CZ 805 Bren Carbine & CZ Enters the Suppressor Game w/ Reflex Cans — SHOT Show 2018

in Authors, Clay Martin, SHOT Show 2018

CZ came out of the gate swinging this year, with a couple of items sure to please the crowd.

CZ 805 Bren

First up, the venerable 805 Bren carbine is now offered in the pistol variants. This is the new battle rifle for the Czech Republic, a flavor you’re going to like if you are bored of AR clones. The CZ 805 Bren is a short stroke piston, chambered in 223/5.56, and uses standard AR magazines. The 805 Bren is known for its smooth action, this is going to be a hot ticket item in the new year.

CZ 805 Bren Carbine & CZ Enters the Suppressor Game w/ Reflex Cans — SHOT Show 2018

CZ Goes Quiet

In a totally new ( U.S. at least) move, CZ is also making suppressors. The newest model is known as the Reflex.

[one_half]CZ 805 Bren Carbine & CZ Enters the Suppressor Game w/ Reflex Cans — SHOT Show 2018[/one_half][one_half_last]CZ 805 Bren Carbine & CZ Enters the Suppressor Game w/ Reflex Cans — SHOT Show 2018[/one_half_last]

These are all titanium, with a welded baffle stack. They ship with a flat-capped end, but the magic is in the Reflex mount. This actually puts the suppressor 3 inches behind the end of the barrel, provided you have the real estate. This shortens the overall package and makes for a nice handling gun. The suppressors will be shipping later this quarter, with the price expected to be roughly $1,279 – $1,299.

CZ 805 Bren Carbine & CZ Enters the Suppressor Game w/ Reflex Cans — SHOT Show 2018

For more information about CZ USA, click here.

***Check out GunsAmerica for your next CZ Carbine.***

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  • ElTacoPelado February 15, 2018, 11:22 am

    “The school shootings shouldn’t have any effect on this issue.” well, they do……bigly. Mark my words, the bill will never pass.

  • hANNAbONE February 15, 2018, 9:05 am

    That’s a lot of beans for a can. But also knowing what we know of the lights out, terrific Bren 805, it’s probably a match made in heaven.
    I have yet to own a can for any of my rifles or handguns.
    This has me at least interested. Might hafta give this a look when it comes into full production.


  • Infidel762X51 February 15, 2018, 9:00 am

    They can come out with 100 new cans a week but until we get on the rinos backs to pass the Hearing Protection Act and get rid of the 18+ month wait who cares?

    • ElTacoPelado February 15, 2018, 10:23 am

      Will never pass. Thank god. I put a shit ton of time and money into amassing a can collection that would instantly loose it’s value if that bill passed. Now that we have 17 dead high schoolers in FL, you can definitely forget about it.

      • American February 15, 2018, 11:10 am

        That’s an awfully selfish opinion. I pray that it passes as it has here in Missouri and they all become as affordable as magazines or any other shooting accessory. The school shootings shouldn’t have any effect on this issue. Discard the NFA, NOW.

        • billybob February 17, 2018, 11:43 pm

          ship for brains if you can’t get photo-print cards and pay the $200 you don’t need one !