Did Ted Nugent Go Too Far with Comment About Michelle Obama?

in Current Events, This Week

A few months back, rock star Ted Nugent made some comments about former First Lady Michelle Obama that may have gone too far. 

While appearing on Real America’s Voice with 2A-advocate Kyle Rittenhouse, Nugent claimed in no uncertain terms that Michelle Obama is really a biological man named, “Mike.”  

Michelle Obama authored “Becoming,” in 2021.

Before he landed the “Mike” dig, Nugent kicked off the rant by slamming Barack as an “Islamic terrorist.”

“I went through this anti-justice system at the hands of Barack Obama,” he said.  

“Barack Obama, you punk, you horrible, anti-American, communist, Islamic terrorist,” he added. “Boy, that’s going to go in the media. That’s what he was! He literally reignited racism in America.”

It’s unclear what specific incident the motor city madman was referring to with respect to Obama exacerbating racial tensions in the country.  

However, a 2016 CNN poll did find that race relations worsened during his tenure in the White House. 

Nugent then pivoted to the “Mike” Obama conspiracy theory.  He argued that their two girls Malia, 24, and Sasha, 21, are “fake daughters.”

SEE ALSO: Ted Nugent, Kid Rock Respond to Bud Light Controversy

To substantiate his claim, Nugent said there are no photos of a pregnant Michelle or of the couple swaddling the girls as newborns.

“Those pictures don’t exist because his wife is Mike.”

“Did you know that?” he asked a rather surprised-looking Rittenhouse.  

“I did not,” said Rittenhouse. 

The origin of the “Mike” Obama conspiracy theory is disputed.  However, many point to comments made to the media by the late comedian Joan Rivers in 2014.

When asked by a reporter whether the country. will ever have a gay president, Rivers said, “We already have it with Obama, so let’s just calm down.”

“You know Michelle is a tranny,” Rivers added when asked to clarify her remark. “A transgender. We all know.”

With all that said, what are your thoughts? Nugent is known for making controversial remarks. But did he go too far this time?

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  • Shawn McEwen September 10, 2023, 4:57 am

    I find the title of Michelle Obamas book very interesting. “Becoming Michele?” Well, who was Michelle before she became Michelle? What a strange book title. Is there an admission there?

  • Robert August 29, 2023, 12:59 pm

    I really want to say I am surprised by the many comments but unfortunately I am not. Guess most of you are finally deciding you don’t have to hide that hate anymore huh?

    Damn, and I used to really enjoy this website and the different articles it provided.

    • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment August 31, 2023, 8:20 am

      don’t read the comments then, problem solved!

    • Hondo September 2, 2023, 4:22 am

      Bye Felicia

  • Hondo August 27, 2023, 2:54 pm

    You can put lipstick on a pig, but in the end that’s all you have, a PIG with lipstick on it.

  • Louis August 27, 2023, 10:58 am

    Well … boldly spreading unverified and doubtful rumors doesn’t automatically make them true. I have no horse in this thing but looking through history, what I read here (main text and comments) is one of the devil’s ways to engender chaos. Be your own judge

  • Doc423 August 26, 2023, 6:22 pm

    What Nugent says is TRUE…hate that 300 lb. Amazon.

  • Tip Tover August 26, 2023, 1:31 pm

    Michael LaVaugn Robinson Barrack referred to him as Michael on occasion. He used to have his own Wikipedia page. He was a linebacker for Oregon St. back in the day. I could give a crap less but they have been gaslighting America for years now. They got 2 rent-a-kids from Africa. I’d like to see that DNA test… For all the libs out there I’d just like to say we aren’t as dumb as you look.

  • Randy August 25, 2023, 11:15 pm

    The Obamas are responsible for the mess this country is in now. The country had made great strides in improving race relations and in conjunction with the Biden Admininistration race relations have setback a great deal. Now they have created divisions within the country that may never be repaired. These two administrations have acted more against the interest of the American people than any other administration. In fact, all the evidence coming forward lately strongly indicates that the Biden family has been selling out American interests to our enemies for years. So the answer is no he didn’t go too far he has been kind compared to what they have been calling at least half the people in this country. They have treated half of the country like we were the enemy that needed to be suppressed by any means. That kind of policies are about as anti-American as you can get.

  • Philip August 25, 2023, 11:10 pm

    Ted Nugent for VP.

  • fukliberals August 25, 2023, 8:53 pm

    Buck Ofama !! “FJB” !!

