FN 502: Best New Optic Ready Threaded 22 Pistol On the Block?!

in Gun Reviews, Handguns, Pistols
FN 502: Best New Optic Ready Threaded 22 Pistol On the Block?!

FN just released their first-ever 22 LR pistol and newest design as of September 1st, the FN 502 Tactical. If you’re lucky it has already made it out to some stores near you. After being all hot and bothered with optic ready suppressed 22 pistols for plinking under night vision, seeing another company jump into the market mostly dominated by the Ruger Mark IV was an unexpected and jubilant surprise! I started calling local stores and FN vendors to see when they may get any in stock but didn’t have any luck the first week. However, after week two of calling, I happened to find the only one in stock around Dallas 10 days after the release. One quick drive later and now it is mine to review.

FN 502: Best New Optic Ready Threaded 22 Pistol On the Block?!
Plenty of texturing for a solid grip

First impressions have been great. The grip is very comfortable with good texturing. It has stippling where you want it, and molded texture everywhere else you need to keep a very positive grip on the gun when running it. According to FN’s website, the FN 502 will also work with most FN 509 style holsters due to the same style grip, so that is a huge plus to FN fanboys out there who may want interchangeable holsters. I think this would allow someone who normally carries an FN 509 to make a replica setup with this FN 502 for cheaper training when high-volume shooting is involved.

The ambidextrous controls on this pistol are a nice feature as well. Great for left and right-handed shooters, and for all of you competition people who switch between dominant and weak hands. The controls seem to fit my hands just about perfectly and are very intuitive and easy to manipulate. When compared to the Ruger Mark IV, the slide release can be operated without losing your grip. The slide stop on the Ruger is so far forward I had to shift my whole hand to be able to reach it whereas the FN 502’s slide stop sits just where my thumb rests when I am holding the gun with my shooting grip. A huge plus in my opinion and will make a big difference if you are doing reloads where time is of the essence.

FN 502: Best New Optic Ready Threaded 22 Pistol On the Block?!
15rd mag in the pistol, 10rd sitting beside

This FN 502 Tactical came with both a 10 and 15 round magazine. These magazines are shaped much more like typical mags for polymer pistols than the Ruger Mark IV. Where the Ruger Mark IV has slim mags which seem to be easier to fumble around, the FN 502’s mags have a rounder footprint which is very similar to an FN 509 or Glock magazine. Besides the general shape for grabbing from a pouch for speed reloads, the shape also seemed to play a huge role in how easily the magazine would feed into the magwell. The FN 502 is very easy to align and seat a magazine without even looking, whereas the Ruger was much more particular about the angle and placement when feeding a new mag. The difference between reloading them felt just as large as a standard magwell vs one with a large flared aftermarket magwell. For shooting at night under NOD’s, this will be a huge benefit.

FN 502: Best New Optic Ready Threaded 22 Pistol On the Block?!
10rd mag flush with the bottom of the pistol, 15rd sitting beside

While the FN 502 does come with a 10 round magazine that sits flush with the bottom of the grip, it comes with a 15 round magazine that extends about another inch out of the bottom. These extra 5 rounds are another huge bonus to me because no one should be limited to only 10 rounds, and that is an extra 50% carrying capacity. Extra mags for the FN 507 look to be going for around $30 each so they are pricier than the Ruger’s, but I think all the benefits these mags provide are well worth the price.

FN 502: Best New Optic Ready Threaded 22 Pistol On the Block?!
Trigger being pulled back against the wall

Of all the features this pistol provides, so far I have been most blown away by the trigger. FN’s website states that the 502 has a “best in class trigger” which breaks at 5lbs. So far, I totally agree with their claim of best in class. There is a short amount of take-up before you get to the wall of the trigger, but when you get to the wall and pull there is the slightest amount of creep before what I would say is a best in class and clean break. It is much better than any other stock 22 pistols, Glocks, or Smith and Wesson’s I have tried.

