretched it out to 100 yards. At that long distance, we could easily put rounds on a torso plate, and had decent results with a 12″ square. At the end of the review, no one had any complaints about how the FNS was shooting.
There was a slight hitch that we still haven’t completely defined. During some staged trigger pulls, when we were holding out for very accurate shots, the trigger would hold just a bit before it broke. I’d describe it as grit, only it wasn’t there on every trigger pull. Maybe one out of every five. Once we’d discovered it, we dry fired over and over. The feeling was so subtle that it couldn’t be seen–but it was there in your fingertip, just a little snag.

The shot has already connected with the center plate, which has just started to fall. The recoil is easily controlled.

And the plate falls. The gun is now on its way back down. There is more muzzle flip than you would find on a full sized FNS-9, but it would be hard to measure just how much more.

From 7 yards, I was pulling left. Still–close enough to my intended point of aim for defensive purposes.
Putting the 9C Back Together
Fair-warning. After we’d reviewed the 9C, I field stripped it on a pickup’s tailgate. It came apart easily enough. We checked the internals, and took some photos, and then I tried to put it back together. When I pulled the slide back onto the frame, I jacked it up good. The guide rod poked out the end of the slide in a way that made me think I’d put it in backwards. As soon as this happened, the whole thing locked up. I couldn’t get it to move forward or backward. I handed it off to someone who is smarter than me, and he couldn’t figure it out. But he managed to loosen it a bit. He didn’t want to break anything, so he gave it back to me. With just a little bit of careful maneuvering, everything lined up and the gun snapped back into alignment. Problem miraculously solved.
The lesson here is this: make sure you line everything up right and take your time. I’d even suggest reading the manual. It isn’t hard to do right, but it wasn’t hard to screw up either.
In the End?
The 9C is great. It shoots exceptionally well. The capacity and controls and concealability all place it high in this class. The price gives it a bit of an edge. If I could make any immediate changes to the gun, it would be the addition of a rear sight that has more of a shelf on its leading edge. This may be riding higher in my mind right now, as I’m typing this review one handed. Not that it has anything to do with the 9C, but I think I’ve broken a bone in my wrist. My right thumb doesn’t work. I’d have an easier time racking the slide on the 9C if I could catch that sight on something. As is, I’ll have to carry something else.
But I will carry this gun. It has almost everything you could ask for. There’s nothing that I’d like to take away. When everything shakes out, the 9C should sell for close to $500, maybe a bit less.

A good gauge of service life is how the steel frame and barrel connect to the polymer frame. Look at those stress points. The FNS seems robust.

We handed the gun off to a number of shooters, and all did well with the 9C on their first attempts.

This is where the pic of the mag will go, as soon as I get it. I just realized as I was posting that I’m missing that detail. Stay tuned! It is coming!
My friend bought one yesterday. About 15 FTF,stovepipes,and 2 times the slide didnt lock back. Very disappointed
Computer error in the first message. As I said, no FTF in over 2000 rds.
There is nothing wrong with someone who believes manual safeties on a pistol are still ok. Before this modern day and time, most all autoloader pistols had some sort of external manual safety and they were used effectively for over a century. Being a former law enforcement officer, MP in the military, competition shooter and firearms instructor, I can relate to both sides of the arguement. Numerous police officers have accidentally shot themselves with glocks. One of my colleagues actually did this. Pistol was in his gym bag and got snagged on something while transferring holsters before he started his shift. He was also a fellow firearms instructor and had served in Desert Storm. But he was human like the rest of us, therefore even the most experienced can still make mistakes. If I carry a pistol that doesn’t have a manual saftey, the only time it is hot (round chambered) is when it is in a secure holster that fits tight and completely covers the trigger guard. As soon as it leaves the holster (other than to be fired), the round is taken out of the chamber immediately. Too many people now days, get overly comfortable with the notion that the trigger of these modern pistols cant be depressed unless its actually done with the finger. Another officer I know, who carries a pocket pistol off duty (without a manual saftey) did something similar. He forgot and stuck his keys in same pocket. While trying to reach for his keys to unlock his personal vehicle, a hand cuff key that was on his ring somehow managed to work its way down into the fully covered pocket holster and snag the trigger on the way out. The bullet struck a major artery in his leg and he almost didnt live to tell what happened. So never assume a pistol without a manual safety is just as safe as one without (even if it is striker fired or has drop saftey internals). The S&W 5906 that we carried in the early 90s was carried in the saftey off position(hot) once chambered, decocked