First Look: Springfield M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor — Full Review

in Authors, Clay Martin, Gun Reviews, Rifles

This week, I got my hands on a rifle that is destined for greatness. Springfield Armory has surprised all of us by chambering the M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor! I am not generally a fan of what I consider ancient weapons, but I am prepared to make an exception for this one.First Look: Springfield M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor — Full Review

First Look: Springfield M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor — Full ReviewThe History of the M1A & M14

You can’t tell the story of the M1A without bringing up the M14. Why? M1A is actually an M14 pattern rifle, with M1A being Springfield Armory’s trade name for it. In fact, all the way back in 1974 when Springfield started producing M1As, they did so with surplus M14 receiver blanks.

There are differences. Every M1A part today is made in-house of high-quality steel. But at its heart, an M1A is an M14.

The M14 has the distinction of having the shortest shelf life of any rifle in U.S. military history, at least as a general issue item. I often think of it as Korean War relic, but that isn’t right either. (I may have misspoken that in my video.) The M14 was adopted in 1957 and the last contract was filled in 1964. It was essentially a detachable magazine Garand shortened from 30-’06 to .308 Winchester. The “military science” of the day concluded that the best indicator of potential enemy killed was the number of rounds fired, and rapidly started switching to smaller bullets. It is also telling that the same tactical geniuses concluded that full-power .308 rounds were hard to control during full auto setting.First Look: Springfield M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor — Full Review

That whole “more bullets” concept may have been true among conscripts in Korea and Vietnam, but it doesn’t hold much water today.

Article Continues Below


  • Type: Semiautomatic rifle
  • Cartridge: 6.5 Creedmoor
  • Capacity: 10; 20; 30 rds.
  • Weight: 11.4 lbs.
  • Overall Length: 45 in.– 46.25 in.
  • Barrel Length: 22 in.; 1:8-in. twist
  • Trigger: 4 lbs.
  • Handguard: Springfield Armory
  • MSRP: $2,045
  • Manufacturer: Springfield Armory
First Look: Springfield M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor — Full Review


Modern Day GWOT & The Proper Instruments

We are fighting a different kind of fight, but I learned something early on in urban combat during the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). The quickest way to stop the incoming fire is to eliminate the threat as quickly as possible. As in, hit what you are aiming at.

I have a personal love for the M14, though it is a lot more nostalgic than practical.

First, the SOCOM 16 came out not long after I was running around the USMC with an M16A2. This shorter rifle that shot 7.62×51 looked to my young eyes like a match made in heaven. It’s one of the only guns from my days as a  jarhead that I have never managed to buy. It is my unicorn.

Second, as a USMC Scout Sniper, I am old school enough to have actually been issued an M14. The first version I remember was issued in 2002, designated the DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle). The idea of a semiauto sniper rifle was still novel in the USMC, SR25s had not achieved dominance like they do today. When we went ashore in Iraq not long after, semiauto 7.62 seemed like a very good idea.

So, I have always liked M1A rifles. But at this point in my life, I would be hard pressed to buy anything in .308. That round and I had a lot of good times, but it’s time has passed.First Look: Springfield M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor — Full Review

First Look: Springfield M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor — Full ReviewThe Pros of the 6.5 Creedmoor

Outside of machine guns, where the jury is still out due to armor piercing needs, the 6.5 Creedmoor will absolutely stomp .308 into the dirt.

It flies better, bucks the wind better, and has less recoil. In match grade commercial rounds, the 6.5 Creedmoor is now cheaper than .308. Imagine my surprise then, to learn Springfield Armory was going to change the M1A! They have adapted better than most of the large-frame AR builders, and I am happy to see it.

Read About Why the 6.5 Creedmoor is the Round of the Future.

First Look: Springfield M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor — Full ReviewSpringfield’s Step in the Right Direction

To me, this caliber change opens the M1A up to a generation of shooters that otherwise would have passed it by. And that is a good thing. The M1A is a really cool gun both aesthetically and functionally. Just the way the action works makes shooters feel like John Wayne.

The rifle takes me instantly back to a time when men were men, coffee didn’t include caramel as an option, and PC stood for Philippine Constabulary.  Think about it from the perspective of a young shooter today. Recommending they get a rifle in .308 is like recommending they should get a pistol in .45 Long Colt. It’s simply not practical.

The new M1A lets them pick a rifle of heritage, with a common caliber.

The new version of the gun doesn’t feature just a caliber change, but also a furniture upgrade. I like the wooden stock versions, but it does lack some features of a modern rifle. Springfield updated this model with a precision adjustable stock. Comb height and stock length are simple to change and rock steady. The grip is closer to a pistol-grip feel, complete with a hidden compartment. The forend features a Picatinny rail, meaning you can use any modern bipod you like.First Look: Springfield M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor — Full Review

First Look: Springfield M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor — Full ReviewRange Time

Our test model was the loaded edition, and I couldn’t ask for any other features than how Springfield Armory equipped the rifle.