FN 502: Best New Optic Ready Threaded 22 Pistol On the Block?!
Trigger pulled all the way back

After breaking a shot, there is about 1/2” of travel back forward before you get a very positive reset which is right back on the wall, ready for your next shot. While this observation was made after the pistol came straight out of the box, time will tell if it remains as impressive after a couple of thousand rounds have been put through it. As of now, I am still pretty blown away.

FN 502: Best New Optic Ready Threaded 22 Pistol On the Block?!

The FN 502 Tactical comes standard with a 1/2×28-inch pitch for its threaded barrel which is the most common thread pattern for 22 suppressors. It comes with a textured thread protector and O-ring to keep the thread protector locked in place when firing and vibrations could otherwise knock it loose.

FN 502: Best New Optic Ready Threaded 22 Pistol On the Block?!
Three different MRD mounts for either the Trijicon RMR, Vortex Venom, or Shield RMS footprints

Finally, we have the optic ready slide. While I don’t really have a preference between a slide-mounted optic cut like the FN 502 provides, or a base mounting plate fastened to the breach end of the barrel such as the Taurus TX 22 Competition, having an optic ready pistol is a huge benefit in today’s world. The FN 502 comes with 4 different sighting options. The options are no optic and just plain sights, or either a Trijicon RMR, Vortex Venom, or Shield RMS baseplate all with the rear sight attached. The fact that FN includes all three of these different baseplates with the firearm instead of charging extra for whichever one you decide you need is pretty cool, and an awesome perk since these footprints cover almost any optics you could want to throw on top of this pistol. One thing to note for anyone that wants to mount a Holosun, the RMR screws will not work. The head of the screws is too wide, and the grip length is too long. I read the manual and looked at online forums, but nothing stated what screws were supposed to be used for a Holosun 507C. After reaching out to FN, they stated that the Vortex screws included in the box would work and that they are in the process of making Holosun specific screws available soon. For now, I have just used the Vortex screws, and they fastened down nicely.

As of this time, I only have around 150 rounds of 36gr Remington Golden Bullet hollow points through this pistol. Out of the box, it did have some immediate cycling issues for the first 50 rounds. However, after applying a generous amount of oil, it has been running flawlessly. The FN 502 is a smooth shooter. Due to the full-sized frame and being chambered in 22 Long Rifle, the recoil is almost non-existent.

FN 502: Best New Optic Ready Threaded 22 Pistol On the Block?!
10 shot group at 10 yards. Topped off with the Holosun 507C and the SilencerCo Hybrid.

I had no issues shooting a silhouette at 40 yards with the iron sights for my first couple of rounds straight out of the box. Accuracy-wise, I think the FN 502 will perform better than the capabilities of most shooters. As seen above, I shot a group at about 10 yards standing without a rest, and had a maximum spread of 1.08″ between flyers, while most were within a 0.60″ zone of each other. For cheap 22LR value pack ammo out of a pistol, I am not disappointed.

FN 502: Best New Optic Ready Threaded 22 Pistol On the Block?!

Out of the box I have been very impressed. This pistol provides all I wanted with an optic ready slide and threaded barrel while including better ergonomic controls, trigger, and magazine capacity than the Ruger Mark IV Tactical. FN managed to do all this at a better price point with an MSRP of $499.99 for the FN 502 versus the Ruger’s MSRP of $619.00 for the Mark IV Tactical.

For more specifications, feel free to check out this pistol on FN’s website here.

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About the author: Mitchell Graf is passionate about hunting and competition shooting. During college he was the shooting instructor for Oklahoma State’s Practical Shooting Team, and these days he spends as much time as he can chasing after pigs and coyotes with night vision and thermals. You can follow Mitchell’s adventures over at his Instagram @That_Gun_Guy_

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  • Kopper October 15, 2021, 11:59 pm

    Why are these .22 pistols so expensive? I don’t understand why I can pick up an A22 or 10/22 for $200 but an umarex pistol is usually only $150-200 less than its real 9mm counterpart. The HK416 22, another umarex, is $400. There’s a lot more there than any of these overpriced pistols. I’ll pass.

