Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) responds to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blaming Democrats for inaction to prevent mass shootings:
— The Recount (@therecount) March 30, 2023
“Serious members of this body … negotiated a bill to save children’s lives … Sen. Cruz never expressed one iota of interest … didn’t even sniff that room.”
In the wake of the tragic school shooting in Nashville early this week, Democrats endeavor to force firearm legislation to the Senate floor for a vote.
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) has co-sponsored legislation for an assault weapon ban which was originally introduced by Sen, Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).
In addition, Murphy seeks to push Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to bring the bill to the Senate floor while the nation is grieving the Nashville shooting.
Per a Feinstein press release, the legislation would, “ban the sale, transfer, manufacture and importation of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and other high-capacity ammunition feeding devices.”
SEE ALSO: White House Leaves Door Wide Open for Confiscation of Millions of ‘Assault Weapons’
Murphy’s sentiments are echoed by several other Democrats.
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill) stated Monday, “We can’t say that we’ve solved this problem or even addressed it seriously when incidents like today in Nashville, Tennessee, continue in America.”
Durbin, Murphy, and many other Dems also voiced their discontent with Republicans claiming that if new legislation isn’t passed, it is due to their GOP counterparts.
Efforts in the House
Likewise, in the House, Democratic lawmakers have begun considering making an attempt for a “discharge petition.” This would allow for a simple House majority to force legislation to the floor for a vote.
However, since House Democrats would need an additional five votes to enact a discharge petition, it is unlikely to occur.
A recent article by Salon pulls statistics from a 2022 Pew Research Center survey that claims “63% of Americans want Congress to pass more gun control laws.”
However, the same survey also discovered that “78% [of Americans] think the new gun law will do “a little “(42%) or “nothing at all” (36%) to reduce gun violence.”
Only 7% of individuals surveyed think that new firearms legislation would do “a lot” to impact gun violence.
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The Republican Response
Republicans in Washington are also calling for change but are taking a different avenue. GOP lawmakers are seeking to make schools safer.
This includes increasing security and deterrence to prevent a future tragedy. However, previous efforts in this realm have been opposed by Democrats.
SEE ALSO: Fireworks at Congressional Hearing on ATF and Who Makes the Laws
“We have to work to protect children at school, and that means increasing security,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said at a Judiciary Committee hearing the day after the school shooting in her state.
According to Roll Call, Blackburn advocated, “I have, and I have had, legislation that would allow for training and hiring of veterans and former law enforcement officials to serve as school safety officers and help protect our schools. It is time for us to pass that.”
Stay tuned for updates.
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I guess that it was around 25 or 30 years ago a years ago a disturbed lady named Laurie Dann (sp?) went into a school and killed some very young school children. Dann came from a wealthy family but preferred living on the street. Dann’s family provided her with a firearm for protection on the streets, as I remember it was a small revolver. At the time there was a call for gun confiscation especially handguns. Now the focus is on “assault weapons” (whatever that means) but that is the first stage in the process. Ultimately, every firearm will be included in the Utopian policy backed by many of the same power elite that push violent images, psycho-tropic drugs and mental disorders.
The power elite emply a model noted by philosopher, Freemason likely Illuminati member Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Hegelian dialectic). The model which many believe is the revolutionary method and the key to understading world history. Thesis vs anti-Thesis = synthesis. Create a conflict to produce one’s long term objectives.
I keep getting UNSUSCRIBED but I just go to the Guns America Digest page and enter the conversation at that point.
The Wife, who is European asked WHY are the people in the North in general and the North East in particular so ANTI-AMERICAN ???
I was STUNNED !!! Even Europeans now GET IT !!! I couldn’t even speak …
( I tried to tell her I had served with a lot that WEREN’T … but their elected Reps were NOT among those … )
The Nashville shooter used an AR to shoot her way in, and to shoot at police from a window. Other than that, film footage has her prowling the halls with a 9mm PCC, in essence nothing more than a long barrelled pistol with a 30 round Glock magazine. Yet they go after a rifle that was not, as far as we know, not used to commit the murders.
Man has been trying for thousands of years to “solve the problem” of homicidal violence. Suffice it to say that banning AR15s or “assault weapons” will have absolutely no impact on this problem. Further, banning guns will only lead to the government being able to exercise tyrannical authoritarian and absolute power. Thanks but no thanks. n