  • Jerry August 25, 2023, 6:45 pm

    Did ted nugent go too far? Given what the left says-tha’s a big HELL NO! Besides, still have freedom of speech (regardless what the left is trying to do). Nowhere in the constitution do I see “freedom from being insulted or pissed off”

  • Maha August 25, 2023, 4:50 pm

    “It’s unclear what specific incident the motor city madman was referring to with respect to Obama exacerbating racial tensions in the country.” Well, let’s take a stroll down memory lane.
    CNN, the Leftist mouth organ, had this to say about Obama’s rhetoric in his farewell address: “The worst failing of the Obama presidency, as judged by his own promise to unite the nation, has been his divisiveness. In this speech, he even noted his role in the current climate of hyper-partisanship as “one of the few regrets” of his tenure. For a man much more prone to tout his greatness than admit a shortcoming, this brief admission spoke volumes.”
    As Lauri B. Regan noted in the American Thinker, “It is not a far leap to question whether a president who has opted to throw himself into the ring when a black friend is arrested or a black teenager is killed, but who refuses to call for calm when black people beat, threaten, and intimidate innocent white people, may actually be condoning the violence through his silence and inaction.”
    His henchman, Eric Holder, carried the divisive torch in 2009 by refusing to prosecute the New Black Panthers for their intimidation tactics during the election, sparking far more violence from them as thy felt immune from prosecution.
    Treyvon Martin. “If I had a son…”
    Michael Brown. Fanned the flames by discussing “the anger of the black community” when the entire narrative was based on lies told about the incident. (Brown attacked Wilson in his patrol unit and tried to take his gun away from him.)
    Henry Lewis Gates, Jr. can be read here: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/obama-cops-acted-stupidly-in-professors-arrest/
    Of course, after Obama started race baiting, it became open season to fan the flames. Al Sharpton, and Bill De Blasio piled on, and lo and behold, we have a war on cops trying to do their jobs with a demographic that disproportionately commits violent crime.

  • Tommy Barrios August 25, 2023, 4:35 pm

    You can never go too far telling the truth about Barry Sotero a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obomination!
    He/Him/Her is a filthy lying communist progressive liberal criminal POS!
    He was not born in Hawaii that is a fake birth certificate which anybody can get in Hawaii just by coming in and saying that they were born in the bush or at home!
    His real father is Frank Marshall Davis, the then head of the Communist Party of Hawaii go look at the side-by-side photos if you don’t believe me and all the garbage you hear about, oh no, he has all these fake birth certificate, fake birth announcement, that is all propaganda BS, as this criminal has been a Manchurian Candidate from the day he was born!
    Barack’s mother was a WHITE Red Diaper baby Communist whore that loved to sleep around with black men!
    Ted Nugent makes an astute observation as to, where are those photos, they’ve got photos of everything else but not those, excuse the F out of me!
    Besides, there are numerous videos and photos of Mr. Winky sticking out between Moochele’s legs!

  • jim jundt August 25, 2023, 3:21 pm

    Ted gone to far hell no. I have always said she is a he just by looking at the bulge in several of the family pictures.
    Keep going uncle Ted

  • Dutch August 25, 2023, 2:37 pm

    Too far? No! Not far enough. Basically everything he said about Obama is true. Michelle, I don’t know, and don’t want to get close enough to find out.

  • Bill August 25, 2023, 1:39 pm

    If the author of this story has to ask ” what incident Ted is referring to that Obama increased racism in America…then the author has been in a cave for the last 10 years. Larry zzzzz WAKE UP

  • D.J. August 25, 2023, 12:42 pm

    When the insurgents of the left use disparaging language
    and false assertions – as communists have always done –
    it becomes absolute fact and is unquestionable .
    When others return the favor from the other side of the aisle ,
    it becomes a slanderous attack upon the unquestionable
    character of the target , and is unforgivable and reckless .
    I am constantly amazed how easily some members of
    our society can be duped and manipulated , never understanding
    the history of the world nor the repetition of its events .

    • Irish-7 September 8, 2023, 9:53 am

      Excellent assessment! I am also amazed how people disregard the obvious to cling to political allegiance to the Democratic Party.

  • BCS August 25, 2023, 12:25 pm

    There is no such thing as too far when it comes to those two pieces of fecal matter.

  • Let's go Brandon, FJB August 25, 2023, 12:19 pm

    Barry has twice called “Michelle” Michael. Let’s not forget when he (Michael) was dancing w/ Elen Degenerate; his junk was bulging through his dress. Barry is gay as a $3 bill. FJB. Trump 2024!

  • Robert Page August 25, 2023, 12:18 pm

    I believe it. Obama loves guys and he freely admits it.

