Cheap Guns: Hi-Point 45ACP Tactical Carbine – 4595TS Review

in Authors, Paul Helinski, Rifles, Uncategorized

The Hi-Point 4595 TS is probably the cheapest pistol caliber carbine on the market. Your local gunshop probably has 4 of them on the shelf, in all the calibers. They work great, shoot great, and are accurate enough.

The Hi-Point 4595 TS is probably the cheapest pistol caliber carbine on the market. Your local gunshop probably has 4 of them on the shelf, in all the calibers. They work great, shoot great, and are accurate enough.

Hi Point Firearms 4595

On GunsAmerica

People get really emotional about Hi-Point guns. You could say that folks “either love them or hate them,” but I think there is a better explanation than that. Quality control and customer service are always an issue with small and fast growing companies. Hi-Point has had its ups and downs, so some people got good guns, and some people got very bad guns. Everyone I know who has purchased a Hi-Point in the last few years has been delighted with it, and my local gun dealer said that he sells a ton of them and none of them ever come back as having problems. To me that says that the word on the street is that Hi-Point guns are now generally reliable, and they have always been very inexpensive for what you get…when it works.

My big concern with this gun was accuracy, but it came in at about the same accuracy at 25 yards that I can shoot with a handgun. The top groups is where it came zeroed from the factory, I adjusted it down to zero at 25 yards.

My big concern with this gun was accuracy, but it came in at about the same accuracy at 25 yards that I can shoot with a handgun. The top groups is where it came zeroed from the factory, I adjusted it down to zero at 25 yards.

This 45ACP carbine is the Hi-Point Model 4595 TS. The magazine holds 9 rounds. It has adjustable sights for both windage and elevation and weighs just over 7 pounds empty. The 4595 has both a bolt hold open/drop catch and a last round magazine hold open, when you use the included magazine. On GunsAmerica they go for $300-$400 depending on current demand and what accessories come with the gun. But most importantly, from our tests, and this was gun bought right off the shelf at a gunshop, the 4595 always seems to go bang, and it is both a pleasure to shoot and accurate enough for close quarters wet work.

This is the second article in our new Cheap Guns series, and because there will be complainers, let me explain again why we are using the politically incorrect term “Cheap” instead of inexpensive or affordable. The guns are cheap, plain and simple. Cheap is not a relative term. In the world of firearms, a pistol caliber carbine for sometimes even under $300 is ridiculously cheap, and it is important to carry guns like this Hi-Point in our reviews, because some people just can’t afford $500 or $700. You don’t get a $700 gun for $300, and the materials on these Hi-Point guns and cheap guns in general are indeed cheaper to manufacturer for the most part. But you don’t often see cheap guns reviewed, because the companies that make the cheap guns don’t really advertise (they don’t have to), and most industry editorial is made of of the guns from the companies that advertise, and little else. For many people, $500, $700, $1,000 is way out of reach. Are some cheap guns reliable and accurate enough? That is our question. We purchase these guns at retail prices from GunsAmerica sellers, or off the shelf at a gunshop. And yes, a lot of cheap guns are great for what you pay.

The magazine holds 9 rounds of 45ACP. BEWARE that aftermarket high-cap mags can void the warranty on these guns.

The magazine holds 9 rounds of 45ACP. BEWARE that aftermarket high-cap mags can void the warranty on these guns.

To back up a bit, one of the reasons that I chose a pistol caliber carbine as the second installment in this series is that a lot of people can’t or won’t go through the hurdles to own a handgun at all. In many parts of the country handguns require special permits, even if you don’t intend to carry them, and that presents a price ceiling to many low budget gun buyers. You can’t buy even the cheapest AR for under $500, and even if you could afford the AR, a lot people have only indoor ranges at which to shoot. That leaves out a budget AR and just about every bolt action rifle in the market. So if you want to be able to just walk into a gunshop and pick up a that you can actually shoot, that leaves a handgun or a rifle that shoots a handgun cartridge. Polymer pistol caliber carbines are your best bet.

The Hi-Point carbines aren’t just versions of their pistols with longer barrels and shoulder stocks. Some of the guts are the same, but the carbine has a very complicated disassembly and reassembly procedure that is actually my biggest beef with the gun. This is no field strip, and I’ve included a video in this article explaining the process. I elected to just clean the bolt, bolt face, and surfaces that I could reach rather than attempt it. Make sure if you buy one of these guns from a gunshop that they give you the special Hi-Point tool that comes with the gun. Mine did not have one, so I was left to find the correct Allen wrenches in my attempts to take it apart with that video.

Other than that though, I found the Hi-Point 4595 to be really a pleasant gun to shoot. It has a recoil buffer built into the stock, so even the smallest shooter won’t find anything unpleasant in shooting any 45ACP load. It comes with a cheap looking but very functional sight system with a windage and elevation adjustable rear sight and course adjustable front sight. It was zeroed to about 75 yards out of the box and I brought it down to 25 yards. For average tactical distances, you are better to zero for short yardage with the .45ACP, because even when you zero for 25 yards there is still a 13 inch drop at 100 yards. I have included the ballistics table from the Hornady Ballistics Calculator, and I used the increased velocity from the carbine length barrel that gave us an extra 30fps or so using Wolf Ammo.

Also note that I tested this gun with the cheapest ammo I could find, figuring that if you are doing a series on cheap guns, you better darn well use cheap ammo too. There is no reason to assume that expensive ammo would shoot better in this gun. But I will say something about the accuracy that I find interesting, because this is a pistol caliber carbine. If it was an AR shooting a .223/5.56, I’d say that the accuracy is dreadful, but as a compromise for a handgun, with a handgun caliber, it’s good enough. I was able to repeatedly put the magazine full into about 3″ at 25 yards. This is roughly what I can do with a handgun, so there is a tradeoff between the advantage of the carbine length, which is a long sight radius distance between the front and rear sights, and the better accuracy of a more expensive gun. Not a bad case in accuracy for $300 or less.

One thing I have to warn you about with these guns is aftermarket magazines. They just plain don’t work and may damage your firearm. If you go to the Hi-Point carbine accessories page you can buy 2 extra mags and double mag clip that attaches to the stock for $42. You can also buy side rails and other accessories made for the gun, and they are all pretty good deals.

Another quirk of this gun is the cocking handle. You use it to lock the bolt back without an empty mag, but it feels like it catches unless you intentionally pull it out.

Another quirk of this gun is the cocking handle. You use it to lock the bolt back without an empty mag, but it feels like it catches unless you intentionally pull it out.

The best gun review is when basically there is “nothing to report,” and this was pretty much what I experienced with the the Hi-Point 4595. You can buy a pistol caliber carbine from Germany for thousands of dollars, and even the Taurus carbine we reviewed is double the price of this gun. Do I love this gun? No. The metal is ugly stamped and cheap looking. The plastic is plastic, and I think it is ridiculously hard to take apart and put back together. Buy hey it works great. It’s accurate enough, and for a pistol caliber carbine the recoil and ergonomics are second to none. Don’t be afraid to buy a Hi-Point. They are great and very affordable guns.

I began to take the gun down, but when I realized that it is a project, I very nicely put the pins back in and called it a day. Later I found the video you see above, and it's a job.

I began to take the gun down, but when I realized that it is a project, I very nicely put the pins back in and called it a day. Later I found the video you see above, and it’s a job.

These mags may feel and look like 1911 mags, but they are slightly different, though I think it was stupid to use a proprietary design.

These mags may feel and look like 1911 mags, but they are slightly different, though I think it was stupid to use a proprietary design.

The adjustable sights are crude but work. This is the rear sight.

The adjustable sights are crude but work. This is the rear sight.

The front sight is rough adjustable, and can be removed if you want to use optics.

The front sight is rough adjustable, and can be removed if you want to use optics.

The recoil absorbers in the stock really work. You will be shocked at how light this gun shoots.

The recoil absorbers in the stock really work. You will be shocked at how light this gun shoots.

The safety is difficult to drop with your shooting hand, and the red dot is on safe, not fire, which is the opposite of most guns.

The safety is difficult to drop with your shooting hand, and the red dot is on safe, not fire, which is the opposite of most guns.

The magazine doesn't want to go in with just a slap. You have to depress the mag release to get the mag in.

The magazine doesn’t want to go in with just a slap. You have to depress the mag release to get the mag in.

Most of my testing was with Wolf ammo, but all of these worked fine in the gun.

Most of my testing was with Wolf ammo, but all of these worked fine in the gun.

This warning comes with the gun, so if you buy one used, read them here. Don't use aftermarket mags with the Hi-Point. They sell extra mags cheap.