and secured in the holster. However the retention strap and snap covered over the hammer also, which made it even more safe by protecting the external hammer (just like carried revolvers). So, basically first shot was double action like a revolver and then single action after that. On the other side of argument, some people will argue manual safeties are too slow to deactivate or people will forget to disengage it under anxiety, pressure or fear in a gun battle. For some, this may be true. But for most, its not if they are trained properly with lots of practice. Unfortunately, I have been in two situations where I had to pull and use my firearm extremly fast and I did not forget to disengage my manual saftey. Im sure years and years of hunting, target shooting, etc with manual safeties since a young age helped instill the motions in my head also. You can pull, disengage a manual saftey and fire just as fast as someone who doesnt have a manual saftey if you practice the motions enough. Tactical units do it everyday and dont have a problem with it. It actually was harder for me to learn to shoot the glock because of the trigger saftey. I shoot pretty fast on quick draw/timed drills and had a problem with my finger not fully depressing or catching the edge of the trigger safety. If it eould have been a real gun fight my chances may have not been good by the time I let off and got the proper pull to disengage the trigger. Like the old saying goes, practice makes perfect. Carry the way thats most comfortable and the safest way for your style. Dont ever let someone tell you only beginner shooters or idiots have manual safeties. Some of the most fast, accurate and experienced shooters I know still use manual safeties just like back in the old days……….
Love mine
I use the middle size one for cc
the smaller one just won’t work to we’ll with my hand size
wedding finger is about 14.5 ring size
awesome 9mm
Just bought the 9c on 2/12/15. Liked the 3 different mags. Cleaned, next day broke in with 250 rds 124. Flash is higher than my FNS-9 (due to shorter barrel), flip is a bit stronger (with the 124 grain ball). Surprisingly, shot slightly better with flush mag and pinkie hanging off. Cleaned, breaks down/reassembles exactly like the 9, which is excellent. Can’t find extra mags yet. Recoil feels a bit stronger due to the shorter grip, but grip is very good. Will try 115 grain soon for plinking. Looking for a holster too. Prints more than a Glock 42, but less than a full-size, even VP-9. I like the 9c. No problems at 300 rds with 7 different brands of 9 ball and two JHP (reliable). Price is very good, at $499.95 and WY tax.
The Wiki page for the FNS-9 says that it’s 1.55″ wide. That would make this gun 0.4″ wider than a Glock 19/26. That’s quite a bit when it’s shoved down your pants. Is that measurement accurate?
Does anyone know if Fnh is gonna make the fns 9 c in stainless?
Does anyone know if Fnh is gonna make the fns 9 c in stainless?
I regret citing the Glock per se. I should have known it would stir up the fans. My point was simply that striker fired weapons, except the Walther P99, and those with at least a manual safety lever, that have only passive safety features are not as safe as those that do….from an inactive position. Just my opinion. I really do ask my friends who carry Glocks, or clones, to not carry them in to my house, and I in turn, do not carry any pistol, or any kind, in to anyone else’s house without their specific permission. Most of the time I just don’t. True double action means a firing mechanism fully relieved of tension similar to a revolver, and to my knowledge only the striker-fired Walther has that feature, of that type, a product of some very precise engineering. I have gathered that a few here do not know how a de-cocking mechanism works. It does not imped firing the pistol, only reverts it to revolver type double action a the time you draw it….if the safety is in the off position, there is no lever to fumble with as mentioned here. That said, I mentioned being cadre for training with pistols in the military. We trained those officers to carry with no round in the chamber, in a flapped covered holster, and to rack the slide upon drawing, admittedly something that slows down response, but in the military environment is not something you worry about as you draw and rack the slide before engaging an enemy. Once cocked they were taught to engage the manual safety and re-holster the pistol….thus “cocked & locked.” They were instructed to clear the weapon when the opportunity presented it self…and return it to no round in chamber, hammer down status. As for reliability I’ve dropped Government issue Model 1911’s in swamp mud and picked it and fired it without a hitch….however, the modern accurized versions (much tighter fit all round) might not perform in that environment so well. If a Glock does, or a clone similar pistol does, great. I’m not too familiar with how many Glocks are subjected to desert sand, jungle, or swampy conditions….other than to note that upon extensive testing, a hammer fired Beretta pistol was chosen to replace the Model 1911 for standard issue. Not a Glock or other clone. Personally, I’d prefer the Model 1911 but I don’t run the Pentagon. Said very simply, I prefer pistols and weapons that require conscious thought, embedded in muscle memory when necessary, before firing. I don’t think that is outlandish or feeble brained or what ever.