“The M1A’s National Match Grade, 22-inch medium weight stainless steel barrel provides a long sight radius with a 4-groove 1:8 right hand twist and shot-steadying muzzle brake for accuracy.  NM Grade .062 post front sight and non-hooded .0520 aperture rear sight ideal for far targets, adjustable for ½ MOA windage and 1 MOA elevation. The 2-stage trigger is NM-tuned to 4.5 – 5 pounds for a crisp pull. A true 1000-yard rifle that delivers a level of shooting satisfaction few rifles can match, especially when paired with an SA scope mount and your optic of choice. Complete with a precision-adjustable stock to dial in fit and feel, and ships with a 10-round magazine.”

I asked for and received a scope mount from the factory on mine, which is a must for accuracy testing. The scope mount is built in-house and works like a charm. I particularly like that Springfield cuts a deep enough channel to use the iron sights without removing it.

This is not a typical AR-style rifle, where you slapdash some folding sights on. They are built into the M1A. The irons work extremely well. At the introduction event for this rifle, I shot a 6-inch plate at 100 meters like it was easy, and I don’t shoot irons often.First Look: Springfield M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor — Full Review

First Look: Springfield M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor — Full ReviewThe new stock combined with a Leupold 20X scope worked miracles. It took about 10 rounds for the barrel to settle down, but my best paper group was right at 3/4ths of an inch at 100 meters. My 1,000-meter group was proportionally even better, turning in under 7 inches on steel.

For a firearm developed in the late ’50s, those are very impressive numbers. Springfield Armory hit one out of the park with the M1A in 6.5 Creedmoor. Now I just need to convince them to make a SOCOM 16 in the same caliber.

For more information about Springfield Armory, click here.

To learn more about Hornady ammunition, click here.

To purchase a Springfield Armory M1A on GunsAmerica, click here.

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  • Mark November 9, 2019, 9:39 pm

    I shot a M-14 in boot camp at PI and it took me not quite 50 years to get one but now I have it. This is my rifle… It’s a first love sort of thing. Would it be better at long range if it were in 6.5? Probably, but these eyes aren’t shooting irons at 500 yards, much less beyond. And mine was 7.62 by 51 and that’s what I wanted and that’s what I got. Is my AR more accurate? Probably. If I were shooting at 1000 yards, I think I’d look long and hard at the .224 Valkyrie, because I’m not a hunter, and I could just buy an upper.

    Usually there is no one right answer, Only you can say what’s important to you. .

  • Groot84 September 6, 2019, 12:56 am

    Man. So many old guys hating on the 6.5. Dont get me wrong. Nothing wrong with the 308 round. But just bc you have a 6.5 doesnt mean you can ONLY take long range shots with it. Believe it or not you can take shots below 500 yds. GASP!!! BUT WAIT THERES MORE! That same rifle has the versatility to do some long range plinking. Just for FUN. GASP!!! Stay with me here. Yes i am in fact saying you can plink for fun NOT HUNTING EVEN. So you dont have to be a heartless bastard who loves torturing creatues to enjoy this round?! Gasp!!! Now go clutch you box of .308 ammo and breath deeply into a paper bag and you will be fine. Oh and btw-by the way- my last gun purchase was a Marlin lever action 30-30. Nice custom stock, beautiful rifle-not as good of ballistics when stacked next to a .308 and a perfectly good hunting rifle. Variety is the spice of life. So sprinkle a little of that on your favorite dish and eat up. Give it a chance you may even like it.

  • JJ July 31, 2019, 3:42 am

    Well by all the comments you can really tell who all the old ignorant farts are in this section. So many closed minded people in here

    • JD August 21, 2019, 11:43 pm

      I shot competition with a National Match M-14, 7.62 and was spoiled rotten. Going back to the Fleet I found shooting an M-16 actually painful. I’m keen to try this in 6.5 Creedmore if for no other reason than the reduced bullet drop at 1000 yards.

  • John May 23, 2019, 6:18 pm

    This is all fine and dandy, except the .308 retains more energy up to 500 yards, the difference trajectory isnt much at all at this point.

    If you are game hunting, shooting anything past 400 yards is just being cruel. If you are hunting people, sure, 1000 yards is fine. How many people shoot regularly out to 1000 yards? Not that many, especially doing it well, so if hunting animals is your thing, as a hunter you are just setting yourself up for inhumane kills and possible chances of losing your dinner and an animal suffering. You deserve no respect.

    Swat teams shots are usually between 150 to 300 yards, and military snipers shots are even 500 or less with exceptions of safety (risk being found by the enemy) or targets of opportunity that happen to pop out at long ranges.

    The .308 does amazing for whats its asked of it for the given ranges that reality brings upon people. It is also far more common to find and cheaper in cost for most cases.

    Ive shot both and while the 6.5 shoots a little softer (big whoop) there are far better rounds to shoot out and and beyond 1000. I will happily stick with the more common round.