  • Pantexan October 8, 2021, 9:23 am

    The MSRP for the Ruger is $689. The Glock 44 sells for less than $450 but the threaded barrel will set you back another $175 and then you have to have the slide milled if you want to mount a red dot. The FN looks like it might be a good deal.

  • Mark N. October 6, 2021, 11:46 pm

    A Umarex by any other name is still a Umarex. Buy a Ruger instead. (Yes, this is a Umarex made to look like a FN under license.)

  • Trinidad Flores October 5, 2021, 6:36 pm

    Where can I buy it in Texas

  • Austin D Smith October 4, 2021, 11:33 am

    Looks great! I have the Browning 1911-22 and I love it. I know there isn’t a lot of competition in this space. Hopefully there will be more releases, and hopefully they will start building them with high capacity magazines. If they can build 3″ barrel micro guns in 9mm holding 11 rounds in flush magazines, surely they can build .22 magazines for a standard size pistol that hold 20 or 30 rounds.

  • Mike Thomas October 4, 2021, 8:07 am

    Must agree. Glad you are impressed but 10yds. is no test of accuracy. Hopefully there will be a follow-up using multiple brands of ammunition.

  • Ernest Wayne Toney Sr. October 4, 2021, 7:59 am

    I just read all the new info. about this new .22 pistol and I am planning saving myself and try and get me one. I love all types of old .22 pistols. When I was in Vietnam in 1968 and 1969 with the Americal Division, 198Th. and 196Th. Infantry I was in the jungles all the time and I was in the Army and I was a Grunt, a Tunnel Rat and attached with a LRRP Unit. My Father send me a .22 old Star pistol that shot 8 rounds through it and when I came across a VC or and NVA I took them out with it because it was very quite and didn’t make very much noise, I still have that pistol today and it has a lot of body’s on it. I have two old Ted Williams .22 rifles my wife bought me at Sears in 1970 and it is semiauto rifle, and I have two Leapol scopes on them with night vision sights and they shoot really well even today and I am going to give one to my Great grandson Mason when he turns 10 yrs. old and he is 8 yrs. right now and he can’t hardly wait to get it from me. I sent back home when I was in Vietnam a AK47 Rifle, a SKS Rifle and my old .45 Cal. issued pistol which the Army would let us do back than I would never ever sale them and when my Great Grandson gets to be 16 yrs. old I am planning giving all of them to him because I know he would never sale them. I have two sons and my oldest son Doug I gave him one of my .22 rifles and my youngest son John I gave him one of my old semi. auto 12 Gage shot guns and both of my sons said they will never give or sale them. I love collecting all types of weapons, they are like having money in the bank.

    • Jim einfeldt October 4, 2021, 11:39 am

      Read your post about the old 22s was quite interesting I came across a 22 lever action shingle shot that has nothing more on the barrel than” premier single shot “ 22 short long and long rifle . No serial number or other name on the rifle anywhere it looks just like marlin when you take it out of the Fore grip. Have you ever heard or seen one like it I can send a picture

  • Ryan October 4, 2021, 7:40 am

    Where is the rest of the review?
    Accuracy report at 25yds with and without suppressor?
    Will it cycle cci quiet with a suppressor?
    Mean rounds suppressed before too dirty to cycle?
    POI shift?
    Multiple brands of ammo? Especially for finicky rimfire
    Only 150rds? And praises are sung when malfunctions persisted for 33% of the test?
    Praise for a 1/2” trigger reset and a 5# pull?

    Sounds like a paid infomercial or a rushed review through rose colored glasses.

  • Randy Goodyear October 4, 2021, 6:01 am

    Nice looking Pistol!!