This warning comes with the gun, so if you buy one used, read them here. Don’t use aftermarket mags with the Hi-Point. They sell extra mags cheap.

I bought the gun new so there were standard safety warnings on the stock, which is better than stamping them into the gun.

I bought the gun new so there were standard safety warnings on the stock, which is better than stamping them into the gun.

If your gun doesn't come with the Hi-Point wrench, you'll have to use regular tools to take the gun down.

If your gun doesn’t come with the Hi-Point wrench, you’ll have to use regular tools to take the gun down.

This Wolf ammo came up pretty fast on the chronograph due to the longer barrel length of the carbine. More powder gets to burn than in a handgun, so the bullet goes faster.

This Wolf ammo came up pretty fast on the chronograph due to the longer barrel length of the carbine. More powder gets to burn than in a handgun, so the bullet goes faster.

But the 45ACP is really a close range cartridge. Zeroed at 25 yards, there is a 13 inch drop at 100 yards. Click to make the chart bigger.

But the 45ACP is really a close range cartridge. Zeroed at 25 yards, there is a 13 inch drop at 100 yards. Click to make the chart bigger.

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  • Hugo June 15, 2018, 7:37 am

    Redball now makes reliable 20 round mags in .45 acp for hi point carbines. Worth every penny.

  • Kjs July 23, 2017, 9:30 pm

    4595TS, when new had to tweak first of six mags a little, since then 2000+ rounds and zero problems. And HI POINT sent me a free mag release conversion button to replace the California “bullet button”, when I moved out of that state.

  • Jon March 13, 2017, 2:47 am

    That statement about the safety is down right wrong. Up is safe, down is fire. Red for dead just like everyone else. There is even a notch in the bolt that the safety lever has to sit into so it can only go safe with the bolt closed.

    • Rob Watson April 19, 2017, 1:02 pm

      1. The mag does not require pushing the button on mine. A slap and it goes in. 2. The safety lever covers the red dot in the up position or safe position. It is visible down safety off ready to fire. 3. If you continue shooting the gun enough to stress the barrel several times it will relax and you will see accuracy go to 1 int at 50 – 60 yards. The 9mm RN bullet can’t shoot consistently better at 100 yards than 3in from a fixed receiver so 1.5 inches at 50yards is very good for that bullet. Switch to 124 grain Hornady HP and watch it tighten up after the barrel is relaxed.

  • S. Velez October 18, 2016, 6:53 pm

    Why high capacity magazines invalidates the warranty. They are not sure of the quality of their products. I can understand that high capacity magazines most are not the most reliable. . But invalidate warranty. Really just that assertion would not buy this carabine.

    • James C. October 19, 2016, 11:03 pm

      The reason they make such a ststement has to do with the bolt possibly hitting the back or a 15 round Pro Mag magazine and thus damaging the gun. Trick: gently curve the back of ProMag so the bolt won’t hit the back of the magazine while stripping the next round from the magazine BUT be careful not to remove too much as to allow the bullet to slide out the back of magazine.

  • LC Cooper April 11, 2016, 6:57 pm

    Sighting(drift)problems.back to factory,good communications,good service.Love the 4595ts.Us army LeClerc Mu,not a closet commando.Would be happy in cab with more rounds.Thanks Hi Point.

  • Don Woodrich March 8, 2016, 8:57 am

    add me to the e-mail news list, thanks

  • Kirk G February 25, 2016, 4:23 pm

    I’m sure alot of you are more up on ATF rules than I.Being this rifle uses a proprietary magazine,is it within the law to make/adapt a larger mag/drum to fit this gun.Either by my joining 2 mags together,or adapting/welding an existing drum to a factory mag?Thank You for your input!

  • scout101 January 17, 2016, 6:07 pm

    I commend this article for its research and time spend putting the article together. However, there are some very wrong depictions of this firearm in this article. No, its not a Glock, S&W, or Kimber, but it is a highly reliable firearm. I own the 995TS in standard black and my wife also has a 995TS in the pink camo. Both weapons operate with the same consistency. The biggest issue I have had with this firearm, the requirements to field strip it for cleaning and maintenance. It is a more complex procedure than most AR platform carbines, but it is still not that bad. My safety recognition markings are not out of place. When you see the red dot, it is ready to fire. It is not hard to use your firing hand’s thumb to switch from safe to semi. It is no harder than the AR 15 or 10 that I use. I saw accuracy mentioned several times during the article and in other posts. It is hard for me to trust accuracy issues in articles since I do not know how the author shoots. I spent the better portion of my life serving in the U.S. Army as a 19D Cavalry Scout. I learned and qualified to shoot many U.S. and foreign weapons systems. Several mechanics go into shooting and they far exceed the accuracy of the weapon being used. I read several articles about how Glock 23 Gen. 4’s are terrible when it comes to accuracy. My advice to those users and the writer of this article is to learn proper shooting mechanics before you post about a weapons accuracy. I can achieve a 3″ grouping of 5 rounds at 50 yards, standing with no rest. My wife can do the same from the 30 to 35 yard range. I have shot the entire 15 round high capacity magazine into 8″ circle targets purchased from walmart at 80 yards, while standing with no rest. I have a cheap 5 MOA reflexive sight optic on my hi point, and have yet to have an issue with its purpose. Its not a long range rifle, it is not an AR style carbine, it is a pistol caliber carbine. It is cheap. Its not the best, but I promise its not the worst. For what the firearm is, and what its intended use is, it is a good shooting carbine. It’ll shoot anything you can put through it. I buy several cheap FMJ rounds for shooting and the only round I have had an issue with in the Hi Point 995TS is Winchester ammunition. I don’t know why, but it does not like them. It handles Perfecta’s the exact same as it does Hornady. For basic home defense and going to a local firing range, gravel pit, or whatever type of range, this firearm exceeded my expectations resulting in the purchase of a second one for my wife. It has very little recoil which means faster re-acquisition of targets. My wife is very comfortable shooting this firearm on the 9mm luger platform so I bought her one to shoot. From seasoned professionals to beginners, this firearm should be in the running for which firearm to purchase.

    • Rick Dailey February 5, 2016, 1:24 pm

      I 100% agree with your opinion of this firearm, down to the problem with Winchester ammunitiion. Winchester is all I have shot through mine (only about 250 rounds so far) and have not experienced one single problem. I personally have the 40S&W and I bought a 9mm for my wife. I find it to be accurate AND reliable. I also own an AR15, but at the cost of ammunition where it is, I go out in my back lot and play with my Hi Point, or my Glock. I spent enough time in the Army with an M16 that I am comfortable with the AR, so I spend my free time learning the ins and outs of the carbine. I love my little BSA red dot sights, over the hard sights as they are inexpensive and much quicker target re-acquisition…Thanks

  • adam January 1, 2016, 1:28 pm

    Let’s be honest here. The best way I can explain it is this
    Hi Points are Hyundai’s
    Affordable, extremely reliable, best warranty, and unlike Hyundai’s they are made in America.
    But if that’s all that mattered we would all be driving one and BMW and others would be out of business. Both will get you there, just a little different ride.
    Hi Points are not junk, they have a market, serve a purpose, and get the job done, and are just fine for the majority of us. Some people just want a little more and don’t care if the cost of ownership is more too. It’s all in taste, wants, and sometimes budget. Hi point is like the grocery store brand. Probably good enough for alot less. But some of us will still never buy it.

  • Peter December 28, 2015, 6:14 pm

    Nice article. I have a 9MM version of this gun and your comments on the safety being the opposite of other guns is not correct – at least on my 9MM.

    • Mark Timblin August 16, 2017, 1:14 pm

      I too have the 9 mm version of this rifle. It was given to me by my Army brother back in 2001, before 9/11. A lot of folks laugh and point fingers at this weapon….at least they used to, until I showed them what this ugly little carbine could do. I still need to box mine up send it to Hi-Point to have them service this weapon, maybe update the stock and what ever else they say or I think I need. After which, I start to resupply my slush fund until I have enough to purchase the 4595TS and most likely several accessories for it as well.
      I had taken the stock sight off and installed the scope mount, when I wanted to go back to iron sights I could not for the life of me find it. It was in none of my gun cleaning kits it wasn’t in any of my ammo containers, it wasn’t in ANY of my containers that I have for my weapons. Hell, it wasn’t in my gun cabinet,(still need to get a gun safe), so I called Hi-Point to see how much the stock iron sight assembly was, the nice young lady I spoke with said after a few question/answers were done with, she was like….it will be relatively expensive sir like how expensive I say. Well….it will cost you exactly…nothing! I was stunned by this are you shitting me? Not at all give me your address and we’ll get this out to you today! You have a full 100% warranty on your gun sir, that is fantastic, thank you ever so much. Another reason to like/love Hi-Point their 100% customer warranty is second to nione, if you need a prt or lost something or whatever, if it pertains to the weapon there are usually no charges for anything. Accessories are different, those are what the name implies accessories, you pay for the accessories, which I will gladly pay. A great little carbine, which reminds me I need to check out what accessories are available fr my 9 mm carbine….GO ARMY!