    • JJ July 31, 2019, 3:36 am

      who says its cruel, you? and your opinion means what to me? o that’s right absolutely nothing. You seriously have no idea what you are talking about. I have shot deer and elk at 500+ yards with the creedmoor and all have been killed humanely. As far as Swat goes the average shot is roughly 76 yards and in Afghanistan the average engagement distance we had were 300 plus our snipers were taking shots daily at 800 plus. SO PLEASE PLEASE shut your mouth because you have no idea what you are talking about. and as far as respect I dont give a fuck if you respect me or not

      • Don Beachler June 24, 2020, 8:26 pm

        Thank you, JJ. Thinking it sums up most everyone’s opinion reading this.

  • Lane Crawley March 7, 2018, 12:12 pm

    The best part of the Springfield M1A is that the bore is much closer to the line of sight compared to the AR10 type rifles. Springfield needs to shrink the Receiver to lighten the Rifle. Great Rifle just got to get the weight down to 9 lbs.

  • ES January 31, 2018, 1:40 pm

    Can anyone tell what Leupold 20X scope is mounted on the rifle? I’ve googled but come up with some choices…

  • oldnumber 20 January 8, 2018, 4:57 pm

    308, it’s time has past??? That’s where I quit reading. This coming from a guy that said a while back something to the affect “lapping scope rings is 70’s old school crap” I am not saying the 6.5 Creedmoor isn’t a excellent cartridge. I would like to read a good article by someone who does not say say something stupid at the beginning that makes me question of the rest of the info.

    • Sundown January 9, 2018, 5:38 am

      Yep…thats exactly when I went to the comments.

      • John May 23, 2019, 7:33 pm

        I found it funny how he claimed the the 6.5 stomps the .308 into the dirt. It doesnt, its actually less powerful to 500 yards and doesnt actually pull ahead till 700-800 yard. Trajectory doesnt change much at all till that point.

  • PEEWEE HENSON January 8, 2018, 1:20 pm


  • Tom January 8, 2018, 12:12 pm

    Clay, great article. You really know how to make an “older guy” feel like an “effing dinosaur!!!” :)))

    With the way my knees, neck and back are these days, I’m more than happy using my .22LR lever gun!

    • David Telliho January 8, 2018, 11:14 pm

      I was kind of thinkin the same thing. Only the 22 in cb load. up close & sneaky.

    • alfie June 30, 2019, 3:48 pm

      Tom, I agree 1oo% with you

    • alfie September 12, 2019, 4:23 pm

      Tom, I’m having the same problem with knees, joints, back and a few other things going on, that I’ll gladly have more fun with my .22 out behind the barn.

  • Duane January 8, 2018, 11:41 am

    Nice, while 6.5 CM isn’t my first pick for range day it’s nice to know you can get an M-14 chambered in it. Sadly my budget only allows for a Nornico branded M-14 that still sadly isn’t allowed to have a market place in the US. Would love to see that Import Arms Ban be removed so we consumers can have a lesser expensive option. Not something I brag over but $2k (6.5 version and $1,500+ for 7.62 version) for a platform that’s been around for 50 some-odd years is still a heavy hit to the wallet these days.

    • Kenneth Thomas January 10, 2018, 3:54 pm

      Duane, well said sir! An old platform, and heavy in weight and price. And why would a hunter even change up what is working for them? .308, 7.62×51 have been winners for me over the last 20+ years. And here in Washington if you hit a deer at 500+yards that bullet had better have a crap load of energy left in it or your dear will run about another 200 to 300 yards in thick brush. Heaven help you if it runs into a depression filled with scotch broom and rhododendrons cause you’ll never find it without the help of dogs. And who brings dogs to hunt deer aye? I have no practical use for the platform or the round. I think it may go the way of the .300 blackout = Blew in Blew up, and Blew out. Lastly, I’m waiting for import ban to go away and go with the Norinco.

  • Norm Fishler January 8, 2018, 11:05 am

    Two plus K is a lot of cash for such a specialized piece of equipment. I’ve had several M1A’s in years past, and I remain unimpressed. Yes, the .308s I had were accurate and for the most part reliable, but handled like clunks and kicked a lot harder than what it seemed like they had to. The futuristically stylized test example shown seems to me as being awkward and handy as a stone ax. Possibly my opinion would change if I had the opportunity to shoot one like it. The whole 6.5 Creedmore thing has me baffled. Otherwise savvy shooters have been flocking to the caliber like teenagers in hot pursuit of the prom queen. If the 6.5 does shoot better, it certainly does not seem to me as being all that much better, judging by the real life targets I’ve seen. But then, as I heard it opined many years ago, if it wasn’t for differences in opinion, there would be a whole lot of unhappy women in this world, and one or two really happy ones.