“True double action means a firing mechanism fully relieved of tension similar to a revolver” You realize you just described a Glock right? 😉
Glock, Sig, S&W, FN, Springfield who really cares? Whatever someone trains with and feels comfortable carrying is the right gun for them. For me that is a Glock 26, 19 or 17 depending on situation and how I am dressed. I carry all these guns with a round in the chamber and have for 18 years. This is after carrying a Beretta for 5 years in the Marines. I had to draw on 3 guys coming at me in a parking lot 6 years ago. Thank God I didn’t have to put my finger on the trigger. If you have ever been in that situation you can not believe how fast your heart races and how much adrenalin starts flowing. I believe a less complicated easier to use gun is more likely to help save your life. Whatever gun you choose, train with it often and be very familiar with it. I see people weekly on the range with guns that have external safeties and decockers who barley know how to load and unload their guns let alone how to properly manipulate these controls. And many are there for a CCW class! These features just add an extra dimension and steepen the learning curve. So if you choose one of these weapons, or any weapon for that matter, please learn how to use it.
Richard you sound very knowledgeable and like you know your personal guns very well. Sometimes I need to realize we are all on the same team we just like using different equipment.
We are all on the same team we just like using different equipment. (That’s what she said) a little humor! Matt well said. Stressful situations small motor skills go out the window trained or not. I’m not a glock boy as some may think here. People love them or hate them. I have 30 handguns the last two I purchased a Sprinfield XD Mod 2 and Ruger SR 1911, both good guns. Like I said earlier I have 2 Sigs and 2 FNH. I just like guns. I see it all the time in my training classes people show up with guns that have safeties and decockers and have trouble using them. I always spend as much time with them to make sure they get comfortable using that gun. What usually happens when I see them again they have switched to a gun without all the levers. I don’t push them at all in making that decision they do it on their own. I’m looking forward to trying out the 9c. After what happened this past week in Paris we all need to be prepared and help those who are not. God Bless America!
It was a very good, we’ll written article.
Some of these comments crack me up. Don’t like striker fire? Get a Sig and decock it. And the Glocks are average at everything and great at nothing.
The quality (and price point) of the American Made FNX, FNP and 5.7 are superior to any XD or M&P or Glock. And yes I have owned, shot and SOLD all but my FN’s and Sigs. After 30 years of shooting and owning more than 30 different guns one basic principal still applies – you get what you pay for. I will bet my life on my FNX tactical or carry 229 over any gun out there.
This is a great gun for the money anywhere under $600.
Even if this is the “exact same” as the other compact 9’s, its worth upgrading to. Even if the only upgrade is that its good looking, unlike the rest of the compact 9’s.
Good review and another good product from a top-notch company. Still, all-in-all I would rather have a Glock-26 until the new FNS has more time to be tried & proven in the “field”
Looks similar to an M&P. The ambi controls and the internals.
Reviews should list the length, height and width of the weapon to give us a better uderstanding of conceivability.
I just love reading the Glock fan boys knee jerk reaction to the positive review of any striker fired pistol other than their own Glock. Just as predictable as the reaction of the anti-gunner fan boys to any new shooting murder.
There may be several striker fired pistols better than Glock. I have a Glock 22 purchased in 2003, and since it fits my needs and I already own it, I may never spend the money to find out. I don’t know if that makes me a GFB or not. I prefer to think I’m a satisfied customer. Competition is good!
I’m not sure there is anything “better” than a Glock for reliability. But, I think there are other guns equally as good in terms of reliability and better in some ways (for me) such as ergonomics. I look at the overall package of what an autoloader brings to a handgun. I consider myself a mostly satisfied Glock customer. Currently, I have three Glocks and if my two Gen 4 Glock 19s didn’t regularly pepper my face with empty brass I would be a fully satisfied customer.