  • Hugo Stiglitz December 28, 2015, 4:39 pm

    I read the reviews…ugly but dependable. Reminded me of me so I bought one. Eats any ammo and accurate at the ranges I want it for-50-100 yards. Hi Point owners are sometimes very enthusiastic and are misinterpreted by haters. No one is suggesting that the Marines or Navy Seals switch over to Hi Point but if you want a pistol caliber carbine, you will be hard pressed to find a better value than a Hi Point. I liked mine so much, I bought the matching pistol (.45). Makes a nice car gun for $150.

  • Shingebiss December 26, 2015, 12:26 am

    Great review. As a not-gun techie who is interested in guns — particularly in these times — I especially appreciated the down-to-earth honesty and practicality of this review. Exceptional. And I’ve read a lot of them.

  • Rich K November 11, 2015, 10:00 pm

    Bought a 4595TS three weeks ago. Very happy with this rifle. Put 800 rounds through it before I cleaned it for the first time. Found the breakdown rather easy, but a lot of steps involved. I put a 2.5 X 10 scope on mine, and sited for 50 yards. The group shown above in this article at 25 yards is what I get at 50 yards. At 25 yards I remove the center X circle (off a sand bag of course). I shoot .45 handguns, and re- load for quantity, not accuracy, and use all different kinds of brass. This little carbine has just amazed me. Hi-Point got this baby RIGHT. What I like is that I can go from my pistol to the carbine without moving to a rifle range. VERY, VERY HAPPY with this little carbine, and you can’t beat the price. So far (800 rds) no mis-feeds or ejection problems. A real performer.

  • Michael Paul October 23, 2015, 11:11 am

    I have a 45acp model and this thing is a great rifle, not too expensive!! works very well, and accurate enough to take into my back woods and feel safe relying my life on it, coyotes and whatever you may come across trespassing on your land that poses a danger. I really like the gun, I would take this rifle to battle!!!

  • Lying Bastard April 7, 2015, 8:17 am

    I just went to the hi-point website and still states the warranty follows the gun.

  • usnret30 April 5, 2015, 9:02 pm

    I clean, check and repair firearms for a pawnshop. Hi-Point has a lifetime warranty and so far I have returned both a 9mm rifle and a 9mm pistol to HI-Point for repair. Both guns were repaired and returned quickly and both appeared to have been restored to factory new condition. The firearms also included paperwork detailing what had been completed for repair.

  • Brian April 1, 2015, 5:48 pm

    The first and only Hi Point I purchased was a .380 used. Picked it up for dirt (less than $100). I hated that thing! Jam after jam after jam. I cleaned it. I oiled it. I racked it over 100 times to loosen the action. I cleaned the magazines. I tried different ammo. Still jam. And never went past 3 rounds. I sold it.

    Now reading all these reviews, and near certain I have a 5 plus year old pistol, I’m going to give it another try. Surely won’t be a .380 or 9 mm (super happy with my Ruger P series nines).

    I appreciate all the feedback by the readers and equally grateful the wrote about the “little guys” out there.


    • mike Bryant January 5, 2016, 1:44 pm

      I have the new 40 cal. pistol with over 700 rounds shot through it, no jams or misfires, my nephew bought the 9mm carbine- Omg that thing is so accurate right out of the box!!!! I am getting ready to buy the 40 cal. carbine for myself. you cannot beat these guns for what you have in them. And i love that i can use the 40 cal.clips in either gun, a real plus!!! W e use winchester white box ammo for target practice fmj’s, never had a problem. also used hundreds of Perfecta rounds from walmart cheap ammo for practice shooting.

      • Chris Hale October 10, 2016, 4:11 am

        They come with “clips “? Do you use them to load the MAGAZINES?

    • Ray Braden April 18, 2016, 11:35 pm

      Brian, I had a CZ 9 in .380. it would jam. I ended up replacing the magazine and problem went away.

  • mitchell April 1, 2015, 10:40 am

    thank you for reviewing this gun! it’s great to see something different than what you see in the print rags (springfield, glock, sig, s&W, yada yada yada)….always the same expensive shit paid for by advertising.

    cheap guns have a huge place in the market and once upon a time, when i was in college, a hi point was all i could afford and it was my first gun. it was a 9mm pistol and it shot everything i fed it. i kept it under my seat in my truck and never had to use it, but I know that if the situation came up, I could rely on it to protect me.

    Great to see they’re still making good guns for the everyman! I might buy one just for nostalgia’s sake!

  • HN Smith March 31, 2015, 11:57 pm

    Have a 4095TS – cut off the stock to the plastic hilt near the metal receiver where a plastic bulkhead is thick enough to hold tapping screws, modified a polymer UTG ak stock adapter for a AR buffer tube and stock, and with some epoxy and tapping screws mounted it to the bulkhead – then screwed in the buffer tube and now this carbine has a AR sliding stock. Put metal picatinny rails on the receiver and on the polymer hand guards ( sides, top and bottom) . Removed the hi point front and rear sights and replaced them with a combat rear folding siight and a modified AR folding front sight on a gas tube adapter which fits on the barrel just beyond the handguards. Put the hi point compensator on the muzzle of the barrel – Also modified the lips on magpul 15 round mags.

    The gun now holds a sightmark reflex sight on top rail of receiver , sightmark lopro flashlight laser on top rail of handguard and folding foregrip on bottom rail of handguard . , Looks great- everything works good. – as accurate within 50 – 100 yards as any AR 15 . Gun is very versatile – Mag modifications are fine . no worse than the hi point mags. Also have a 40 cal hi point hand gun as a complementary secondary weapon. Highly polished the feeding ramp – never jams and highly reliable for close in shooting. Both guns are heavy but I like that .

    • Benjamin Boucher June 8, 2015, 11:55 pm

      Would like more info on your modified sights. Could you send info to I would sure appreciate it!

    • Howard Allen February 27, 2016, 11:39 am

      Hi I would love to see what you have done. I just got a 4595ts and I plan on getting a 995ts

    • Frank January 27, 2017, 12:45 am

      Cool, I had a similar idea of cutting off the stock, drilling thru the bulkhead to install a bushing to install a a top fold wire stock but haven’t tried it yet.

  • Leetrav March 31, 2015, 11:34 am

    I’m ALSO in the very pleased to own an American made Hi-Point 9mm carbine. Mine has been perfect and runs flawlessly. I wish they would make them accept Glock Mags…they would make a billion dollars. Mine was a gift, in more ways than one. Cheap? I would say priced right for the working man or woman. Great for protection and other duties. Mags, though not hi-cap are priced right too. Hi-Point is a first rate company and produces a ‘Second Amendment’ weapon this is perfect fore ALL Americans. Kudos for a fair article and giving good exposure to these fine American-made products. Get one and have some real fun.

    • Leetrav March 31, 2015, 12:04 pm

      The KelTec sub 2k carbines are winners too…and they do take Glock mags (others too). Is it ‘cheap’? Not in my opinion. Another well made, very reliable and priced ‘right’ American-made product. An article on it would be good too. Imho

  • Alfonso Gonzalez March 31, 2015, 9:01 am

    Well I have 2 of the 995 one is in a aftermarket stock both 9mm and never had any trouble out of them, no jams, nothing and we have gone through at least 4-5k of rounds over the last 10 years, used them to teach my kids how to shoot. I even went about 9 years ago and got one of there hand guns it’s one of the 380 ACP pistols and it shoots great never had any trouble out of it. I have a lot of friends with the AR types of rifles and when we go to the range most of there time is spent fiddling with there guns and the 995 just keeps shooting. I say if you have more money than sense then go waste the money and get one of them AR’s, make sure you have all the tools to work on it and bring them when you want to shoot, and hope you have plenty of 223 ammo…….

  • Michael Heiz March 31, 2015, 2:55 am

    I see a lot of, “good for the price” and ” good gun for the beginner” and a lot of “ugly” comments when it comes to these Hi Points. In my opinion it’s a good gun period and the price is super low. My 45 shoots exceptional no jams , dead on , any ammo and looks sweet. How is that a low end gun? Made from cheap parts that are warranted for the life of the gun that , in most cases, won’t be used unless the firearm is abused. Where else do you get that? Spend 1500 on a rifle that shoots the same and only fires top end ammo and when there is an issue the “limited warranty ” always has a clause that ends up costing you money. Top that off with Made In The USA. Maybe they should start charging 800 per carbine to be considered a better rifle.