    • Kimberpross December 17, 2018, 10:08 am

      I agree. The main stream seems to love the 6.5 CM for it’s outstanding BC long range accuracy and softer recoil. That is great if the shooter is at a long range and likes that style shooting. For me, as for probably many, I use my rifles to deer hunt at extended ranges of 400 yards max. Anything any farther for me hunting anywhere other than the west, isn’t necessary and is risky. The risk of wound and no recovery is exponential at those extended ranges for most calibers. Being able to hit a 10 in. target out to 400 yards is required. That pulls in most factory equipment from everyone. Having enough energy to make a clean kill envelopes most cartridges above .243. When asked what I recommend to a new shooter/hunter, I tell them .308. It seems to have an acceptable sweet spot in recoil, accuracy, energy at normal deer range, acceptable energy at long range and if you find yourself in the northern Great Plains or West and forgot your ammo, the local bar at the county cross roads probably has a box of .308 for sale. If the 6.5 CM continues to impress and grow in popularity, I have no issue considering it. I do like the old M1A design though, and may have to pick one up some day.

  • kerry purcell January 8, 2018, 9:04 am

    the 308 is the better cartridge for all around use,, if you need a paper puncher cartridge,use the 6.5 creedmore,it wont kick you as much,the wanna-bes like it a lot,,,,

    • Wayne Mickel January 9, 2018, 8:05 pm

      6.5 is an excellent all-around bullet it has a lot of penetration power and like it says it flies better and bucks the wind better and it has more killing power the 6.6 norma is another good cartridge and is closer to 30-.06 in powder capacity but it wears on barrels because of high pressure and a fast twist but I would still load with a 160 grain bullet most of these guys only go to 140 grains but the 160 grain is longer.

    • Don March 14, 2018, 6:13 am

      Saying there is a best all around cartridge is like saying one tool is all you need in your tool box. If your buying an M1A it is certainly not for the purposes of it being your swiss army knife of weapons. It is ok to have a favoriate caliber and if you already have one that suits your purpose then fine. Recognizing that the 6.5 is a better round does not make the 308 obsolete. The army would be well served to get rid of the 5.56 and adopt the 6.5 creedmoor as its replacement. Just like the 308 replaced the 30-06.

  • joefoam January 8, 2018, 8:13 am

    Long range shooting is all the rage now. I hope the folks that invest tons of cash on exotic rifles enjoy them while the fad lasts. If its more than a fad, then well done visionaries. I won’t be gearing up for a new caliber. I hope the folks who go for this long range stuff aren’t trying to harvest game at those distances, I can only imagine the wounded animals staggering off to die 1,000 yards away form the “shooter”

  • ed anderson January 8, 2018, 6:23 am


    • Sean January 8, 2018, 7:35 am

      Welcome to 2018 Ed-it’s time to use the ‘Caps Lock” function a little more sparingly.

      • Bart January 15, 2018, 4:08 am

        @Sean, not a lot of us older ,(knowing whereof we speak) shooters, always wear our specs indoors , how about a little grace here? Do the big letters confuse you?

    • Sean January 8, 2018, 7:38 am

      Welcome to 2018 Ed-it\’s time to use the \’Caps Lock\” function a little more sparingly.

  • Kenneth Thomas January 8, 2018, 4:28 am

    I have always admired the M1A, and M14 from a collectors perspective. Other than it being a piece of American Military History, I don’t have much use for either of them. As a hunter or if, I were on a seek and destroy mission or patrol, I wouldn’t want to hump it through the bush. And the co$t of one, isn’t justifiable to me. Seeing how some less expensive and lighter in weight options will do the same job.
    As far as the 6.5 Creedmoor goes; well, I have about 2k rounds of .308 and two .308/7.62×51 rifles (PTR91, and a Ruger Gunsite Scout). I can’t justify the change over, especially with what, I have already invested in a tried and truly proven caliber and platforms. Best of good fortune selling it.

  • Ira January 8, 2018, 2:45 am

    Why are the pictures of ammo 6mm creed not 6.5 creed?

    • Aydene Militello January 8, 2018, 8:59 am


  • Brandon January 4, 2018, 3:59 am

    Yes! Clay I applaud your statement and I honestly really like your articles and look forward to my emails. Nice work !

  • Egore January 2, 2018, 12:33 pm

    As a combat Marine in Vietnam (67-68), we fought in many different environments. Jungle, open paddies, house to house (Hue City, 2-68). The 7.62x 51 (308) accomplished all missions near and far. It was used for sniping, in our m-60 machine guns. This round cut swathes through thick jungle, would reach out and touch someone in excess of 800 yard; and I never heard a Marine complain in Hue, when we went block for block, room to room about the M-14’s length or weight.
    If I want a “luxury rifle” I will have one built to my unique specifications; but for a reliable combat role there can be no argument, the m-14 has done and continues to do its job well all around. The caliber? 7.62×51.

