When I got to the range to begin testing this CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical, the words of Gene Wilder’s character, The Waco Kid in Blazing Saddles rang in my ears – “what’s a dazzling urbanite like you doing in a rustic setting like this?”. The good news is that this pistol performs equally well in either environment. And if you are too young to know that movie reference then you owe yourself a treat – and you’ll thank me later. So, whether your list is a bucket list, a wish list, or simply a shopping list – this is a Czech you just have to make on it.
The Czech-made CZ 75 was introduced to the world in 1975 (hence the name). It was slow to reach the shores of the U.S. but was an immediate success in Europe with military and police. Its popularity over the years has become global, and it is likely the most copied and cloned handgun ever made. This is due in part to its magnificent design and perhaps in larger part due to patent problems that made it fair game. The cult following for the Czech sidearm in America was born when Jeff Cooper, a known 1911 snob who had little use for anything else, was so impressed by it that he chose to design his famous Bren Ten pistol on that platform, rather than the 1911. The Bren Ten didn’t really work out for Cooper – but the reputation of the CZ 75 had been cast. To this day, and for good reason, it is still considered one of the best handguns ever designed. In recent years, it has enjoyed a revival in popularity among competition shooters because of its fantastic reliability, simple and easily maintained design, very low bore axis which makes it extremely flat shooting, and its fantastic ergonomics.

The one missing element that many tacticians will be quick to point out is the lack of a mounting cut for a slide-mounted electronic sight (red-dot). CZ has been slow to offer this as a factory option, but that is changing with the recent variant of the Shadow 2 which is optic-ready. Whether that option will be a future reality for the CZ 75 P-01 is not known.

What makes the SP-01 Tactical, “tactical”?
When compared to the standard model SP-01, this variant is clearly made for a variety of configurations and practical scenarios – or – tactics. Starting with the obvious extended and threaded barrel, which has 1/2×28 threads and a steel thread protector. This makes the handgun suppressor ready when combined with its extra-high steel sights that contain Tritium® dots in a conventional combat configuration. A subtle change to the Tactical variant is that the 1913 Picatinny rail that is integral to the dust cover is more enhanced than that found on the standard model. Its three cross-channels are a more traditional mil-spec setup and should accommodate any pic-rail accessory. The sawtooth serrations toward the front of the slide assist the user with running the action or press-checking the gun.

There is no manual safety on this pistol. It has been replaced with a de-cocking-only lever that is ambidextrous. This gives the user a new carry option: half-cocked (insert your own joke here). When the hammer is dropped safely via the de-cocking lever, it does not return to its full forward position, but to an approximate halfway point. The trigger shoe returns fully forward, but for the first half of its stroke, there is almost no resistance. From the resistance point to the break, the pull weight is reduced by over a pound, according to my measurements with the Lyman digital gauge (this is demonstrated in the video). And then, of course, there is the Urban Grey coating.

Beneath all the tactical accouterments is the strong and steady beat of the CZ 75 heart. One of the most respected handguns in the world. The iconic “inside-out” design of the slide to frame rails puts the slide rails inside the frame – not outside like other designs. This significantly lowers the center of gravity of the pistol and flattens the reciprocating energy to reduce muzzle rise during recoil. Less muzzle lift usually means less felt recoil and always means faster target re-acquisition. This is why the CZ 75 became so popular in the run-and-gun sports. The single-action trigger breaks consistently at around 4 ½ pounds, with a short and tactile reset. Once you develop a little muscle memory for riding the reset and break of the trigger, you can make three or four holes in the A-zone on the target in the blink of an eye.

But although the CZ 75 SP-01 is a competitor’s dream, make no mistake – this handgun is rooted in service use. The gun is built to mil-spec and is on the hip of many soldiers and law enforcement officers worldwide. To achieve that status, a handgun must be above all else – reliable and durable. The all-steel construction and time-proven internals help ensure that. In my experience, CZ’s just don’t fail. I don’t think I have ever personally experienced a malfunction with a CZ handgun, and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone else have one.