The FNS is a fairly new handgun just brought out in 2012 I think. This review is on the compact model which is a brand new variant. The Glock fan boys, as opposed to a satisfied customer, should give it a chance already instead of the instant negative comments. But they won’t. It’s who they are and what they do. That is the reason it is difficult to get any good constructive information on the Glock forums. Any slight questioning of the Glock performance or any problem with a particular Glock brings forth the “defenders of the faith” who always insist the Glock is perfect and any problem encountered is the fault of the ammunition or of the user or both.
The Glock is a excellent handgun, but it isn’t perfect and neither is any other handgun. The fan boys should get off their knees in front of the Alter of Glock and open their eyes. There are some other brands out there that are pretty nice also. If you don’t want to try them then Fine. But there is no need to be instantly negative on them just because you only want a Glock.
Competition IS good. And good for FN on their FNS handgun and this new compact version.
Well said.. As a 40+ year Browning Hi Power, and a recent FNS 9 Compact owner, I’ve never understood the Glock fever. Nothing against Glock, just seems to be a generic, plain Jane gun without any ‘style’. Being neutral on Glocks, you explained much. Thank you.
After 880 rounds in my 9C, my only concern is that the mag release requires way too much ‘centered’ pressure,. So much so that I find using my thumb impossible as the release must be pressed deeply inside the hole because the release is too flush, too smooth. If it were more prominent, as on the BHP, situation immediately solved. A quick fix! I’m hoping for a ‘taller’ release that I can swap out. Or, if the spring relaxes in 10 years, that may help, as their desire to make it flush and not accidentally depressed went too far, resulting in their only flaw. Hint, hint FNH.
Now we need the holster makers to catch up to this superb new arm.
I have heard from other forums that FNH has now made 4 different versions of the Mag Release (original, LH sticks out further, RH sticks out further, and both sides stick out further). I think that you just have to contact them.
I liked this gun better when it was called a S&W M&P.
I am doing a video on this gun. Do you mind if I use some of your photos. I will give credit in the video.
Nice review. Three magazines, one of which is a full size with grip extension is really awesome. I had a Ruger SR9c and you got two mags 1 compact & 1 full size with grip extension. I have the full size FNS .40 on layaway and if I like it as much as I believe I will I’ll definitely be getting the compact as well.
Read your article and it seems like it is a decent Glock clone pistol, but exactly where is it superior to and an improvement on a Glock? Accuracy? Reliabilty? Ergonomics? Legal reliabilties and actual performances? Does it function and fire with gunk in it like a Glock can? How about ease of maintenance as well as dis-assembly and re-assembly other than your reported difficulty?
Are there any compelling reasons for law enforcement agencies or a legal resident to find this clone superior to a Glock and switch to it other the hype it is from FN?
The ambidextrous mag release.
Correction: I meant ambi slide release which Glock does not have. For those who do not know Glock Gen 4 has a reversible mag release which I am satisfied with but I also want the ambi slide release as well. Thanks FNH and S&W for making affordable ambidextrous models.
Looks like a regular sized pistol. Not very small. Nice gun though. Waiting for the smallest Glock 9mm soon….(Need to edit article before publishing)
If you’re pushing your shots to the left and right handed, your grip is wrong. Perhaps the gun doesn’t fit your hand.
Get some instruction to find out.
I am no expert but i would say you are using the tip of your finger instead of the pad of you finger on the trigger…
Love FN (former FNS and FNX owner) but damn, another 9c? Can anyone show me a meaningful difference between these and every other 9c on the market??
You would even suggest reading the manual? Good advice.
Correction I ment compact not sub compact on my comment…other then full size ! Have a great day everyone.
Glock likes to call their 19 a compact and the G26 subcompact but the specs on a 19 are comparable to the HK VP9 and S&W M&P of which the latter holds 17 rounds. As for the so called subcompact G26 it is for all intents and purposes the same size as the S&W M&P 9c. I know this because I owned both. The G26 only holds 10+1 while the M&P 9c holds 12+1.
Nice update for FNH…however, without the true, full tension release de-cocking feature option such as on the Walther P99 series, I’d never touch one. Walther is the only firm that has engineered a true de-cocker for striker fired pistols that I know of today. I don’t even allow Glocks in my house, even carried by my police friends, passive safety is no safety. The Glocks are popular because they are relatively cheap…compared to hammer fired models, such as the H&K .45 or FNX-45 ACP’s with a manual de-cocker and a safety that fully disengages the trigger from the sear. At least this new FNS model has an optional manual safety, similar to the S&W models of the same type. No manual safety and I’d ban it from my presence just like I do Glocks and other passive safety only models. There is no such thing as too much safety. BTW, I began with .45 ACP pistols in 1964, carried one in war, and still have a great modern version…but for carry use, I use the FNX-45 de-cocked and on “safe” …. years of muscle memory assures I will smoothly dis-engage the manual safety when drawing the pistol. I realize my comment here will not be popular.
