Colt Walker Ballistics, Accuracy, Shooting Tips

in Paul Helinski
Colt Walker Ballistics, Accuracy, Shooting Tips
This is my original Colt Walker. I removed the blueing on the cylinder because that was the way the original first order of Walkers was shipped from the factory.

Eras Gone Dragoon bullet mold – currently available
Eras Gone Johnson & Dow mold – currently available
44 Walker Paper Cartridge Forming Kit – currently available at Star & Bullock Hardware

America has always had an affinity for big guns in large calibers, and biggest and most famous of the all is probably the Colt Walker. When horses were a thing, the Colt Walker was a “horse pistol.” Weighing in at about four and a half pounds, and fifteen and a half inches long, you will be hard pressed to find a larger pistol throughout the history of repeating firearms.

Designed in 1840s as a collaboration between Texas Ranger Captain Samuel Hamilton Walker and Sam Colt, the gun eventually hit the shelves in 1847, the same year that Colonel Walker actually died in the Mexican-American War. He was carrying two Colt Walkers at the time, in saddle holsters as they were designed to be carried. Movie characters such as Clint Eastwood in “The Outlaw Josey Wales” have carried the guns in belt holsters, but that was uncommon back in the day. Surprisingly, the Wikipedia is pretty sparse on the gun. I have said for many years that the Walker really was not a significant firearm in history. But in firearms development it was pivotal.

Colt Walker Ballistics, Accuracy, Shooting Tips
At 4 1/2 pounds, the Walker is not the most practical gun to carry, even in a drop leg holster. The weight makes the recoil very manageable, even with those bit 260 grain Dragoon bullets. But it was designed and carried originally as a horse pistol.

At that time, America was not obsessed with large calibers. A hundred years prior, American gunmakers had scaled down the Jeager rifle, which had come over with German and Dutch immigrants into what we now call the American Longrifle. The Jeagers had been as large as 75 caliber, and the Longrifles were more often in 40 or 45. And in pistols it was no different.

The Walker emerged as “too much gun” for most shooters. Horse soldiers didn’t take longer shots with a pistol than infantry did, so they didn’t need such a big heavy pistol. All the way up through the Civil War, 36 caliber revolver dominated sales of the Colts, both military and civilian. All of the Colt copies made in the south, as well as the Whitney were all in 36 caliber, which is really a .375.

The Walker is called a “44 caliber” like most big bore cap and ball pistols, but like the rest it actually takes a .454 ball. The bore diameter is more like .451 or so. I personally use .457 balls, because I feel like if you shave more lead from the ball it increases the bearing surface on the rifling.

My focus in this Black Powder Project has been to examine these guns in the light of a practical and useful firearm. A lot of people are stuck in cities where there is nary a gun dealer, and to get a handgun takes a crazy amount of paperwork. For some people, even owning a pistol is impossible, even though in a red state they would be able to legally walk into any gunshop and buy one. In most of those states you can still buy a black powder pistol and have it shipped to your door. In the others you may have to ship it to an FFL dealer, but from what I have seen, no permit or 4473 is every required. There are no federal laws governing these guns at all.

Colt Walker Ballistics, Accuracy, Shooting Tips
With paper cartridges designed for the guns, all Civil War era cap & ball pistols are formidable weapons for people who can’t own cartridge handguns. The Walker is just the monster of them all, and it does have it’s own paper cartridge system at

The Walker is a formidable handgun. You will see in the video that it fired a standard 141 grain lead roundball at over 1,200 feet per second. That is 500 or so foot pounds of muzzle energy. Compare that to a heavy 9mm round the 147 grain, that even in a 12″ barrel, does not reach 1,100 fps. Even a 44 Magnum fires a 240 grain bullet at only about 1,300 fps. in a 6″ “Dirty Harry” sized barrel, so we are approaching magnum velocities, even without loading the gun up to snot.

Colt Walker Ballistics, Accuracy, Shooting Tips
I did not load any of these bullets to the top of they cylinder with compressed Triple Se7en. Over about 1,100 fps pure lead bullets tend to lead the barrel, and it is a bitch to get out when you can’t just fire a jacketed bullet to scrape it out. So these loads were pretty tame.

I don’t load the Walker as heavy as it will go, because I know that with pure lead, once you get supersonic, over about 1,100 fps, you start to really get barrel leading. If we were making bullets for a cartridge gun we could just add some antimony and the bullet will get harder and more resistant to leading, but in a cap & ball revolver you can’t do that. Ideally the ball or bullet will “shave” as you compress it into the cylinder with the loading lever, so you are left with a lead ring. This insures a consistent jump to the forcing cone, and usually prevents the bullets in subsequent cylinders from moving forward with recoil from that which is currently being fired.

Colt Walker Ballistics, Accuracy, Shooting Tips
Most people are going to shoot a .454 lead roundball in their 44 cap & ball revolvers. It is easy to make a paper cartridge with balls, and at the very least will give you more range time for shooting instead of loading. They compress right into the cylinders and fire 100% reliably with this method.