Shooting the CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical
Range trips with this SP-01 Tactical were nothing short of fun. The only thing that prevented me from putting 1000 rounds through this gun during the testing was the post-apocalyptic ammo prices and general shortage thereof. Even so, several hundred rounds went down range – each and every one a joy. My philosophy about accuracy testing handguns is not too different from that of my GunsAmerica colleague, Clay Martin – just about every gun I shoot is capable of better performance than I can manage with it. But I get it, people like to see the results. I think the true revelation of accuracy testing handguns – whether rested or offhand – is learning how well I am able to shoot that specific gun. And while your results may vary, I think it’s a good indication of how the ergonomics, sights, and trigger work together to allow the shooter to perform at his or her best. With that concept in mind, I shot a total of eight groups with the SP-01 Tactical. I shot mostly top-quality ammunition, self-defense rounds that are known performers, but I included common ball ammo and also shot a group with my personal handloads just for fun. After all – a large market for this pistol is the action pistol competitor – and the vast majority of match shooters roll their own.

The CZ SP-01 Tactical produced as consistent a batch of groups as I think I’ve ever shot. All the groups were very close in size and placement on the targets, and there was not a bad group in the bunch. Every gun will favor one or two loads over others for many reasons, but those variations are often more dramatic. The ‘worst’ group I shot with the CZ is better than the best group I’ve shot with many other handguns. The Federal HST load took top honors in measured results, with the SIG Sauer Elite Performance V-Crown in a tight second. However, the SIG ammo produced the closest group to point of aim of them all. I’m a so-so shooter, so I would love to see what this pistol can do in the hands of a real pro.

Off-hand shooting was equally rewarding, with steel plates ringing and swinging with ease. High suppressor sights seem odd when you don’t have a suppressor on the gun, but these sights provide a clear and precise picture and are quick to acquire. With the Tritium® dots, they provide a great combat sight picture day or night. The main component of a handgun when it comes to its “shootiness” is the trigger. The CZ 75 trigger is among the best factory triggers. I’ll confess that the fully extended double-action position is about a millimeter too far out for ideal comfort with my medium hands, but quite manageable. The single-action reset position is in the “just right” zone, and while there is a wee bit of take-up before the break, it is short and the break is crisp. I found it an easy trigger to “learn” and start doing triple taps with ease in a short time.

Great sights and a wonderful trigger wouldn’t be much use if they were attached to a block of wood. The ergonomics of the CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical are top-notch. The shape of the frame itself, the grip angle, and the generous beavertail are legendary CZ. To that, they have added the rubber checkered grips that have swells and valleys in all the right places and even have a perfectly placed thumb rest. The grip of the rubber to the hand is excellent and is assisted by checkering on the front strap and backstrap. It’s the whole package.

Maintaining the SP-01 Tactical is as simple as any CZ 75. The fieldstrip consists of lining up two hash marks near the back left of the slide and removing the locking pin. Barrel, recoil spring and guide rod are removed easily, once the thread protector has been taken off the front of the barrel, and re-assembly is a simple reversal of that process.

Just My Opinion
The CZ 75 began its life as a European sidearm for military and police use and continues to serve that purpose today, making it one of the longest-lasting pistols in continuous issue. It is probably the most copied and cloned handgun, perhaps second only to the 1911. That is no accident. The design of the CZ 75 was and remains distinctive and extremely practical. It is a platform that lends itself well to many calibers and styles of use and has become a customizer’s dream. This SP-01 Tactical model has been on the market now for a few years, and I think it is as fresh and relevant today as the day it was introduced. And even if you don’t put a suppressor on the pistol, you still gain the advantage of additional barrel length and enhanced accuracy and balance. This pistol is beautiful and rugged all at the same time, and the polycoat Urban Grey finish looks like it is extremely durable. As a potential match gun, it could be the best-kept secret out there. The trigger is out-of-the-box ready to shoot matches, the sight picture is fast acquisition and precise. The weight is substantial enough to provide balance and recoil resistance, yet meets weight requirements for all the shooting sports. The ergonomics of the handgun make it feel like it was custom fit to you, and the price point (should be well under $700 at the counter) puts it in easy reach. Oh, and did I mention that it doesn’t malfunction?