I support your comments on the P99 operating system. It is my go to carry weapon just because it can be carried de-cocked. Still I add a MIC to the trigger guard on any weapon I carry so the weapon cannot become active until clear of my body no matter how stressed the situation. I even use a MIC on my S&W 66. If Walther would make a thinner P99 I would carry that. I still prefer a hammer weapon so I can easily verify the status as I holster. Previous carry was a PPK (1968), but .380 is just too light for this age of crack heads and terrorist. Few people understand the P99 firing pin block, it in front of the firing pin, not riding in a notch mid pin as most others. Had another weapon fracture the firing pin at the safety cut, and the weapon fired with the safety on just after chambering a round. I melted the gun down instead of selling it to someone who did not know what might happen.
Here’s some advice I received a long time ago. The only true reliable safety is your finger. Keep it off the trigger and that weapon will never discharge a round
Why dont you tell that garbage to the mother whose 2 year old shot her with one of these striker fired guns without a real safety? Oh , wait a minute…she’s DEAD!
That poor woman is dead because she was very, very stupid and obviously lacked any training.
She was a nuclear physicist. They are all stupid. Safety first.
Holly Dallman, You should do your research before you make a comment about anything. The gun the 2 year old shot the mother with was an M&P Shield and it did have a safety. The safety was not engaged but the gun did have one. And as for the rest of you I gotta have a safety people, this isn’t the 1950s any more. Guns don’t go off because you drop them, they go off when you’re not paying attention to what your doing and/or do not have proper firearms handling techniques. Once a gun is holstered in a proper holster made for that gun it is IMPOSSIBLE for the gun to fire. Guns don’t kill people, stupid, inattentive, people who are improperly trained or not trained at all kill people. Also for the record, just because you served in the armed forces, that doesn’t make you an expert on Pistols.
Wow! I don’t think I would let you in my house, you seem bitter and angry. Just wait someday when your safety fails and your decocker and see what happens. You better hope it’s not at a critical time. Anything that is made made can break.
Jeff…failures can happen to any thing made by man as you said. Do you think a Glock’s purported trigger toggle half cocked striker fire system safety mechanism can never fail? BTW…de-cocking is NOT done under pressure and when you do it the pistol should be pointed at the ground or at least down range if you are at one. I’m getting the impression that as few folks do not know what a true de-cocker is…if so, don’t carry a revolver, as they normally are de-cocked unless someone is just crazy in love with high risk.
Richard I know how the damn gun works. I have Sigs and FNH. Your the one who decided to bring up Glock in a review about FNH 9C. I guess if a police officer needs to come to your house after you call 911 to save your ass because the decocker broke and caused the gun to malfunction, and is caring a Glock I guess he is not welcome. Making a statement no Glocks in my house is stupid on your part. Anyone is welcome to my home who legally carries with whatever their choice of carry is. Also how do you ban something from your presence. All hail King Richard!
Jeff…de-cocking is done when loading a pistol, not when under pressure, and you point it at the ground or down range otherwise when you do it…for the very reason you cite…man made things can fail. Release of a thumb safety is done smoothly when you draw a pistol if you’ve trained to do so. If the pistol fails to fire anyway, it is neither the safety nor the de-cocker that causes it. My personal preference is for pistols with manual safeties and de-cockers now that they are available. A pistol that is half cocked all the time with only passive safety features bother me. If they don’t you, great. Enjoy.
Sorry for the double reply…my first one appeared to be lost in the ether…e.g., did not see the usual moderation statement for it.
Richard, that has to be the most ignorant nonsensical comment I have ever read in any pro gun comments, blog, message board or anywhere. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. Don’t point a gun at anything you don’t want to destroy. Basic gun safety rules. If you rely on buttons and levers to keep your gun safe you’re doing it wrong. I just hope you don’t get killed fumbling with your decocker while your adrenaline is pumping and your heart is racing.