I also tried the Eras Gone Dragoon bullet. Some molds are currently available as I write this, but they are more often than not sold out. That page at Eras Gone says that they do not fit the Walker without modification, but the bullets scoot past the loading cutout on all three of my guns just fine. I don’t think the information on that website has been updated in some time. He is still linking to a really bad paper cartridge making system that most people have moved on from as well.

Colt Walker Ballistics, Accuracy, Shooting Tips
As of this writing there are some Colt Dragoon bullet molds available at Eras Gone, and Star & Bullock Hardware sell them at as well. They are a whopping 260 grains, heavier than a standard 44 Magnum handgun bullet.

Paper cartridges are great for the Walker. I use the system that everyone uses now, from Star & Bullock Hardware at The powder dipper that comes with the kit, with the dipper edges showing, loads to about where you see here with the conicals, and loaded to overflowing, where you see with the balls. More powder than this will most likely lead your bore, but if you want more, all you have to do is cut the paper longer. i will include a video on how to make paper cartridges here as well.

For a 260 grain bullet, the Walker screamed that sucker at over 1,000 fps. And again, not loaded all the way up. Consider what I said before that the 6″ 44 Mag is clocking only about 1,300 fps on a 240 grainer, this is a not a gun and a load to be trifled with, or that you need to increase at all. Lesser loads have killed many a buffalo and grizzly.

I use Hodgdon Triple Se7en in the FFFG granulation for all of my black powder handguns now. It isn’t that I don’t have or can’t readily get FFFG black powder. I have a ton of it. It’s that I don’t necessarily get to cleaning my guns the same day, and it is safe to leave them for a few days because it is a modern powder that does not contain sulfur, and does not not readily rust your guns. It also increases performance quite a bit, and does not crap up your cylinder gap. With real black powder you have to clean your cylinder face regularly with a wet cloth or it will begin to bind. And if you force it, you can bend your internal parts.

Colt Walker Ballistics, Accuracy, Shooting Tips
I use this stuff almost exclusively in my BP guns these days. It does not rust your guns or crap them up as readily as real black powder or pyrodex, and the performance is superior.

In the video you will see that I also tried the roughly 220 grain Johnson & Dow bullet from the same Civil War ordnance era, and I also saw in excess of 1,000 fps. That mold has not been available for a while, but it just so happened when I went to collect up links for this article that it is. They also do sell the finished bullets, however, at

Colt Walker Ballistics, Accuracy, Shooting Tips
Overall my speeds were from over 1,000 fps to over 1,200 fps with the 141 grain roundballs.

The Walker is a fairly accurate pistol, even with these fairly heavy loads. A roundball will generally be the most accurate bullet for cap & ball guns. I have 1911s that don’t shoot as well as the Walker with .457 roundballs. The conicals hit harder, but they would take some tuning to see where they like to be loaded, and the most accurate loads are never going to be full power, with any gun really. At normal gunfight distances the Walker is plenty accurate, and it’s long sight radius lends itself to taking longer shots. Just remember that when you rest a revolver, and especially a BP revolver, on a bag or something, it will burn it if too close. A lot of heat and pressure escape that cylinder gap.

Colt Walker Ballistics, Accuracy, Shooting Tips
You will see in the video that in casual shooting from a table, I was able to keep some groups into 3″ or so. Roundballs are always the most accurate in these guns, but you can see here that even the heavy 260 grainer, loaded to over 1,000 feet per second, kept well into center mass size at ten yards.

When I was shooting the Walker, I did not intend to fire my at that time unfired Colt 3rd Generation. But it is identical to the current Uberti Walker, and I picked it up by mistake, loaded it and shot it. So my groups went from roughly point of aim on the Uberti to about 8″ high on the Colt. Until about five years ago, the Italian gunmakers couldn’t have cared less if your guns shot to point of aim or a foot high, so most of them shot a foot high, and that was the case on my real Colt. This also confirms my suspicion that the 3rd Gen guns were all made completely in Italy and perhaps screwed together in New York. Don’t waste your money on a “real” Colt. The modern Uberti is better for actual shooting.

I should mention that a standard cap & ball holster will not fit the 9″ barreled Walker. i do have a holster from a seller on Ebay that is nice, and reasonably priced. If you are one of those Americans who just want the biggest, the Walker is probably for you. RINO and perennial POS career politician Texas Governor Greg Abbot (who you jackasses in Texas just blew your chance to get rid of) named the historically irrelevant Colt Walker the official handgun of Texas last year. It was designed by a Texas Ranger, but the Colt Paterson was also made famous by Texas Ranger Jack Hayes, so BFD.

As a self defense gun, the Walker is probably overpowered and cumbersome to be practical. There are better choices for sure in a cap & ball pistol. But if you have tiny feet, and you just want the biggest, it might just be the gun for you.