    Semper Fidelis:

    • Brother Steve January 2, 2018, 4:46 pm


      You got it, my friend. Although Army, we too fielded the M14. It held a sweet spirit at night. It is good that the new breed works to improve, but original will always prevail. We could engage at 600-800 meters with basic sights. Not always perfect, but enough to cover the daylight, Keep this history alive!

      Plieku, 1970
      Cloud Hidden, Wherabouts Unknown

    • JOHN T. FOX January 2, 2018, 4:59 pm


  • WILLIAM REID January 2, 2018, 12:18 pm

    Thanks, Clay, for information on this fine weapon. I’m sure this round will suit some shooters better than the .308. By the way, if you’re through with the boxes of 6mm Creedmoor rounds you showed pictures of, I’d be glad to put them to good use in my Ruger Precision Rifle…

  • Chick January 2, 2018, 12:05 am

    With all the crazies doing these mass shooting, anyone who writes articles like this, showing a human silhouette as a target, should have his head examined. He is not doing any of us legitimate shooters any good, at all. You want to shoot long range? Fine, show me your groups on a SR or MR target. I am totally disgusted with this writer.

    • BOhio January 2, 2018, 8:10 am

      You need to lighten up, Francis. Shooting steel at distance is much more practical for a lone shooter than the other targets you suggest. It’s difficult at best to see hits; virtually impossible when they’re in the black beyond 300y . So, unless you want to truck down-range after every group, or have a person spotting in the pits, or have a camera setup, steel is the deal.

    • Mott Dorn January 2, 2018, 8:54 am

      Ahhh, A PC type

    • Kenneth Thomas January 2, 2018, 10:03 am

      Would you chill out, I mean honestly. If you are anti gun or shooting in anyway shape or form; why are you even rereading this article? Your making yourself look like a troll.

      • Steve in Detroit January 8, 2018, 5:57 am

        Agree. Lately it seems there is a uptick of Negative Posting on all the shooting Sport Websites. Steel Silhouettes serve a purpose, as a backstop and a audible ring. Would the negative poster have author staple paper to steel? I think the anti 2A crowd is spamming sites like this. Clay states in opening he was in Marine Corp, did indeed fight in Iraq. Now if Clay had this gun in Iraq, back when he was there, would he be taking gut shots? No they would be head shots. So nub at top of steel would be dented. Please go back to your “Safe” sites and comment. I am a City of Detroit Duty Disability Retiree and the real world is a harsh, hard place. The people that have robbed me or tried to end my life never had a “Target” at their center of mass. Clay was doing Range Shooting and most of us readers like his “Reviews”, so go complain elsewhere.

    • ian-FL January 2, 2018, 12:50 pm

      You are on the wrong website. Folk that visits here pride themselves on the idea that they have, will, or want to shoot other humans one day. Usually those of the “libtard” persuasion.

      • Aydene Militello January 8, 2018, 9:12 am

        ian, I think the Libtards might be persuaded to join the fight if there ever is one, and it would be against those who wish to harm our Nation, and our families. Libtards, though annoying in their impression of gun Owners, are our fellow citizens. I live near a University and try to talk sensibly about many “non” Lib issues, but must admit – to no avail. Frankly, I’ve never thought of killing them, nor should you! Bad guys are not Libs, and steel images represent those Bad guys. On the other hand most encounters are within fifteen feet or less and require a quick draw, short blast, or turn and run if possible.
        Long range shooting is going to be necessary when ISIS invades, but I think they will have to get here en mass by canoe.

    • Wayne January 2, 2018, 2:42 pm

      So another one of those guns kill people folks, huh?
      Ok if inanimate pieces of steel, composites and aluminim kill people, we better all get together and outlaw cars, trucks, aircraft, motorcycles and especially those pesky cell phones.
      People kill people. What ever happened to personal responsibility?
      Oh yeah we also need to outlaw forks and spoons, look at all the heart attacks they cause.

    • Jaque January 6, 2018, 9:42 pm

      What’s wrong with Human form targets? Its the most likely form a cop or soldier will be shooting at. And for the rest of us who are civilians that buy our meat and punch paper bullseyes for a hobby a man sized cardboard form target is a nice break. So are the rubber Zombies that bleed when shot. Unfortunately most public ranges have fallen for the Marxist led politically correct rule banning human form targets. As for the weenies who fear the use of human form targets will draw negative attention to our sport I disagree. The gun grabbers are not after our targets, there after the 2nd Amendment. We need to be in their faces and not cowering in the closet.

    • Frank January 7, 2018, 12:58 pm

      A human enemy, either domestic or foreign will have a human shape. Seems this poster has neither normal cognition or anything else more significant to be “disgusted” by.

    • Willie-O January 8, 2018, 2:21 pm

      You are an idiot. Please go be offended someplace else – like in the middle of an extremely busy road. Blindfolded. During rush-hour.

    • jack January 10, 2018, 7:06 am

      If I was expecting a thousand screaming North Korean’s coming at me I’d be glad I practiced on human silhouette targets than some “pie plate” with rings on it. Lets tell it like it is people, this PC crap is why we’re in the shape we are in.