  • proteus March 31, 2015, 1:34 am

    I have the .40TS. Paid 305.00 out the door. It just plain works. Standing, at 30yds. I hit a 4″ steel plate 5 in a row, and 9 of 10. It hits where you point it. I’ve heard of advice to do a deep clean every couple of thousand rounds. And I’ve heard that after 2-3000 rounds; ship it to the factory and they’ll service it. Low price, great support. What’s not to like?

    • Allen Benge April 3, 2015, 1:40 am

      I recently purchased a .40 caliber carbine, and wanted to state the safety does work when up, the red dot is covered, and the gun will not fire, sweep it down and the red dot is visible and the weapon functions. I called Hi-Point and asked about field stripping for cleaning, and the gentleman I spoke with said not to, which is why directions are not given. He stated the Hi-Point carbine is the AK-47 of the carbine world, to run a few patches and a swab down the barrel and oil it, and it will be fine. I figure if it begins to act up, I can send it in and let them take care of it under warranty. I am thrilled to death with the carbine. It may be ugly as home made soap, but it goes bang when you pull the trigger thingy, every time. I am considering getting the handgun in .40 S&W, so I have total interchangeability between guns.

  • victor March 31, 2015, 12:54 am

    I own 2 of the pistols and have no problems at all. they are a little heavy and not something I would carry daily, but so far they been reliable and accurate. im looking into the carbine next

  • Will Drider March 30, 2015, 10:24 pm

    Even though dissambly may be considered difficult, it should not be negelected. The FIREING PINS are subject to alot of stress. They will bend. Most deformation is easy to see but inspect them closely. Replace any fireing pin that is not “true”.

  • Mike Schrantz March 30, 2015, 9:06 pm

    I have to say some good things about their customer service. I had a really bad trigger on my carbine. I could barely achieve a 10 inch group with a red dot sight shooting from a rest at 25 yards. I called their service department and discussed the problem. They directed me to send it to them and returned it within 2 weeks and included a new magazine to offset my shipping cost. The carbine shoots incredibly better now. Top notch customer service. I would recommend getting an aftermarket rail to replace the proprietary rail that is stock issue. You can also buy an aftermarket front sight that will allow you to co-witness with a red dot sight (the factory issue won’t telescope high enough).

  • DD March 30, 2015, 7:14 pm

    I’ve had great service out of my TS995. I was popping sodas at 60 yards with it just this past weekend. Runs like a champ! As for cleaning, if I recall correctly, the manual warns against cleaning it too often. I swab the barrel when I’m done, but other than that it rarely gets taken down to clean. It never malfunctions so I would have to say that isn’t a problem for it. I do kind of wish they offered larger capacity magazines for it. 10 goes by way too quick.

    If memory serves the takedown tool is held in the stock near the mag well. (I’ve slept a few times since I had it apart so no garuantees on that location) I thought mine came without the tool as well until I figured out where they hide it.

  • Johnny B Goode March 30, 2015, 3:55 pm

    I have had my Classic 995 Carbine for over 10 years. I just take the stock off it, then wash it down with dawn and warm water. Once I have the trash out of the action I just blow it dry with compressed air. Once the gun is dry I spray it down with CLP. The gun has never given me a bit of trouble. I also have a Marlin 60 that I have cleaned the same way for over 35 years of trouble free service.

  • JOSEPH OEHME March 30, 2015, 2:57 pm


  • RedClayBlues March 30, 2015, 2:04 pm

    Since you didn’t have any problems you had no experience with the Hi Point service. They are excellent. I have had my 4595TS for about 3 years and early on it had a broken firing pin spring and bent firing pin. I called and talked to the service dept and they dropped 2 springs and a firing pin in an envelope, mailed it that day, and 3 days later there it was. A friend of mine bought an old used C9 for his truck gun and had a feed problem . Same thing . He mailed it back and had it back in his hands in 3 weeks. The lifetime of the gun warranty is the real thing.

  • gc45colt March 30, 2015, 12:57 pm

    Has anyone had any experience with the .40 caliber version? Any tips? I’ve been considering picking one up.

    • JOE March 30, 2015, 3:45 pm


    • Russ April 1, 2015, 12:29 pm

      1. Get one. If you want to shoot 45, this carbine’s so cheap you can’t go wrong. ( .40 roughly performs the same and costs less.)
      2. You might look into firearms with cheaper ammo, it’s fun to shoot more often.
      i.e. Ruger 10/22 TD – AK 74 or 47, or maybe a VEPR sniper rifle. (.22, 5.45 and 7.62 ammo cost pennies)
      3. FrogLube will be a joy to use as your CLP. I can’t say enough about it’s performance and many uses. (don’t but poisons)

      • spelling error April 1, 2015, 1:33 pm

        (don’t [buy] poisons)

  • Taylor Christensen March 30, 2015, 12:28 pm

    I don’t see any mention that this 4595TS model and the HiPoint .45 pistol share the same magazine.
    The 4095TS AND .40 cal pistol and carbine use the same magazine also.
    It’s only the 9mm 995TS carbine and the 9mm pistol that each use different magazines.
    So for anyone wanting a pistol and carbine of the same caliber, this is a definite plus.

  • Russ Atchison March 30, 2015, 11:57 am

    I use the Hi Point 45 cal. so I can have a something that shoots a little further and is the same caliber as my pistol. Its a pleasure to shoot, but I haven’t tried to clean it yet, and probably won’t, I will send to the factory and let them do it. The carbine is guaranteed for life. In the end I can carry my pistol and carbine and not have to worry about getting ammo mixed up.

    • Russ (the other Russ) April 1, 2015, 12:10 pm

      Good reasons to own Russ.
      I don’t own one, but I do appreciate a company like Hi-point for manufacturing an affordable ergonomic carbine.
      It’s got a nice peep sight for easily acquiring the target.
      It looks comfortable, and also has that “cool factor” going on.
      Personally, for a 45 acp PDW, I would own a KRISS, but who wouldn’t want one of these for under $400.00??
      That’s cheap, and that’s cool.

  • Jasper March 30, 2015, 11:47 am

    I have no idea why the author would decide to change the Zero point from 75 yards, down to 25 yards, other than to show his personal lack of knowledge of ballistics!
    In fact If one leaves the sights set at a 75 yard zero, you will have only a maximum rise about the aim point of 2.6 inches, with a zero at 75 yards and a drop below the aim point of -5.54 at 100 yards, with the -13 inches below aim point, he is so concerned about at just over 120 yards. All of this happening with only a small amount of energy loss during the bullets travel. Something that happens when using large, slow moving bullets. Energy is 399 ft. lbs at muzzle, dropping to 341 ft. lbs at 120 yards. A difference few people will notice when hit!
    This is something he would have found out if he had bothered to use a ballistics program/chart/tested. Shows a lack of knowledge about where to set a Zero and why. It changes for different weapon/cartridge combinations, along with what type of sighting system is being employed.
    Remember, bullet drop and distance below or above line of sight, are not the same thing!
    Range Velocity Impact Drop ToF Energy Drift
    0 884 -1.5 0 0 399 0
    10 877 0.2 0.3 0.04 393 0
    20 871 1.46 1.04 0.07 387 0
    30 866 2.27 2.24 0.11 383 0
    40 860 2.6 3.91 0.14 378 0
    50 854 2.45 6.06 0.18 372 0
    60 849 1.83 8.68 0.21 368 0
    70 843 0.74 11.78 0.25 363 0
    80 838 -0.86 15.38 0.28 359 0
    90 833 -2.95 19.47 0.32 354 0
    100 827 -5.54 24.06 0.35 349 0
    110 822 -8.62 29.15 0.39 345 0
    120 817 -12.24 34.77 0.43 341 0
    130 812 -16.37 40.9 0.46 337 0
    140 807 -21.03 47.56 0.5 333 0

    • don butterbaugh January 2, 2016, 3:30 pm

      Jasper has made an excellent point. Last I heard even Congress has not been able to change the laws of Physics!
      Take a close look at his Range velocity impact table, it tells it all.
      Good comment Jasper

    • John July 17, 2017, 8:08 pm

      Lol very well said I have a 9mm carbine I bought used in shoot extremely well I am going down tomorrow and by the 45 caliber carbine I am going to try out 200 Grant Elmo and see how that works my wife loves the 9mm

  • Kuyatribes March 30, 2015, 11:46 am

    Takedown for cleaning appears daunting, but it is a series of simple steps. It is not difficult. A roll punch set and a cheap brass hammer will be necessary and can be purchased cheaply thru Harbor Freight. In less than 4 minutes it can be completely stripped down and ready for cleaning. No it is not as easy or as fast as a AR but is not hard. Reassembly is also a no brainer just reverse the process. The tools bought can be used for other firearms. It is a very simple firearm that is cheap, reliable and a hoot too shoot.