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  • Steve August 12, 2023, 2:56 am

    Gump, you’re a goddamn idiot. O’rourke over Abbot. You don’t want to keep your guns idiot.

  • Nunya Bidniz August 8, 2022, 8:33 pm

    ROA cylinders are generally rated at ~50gr capacity, iirc, so equivalent to the Dragoons in power, down a tad from the Walker. That being said, their FAR more sturdy construction & modern metallurgy means you can run them at tip-top loads forever and never expect to shoot them loose.

    Truly a pity that Ruger retired them from production. No, mine is *not* for sale!.. 😉

  • al bartell April 13, 2022, 7:40 am

    do you have a regent br9 ss in stork?

  • The Ron April 12, 2022, 9:00 pm

    Not a bad article about an interesting revolver. I own the Italiin copy myself and enjoy busting a few caps on it every now and then. Too bad you can’t keep the political B.S. out of it. Seriously…Beto was a better choice than Abbot? Because that was the alternative, you sniveling, self-righteous prick. Way to alienate the entire shooting block of the State of Texas

    • Rick April 23, 2022, 10:53 am

      Got to the point quick Ron, 4th gen Texan, Paul is a putz.

  • Rick April 11, 2022, 8:59 pm

    Could have been a great article but you had to go political, and dumber than a box of rocks at that. If you had any idea how many California transplants there are in Texas, and they all vote blue, and how well funded Beto is, you just might have a clue why your comment is FUBAR. Our current Gov, and yes he is a Rino, is the only one who was on the primary ballot, that has the machinery and backing to stomp that snake.

    • Nunya Bidniz August 8, 2022, 8:28 pm

      Not *all* CA transplants are going to vote “blue” [NB: How on Earth did commie Dems get to pick “blue” for their color instead of the correct red? Subterfuge at work, no doubt…] since many of them are fleeing the desecration of their once great state and want nothing to do with the idiocy they left behind.

      Don’t paint them all with one brush; you’ve got to go on a case by case basis. Quick rule of thumb: did they move pursuing work [ie: a job chased out of the PRK by their previous stupid voting choices] or are they political refugees seeking asylum?

      Looking forward to some quality time spent in the Lone Star state after I retire in a couple more years & flee the PRK gulag…

  • Mike in a Truck April 11, 2022, 4:29 pm

    Great article! I love percussion revolvers. In my Army days moving from post to post it was impractical for me to take my modest gun collection so it remained at dads home. But my Ruger Old Army went with me. It was legal to possess even in the most oppressive jurisdictions. Go ahead and laugh but it served as my only self defense handgun for all those years. Big honking thing like that pointing at you will make you reconsider your actions! And I did manage to take a couple of hogs and a doe with it so there.

  • Stephen Meyer April 11, 2022, 1:33 pm

    Hello everyone,hope your day is going good,I’m a big fan of BP revolvers and I use the 45 colt cartridge conversion cylinders in all my revolvers,now I’ve noticed that the 1847 walker when using the 45 shells that the gun usually shoots about a foot over the target at 50 yards,I haven’t tried it out to 100 yards as yet but I’m going just to see if it actually levels out,I’ve been reading and hearing that the sites on the walker and the Dragoons are most likely the issue with shooting so high,Are there any comments on this matter?please let me know,I would deeply appreciate it,thank you

    • Nunya Bidniz August 8, 2022, 8:22 pm

      The original Colt horse pistols were sighted for 100 yards, aka “belt buckle hold.” So the repops are all sighted “high” by modern target shooting standards [pistols used at 25 yds w/ 6 o’clock hold, etc.]

  • Lon J Loren April 11, 2022, 1:07 pm

    I have a Signature model Sam Colt. I bought it in the Mid 80’s never fired it. I bought .457 balls. I use Pyrodex for my black powder for my percussion and my black power frontier Six.

  • lefty April 11, 2022, 10:21 am

    Several corrections:Jaegers were made in upto 80 caliber,not 75.My TVM is 58 caliber for easier finsing of factory round balls-im hondsight,should have gotten 62 caliber] and have a matching 58caliber pistol [should have gotten that smooth bored instead of rifled.Use 50gr FFFg in the pistol,100gr FFFg in rifle] Too me,Jaegers were”the Hawken”of the 1700s.I also carry a short sword like the Hessian Jaeger troops of the American Revolution. How does your Walker compare with the Ruger Old Army in terms of [full]power levels? I’m looking for a stainless Old Army,for ease of cleaning[boiling water or Ballistol].Also looking for Diablo side/side 12ga pistol.Yes they recoil,so does any 44Mag heavy 45Colt,454Casull..or 45/70 revolver.I use >300gr hard cast projectiles. Can’t find actual BP or use cap&ball revolver for big game in marxist NYState.Do you know of any rural property in a red state?Retired and 71.

  • Jack Fearn April 11, 2022, 8:13 am

    A very good article about the Walker.
    Good loading data and ball & Bullet
    Information !!