  • Preston January 1, 2018, 4:21 pm

    Do you have to use different magazines for the 6.5?

    • Mike January 9, 2018, 2:35 pm

      As I understand it, the 6.5 cm has the 7.62/308 as its parent cartridge. Therefore the same length and I would bet 308 mags will work with 6.5 cm. forgive me if I am mistaken. I was interested in a good 6.5 for its flatter trajectory. I still use the 308 cartridge in more of my rifles than any other. I also like it for deer, but I bought a nice bolt-action rifle in 243 win to use in my older age. Still a great accurate round with pretty good range.

      Oh, as I see it, shoot what you want, the way you want. You’ll be a whole lot happier.

  • Terry A Wisniewski January 1, 2018, 3:33 pm

    Clay has become my favorite gun reviewer. Good to see the new generation take up the gauntlet. TAW

    • Chick January 1, 2018, 11:57 pm

      He maybe your favorite gun writer, but if he is, You know even less than he does.

      • Willie-O January 8, 2018, 2:28 pm

        And I’m quite certain you know more than either of them don’t you jack-ass ?? I’ve read your negative comments and for you to be this angry you must’ve really gotten screwed at birth. I’m sure something can be done.

      • Tripwire December 17, 2018, 10:32 am

        Well Chick before I pay any attention to your BS I’d like to read some of your reviews, see some of your shooting skills displayed. It’s easy to sit behind the screen and run your pie hole so come on out and publish something.

  • semper fi January 1, 2018, 12:11 pm

    Still find my 30-06 works on almost everything animal and to me barely kicks. Still a great long range rifle. Shoots better than my .308 at 500 and 1000 yards and at 1000 yards much better than my .223. Seems 30-06 is underrated in my opinion from others. Good thing is it never misses and shots alot of deer with not ONE miss. Even my semi shoots extremely well. Even lighter bullets shoot well out of it. I’m a Marine and went through sniper trainer overseas with a special ops group for 4 months in the 80’s so I do have some good knowledge of shooting long range an short range plus with enough energy to do damage to “real live targets” and not just paper at LONG range. Now I do like the 6.5 round now, but still prefer the 06 more. Still got some AP and API ammo from WW2 in 30-06. Trust me, they work well. EVen some with tear gas in them. Yep, crystals. Would love to see more using 30-06. Even the low recoil ammo 30-06 at 100-200 yards shoots extremely well. Low enough energy for 12-13 yr old. My guess the .308, .223, 6.5 and 30-06 will always be here due to so many have their own preferences!!!. Still not a big fan of 16 inch barrels though unless close quarters. Still also prefer my A2 5.56 with 20 inch barrel.
    But My goal and goals in most shooting (besides some target/range/competition) has always been geared for live targets, either enemy or animals. Semper Fi

  • Aquaman124 January 1, 2018, 11:37 am

    Not the best option for semiautomatic rifle 3-5k rounds barrel will be gone!.


    • BOhio January 2, 2018, 8:17 am

      Your figure, if correct, may be longer than average barrel life for a 6.5, regardless of action. If you’re concerned about longest possible bore usability, then get a .223, and then deal with all of the issues necessary to the mouse gun past 600y.

  • Norm Fishler January 1, 2018, 11:25 am

    I see the 6.5 Creedmore as a marketing ploy and little else. Sure, it shoots okay and kicks a bit less than the last belle of the ball the collective ranks of long range shooters were lusting after, but to my observation it hardly justifies the expense and trouble. There are those who will sneer derisively at my comment and nestle back down behind their new rifle and bang away to their heart’s content. Good deal! They’re happy as am I with what I’ve got. Enjoy.

    • Slingblade January 1, 2018, 2:59 pm

      Interesting…Do you still prefer a flip phone as well?

      • Frank January 1, 2018, 4:41 pm

        I have a flip phone, but will be buying this rifle as soon as I recover from property taxes! Happy New Year Guns America.

      • Willie-O January 8, 2018, 2:38 pm

        the “flip-phone” to which you sarcastically refer functions more reliably as a PHONE than any of the hand-help computers of the day. I’ve got both and won’t depend on either when the SHTF.

    • JLA January 8, 2018, 3:14 am

      +Norm Fishler — \”…hardly justifies the expense and trouble\”? You do realize that 6.5mm Creedmoor ammo is actually less expensive than 7.62mm match ammo don\’t you? So are the components. Granted, if all you\’re doing is blasting away with cheap ball ammo that doesn\’t really matter, but if all you\’re doing is blasting away with cheap ball ammo then you\’re not in the market for a rifle like this one anyway. This rifle is for the serious long-range shooter; so is the 6.5mm Creedmoor. That being said, it makes a damn fine hunting round too.BTW, do you see all new cartridge introductions as marketing ploys and little else?