    • Tim March 31, 2015, 12:42 am

      I agree 100%. I think the reason most people have a problem with disassembly/reassembly is that it is so unorthodox and not overly intuitive. However, if you it a few times in a row and you’ll get familiar and very fast at it.

  • Randy March 30, 2015, 11:10 am

    I don’t have a carbine but I do have a C-9. I don’t think they look any worse than a Glock myself. And they are just as reliable. I’ve had mine for about four years now, as well as six other pistols and semi-auto handguns. I believe the Hipoint, in my case is my most reliable handgun. I use it for testing my reloads because it will shoot damn near anything. I wouldn’t carry it myself because it is bulky but that is a personal preference. It needs the bulk because both the carbines and pistols are blowback designs. The author is just proving his snobbishness by discounting the carbines by comparing apples to oranges. I have opinions also and in my opinion these guns are not cheap; because they are ultimately reliable. But they are not for wimps who are afraid to work on their own firearms (within reason). Sometimes the mags need some TLC to make things work better.

  • Dallas March 30, 2015, 11:06 am

    My TS995 serves me well. Have a red dot and it co-witnesses perfectly with the iron sights. So if the battery fails or you forget to turn it on you can use the iron sights in pass thru. At my local range the action ranges where we do 3-gun does not allow rifle calibers, so my 995 – 9mm fits the bill. However the lack of high capacity magazines takes its toll on most scenarios. Lack of Hi-Cap mags is my only real complaint as I don’t mind the complicated and lengthy, but seldom, cleaning time. There are so many pluses, as the author brought out. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

  • Dallas March 30, 2015, 11:05 am

    My TS995 serves me well. Have a red dot and it co-witnesses perfectly with the iron sights. So if the battery fails or you forget to turn it on you can use the iron sights in pass thru. At my local range the action ranges where we do 3-gun does not allow rifle calibers, so my 995 – 9mm fits the bill. However the lack of high capacity magazines takes its toll on most scenarios. Lack of Hi-Cap mags is my only real complaint as I don’t mind the complicated and lengthy, but seldom, cleaning time. There are so many pluses, as the author brought out. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

  • David March 30, 2015, 11:01 am

    I have a 9mm Hi Point carbine I bought 11 years ago and I have generally liked it. I paid $140 for it on a consignment that the original owner put a box of 50 through. The only problem I have with it is that it will not feed HP rounds on its own. I can put just about any FMJ through it with no problems, but as soon as the projectile is not rounded it jams against the feed ramp. For the price and considering it came with a red dot and 3 mags I feel it was a great deal.

  • James March 30, 2015, 10:45 am

    I do not own a HiPoint carbine, however, I do own 3 hiPoint handguns – 2 .45s and 1 .380. My only complaint is the plastic rear sight. Other than that, these are perfect for the “average joe” that doesn’t have deep pockets. I have never had a failure. Yep, big,, not pretty, heavy (less recoil though) and “cheap”. I’ll take’em all day long.
    Check this link out:

  • Allen Poulsen March 30, 2015, 10:40 am

    I am the owner of Gorilla Arms in Sunset Utah and I gave my wife the 4095 TS carbine for our 34th anniversary and she loves it and I was really surprised how well it shoots and it is smooth I put a red dot scope on it and it is real accurate. I have sold 2 of the 4595TS carbines and shot them and I was real impressed with them. So I can say to Hi-Point good job’

  • CAptain Bob March 30, 2015, 10:35 am

    I’m surprised that no one mentioned the conversion that can be easily done to allow the use of 1911 mags. It does require a bit of disassembly and the factory mags won’t work anymore BUT you can have a .45 ACP carbine that uses the same 1911 mags that your 1911 pistol uses. And there are hi-cap mags available (15 rounders) which look a little silly because they are long single-stack but they work. I even have a 40-round (plastic) drum that works after the conversion. Check out “youtube” for this conversion and where to buy the parts.

  • Jon March 30, 2015, 10:32 am

    I have been teaching firearms for 15 years now to law enforcement and to civilians. I can tell you how many times civilians have brought a high point pistol to the class and the dang thing became a single shot. I know first of a gentleman that had to defend his home against an armed suspect and luckily the one round he did get off from his high point hit the suspect but then the gun totally locked up. People if it’s something’s that you are your family’s life depends on why in the world would you use something that is questionable? I tell you what everyone that love them, shoot more than 1000rds through one and see what happens. I can’t believe there is nothing better for a writer to do than him convience a bunch of people this is a good idea.

    • Randy March 30, 2015, 11:21 am

      Hi Jon,
      Your post might sound more credible if you used adequate sentence structure and grammar.

      BTW, did you read the article? he said that as a fast growing company there will be glitches with quality, seems to me S&W just had recall for issues not to long ago. It happens in every company. It shouldn’t, but it does. I agree that all Hipoint pistols do not work perfectly right out of the box like some more expensive ones do, but that is the fun of them, to make it your own. But, people don’t hear about all the ones with no issues, they only hear about the few that have issues. In other words, ‘when it does good, nobody remembers, when it does bad, nobody forgets’. Taken on a per unit basis how does it stack up to any ‘more expensive’ pistol? Besides it’s looks that is.

      • John July 17, 2017, 8:22 pm

        Lol very well said I have a 9mm carbine I bought used in shoot extremely well I am going down tomorrow and by the 45 caliber carbine I am going to try out 200 Grant Elmo and see how that works my wife loves the 9mm

      • John July 17, 2017, 8:29 pm

        Randy are you just rude when you’re not looking someone in the eye don’t worry about my grammar is people like you that shouldn’t be allowed on a computer just my opinion I think you are ignorant but I would rather tell you in person so oh well

    • dallas March 30, 2015, 11:23 am

      To the 15 year instructor – How do you do quality teaching when you take an instance where a different firearm failed and say ‘writer has nothing better..’ I had a 1953 Ford when I was in college that often locked up between gears when you shifted from 1st to 2nd (on the column). Now I didn’t condemn all Fords, especially those that had automatic transmissions because my old manual transmission had a problem. The writer here was speaking of the carbines, which after thousands of rounds, my Hi-Point carbine has been reliable, while my old Hi-point handgun isn’t much better than my 10 year old ’53 Ford was.

    • UncleNat March 30, 2015, 12:24 pm

      I bought a used C9 years ago that had a feed problem–nothing that a slap on the back of the slide wouldn’t take care of but troublesome. Took some emory cloth to the feed ramp and got the factory overspray paint off of it and it has never mis-fed since after 100’s of rounds. At the time I was dirt poor and the $100 I paid for it was a lot of money. Its a pain to clean so I dont shoot it much but its my go-to emergency backup at home–I would trust it over the old Browning 1955 that a former girlfriend had. That one would never feed a full mag, no matter what.

  • Mark March 30, 2015, 10:04 am

    I bought a hi point.40 carbine and .40 pistol together about 2 years ago. Total for both was under $700. I like the interchangeable magazines. Have never had a problem with either, no matter what ammo i use.
    Are they ugly? Yeah, but when I’m pulling the trigger on any of my firearms, I’m not admiring the beauty of the gun. I want it to go bang and put the bullet where I’m aiming. They both do that reliably.

  • Ron Freese March 30, 2015, 9:55 am

    Your comment “the red dot is on safe, not fire, which is the opposite of most guns.” I just checked my 4595and it fires on red.

    • Edknn June 9, 2016, 4:27 pm

      Red means dead.

  • Loren Bianchi March 30, 2015, 9:43 am

    The author also did not mention that the 45 and 40 carbines share magazines with their hipoint pistol counterparts. a huge plus for someone on a tight budget.

  • Terry White March 30, 2015, 9:20 am

    I have to agree with what most other reviewers have said. I have a 4095 and love it. I have had it for a few years and have had little trouble with it. Once in a while it will have a stovepipe when using certain hollow points. Beyond that I find the accuracy to be amazing with mine. I have used it on hogs at 75 yards with Winchester holowpoints. I have a an inexpensive center point red dot on it and it always holds zero. I have AR’s and mini-14’s as well, but when I am wanting to take something that I consider short range (under 100yds) I take this. I rarely clean it because of the real pain and hassle of the take down procedure, so I just spray it, run a bore cleaner and wipe off what I can.

