Concealed Carrier Shoots Neighbors After Argument At Party

in Authors, Defensive Use of Firearms, Kimber Pearce, This Week

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

A Chicago homeowner shot three men he knew last week when they attacked him at a party.

According to Fox 32, the attack went down just before midnight. 

On The Home Front

The 43-year-old homeowner was outside in front of his house in Belmont Cragin. Three men who knew the homeowner attacked him. 

According to CBS, the attackers lived next door to the homeowner. 

The attack started as an argument, and then the three neighbors set on the homeowner. He pulled a gun and began to shoot.

The homeowner hit all three neighbors. All four were taken to hospitals. The homeowner had suffered blunt blows to the head and his body. 

The three neighbors were all in critical condition. The first, a 29-year-old, was shot five times in the torso. A 22-year-old was shot in the chest. The third neighbor, a 55-year-old man, suffered a shot to the neck. 

Some Nutty Neighbors

In an article from ABC7, Andres Salgado, a cousin of the homeowner, said, “They tried to go into my cousin’s house.”

According to Salgado, the homeowner was a good guy with a concealed carry permit who didn’t deserve this. 

“I don’t really know the whole story,” Salgado said, “but my cousin’s a hardworking man… he has two kids. His wife is a teacher in public schools.”

Salgado claimed the neighbors had issues. “The people that live next door, there’s been a problem with that house lately.”

READ MORE: Suspect Breaks Into Two Homes, Shot By Homeowner

Afterward, investigators found the homeowner’s gun on the scene. The homeowner is licensed for concealed carry. 


Given the circumstances of a three-to-one confrontation, the implications for self-defense are considerable. Situated in Chicago, the incident occurs in a context marked by heightened security concerns.

The likelihood of the homeowner facing charges seems minimal given what we know, as he was on his own property. Additionally, the presence of party attendees (witnesses) may confirm that his use of force was justified.

What are your thoughts about this incident, given the available facts of the case?

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About the author: Kimber Pearce is a student, an avid shooter, and a pro-2A advocate.

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  • Quinn July 29, 2024, 7:41 am

    Damn shame when a man can’t even live in peace without worried about an attack from neighbors besides the people away from home looking to do harm

  • Scooter June 15, 2024, 12:00 pm

    He knew them last week. He didn’t know them when he shot them.

  • LJ June 14, 2024, 3:58 pm

    Sounds to me like three thugs picked on the wrong person and got their ass’s handed to them. Rule #1 kids – if you’re going to f#@k with someone, first
    make sure they aren’t armed!

  • Jim C. June 14, 2024, 12:48 pm

    Might be a tough spot for the shooter.
    Q1. Do you always carry a gun when you are in your front yard? (Prove it?)
    Q2. Was there any unfriendly contact with the neighbors in the preceding 24 hours? (If so, presence of gun might prove intent).
    Q3. What triggered the physical assault upon the shooter? (Did he threaten them prior to the attack?)

    These questions, and more, will be critical in determining his defense, or guilt. It is not going to go as easy as the author seems to imply.
    I hope he is not charged, though a civil suit will certainly follow, and he may very well lose that one.

  • Larry June 14, 2024, 11:11 am

    Might be a little awkward once they get out of the hospital

    • Jim c June 14, 2024, 12:53 pm

      Absolutely will…