      • Mike Cady January 8, 2018, 6:17 am

        6.5 X55 came along time ago and will outperform creedmoor across the board. why all the fuss over the wheel being re-invented here.

        • James Jackson October 31, 2018, 2:44 pm

          6.5×55 is too long to fit the M1A action. 260 had too much overall length for larger 140 grain bullets. 6.5 Creedmoor is a more refined short action cartridge that opens up this and other short action platforms to the beauty and performance of the high ballistic coefficient (Bucks wind drift, slices the air more efficiently) and sectional density (Penetrates deeper with the same energy) being that they are longer than wider than other other comparable calibers.

  • John January 1, 2018, 11:15 am

    There is no such thing as a 45 long colt. There are 45 colts and 45 acps. I’ll gladly take your discarded 308 ammo.

    • JLA January 8, 2018, 3:20 am

      Actually there is. I\’ve seen ammo boxes from the late 19th Century labeled as \’.45 Long Colt\’ at a couple of the larger gun shows. (They were frickin\’ expensive too!) It may have never been an official name used by Colt, but other makers did use it delineate the .45 S&W from the .45 Colt.

      • Steve in Detroit January 8, 2018, 6:05 am

        I have a few factory made smokeless powder that are labeled .45 Long Colt on box and marked .45LC on brass. And I have a few marked .455 WEB also. So Long Colt was a thing.

  • Robert Bertling January 1, 2018, 10:49 am

    I enjoy my M1 Garands 30.06 open sights as well as my Colt ARs .223 .308 Nikon scoped rifles for every day Target shooting..

  • Terry January 1, 2018, 10:10 am

    “That whole “more bullets” concept may have been true among conscripts in Korea and Vietnam, but it doesn’t hold much water today.” Your idea of war is that you will see the enemy and cleanly dispatch him with a single Round? That whole more bullets concept was not the view of the conscripts in Korea and Vietnam, it was based on military tactics that worked. In a counter ambush situation in a jungle setting where you will not see the enemy, you will lay down as much fire as possible in the direction of the enemy and assault their position. You will wish that you had another magazine instead of a useless scope. The way that you use word conscripts could make people believe that it was those 18 and 19 year old combat soldiers were making up this stuff as they went along. If you want to put in a plug for a weapon go ahead but don’t do it on the backs of those that went before you.

  • CCmasher January 1, 2018, 9:54 am

    Clay, You get your balls beat off on almost everything you write. Comments must be reserved for only the negative? I suppose we’ll have to talk at SHOT so I can give you a Xanax and have a drink. I must learn your coping methods. I’m impressed with this rifle and caliber. If a new shooter asks me about getting a long range rifle… I recommend the 6.5CM. If I didn’t have 5 gallon buckets of 308 brass and 1000’s of 308 bullets… I wouldn’t even own one anymore. Keep up the GREAT work. Chris C.

  • Dr Motown January 1, 2018, 9:12 am

    Have fun hauling that fully-equipped and loaded 15#/$3500 beast up the mountain for some muleys! I’ll stick with my .308 for meat while you have your 1000yd fun shooting.

  • Dr Motown January 1, 2018, 8:55 am

    Ah, yes, the “best caliber” wars continue….I kill everything I need to eat with my .308, so I’ll gladly take any “obsolete” ammo you know longer want!

  • Bob January 1, 2018, 8:11 am

    I was issued my first M14 in Germany, in September 1961, at the time of the building of the Berlin Wall. Love this rifle still and confess to having more than one of them stashed away to this day (Semi-auto, of course).

    • DrJon January 1, 2018, 6:23 pm

      It is still the finest battle rifle ever made! Considering it is still in use today in the military, it’s short life as a main battle rifle is extended to much longer than the 30 year life of the Garand. It fits grown men properly, and with a butt stroke can kill with no bullets left in the weapon.

  • Eugene Ruot January 1, 2018, 7:58 am

    Where is the article about the shotgun?

    • Dave Hicks January 1, 2018, 11:08 am

      Where is the article on the shotgun ? youtube 870DM I saw it.

    • Norm Fishler January 1, 2018, 11:27 am

      Couldn’t help but wonder about that myself.

  • zoro January 1, 2018, 7:15 am

    Just bought one waiting for delivery …

  • Ron Stidham January 1, 2018, 6:54 am

    Good article, would have liked to see more of the shooting comparison with different ammo-but 20 degrees is past my comfort zone as I am ageing and cant really stand being cold anymore. I haven’t shot any firearm on 6.5, still a 308 fan, with all the different loads and bullet types out there I can pretty much find a good hunting bullet that’s groups to my liking at most sporting good stores. I hunt and live in Indiana where 1000 yard shots at a deer aren’t going to happen, but would peek my interest with enough practice. Thanks for the article, but will stick with my 308.

  • Steve January 1, 2018, 6:05 am

    So he uses a LEO-POLD scope ?