Matt…I’ve been in combat and am very familiar with pistol & rifle safety. Dating back to 1964. I shoot weekly with various pistols to this day. I gave my opinion, that is all. Your knowledge of a de-cocking devise appears scant. BTW…a de-cocker is not something you fumble with under pressure, it is merely a pre-caution taken when not under pressure. A de-cocked FNX, H&K , Berretta, or Walther will fire at will double action…there is no fumbling to do. Carried & kept in a proper holster, you cannot touch the trigger. If you consider “fumbling” to be smoothly moving the thumb safety lever as you draw a pistol, then please never carry a Model 1911 cocked & locked with the safety John Browning designed in the off position. Like what did he know?
Well, your comments are popular with me. A two year old shot its mother to death recently with one of these striker fired weapons with no safety. A trooper I know accidently shot a pregnant woman (but didnt kill her) with a striker fired weapon as he grabbed her during a bust. A five to seven lb. trigger with no safety has no business being out there on a shooting range or during an altercation. That’s almost like carrying a Colt M1911 with the grip saftey pinned and the hammer cocked and the safety off….I think I will keep my Model 92/96 series guns….
A 2 year old shooting his mother or a trooper “accidentally” shooting someone has nothing to do with the safeties on the type of gun used. It has everything to do with proper gun handling and safety training and basic common sense. Honestly Holly your emotional jibber jabber makes you sound like a brain dead liberal. If you know what you’re doing and handle guns properly a Glock is just as safe as any other gun. Actually it’s safer because it’s more likely to save your life than something with 2 or 3 levers and buttons to manipulate before you can shoot it.
Its become clear that you have an unreasoning hatred of safety systems in firearms.
No gun has “2 or 3 levers and buttons” for its safety. most will have a single safety catch, that could largely be ignored if you carry the gun de-cocked as a double action pistol, or at most a 1911 style grip safety as well which the user also ignores.
Forgetting your training to take of a safety before shooting is like forgetting to pull the trigger.
Agree Richard.I have a 1911 and Kruger sr9c. Put my life on. Reasonably priced good guns.
Hey, Guess what? A kentucky police officer shot himself with a striker fired no saftey weapon. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2015/01/06/off-duty-kentucky-cop-accidentally-shoots-himself-in-the-stomach-during-dinner-date-with-wife/
So did a Washington State Patrol trooper, whose issue jacket drawsting got caught in the trigger guard as he was holstering the M&P (no saftey). Now, WSP is replacing the old M&Ps with new ones WITH safetys…..imagine that?
Is this Holly Bloomberg? Congratulations you have pointed out irresponsible people. At no time was it the gun that caused it to fire. It was someone not paying attention to detail. A lot of times police are the worst at following gun safety. I know a state trooper who discharged his shotgun in his post and put a hole in the ceiling, and the town I live in a officer discharged his service pistol while sitting on the toilet in the station. He was the department instructor. If you want a revolver by all means carry it and if you want a gun with a safety get one. How a review of a gun turned into you and king dick the safety and decocker police is beyond me.
Broken hand? Awww, c’mon pussy, clamp the slide with your teeth, hook your thumb in the trigger guard… and give the frame a good yank…works every time!
very nice review and I have heard FN makes great guns I have an HK Vp9 ,a Glock 19 and a CZ 75 all of which obviously or 9 millimeter and work well ! One thing I thought was odd was the magazine capacity configuration they give you with the three magazine’s one 17 round and two 12 round. All three of my other sub compact 9 millimeter have three 15 round mag capacities which makes more sense really and that gives you 45 shots at your disposal not 41….hey granted it is only a 4 round difference but it could be that edge that makes the difference. ?.. Just saying. LOL
Richard, the reason the gun comes with dissimilar magazines is that it is able to use not only the 12 round mags made for the gun but the 17 round mags made for the full size FNS-9. FNH includes one of the full size magazines with the grip adapter. This way, you have two magazines for carrying and one for other purposes (practice or home defense.)
This gun is smaller than those three you described. The FNS9 is more comparable to the Glock 19 in size except the grip height, which is why it has an extra two rounds over the G19. The FNS9 compact is more comparable to the Glock 26 but a bit larger in barrel and grip and so holds an extra two rounds again.
Looks good, I hope a compact fnx is in the works? and it would of been nice to see the model with a safety, or at least a description of it. ( is it on the frame or the slide?) My 1st ccw was the xds.45, what a mistake, I got it for it’s size, and sold it because it’s not as accurate to shoot and unreliable ( all the ftf, fte and stovepipes ) I finally realized a good shooting gun is more important than an easy to conceal gun and replaced it with an Officers 1911. That’s when I realized the xds was to blame for my grouping, not my shooting skills. as I was instantly better with the 1911. I’m sure the FN reputation of good shooting, accurate guns continues with this new model and hope they do an fnx like this in the future.
