DemolitionRanch reviews the Tac-Con 3MR Trigger

in Authors, S.H. Blannelberry, Trigger Tech

DemolitionRanch reviews the Tac-Con 3MR trigger from

“The company claims that this trigger dramatically reduces split times between shots,” he says.  “I didn’t achieve faster split times, but as with anything, practice makes perfect. All in all, I like innovative and unique products, and this is definitely that.”

We’ve reviewed Tac-Con triggers and we love em!  Here’s an excerpt from a recent article:

“I got to shoot the 241 back in the fall, when it was still in development, and it does just what it says it does. You can run fast, and put multiple rounds on close targets, and then take long range shots with precision accuracy thanks to the incredibly light pull on the two-stage mode. They’re having a sale on preorders of the 241. They start shipping May 8!”

For more on our thoughts, click here.

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