Will Dabbs

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The Inimitable Power of Cold Steel


I was eighteen years old. It would be another three years before society would trust me to drink a beer or buy a handgun, but Uncle Sam had taught me how to kill a man efficiently and effectively with a bayonet.

Viktor Bout: The Merchant of Death


Lord of War was a simply magnificent movie. Second only to Raising Arizona, it was my favorite Nicolas Cage film ever. Cage’s character, a Ukrainian arms dealer named Yuri Orlov, was loosely based on Viktor Bout.

The University Greys: The Highwater Mark of Misplaced Hope


Though the nuances are lost on a modern generation of lamentably binary Americans, imbedded within the school’s history we see the possibility that very good people might support some very bad causes.

The 2012 Empire State Building Shooting: Cop Carnage


Thirty people have successfully committed suicide off of the building despite some fairly extensive impediments specifically designed to dissuade such sordid stuff.

The Mysterious Death of Superman


George Reeves played one of the most iconic roles in the history of television, yet he was still never satisfied. Methinks there’s a message in there someplace, something deep and timeless, perhaps.

The 1927 Bath School Bombing


Assault weapons, whatever they are, seem to be the perennial target of gun-banning Leftists whenever anything bad happens in America. However, back in 1927, a lunatic named Andrew Kehoe showed us that a proper monster can sow a profound amount of chaos without using a firearm.

William Smith: Body Builder, Linguist, Actor, Spy


His forte was the hulking villain, and he played that to perfection. Friends knew him as Big Bill.

Vasili ARkhipov as a young man

Vasili Arkhipov and the Most Dangerous Day in Human History


On one of the most dangerous day in US history, Vasili ARkhipov diffused the eminent nuclear attack and saved the world from Soviet missiles and war.

The 2004 Beslan Attack: The Worst School Shooting in Human History


Entire swaths of humanity are stark raving lunatics. On 1 September 2004, 32 lunatics approached School Number One (SNO) in Beslan, North Ossetia, an autonomous republic in the North Caucasus in Russia.

Orde Wingate And The Super Creepy Glider Pilot


Most anyone sufficiently enlightened to frequent GunsAmerica is already familiar with the airborne component of Operation Overlord. Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan captured our imaginations and just wouldn’t let go.