You must have been shooting some garbage ammo. I own an XDS .45 and have NEVER experienced a FTF, FTE or stovepipe. I had one of the early ones and had to send it back for update. Got it back and it still shot/shoots like a dream. NOT 1 problem ever with the gun and deadly accurate. I just last week bought the new “mod2” in .9mm and love that one as well…..400 rounds down the pipe of this new one so far and its running flawless and deadly accurate as well…..I say the XDS is hands down the best CCW weapon made. I say that with a small caveat though….I’m having a custom back holster made for my FN five seven…I love that gun as well and it may very well be my carry gun in the very near future.
Yeah, I’ve got the 9 XDS and it’s super accurate. I have heard the 45 is snappy for a lot of people. As a small women, I still have no problem with a 45. And the XDS is one that is big enough but small enough to conceal. But, oh how I love my FNS 9. I have carried it before and it felt like it was 1/3 of my body, LOL! And, the five seven does shoot like a dream.
Well, if you consider Federal HST and Gold Dots to be garbage ammo… I also had an XDS .45, never could get it to run reliably, and was eventually glad to get rid of it. The lesson for me was to NEVER buy a pistol until it’s been in production a couple of years at least, no matter how great it seems or who makes it. I thought that in this case, hey, it’s Springfield after all, it’s got to be reliable, right? Sadly, no, but I’m glad yours worked out for you.
The XDS was to blame for your grouping? Yeah right. I guarantee you your lack of skill caused your accuracy issues as well as your malfunctions. Anyone can shoot accurately with any modern gun if they know what they are doing.
That may or may not be true. There are people like myself who shoot some guns more accurately than others. I had early model 4″ and 3″ XD’s in 9,40 and 45 for two years and was able to shoot them all accurately, but not as accurately as my 1911’s. I haven’t found any handgun I can shoot as accurately as a 1911, so that’s what I carry.
My first reply was simply to make a point concerning your comment about his grouping. This one is simply to point out that Mickey didn’t say anything about grouping or accuracy. He was commenting on the reliability.
I have been shooting for over 40 years and competed with guys who you see competing on TV. I shoot almost everything put into my hands, well. Plus I have shot various rifles and a 1911 in combat under extreme stress. I had an XDs 45. I figured out why people were having problems with it. It is very unforgiving of your grip. If you have big hands like me, small guns do not fit them well. After 100 flawless rounds I decided to test a theory I had and loosened up my death grip just a little and there is was, a FTE. I tightened my grip and no problem. I loosened the grip and another FTE. I think you will find a youtube video that also proves this. A guy’s wife was getting jams all the time. He cursed the gun and returned it for repairs. It came back and it was still jamming for his wife. He once again cursed this POS but decided to try it himself. Guess what? No jams when he used it. Kept jamming for his wife though.
As a former safety and range office I cannot remember how many times I was handed guns that jammed or shot crooked only to out a few in the bullseye, hand the gun back and assure the owner that there is no problem with the gun or its “Crooked” sights. The problem is that many gun owners never took lessons on how to shoot and they learned bad habits. One gun may be more forgiving than another. Take a guy raised on a Glock and give him a gun with a different trigger and feel and they often have problems. I like to teach guys on revolvers. Once you can shoot a gun with a 12 lb. trigger pull well, everything else feels like a hair trigger. 🙂
Se ve espectacular cual es es el Precio
How about a pic with a magazine in the gun?
Exactly! That was the first thing I looked for. How long is the grip with the mag in it? Isn’t that what everyone wants to know about a compact?
Agreed! Plus the mandatory pic next to a G19 and an M&P9C.
Also a picture with the 17 round mag in would be great, seems there’s no picture of that anywhere on the internet.
Also a picture with the 17 round mag and grip extension would be great, can’t find it anywhere on the internet.
Thanks for a great review typing just with one hand, makes me very interested to check it out FSC9, in the market for sub-compact now will compare this to XDS and MOD2, it would be nice if the various manufacturers let you try their new guns through their dealers for buyers to be able to make a good suitable decision for themselves. Thanks once again!!