  • Bill March 30, 2015, 9:18 am

    I bought mine 3 or 4 years ago, and it totaled less than $175 WITH a cheap BSA red dot scope. Sure, it is yoogly and clunky, but is almost as much fun to shoot as an M-1 Carbine (and goes thru ammo just as fast, too). Just wish 9mm ammunition was still $90 a thousand…………. Mine is really pretty accurate, too. I like it a lot.

  • Mike March 30, 2015, 9:13 am

    The weapon used in this video was a rusted HiPoint bought at a pawn shop. It certainly did its job that day.

    I have the .40 version and it hasn’t given me even one single problem with, probably, 1000 rounds through it. I do use aftermarket 15 round mags in it despite the warranty issue. The aftermarket mags won’t work initially but if you file down the plastic tab on the mag to match the plastic tab on the factory mag you’ll find the aftermarkets work just fine. I like this gun and shoot it a lot; I even bought one for my son.

    A knowledgeable gun guy (guy reloads his own rifle ammo and is a crack shot) was watching me at the range with my .40 and wanted to know what I was shooting because my groups were so tight at 25yds. He was amazed at what I’d paid for a pistol ammo rifle that shot groups that tight and offered me what I’d paid on the spot. I told him to go buy his own…and he did. I saw him some weeks later and was as happy as I am with mine.

  • Jerry March 30, 2015, 9:13 am

    I bought the 995-9m.m. years ago.Few years ago, eyes starting going bad,hence I mounted a 3×9 scope to it. Zeroed it in at 75 yards.EXCELLENT for “plinking” or home protection. Also, found a easy enough way to clean it after shooting. Buy, yourself either a spray can of “Break cleaner or a spray can of “Electronic cleaner”. Just dont forget to have a can of “WD 40” to lube it ,afterwards.

    • jrkmt1 March 30, 2015, 12:58 pm

      Instead of Break-Free cleaner or the electronic cleaner, I would recommend using the product Gun Scrubber Synthetic Safe spray (for polymer framed guns). It is made by Birchwood Casey, same as the original Gun Scrubber spray, and is intended for use in cleaning firearms. Break Free is not. WD-40 is probably the worst lubricant to use on firearms. It collects every bit of debris that it can and will actually gum up any moving part as it dries out. WD-40 also has a nasty habit of collecting burned powder residue further jamming up your gun’s action. Just about every bottle of Rem-Oil gun oil comes with a two inch (2″) long tube that you can attach to the applicator tip so you can get into those hard to reach areas.

  • Moe Paquette March 30, 2015, 9:06 am

    I have a 995TS and I love shooting this. At 25 yards I can put 10 in 3″ group around bullseye and I am 67 years old so I m not the steadiest person around.

  • dave morris March 30, 2015, 8:06 am

    it’ll do the job reliably, not pretty, heavy, but pumps out the 9mm, I too long for bigger mag capacity

  • Rob D March 30, 2015, 7:57 am

    I just bought a 995 in 9mm for $229. Bought the Hi-point magazine holder w/ two magazines for $40, the muzzle device for it for $15, (hi-point has free shipping too) and mounted a 4×32 scope on it all for a little bit over $300. I haven’t had a single problem yet with as I just put 200 rounds through it last week and a 2 inch group or less is my normal pattern.. It cost less than my 10/22 and is just as fun too. I bought it because I had a lot of 9mm ammo and had to see for myself why people were giving it a bad rap. I like taking it out as much as I like taking my AR-15 out. I haven’t tried taking it apart yet, but I do clean it where I can for right now. One of my favorite rifles to shoot now that’s for sure, it really fun. I’d recommend it to anyone.

    • Michael Mitchell March 30, 2015, 8:57 am

      Be careful there with muzzle devices for the Hi-Point 995 and probably the 4095 and 4595. 9mm RN (round nose) will not work with firearms using ported compensators as damage may occur. This is a warning I saw on the red and black box for the federal 9mm RN ammo.

  • steve March 30, 2015, 7:14 am

    I have the 9mm version of this gun. As stated before I have had no issues at all. Shoots any ammo I feed through it both factory
    and reloads. Again it is a pain to strip down but Hipoint claims that you need not clean but every 2000 or so rounds. I bought mine
    new with a cheap but functional laser site for less than $300. Cheap yes functional always.

  • Johnny B Goode March 30, 2015, 6:52 am

    The author picked the worst caliber to review. The 45acp does not get a big performance jump like the 9mm and 40 cal do from a carbine.

    I have two Hi Point Carbines. I have a Classic model that has never given me any trouble. I also have a TS model that I have put over 1,000 rounds through it without a malfunction or any problems.

    • ejharb January 13, 2016, 1:33 pm

      Ah but I must disagree
      45acp is best in a gun that needs reliable feeding fmj round nose ammo
      I’d not recommend being in front of a almost half inch half ounce piece of metal going 850 feet per second.
      The 45 carbine is the one I’d buy before all others and feed it only 230gr fmj round nose

  • Phil Sprague March 30, 2015, 6:34 am

    I purchased the 9mm Carbine about 3 years ago or so. I saw a dealer at a gun show that had nothing but Hi-Points on display. I couldn’t believe what you got for under $300.00 at the time, and figured I’d spend more time clearing jams then shooting the thing, so I kept walking. I happened to go to a local gun shop a few days later and he had them up for rent on his range. Hey what the heck I gave it a try, 2 boxes of cheap 9mm, (that’s what the dealer recommended), and a $7.00 rental fee later, I walked out of the store with one. I haven’t looked back since. I take it to the range, not as often as I would like, major pain the neck to disassemble, and go through 3-4 boxes of cheap ammunition, guys there that don’t know me look at me like ” that’s all you can afford”, and snicker as they load up their 30 round mags of .223/5.56 in their $900.00+ AR’s , and complain after about the cost to shoot. Yes I also have a couple of the AR’s but I really enjoy shooting that little 9mm Carbine. I just wish they made extended mags for them.

  • Mick Dodge March 30, 2015, 6:31 am

    Don’t get Hi & Point yer gun at people
    you could get shot.

    • Co Men To March 30, 2015, 8:14 am


      • Robert March 30, 2015, 10:16 am

        Isn’t Mick Dodge the nut job that runs around barefoot in the Washington Olympic rain forest? From the looks of him and his TV show, he probably spends a lot of time high, eating strange fungi and smoking the local locoweed. Stupid is as stupid does.

  • Dr. Strangelove March 30, 2015, 6:25 am

    Bought my 995TS four years ago and put thousands of trouble free rounds through it. It will put every round in a paper plate offhand at fifty yards and even smaller groups at 100 from a bench rest. It eats any kind of steel and brass ammo I feed it. A local gun shop put up some targets that were shot from a 995 at 100 yards with about three inch groups but I’m not that good with mine.

  • Dr. Strangelove March 30, 2015, 6:25 am

    Bought my 995TS four years ago and put thousands of trouble free rounds through it. It will put every round in a paper plate offhand at fifty yards and even smaller groups at 100 from a bench rest. It eats any kind of steel and brass ammo I feed it. A local gun shop put up some targets that were shot from a 995 at 100 yards with about three inch groups but I’m not that good with mine.

  • Bob N. March 30, 2015, 4:47 am

    I’ve got a HI-Point 9mm, I love it, and I’m picking up a .45 cal. this summer for deer hunting. Michigan now allows pistol caliber carbines to hunt with now. Much less bulky than my shotgun, and with decent optics, should be able to stock the freezer.
    But like the article states, no field stripping this weapon, you need a good clean area and time, usually takes me about 35 minutes to totally break it down to clean.

    • Ed Pate March 30, 2015, 4:35 pm

      I have two Hi-Point carbines, 45 and 9mm. As for deer hunting I’ve done a little research and neither the 45ACP nor the 40 S&W are eligible as their case length is too short. Check out the DNR site or do a google search on rounds that comply. I was shocked that even the 10mm did not fall under the guidelines and it is quite a powerhouse!

