Committee Defeats Alabama Constitutional Carry Bill

Committee Defeats Alabama Constitutional Carry Bill

The Senate Tourism and Marketing Committee voted 6-5 against SB 4, Sen. Allen’s Constitutional carry legislation.  (Photo: NRA-ILA)

Alabama’s Constitutional carry bill was defeated by a state Senate committee Tuesday.

The Senate Tourism and Marketing Committee in a 6-5 vote opted not to advance the bill, known as Senate Bill 4, to the Senate floor for the chamber’s full consideration.

SB 4’s sponsor, Sen. Gerald Allen (R-Tuscaloosa) told The Associated Press that he was “totally surprised” by the development, as he had requested that committee review the bill.

The Senate last year actually passed a similar Constitutional carry bill but it was shot down by the House. But even with consecutive defeats in 2019 and 2018, Sen. Allen is undaunted in his mission to ensure law-abiding citizens are free to exercise their 2A rights the way the founders intended.

“The Second Amendment is too important for us to turn our backs on it and that’s exactly what took place in committee,” Allen said. “We’re not folding the tents up. We’re not going to go away.”

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America praised the committee for axing the legislation, which they believe threatens public safety.

“We’re thrilled that our elected officials chose to listen to their constituents who urged them to reject this dangerous bill,” said Dana Ellis, a volunteer with the Alabama chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, in a press release obtained by GunsAmerica.

SEE ALSO: Alabama Supporters of Constitutional Carry Have ‘Mental Problems,’ Says Lawmaker

“Today’s vote was a major step toward gun sense in Alabama, and we applaud the members of the Senate who voted to protect the safety of our communities,” she added.

In previous hearings on the SB 4, critics resorted to incoherent scare tactics to rally opposition. One lawmaker, in particular, suggested that those who support Constitutional Carry have “mental problems,” as GunsAmerica previously reported.

“I’ve always gotten an ‘F’ from the National Rifle Association and that’s a proud ‘F’ that I receive… I just don’t understand the mentality of what you guys or – or what you guys continue to push to do,” said Alabama state Sen. Vivian Davis Figures (D-Mobile).

“Particularly, with all the gun violence that is happening, to allow a person to be able to get a gun who has mental problems – to me that says the person who’s pushing that has some mental problems,” she continued. “They don’t understand why people with mental issues shouldn’t have a weapon.”

To be clear, Constitutional carry legislation does not make it lawful for prohibited persons, including those adjudicated “mentally defective,” to carry concealed firearms. Suggesting so is grossly misleading.

SB 4 would simply treat concealed carry like open carry, the latter of which is something any law-abiding Alabamian can currently do without having to pay a fee or obtain a permit.

Seventeen states have passed Constitutional Carry laws and, thus far, not one has become the Wild Wild West as critics claim. Not one.

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  • Casca April 24, 2021, 3:07 pm

    Alabama Sheriffs are mostly hostile to anyone but them carrying a firearm as protected by 2A but ignored in Alabama.
    The $200.00 per person or whatever the current poll tax is plus the firearms training costs of $30.00-$100.00 adds up and prohibits many Citizens from obtaining a carry permit enabling them to save their life and property.
    Sheriffs like the huge amount of money the poll tax dumps into their slush funds, is really what killed restoration of 2A protected rights to possess and bear arms to protect your life and property.Constitutional Carry..Plus these Gun Safety Trainers and their legislators don’t want Constitutional Rights restored as they make large sums form the courses . 10-20 or more people in a class @ $30.00 t0 $100.00 two or three times a week is a lot of money. Retired LEOs and others make a fortune from it. This is corruption and has just been retained and protected by the Alabama Senate! No different than speed traps and in at least once case so many Customers, they sat up a credit card machine in the Courtroom, with lines out the door and down the block. The Alabama Sheriffs Association should not be lobbying to deny Rights of Citizens, to protect their profits!This is corruption.

  • Scott in Atlanta April 27, 2019, 6:39 pm

    Correction to this moron’s statement – you have to be mentally ill to vote Democrat.

    There, I fixed it.

  • AJ April 26, 2019, 8:25 pm

    Interesting… So I’m guessing that because of the fact that Democrats have been trying like hell to normalize taboos like pedophilia, these Alabama Democrats are hoping that they legalize incest too.

  • Wade April 26, 2019, 4:11 pm

    So, ‘The Senate Tourism and Marketing Committee’ are the smart people that decide on firearms legislation in Alabama?

    That makes as much sense as having CA decide what’s right for AL.

  • Rodger DeRamus. April 26, 2019, 10:40 am

    Not sure why the anti-gun people cannot understand that anyone that wants to get (not just buy) a firearm, can get one. The old saying, “Criminals don’t fellow laws, that what OUTLAW means.

  • KimberproSS April 26, 2019, 9:54 am

    Another ignorant comment on carrying a firearm. One must be mentally ill to believe that a mentally ill human that is not legally allowed to have a firearm would not carry one if a law said they couldn’t. As all others, another attack on the 2A that impacts law abiding citizens only..

  • BR549 April 26, 2019, 8:15 am

    Well, it appears that dimwitted Alabama state Sen. Vivian Davis Figures has been figuring this problem upside down, as most libtards do. Attempting to control crime through gun legislation totally ignores the fact that it has been the succession of corrupt legislators that has allowed so many people in the population to go feral, so to speak, because of massive disenfranchisement.

    When parents run a clean, honest, and loving house, that is conducive for the children to do likewise. Otherwise, their “do as I say, not as I do” arrogance only perpetuates a dysfunctional family.

    So, Vivian, if you want to see crime go down, start cleaning up the House. Going after the guns is just low hanging fruit, or are you admitting you people are too lazy to tackle that problem?

  • Hill Creekmore April 26, 2019, 7:56 am

    They want that $$$

  • Jay April 26, 2019, 7:11 am

    When the dumbed down and just plane stupid people run things is when civil unrest creeps in! Those in government need a history lesson before they repeat it and Constitutional teaching before they get what they are asking for which will be the result of their constant badgering and castration of Our Constitution! Government was created to protect our rights, Not dictate those rights. The patients are truly running the asylum!

  • Geo April 26, 2019, 5:59 am

    Passing a LAW does NOT make for constitutional carry.

    “Seventeen states have passed Constitutional Carry laws…”

    Even our esteemed NRA continues to spread this fake news. One day, new LAWmakers will pass a new LAW making “constitutional carry” illegal and there you’ll be…easy come easy go.

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