Police State

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Study: COVID-19 Precautions and First-Time Gun Ownership


In a recent Rutgers study, research shows that those conservative individuals who were more reluctant to take precautions against COVID-19 were more likely to buy firearms in the buying frenzy of 2020.

UPDATE! Michigan Senate Passes Gun Confiscation Bill


On Wednesday, Senate Democrats passed another unconstitutional firearm regulation bill, this time focusing on so-called “red flag” laws.

Michigan Gun Control Package Signed Into Law


Last Thursday, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, signed several gun control bills into law. The six new measures restrict 2A rights through additional background check requirements and “safe storage” policies.

Washington State Democrats Force Partisan ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban Through Senate


Additionally, House Bill 1240 only allows 90 days for firearm dealers and manufacturers to sell or transfer their existing stock out of the state.

Sen. Chris Murphy on CNN.

Democrats Seek to Force Vote on ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban


In the wake of the tragic school shooting in Nashville early this week, Democrats endeavor to force firearm legislation to the Senate floor for a vote.

Poll on how young and old Americans feel about gun control.

Report: Younger Generations More Likely to Support Restrictive Gun Laws


To recap, the report states that overall 55% of the population believes that gun laws should be more restrictive than they currently are. Within that statistic, 79% are Democrats while 29% are Republicans.

A "Take A Stand" banner.

March For Our Lives Holds Protest in Wake of MSU Shooting


One week after the tragic shooting at Michigan State University, David Hogg and his “March For Our Lives” activists held a protest at the Michigan State Capital.

WATCH: Highly Questionable Shoot By Rookie Cop Leaves Teen on Life Support

WATCH: Highly Questionable Shoot By Rookie Cop Leaves Teen on Life Support


A San Antonio police officer, new to the job, shot a teenager last week at McDonald’s restaurant and was subsequently fired. 

IRS to Hire 87,000 Agents, Some Will Need to ‘Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary'

IRS to Hire 87,000 Agents, Some Will Need to ‘Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary’


With President Joe Biden signing the “Inflation Reduction Act” into law this week, America’s taxman will receive a generous boost in funding to the tune of about $80 billion

No Charges Against Officer Who Killed Legally Armed Amir Locke in No-Knock Raid

No Charges Against Officer Who Killed Legally Armed Amir Locke in No-Knock Raid


Minneapolis prosecutors announced Wednesday that they do not plan to file charges against a police officer who shot and killed a legally armed man during a no-knock raid in February.