  • Lui March 30, 2015, 4:37 am

    I own a C-9, which I purchased 3 years ago. I have never fired it. I don’t really care how cheap looking it is, or how inconvenient stripping to clean it is, my problem with it is the ejection system. Reason is, I had some 9mm dummy rounds I used to run the gun through when I first got it. Dang if it didn’t hangup every time I racked it. I finally figured out the problem was my dummy rounds had a hole where the primer was so the FIRING PIN stuck in the hole leaving the round hanging on the end of it rather then ejecting the casing. Wait a minute I thought, why is the firing pin hitting the primer when I was simply racking the slide. I find out that to cut down on costs Hi Point uses the firing pin as an ejector for the spent casing. OK, so, then if you rack through a magazine, every time a live round is ejected, it is actually ejected by the firing pin hitting the live primer!!!! Now that is scary. A good cost savings as long as you are only ejecting spent rounds. What about the standard jam clearing exercise, you know, if your gun jams, you drop the mag, then forcibly eject the jammed round by racking the slide a couple times? So in this case, you would be forcing the firing pin forward to eject a jammed round by pushing against the live primer? Very scary stuff. So I leave it in my gun safe. When I get around it, I’ll sell it.

    • Dave March 30, 2015, 11:19 am

      put tousands of rounds thro my 995 without a hiccup, and also cycled bunches of rounds through it, never had a failure, it never fired when it wasnt supposed to….point the gun downrange and have at it…

      • Leetrav June 25, 2015, 2:11 pm

        I’ve never had any problems with my 995TS. No failures to feed…no failures to eject and NO failures to go BANG. Perfect functioning every single time…I’m very pleased.

    • Jack March 30, 2015, 11:34 am

      The C9 is a pistol. They are talking about carbines. Your comments are meaningless.

      • Lui April 17, 2015, 11:26 pm

        So you are saying that the carbines don’t use the same system as the pistol to eject rounds? Thats why carbines are carbines, they are basically pistols with long barrels. Thats why their mags load through the pistol grip. But that is irrelevant. There is only one issue I have with the firing pin being used as an ejector. You are aware of the protocol for dealing with jams aren’t you? Then you know a firing pin making contact with the live primer of a round jammed in the chamber would not be be good for your health. Just in case you don’t know. The protocol is to strip the mag forcibly if need be then rack the slide a few times then load a new mag. It’s this racking of the slide that can expose you to danger.

  • Floyd McCarty March 30, 2015, 4:36 am

    These are great guns at the right price. They are accurate. The are different looking. They have a place all their own. In the hands of those who appreciate value concious shooters.

  • cawpin March 30, 2015, 4:31 am

    You know how we hate it when people say stuff about guns that just isn’t true? You should avoid this also.

    “BEWARE that aftermarket high-cap mags can void the warranty on these guns.”

    This is not true. A manufacturer cannot void the warranty on an entire product because you used a different part/accessory than provided. That would be like a car company voiding the entire car warranty because you put different wheels on your car. And, since you don’t have to modify the gun in any way to use a different magazine, they cannot void even the factory magazine warranty.

    • Jade March 30, 2015, 8:41 am

      New Promag hicap mags work well in my 9mm Carbine AND pistol. I have 10 mags and they all work well.

      • Administrator March 30, 2015, 8:46 am

        It specifically says that it voids the warranty.

        • Jade March 30, 2015, 9:40 am

          I couldn’t find anythig specifically relating to mags in their warranty.
          They did change the warranty to original owner only. The warranty went with the gun originally and covered everything unconditionally for the life of the gun.. Not anymore!

          I have used and will continue to use my 15 round HIP-A3 Promags with no problems!

          • Huapakechi March 30, 2015, 10:07 am

            As to a previous post, I bought mine used and had zero problems with warranty for a damaged stock, which probably should not have been warranty. It looked like a truck ran over the butt. No questions, no cost replacement, and delivered with no shipping charge two business days after the order. I have rarely had such a pleasant experience with warranty service.

    • Robert March 30, 2015, 8:47 am

      I would heed the manufacturers warning. I suspect there can be clearance issues with other magazines and using one could cause damage. While technically you are correct, using an aftermarket magazine doesn’t void your warranty, using one that damages the gun would leave you without warranty coverage for that damage. Your “Different wheels” analogy isn’t a good analogy.

    • mike March 30, 2015, 9:21 am

      I compared the Promag 15 round mag to the factory 10 round mag and found the orange plastic tab on the Promag was sticking up higher than the one on the factory mag. I filed back the Promag tab to match the height of the tab on the factory mag….took about five minutes…and the Promag now works as slick as the factory mag. Easy fix I saw on the web and it works!

    • Ken March 30, 2015, 11:18 am

      There is a rectangular, yellow slip of paper that comes in the box with each new H-P 995 or 995TS carbine. In the middle of it, there is a black box containing this statement: “Use of Pro-Mag high capacity magazines damages the loading ramps of the model 995 & 995TS and VOIDS the warranty”.
      A manufacturer certainly can void a warranty when you use or modify a product in a manner that they specifically warn against.
      I suspect this same statement is included with the .40 and .45 carbines as well.
      When I orderered my 995TS, I ordered 5 of the Pro-Mag 25-round mags. Before I noticed that warning in the paperwork, I took my new carbine to the range. Only one of the 5 Pro-Mags would feed properly; the others would shoot one round, then jam in the open position. After I investigated, I realized the lips of the Pro-Mag, and the aft wall below, protrude too high into the breech, and the bolt crashes into them and stops.
      I tried to contact Pro-Mag. I got no response. They will never sell me another piece of their crappy products, ever. They know these mags don’t work, and will void your warranty. I hope someone sues them for it.

    • Steve Bonning March 31, 2015, 2:28 pm

      The one I bought 6 months ago came with an insert specifically stating the use of third party mags would void the warranty and presented photos and explanations why.

    • BradF March 31, 2015, 9:54 pm

      You are probably a specialized attorney or some kind of warranty expert, right? Otherwise, you seem to be talkin’ a load of cr_p.

    • Marc Sayer December 9, 2015, 5:34 pm

      Actually they can void a warranty if you use non stock parts, under specific circumstances. Just as an automaker can void your warranty if you use the wrong oil or coolant, or put wheels on your car that have the wrong offset.. No matter what product you are talking about, they can do it if the replacement part does not meet OEM specs exactly, and that difference contributes to damage or failure.

  • Will Drider March 29, 2015, 11:00 pm

    These are better looking then their brick on a grip pistols. I fully support the “cheap” concept with the caveat it must be reliable. Economically impaired people lives are worth no less the others. 9mm version costs less to feed. The warranty is great but if this is the only gun you can afford, you are at a disadvantage every time it goes back to the factory. Propitary mags kill off a large maket share of potential buyers. A common greedy mistake normally only made once. Good thing their not too overpriced.
    Good review.

    • Huapakechi March 30, 2015, 10:02 am

      Bought my 995 used and when delivered the old style stock was damaged. Hi Point offered me a new style for $40, but I went for the original. Two days and I had it for free, with no shipping charges. Magazines are available on ebay and through suppliers but it seems that they charge more per unit and charge for shipping as well. Order from Hi Point. Free shipping. I’ve put a few hundred rounds through mine, and it collects less crud than my Marlin 60. Shoots every time the trigger is pulled, and with .22s going for $0.10 and more when ya can find ’em, aluminum case Federals for $0.05 ($20/100) I can plink for cheap.

      Hate ’em, love ’em, or hate to love ’em. They work.

      • Jim S. March 30, 2015, 11:16 am

        I have the 9mm that I bought used. The original mag was lost so I got it with a 15 round aftermarket mag. The gun doesn’t like the aftermarket mags and I have to slap it when full to get it to feed properly. It feeds better after I fire a couple rounds. Otherwise, it is a fun weapon to shoot. Absolutely love it. I’ve considered changing to the tactical stock several times, but haven’t done it yet.

      • Mike Yirka March 30, 2015, 3:34 pm

        where does one find 9mm Federal aluminum cased ammo for 5 cents a round ? not on this planet i think…if i’m wrong PLEASE someone inform me !

        • Eddie Pullen March 30, 2015, 5:22 pm

          The previous post (er) should have stated .50 cents per round and not .05 cents per round.

          • DD March 30, 2015, 7:03 pm

            I paid $9.99 per box at Wally World for Federal Aluminum in 9mm. That would be 20 cents per round.

      • MathChecker December 28, 2015, 10:47 am

        Just to keep things straight, the Federal (was it) aluminum case ammo at $20 per 100 is $0.20 per round, not $0.05.

    • Jack McNutt March 30, 2015, 7:08 pm

      I wholeheartedly agree with the writer…I have owned my 9mm carbine for over three years and it has never given ma any problems. I love firing it…go through a lot of ammo. Most any problems people have is with the magazines. Some do need tweaking but fortunately, all of mine are fine. As for lost usage time when it has to be sent to the manufacture for repair…one it is free and for life, even if you happen to be a third or fourth or more owner, it is still the same. And when it is returned, it is like new (a friend of mine sent in a really beat up 9mm handgun and when he got it back it looked brand new) and they always send it back with a new magazines to cover the cost of shipment. I think it is the best warranty program in the country. I highly recommend Hi-Point…I also own a Hi-Point CF380, a .380 handgun. Also, never a problem. When my daughter fired it there was a jam but that was because she was limb wristing it.