  • Chick January 1, 2018, 3:09 am

    Looks like this site is not allowing criticism of the author, that know nothing.

    • Dave Hicks January 1, 2018, 11:10 am

      M14 is not an M1 The M1A is not an M14

  • Chick January 1, 2018, 3:08 am

    Let me finish puking. If you are going to teach history, make sure you know what you are talking about. I quit this garbage article after the 2nd paragraph. The M1A is a fine firearm, and was designed by Elmer Balance, who owned a small company in Texas. He never used the M14 receiver. To do so, would have made it a M14 capable of full automatic fire. The ATF, would not even allow him to call his semi-automatic fire receiver an M14, at the time, so he penned it the M1A. They approved it. He sold out the company to the present Springfield Armory Inc, that was located in Geneso, Illinois. This company has no affiliation with the fabled Springfield Armory, that was located in Springfield, Mass, and manufactured military firearms from 1777 until 1968.

    • Bob January 1, 2018, 1:07 pm

      I believe the government owned “Springfield” (in Springfield, Mass. and originated by Geo. Washington) was actually called Springfield Arsenal”, wasn’t it?

      • Chick January 2, 2018, 12:00 am

        Armories and Arsenals, were the same thing, at that time.

    • Clay Martin January 3, 2018, 12:29 pm

      Well, the owner of Springfield Armory told me himself that the original receivers were surplus M-14. also, this…
      ” As an aside, Sprignfield Armory (the current company, not the US armory/arsenal at Springfield, Mass.) did in fact build a number of select-fire M14s intended specifically for the civilian market prior to May 19, 1986.”
      also, a large number of military M-14’s are semi auto only, so I guess we can lean on that.

      “A very few rack grade USGI M14 rifles were permanently rendered semi-automatic. This was accomplished by welding the selector shaft lock, selector lock pin, selector shaft, sear release and the receiver. The welding of the select fire parts was done using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding method. This prevented removal of the selector lock and installation of the selector switch. In this configuration, the rifles were classified as M14 M. The M14 M rifle was identified by engraving the letter M to the right of M14 on the receiver heel. This modification was officially announced in the Director of Civilian Marksmanship’s 1963 Rifle National Matches bulletin. The Army also announced it in Army Regulation 920-25 dated 8 February 1965.

      The U. S. Army intended to issue M14 M rifles to National Rifle Association associated shooting clubs and to sell them to the public through the Director of Civilian Marksmanship (DCM) program but this failed to occur. An order was placed in 1962 for Springfield Armory to deliver 1,000 M14 M rifles to meet this requirement. Springfield Armory had converted 1,009 M14 rifles to M14 M models by June 30, 1963. After the M14 M rifles had been delivered to the U. S. Army in 1963, they were sent back to Springfield Armory for additional welding of the select fire components to satisfy the Alcohol and Tax Unit of the Internal Revenue Service. The extra work was completed in June 1964. The Gun Control Act was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on October 22, 1968 and it went into effect on December 16, 1968. The Gun Control Act of 1968 changed the definition of a machine gun. This law, among other things, prevented distribution of the M14 M rifle to the public.”-
      So, I guess you can go back to trolling someone else? maybe pick someone closer to your own IQ level, you won’t get bitch slapped quite as hard.

      • Steve in Detroit January 8, 2018, 6:09 am

        Nice stuff Clay.

      • Mike January 8, 2018, 7:58 am

        Well said Clay!!

      • TJ Reeder December 17, 2018, 11:01 am

        Well Clay once again the armchair QB’s are up in arms. Be brave, be strong. As for me, when people ask me when I was in the Corps I reply “Well. when I got out I had to turn in my sword but they allowed me to keep my long bow top hunt with.

        I was in 3/7/1st Mar Div when the our unit turned in the M1’s for M-14s. My TO weapon was a 1911 so I didn’t get on but I did have to do my Quals with it and I can say that across the board the qual scores went up a lot. I always managed to shoot expert and the best score I ever got was with the M-14.

        In the Corps at that time the only FA equipped M-14’s were issued to the former barman. I never fired one in FA as there wasn’t any reason to. I can say that IMHO the higher qualification score might have had to do with less recoil for those who had always been recoil shy and yes Francis there are people, even Marines that never handled the 30-06 M1 recoil well. That is as stated my opinion but I will stick by it.

        I never understood the switch to the m-16 and the spray and pray method but I do understand in heavy jungle one never saw a lot of the enemy.

        Regardless, I’ve owned three m1a’s and sold them all, I just never warmed to them.

        One last thing, I once held a class three dealers lic. and owned a select fire FAL and IMHO it’s just about the finest battle rifle ever made, I still have a picture of me shooting mine FA with 5 empty’s in the air and the stock laying flat on my open left hand, no climb. But of course the FAL isn’t as accurate as the M1a or M-14, it is a battle rifle not a match rifle.

        There, I’m sure the trolls will bite my ankles and give you a break.

        Keep the faith Clay!