Have two of them with decockers… regular and compact. Carry with no holster with a simple Clipdraw at half cock… when I carry them.
Not really a 9mm guy… yeah, yeah I’ve seen all the “new 9mm” hoopla but every 9mm stop you see on youtube takes at least three rounds.
Don’t carry the CZ’s often because I prefer the .357 Sig round in carry guns. Usually a Sig 226 with a Clipdraw.
Would like to see a CZ 75 in .357 Sig or .40 S&W.
I’ve owned one for ~3yrs now and this review is right on! As a service to those who read this, Cajun Gun Works carries kits for improving the trigger and trigger pull. I’ve put 4 of their kits in different SP-01 Tactical pistols and they make the already good trigger absolutely incredible. (Disclaimer – I’m not associated with CGW in any way.)
Great review as always!
I have the 75 Compact. If I were told I could only have one gun that would be it. It’s easy to see why the Chec police carry it.
I’m a lefty and the ergonomics are so good that I can de-cock it with my thumb even though it’s on the wrong side for me without any grip adjustment.
What a gun.
A friend of mine bought a 75BD. When I shot it I said, man this trigger sucks, my thumb found the safety lever and rode it, like you do. I was decoding it every shot, just cannot shoot decocking pistols, but I do my CZ 75’s and clones there of.
Still waiting for the 10mm that was teased about a year ago.
Does it come in different finishes
Just curious if the two dots on the muzzle side of the rear sight and the one Dot on the muzzle side of the front blade are for practicing your draw. Only reason I can think of for the engineers at CZ to include them may be for practicing sight alignment in front of a mirror? It’s the only thing I can think of. Anyone else have any ideas?
There for the dumbass on the other end of the barrel. Just to let them know they’re in your sights.
I love mine. It looks nice next to my Shadow 2.
I second the above comment about the Tri-Star. The greatest secret of the pistol world! It is my daily carry due to fantastic accuracy, light weight, tunable trigger, and low price. The CZ-75 spawned alot of clones, but in my view the Tri-Star (also known by Canik) is the perfect carry firearm.
I have perhaps 5,000 rounds through a variety of CZ 75 models. I tend to put a trigger spring and polish job in from MCarbo, although most of that round count was with standard triggers. The job just improves an already outstanding factory trigger.
I HAVE experienced FTF issues. Always with hand loads. Never one with factory loads. When that primer is not seated right, anything will FTF. Shame on me, not the CZ’s.
Triple taps. I haven’t ever tried to do that. You see what you did there? And during Ammogeddon II at that???
I like to see a report on the pure accuracy the gun is capable of in any firearm review. How the author managed the sights and trigger and the groups he was able to produce are all important – after I know what accuracy the gun itself is mechanically able to achieve. This requires removing the author from the equation completely. Of course the author isn’t going to measure up to the groups produced on a Ransom Rest. There should be a noticeable difference. I want something to shoot for.
You buy me the ransom rest, and I’ll use it.
I would love a CZ SP-01 but budget-wise just can’t do right now after getting a Legion RX, so I took a chance on a TriStar P-120 clone of the CZ in stainless and the accuracy of this gun is simply mind-blowing. Not trying to steal the thunder from the CZ, but if you can’t swing the $$$, try the TriStar for around $400, you won’t be sorry. Add some colored aluminum grips from Armory Craft and it could almost pass for the CZ Sport.
Thanks for the great review. I am a fan of your YouTube videos. Keep them coming!
Always a thorough and (mostly…) unbiased review from J.O. I truly appreciate the perspectives offered up, both in written reviews as well as You Tube vids. Keep up the exemplary work!
Bar none. Your reviews are the easiest and most thorough.
Would love to see you on the fairly new SIG P210 Standard. A single stack but just awesome in quality and a made in USA product.
Thank you for the kind remarks on the review! And regarding the P210… from your lips to the Editor’s ear!! 😉
Great review of a superb pistol.
With the installation of the excellent M*CARBO $30.95 CZ 75 spring kit and the Cajun Gun Works “Old Style Trigger”, the trigger pull on my CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical averages DA 6 lbs. 5.5 oz and 1 lbs. 2.1 oz SA on my Lyman Digital gauge.
My shadow 2 will out shoot any of the several kimbers i have. Would not trade it for any other…
This pistol jolted me from my 1911 only mindset. I will be handgun happy with this model till the end of my days. It is also the perfect companion to my VZ 58 long gun. The CZ SP01 tactical spanks all others.