  • Joe March 29, 2015, 4:14 pm

    Bought my 4595 about 3 years ago, for $295.00. It has never given me any grief, and is fun to shoot. It has the looks of a “scary” black gun that is sure to upset moms demand action though. My Son and can easily use 100 plus rounds through it before we get bored and put it back in the safe.

  • PlinkyMcGee March 29, 2015, 12:40 pm

    You can count me in the “delighted” category. I bought a 4095 TS carbine at the last gunshow that rolled through town, and honestly I couldn’t be happier. It feeds fine, shoots very well, and ejects just like it’s supposed to. I had heard all the talk, and I can say for myself that I would recommend a HP carbine to anyone, and perhaps especially for first-time gun owners. It’s a good carbine. It’s simple, works well, and the barrier to entry is low, which is nice. It’s a very accurate little carbine, and puts a nice .40 caliber hole right where you want it. I find that it is very quiet-shooting with TulAmmo (Wolf?). The “tactical stock” is not near as hard on the eyes as the old “Planet of the Apes” stock, and it’s actually quite comfortable with respect to ergonomics and shooting. The TS model also gives you some options for mounting various “tactical” doodads, which is all the rage these days. I admit I love me some flashlights and lasers as much as the next guy, for better or worse!

    Bottom line? Good gun for $300. It’s “affordable” cheap, but it’s not “screw you” Chinese dollar-store cheap. As the author of the article states, it’s cheap but functional in a keep-the-cost-down sort of way. I believe that part of the equation is that as consumers we expect a lot today; we want things to be thinner, lighter, cheaper, faster, better. I think in some ways the Hi-Point Carbine is well after its time; if it had been a forward-looking 1950’s mass-produced design, it might have been the cool, affordable, space-age “all-American” carbine that everybody loves and remembers. It’s not, but it could have been. In a very real way, the Hi-Point carbine is the hard-working hometown contender that just wants you to give him a shot; “I can do it, I been getting better” he says. “Just put me in, Coach, gimme a chance!”

    If nothing else, ya gotta admire the spirit and pluck of an all-American $300 carbine with a lifetime warranty. I put one in my collection, and haven’t regretted it a bit.

  • Chris March 29, 2015, 11:59 am

    I’ve had one of these for a couple of years. I have had ZERO issues with the unit. I agree with the author. It’s a pain to strip. I find I don’t shoot it as much as I’d like because of the complicated disassembly. I still think it’s a great piece for the price. Sure, my Thompson is more accurate and easier to clean, but cost was three times as much, and it doesn’t like cheap ammo. All I can say is I’d recommend the 4595 is anyone were to ask for my opinion.

  • Tom benton March 29, 2015, 8:29 am

    Purchased a 9mm carbine years ago and upgraded to an aftermarket stock immitating a Beretta Storm.
    It is a pleasure to shoot. Virtually no recoil and amazingly accurate at 50 yards. The compact size
    would make it a good home defense weapon for those not proficient with handguns. Digests almost
    all ammo with the exception of Blazer aluminum case which is cautioned by the manufacturer.
    Construction materials remind me of a stamped AK, but just like the AK it works and is cheap.

    • bBill Smith March 30, 2015, 11:26 am

      Tom, where did you locate an after-market stock and how much was involved in adapting it to the Hi-Point?

      • Sgt. F March 31, 2015, 3:51 pm

        You can purchase the after market stocks through ATI. Some local gun stores may carry it, (mine does)
        They run roughly $60-$80 depending on availability and location. I purchased one for my 9mm Carbine rifle. It takes a little bit of time for fitting and what not, but it was worth it, in my opinion.

        Google search ATI Hi-Point stock, and you should locate it fairly easily.

    • don March 30, 2015, 2:24 pm

      i could have missed it but did he mention its has a fix it free for life on it—for us poor folks thats a winner in it self

      • Woody March 30, 2015, 3:38 pm

        I bought the 9mm a few years ago when the .45 wasnt available yet.Yes it is ugly and cheap.Most importantly I was thrilled at how accurate it was plus the lifetime warranty was what really sold me..Buy an extra or couple of mags.I also put the laser sight on it.I bought mine from Cabelas when they first started selling them.If I didnt have the 9mm already i`d buy the .45.It will eat steel case all day and you dont have to worry about the laquer gumming up a nicer gun.Peace.

    • Bob March 31, 2015, 1:00 pm

      I own some very high end guns, and have owned Hi-Points in 9MM, 40, and .45 ACP. I never had a problem with any of them. For the price I have no complaints. If I could complain, considering the price I really cant, here is what the only issues I have with them are.

      They are not beautiful guns. They were not meant to be. They are not Springfield Custom Shop gun quality. But they are completely functional.

      They are a beach to get disassembled. But that is only in comparison to standard disassembly methods on other Firearms. Because of that I can relay an experience. I just didnt disassemble it after a while. It almost always went to the range with me “just because” and I fired it nearly every time I took it. For nine years I didnt clean the weapon (I do not recommend this to anyone), just inspected it and shot it. Once in a while I gave it a shot of Rem Oil, thats about it. It ate anything i fed it, dirty as H E double L. It was more than a reliable gun. It rarely ever failed to fire for FTE’s or whatever. I sold that gun to my brother and he did clean it but still shoots it today with no problems.

      They are very heavy, which for me is not an issue since I like a heavier gun. But the Hi-Points heaviness also means it is big and bulky. Makes no difference, in some places they can be had used for about $80. They work, and for someone who needs a working gun but doesnt have a lot of money to spend they definitely do the trick.

      I have owned the original carbine and the 4095TS (which doesnt stand for Tactical Stock, stands for Target Stock, at least that was when I bought mine), and neither one of them gave me any problems. I was able to mount a red/green dot on my TS, added a bipod and a flashlight, for an under $400 pistol caliber carbine I dont think you could do better, although I use a 1911 and multiple strategically placed shotgun’s for HD, I would have had no problem relying on the Hi-Point.

      The weird thing about these guns, if you put out 100, 200 or 300 for one, you can get nearly all of your money back if you decide to sell, unlike a lot of higher end guns which lose quite a bit of value. If you think about it, paying 300 for a gun then getting 250 back after you have got your shooting out of it, is not a bad return. I am not saying they are investment guns, I am saying if you buy one, shoot it and decide to sell the loss is not going to be that great.

      Most of the negative comments I read or hear on Hi-Points come from people who have never shot one much less owned one. I do not own one at the moment, but I have owned all of them at one time or another and would have no problem buying another.

      • Chuck December 28, 2015, 11:17 am

        I don’t own one of these carbines, but did find your comment about the heaviness of this carbine to be odd. According to Hi-point it weighs 6.25 lbs, which is very much in line with the lighter AR’s on the market.

        • Arch Stanton December 28, 2015, 3:00 pm

          I own all of the Carbines and hand gun calibers, except the 40. I must say that if you want an excellant gun for the price? not to mention the WONDERFUL customer service they have, then the Highpoint company is the one to choose.A life time warrenty on all of the products, (whether purchased new or not) If you own one of these beauties? call Fran at customer service ext 1, # 1-419-747-9444 they will send you all the parts you need to keep them running, Extra service parts are always a bonus. I have and would recomend them to friend aswell as strangers. Never disapointed.

    • Joe April 2, 2015, 8:39 am

      I bought the 45 carbine and I am very happy with it. I noticed the price has gone way up since I purchased mine. Good reliable ,shoots good ,no problems, it has taken every 45 I have put in it . Also ,I bought a 14 shot main clip with 2 10 round ones that clip to the stock . A lot of fire power if needed .,besides ,I am very partial to my 1911 45

    • Leetrav June 25, 2015, 1:49 pm

      I have enjoyed my 995TS….it works perfectly. More accurate than I can shoot it and FUN. Mine has a threaded barrel for a suppressor…which makes it even more fun. I received it as a gift and could not be more pleased. Cheap? well…I prefer the word Bargain. Bargain guns fit a niche we can all enjoy. If something were to happen to it…it wouldn’t be like losing and HK for sure.Add one to your collection and have a great time sending rounds down range…flawlessly. I wish HiPoint had made High cap mags…Glock would be cool…like KelTec Sub2k (another great Bargain)….dream on…Prepare for the worst…hope for the best. llc