EAA Corp. Importing MC P35 Hi-Power Pistol

in Handguns, Industry News, Max Slowik, Pistols, This Week
EAA Corp. Importing MC P35 Hi-Power Pistol
EAA is importing this new production Hi-Power pistol, the MC P35. (Photo: EAA)

Importing specialist EAA Corp. is happy to announce that they’ve partnered with Girsan to bring the MC P35 to the U.S. market. The MC P35 is a Browning Hi-Power pistol, and Girsan is one of the few major producers of this world-famous handgun.

The MC P35 is pretty true to the original Hi-Power with a round hammer, long, ramp-style front sight and modern synthetic grips. The rear sight is a notch with white outlines. Both the front and rear sight are dovetailed and drift-adjustable.

Everything else is as it should be. The barrel, slide and frame are all steel, and the barrel measures 4-5/8 inches long. It has standard narrow slide serrations at the rear, a slim trigger and frame-mounted ambidextrous safety levers. It’s even faithful to the magazine disconnect safety, which a lot of shooters will look forward to disabling.

The single-action MC P35 is of course chambered for 9mm Luger and has a standard capacity of 15+1 using modern production Hi-Power magazines. It’s sure to work with older 13-round magazines, but these are shooters, not collectors, so most people will welcome the extra couple of rounds.

EAA Corp. Importing MC P35 Hi-Power Pistol
Now today’s shooters can put their hands on a new-production Hi-Power once again. (Photo: EAA)

The Browning Hi-Power is one of the most successful handgun designs of all time, going on to influence handgun designs for decades to come. One of John Browning’s last designs, the Hi-Power was finished by Browning’s successor, Dieudonne Saive.

See Also: EAA Announcing Upcoming 3-Gun Shotgun, the MC312 Sport

Designed from the ground up to meet military requirements, the Hi-Power was one of the earliest pistols with a staggered-stack magazine to see widespread adoption and mass production, going into service in 1935.

It’s still in service with many users around the world to this day, although the last major producers stopped making them about three years ago. Among Americans, the Hi-Power was never as popular as Browning’s Model 1911 as made by Colt and just about every major American gun manufacturer, and it never got a lot of attention in the U.S.

That is, until it went out of production. Without new-production Hi-Powers, used market prices are getting up there, leaving an ever-widening gap in the market. The P35 is priced very competitively at $528.

Thanks to EAA, the P35 is here to address that gap, with the backing and support of a huge company. For more information about the MC P35 visit EAA Corp. today.

EAA Corp. Importing MC P35 Hi-Power Pistol
These are also ready to modify without taking a collectible off the market. (Photo: EAA)

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  • Phillip Kleinmann September 14, 2021, 11:39 pm

    It’s a good looking Browning Hi Power clone only I wish it had a thicker s.c. extractor.

  • griffy September 11, 2021, 6:14 pm

    Personally, I prefer to avoid buying guns made by workers who hate me.

    • Jon B September 14, 2021, 12:55 pm

      The Turkish people are some of the nicest folks around. However, the current head of state is not one of those.

  • Leslie Hendricks September 11, 2021, 4:33 pm

    F.E.G. of Hungary also produced Hi Power’s and clones of the same (P9R is and example). Gun-mag Warehouse had the original mags for the Hi Powers (13 rounds) not sure if they still have any. Some Hi Power clones will also accept CZ 75 mags but you must check to be sure.

  • Altiods September 11, 2021, 12:45 pm

    Owned one back in the 70s. Loved shooting it but it had a spur type hammer which bit the web of my hand on each and every cycle of the slide.

    By the time I got to the end of the magazine, I was bleeding all over the strap and the grips.

    I see this one has a ring type hammer which may considerably improve on that problem. just may check on the availability of this one.

  • dinger89794 September 10, 2021, 6:04 pm

    Now to see if the magazines will crossover to the Arcus 98DA!
    Ayup, still own one, runs everything I put through it.

  • TJ Hom September 10, 2021, 10:34 am

    To Mark N. – There are 10 round magazines available for the Browning Hi-Power (P-35), I’m pretty sure they would work in the new MC-P35.

  • Phil September 10, 2021, 7:11 am

    I was fortunate to purchase a new Hi-Power in the middle 90s. A 13 round mag vs. a 15 rounder? Nice!
    I enjoyed shooting the original. This looks like it landed on my “to buy” list!

  • Max Slowik September 10, 2021, 1:07 am

    Oh, and just in case Ian from Forgotten Weapons or Othais from C&Rsenal happens to run across this — forgive me for any mistakes I may have made, here or in other articles — for the record, it’s pronounced Dieudonne, not Dieudonne.

  • Mark N. September 9, 2021, 12:32 am

    Love to have one, but with our mag limit law (among other infringements), I can’t have one, and can only hope that when a C&R version comes available I will have adequate funds to land it.

    • wayne wright September 13, 2021, 5:20 am

      Any person having a shortage of funds should not be considering weapon purchases.

  • Mike D. September 8, 2021, 7:30 pm

    MSRP: $528, this is high on my want list.