  • K9 Handler August 25, 2023, 12:17 pm

    Ted Nugget is a joke and a fraud. He is a wannabe patriot. Went waaaay out of his way to NOT serve. Why people think he’s a true patriot is beyond me. I have been wondering, for some time now if he is mentally stable and competent. He has seemed to be declining more and more. Lives for the publicity of it all. Pretends to be a true patriot, a friend of the military… but actions are much louder than words. His actions prove otherwise, time and time again.

    • Hondo August 27, 2023, 6:03 pm

      Somebody sounds butt hurt , lol, did Ted bang your girlfriend or something?

  • MP Gunther August 25, 2023, 11:36 am

    Just like Barry’s birth certificate can be faked so can Mike’s pregnancy

  • Drew Tango August 25, 2023, 11:00 am

    Obama glorifying the deaths of Treyvon Martin, and that idiot from St.Louis, that’s when the racial BS started.
    Convicting Zimmermann in the public opinion, just by running his mouth. Both of these black men WERE criminals, Treyvon was just a newbie at it. She looks like a dude, and he’s gay, soo…

  • m August 25, 2023, 10:26 am

    Michael Robinson. Where is that close and long time friend of our esteemed President.
    Get back to me. I’ll wait here.

  • shrugger August 25, 2023, 10:08 am

    You misspelled Michael in the articles title.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment August 24, 2023, 1:31 pm

    tranny or not, i don’t want to be the guy to check on that!

  • Dilligaf August 24, 2023, 2:00 am

    Hahaha big mike!

    No, Uncle Ted’s comment was spot on and perfect

  • Kane August 24, 2023, 12:09 am

    Don’t overlook the unsolved murder of the choir director at Rev. Wright’s Church in Chicago and I cannot recall whether it was 2 or 3 other “gay” church members who were also mysyeriously killed while Barry Soetoro nurtured his political career. Barry’s letters of gay confessions to his girl friend lend credibility to Larry Sinclair claims that Barry was his sex and drug partner. Lots of details still not going away and whispers from scared family members of the victims. Now the Obama family chef dies mysteriously, yikes. Barry’s potential kill list does NOT quite approach Willie Jeff but the Dems are occultist death machines.

    Of course Barry’s mother was a CIA (Criminals In Charge-of America) informant with blood on her hands.

    • Kane August 24, 2023, 11:28 am

      Anti 2A Barry never talks about the gay choir director, Donald Young from his former church that was shot and killed execution style. Why not have a town hall meeting and talk with his family members?

      Barry could talk about two other gay church members, Larry Bland and Nate Spencer from the “United Church of Christ” who along with the choir director were mysteriously killed all 3 within 40 days of each other and remain ‘unsolved.’

      Larry Sinclair has a signed statement on file with the CPD. Why not have Barry comment on the gay victims of his church that he seems to have known very well?

      Well, Craig Robertson and Joan Rivers serve as examples for the power of the deep state to annoying people like whistle blowers.

    • Kane August 24, 2023, 12:32 pm

      On January 17, 2016, Barrack Hussein Obama held a “town hall meeting” at George Mason University Fairfax Va. moderated by Anderson Cooper. The town hall meeting afforded BHO an opportunity to pitch gun legislation to the viewer across the US. One of the attendees, Taya Kyle the widow of Navy SEAL, Chris Kyle.

      At times, Obama seemed annoyed by some of the questions including ones posed by the host “Coop” but the question by Taya Kyle stood out to me when she asked Obama about her right be armed for self protection. The wife of SEAL hero Chris Kyle is a strong advocate for 2A rights. How vengeful is the powerful BHO? That townhall meeting has bothered me for a longtime.

      By June 14th, 2016 the US Navy concuded an investigation into Chris Kyle’s Naval Personnel form (DD214) issued in 2009, determing that the record contained clerical errors. Kyle’s list of awards in his previous book, “American Sniper” was consistant with his DD-214 at that time but for some reason this deceased hero was investigated. Honest mistakes happen but the reviewing process seems very strange in Kyle’s case. The revised awards for Kyle include 1 Silver Star and 5 Bronze Stars with “V” devices for valor an outstanding record by any standard.

      This was an investigation supposedly triggered by a group of “unnamed service members.” Why would an investigation be triggered so many years later by an anonymous source? I doubt that there was a group of Kyle’s fellow service members who have access to each others Service Record Books and tracked old awards to compare with an book written by a deceased comrade. Anyone who would push this investigation was the lowest rat fink not typically found in elite units. One thing is for sure, the investigation would have had to come from the very high up in the chain of command, very strange.

      • Blue Dog (he/him) August 24, 2023, 11:15 pm

        You act like these CNN town halls are platforms for violence. It is not like a mob chased this lady out of the hall threatening her. Those crowds are peaceful. Well, mostly peaceful. Kind of like some other country, Israel, maybe?

        You packed a lot of conspiracy theories into a little space here, Qane. Any thoughts about where he was bourne or maybe about pizza restaurants?

        She has kids; what other evidence do you need? Do you need a biologist to check for you?

        • Rouge1 August 25, 2023, 10:37 am

          It’s so easy to fool a fool.

        • Kane August 25, 2023, 4:42 pm

          I never commented on anything represented in your post.

          A couple things I noticed about you for along time. You claim to be a “Christian” but never comment on those universal values, hmmm. You seem do seem to like taunting people, why is that? Is that what people do from that store front Church that you supposedly belong to?

          By the way, if you read my actual post you should NOT have responded as you did. Maybe it was NOT clear enough, only a very powerful petty tyrant would audit the Military Awards earned by a hero that had been dead for around 9 years or so.

          I read the book by the “swift boat” veterans that served with John Kerry. That was very telling, this record (John Kerry) is the military record that should be auditted with witnesses that came forward in the full light of day. Try comparing and contrasting the treatment of a real American hero and his awards with that of an “environmentalist” who was hero to the Communists in VN and earned riches flooding the world with plastic ketchup bottles.

          • Blue Dog (he/him) August 25, 2023, 9:22 pm

            You got me, Kane. I am a fallen sinner and often fall short. Are we not exhorted to come alongside our fellows when they are in error and offer them correction? That is what I try to do here. I like to stick with discussing the issues but I have come to enjoy digging at you and a couple of others that I talk with often here, paul and Hondo, for example. Giving each other the business while we disagree but respect each other.

            Swift boat. Heh. That became a verb in political discussion for many years but has fallen out of common usage. To be fair, Kerry married the widow of the man who made billions off the catsup bottles but he said it was the catsup leftover on the plate that made him a billionaire.

            My church meets in a stand-alone building and has met there for nearly 70 years, no strip mall or storefront. We believe in pretty usual things – grace, forgiveness, agape love. My Hebrew is stronger than my Greek but I can follow along with an interlinear New Testament. I’d love to discuss theology with you sometime but I warn you, I am ardently anti-Calvinist (not Arminian!).

          • Kane August 26, 2023, 11:56 am

            Oh, and to think I was starting to wonder if you might want to trigger a Fed call, like our Morman friend’s last social visit. Sure glad I was high and to the right on that one.

            Maybe in another 70 years, well after the “War of the Worlds” aka “Har Meghiddo,” your Church will get together discuss the left-wing slaughter of the innocent babies in the womb or the sexual mutilation of children, the Police State that was established during you moment of “grace” et cetera…

            BTW, what is John Kerry’s source of authority? Who does he answer too? You should read the book by the men who served with JK. Then maybe you might understand how strange the handling of Chris Kyle’s SRB years after the hero was killed .

            You should also read up on the Clinton’s and the Obama’s. Not what lefties assume, those two camps really despise each other. I could give you some insights on how Hillary and her 1969 Wellesley Commencement Speech (Sen.Edward William Brooke III) drew the ire of Valarie Jarrett and the BHO. Of course you would just falsely accuse me of crotch sniffing some rumour.

            Too bad, I would willing to show you the BHO hypocracy by comparing all the reverance of the long dead Sen. Brooke (well decorated vet) with the horrible treatment of a well decorated National Security Adviser Gen. Flynn (one of the most dangerous individuals in America today)-BHO. As if Flynn and Trump blew up the Nord Stream pipeline (act of war, environmental crime) and needlessly pushed the world to nuclear war while enriching the fake POTUS (genuine POS) and his greedy family.

          • Blue Dog (he/him) August 26, 2023, 10:36 pm

            “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.” Progressive purists have always resented the neoliberals. Rs have factions that fight too. Just ask Boebert and MTG.

            John Kerry is a climate czar. He answers to the President. Pretty much like most of the rest of the executive branch.

            I know that Democrats are people too with flaws and shortcomings. Their goals are more altruistic, more noble. At times impure people pursuing a better world. Republicans can be good people too. Just don’t expect me to name one. Our rep, you might know him, he grew up near but had never lived in our district, lived in Washington and moved in when our last rep retired. And then he tried to help a lady at a rodeo while drunk and was detained by a deputy and called the sheriff screaming about how he will bury him in the next election.

        • kb31416 August 25, 2023, 5:21 pm

          Blue dog turd shit himself here again.
          Trolls are so tiresome.
          And yes, there are simply too many photos of Mike’s junk printing through the fabric of his dress to dismiss the obvious.
          I hope that Barry doesn’t pull a card from Putin’s playbook and have Ted’s aircraft mysteriously get shot down (a tragic accident that most certainly would not involve a surface to air missile …).