The ability to convert existing M4A1 carbines to a PDW, chambered in 300 BLK, offers several appealing advantages. First, it is far more economical than purchasing complete carbines. Far more conversion kits can be purchased than complete carbines. Second, the purchase of a retrofit kit presents fewer issues than building a new carbine. Finally, should the receiver be damaged, the conversion kit can be fitted to another lower.
Gun Reviews
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Going the Distance with the New Performance Center T/C LRR (Full Review)
Published: July 28, 2018 { 21 comments }I was ready to rock ‘n roll earlier this month when I made my way to central Texas to try my hand at a 1000-yard target with the new Long-Range Rifle (LRR) from Smith & Wesson’s Performance Center and Thompson/Center. Like many gun owners in 2018, my long-range shooting knowledge exceeded my experience. I’ve been geeking out about D.O.P.E. cards, bullet trajectories, and MIL vs. MOA for years, but I hadn’t had many chances to pull the trigger.
The P14 Luger Marinepistole – A German Military Handgun Designed for Ship-to-Ship Combat
Published: July 28, 2018 { 14 comments }Georg Luger left an indelible mark on the firearms world that persists to this very day. His extraordinary eponymous handgun was not an altogether original design, however. His mentor, a German engineer named Hugo Borchardt, was actually the first to realize the human knee would translate into a serviceable firearm.
Stamped Steel Sputterguns – Uzi vs the MAC10
Published: July 21, 2018 { 20 comments }Uziel Gal was a German-born Israeli who served half of a six-year sentence after having been arrested for carrying a gun illegally in the British Mandate of Palestine. He was released in 1946, two years before Israel declared her independence. A gifted designer, Gal began work on a new submachine gun and completed his first prototype in 1950. Christened the Uzi after its designer, this rugged combat
Hudson H9: A Case for Practical Accuracy
Published: July 18, 2018 { 41 comments }Before I talk about the features of the gun, let me say that this gun and my time behind it has led me to rethink my immediate negative reaction when some gun writer pens the phrase, “Practical Accuracy.” When seen within context of most articles I have always winced, viewing it as a dog whistle indicating poor accuracy. However, my off-the-shelf Hudson H9 that I purchased from a retailer has me re-defining practical accuracy more generously, i.e., being able to hit targets of a size commensurate with the defensive use of a handgun, effectively at practical distances and speed.
Springfield’s NEW Saint Pistol in 300 Blackout (Full Review)
Published: July 14, 2018 { 23 comments }Size matters, but when it comes to combat-ready firearms, smaller is often better. Compact weapons allow for easy maneuvering in tight spaces, which is an especially useful attribute in a home-defense firearm. Now, thanks to a favorable ruling from the ATF, Springfield has introduced two pistol-length versions of their popular Saint AR-15: the .556 and, more recently, a 300 Blackout model.
The Origin of the Species: The Model 602 M16
Published: July 14, 2018 { 15 comments }The origin story is foundational dogma for gun nerds like us. George Sullivan incorporated the ArmaLite Corporation in 1954 as a tiny little subsidiary of the Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation. Operating out of a modest machine shop in Hollywood, California, Sullivan envisioned ArmaLite as a think tank to explore cutting-edge concepts in small arms. Their first serious effort was a small takedown survival rifle intended for use by downed military aircrew.
Zvetco Biometric’s S6000 Smart.Safe. Will be There When You Need It Every.Time.
Published: July 14, 2018 { 8 comments }Biometric safes make me nervous. Using a fingerprint to open my iPhone is one thing. Relying on that technology to save my life is a whole different ball game. Batteries fail, circuits break, and biometric locks have a less-than-stellar track record in the firearms community. But here’s the catch…
Inland Manufacturing M-1 Carbine: Old Soldiers Never Die
Published: July 14, 2018 { 36 comments }The .30 M-1 Carbine was used by the U.S. Military in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. The carbine was supplied to allied forces and hung around long after Vietnam. I encountered the M-1 carbine in service with the Bolivian UMOPAR counter-drug police in the 1990s. These fun guns remain popular and effective for civilians today.
Shooting the Taurus USA 2018 Product Lineup
Published: July 6, 2018 { 10 comments }Over the last couple of years, Taurus USA has hired a handful of experienced engineers from around the firearm Industry. To complement the new talent, Taurus also opened a state of the art manufacturing and R&D facility here in the United States.
Taylor’s & Company Model 1858 New Army .44-Caliber Black Powder Revolver: Keeping the Legend Alive
Published: July 6, 2018 { 15 comments }The cap and ball revolver, also known as the percussion revolver, is a sophisticated weapon of war. Even though those wars were in the 1800’s, the cap and ball remains an interesting and effective handgun. Taylor’s & Company is keeping these legends alive by producing classic firearms made famous by soldiers, cowboys, lawmen, and outlaws.
Browning X-Bolt Pro Long Range 300 WM Full Review
Published: July 6, 2018 { 21 comments }Last year, I got my first experience with the Browning X-Bolt, using a Hell’s Canyon model in 6.5 Creedmore. I came away very impressed, my respect for the Browning name rekindled. They got a lot right with this model, from the trigger to the muzzle brake. So when the chance popped up to take a look at the X-bolt Pro in 300 Winchester Magnum, I hopped on it.
Build Your Dream 10/22 with Brownells’ New BRN-22 Receiver (Full Review + How To)
Published: July 6, 2018 { 23 comments }If the AR-15 is America’s most popular rifle, the Ruger 10/22 might be its most beloved. Thousands, probably millions, of youngsters have cut their teeth on the little rimfire, and its popularity shows no signs of slowing down. Whether you’re building a precision rifle or a budget squirrel hunter, Brownell’s new BRN-22 is a great place to start your 10/22 build.
Killing Cousins: A Tale of Three Axis Submachine Guns
Published: June 29, 2018 { 6 comments }The Germans saw their industry transformed from a collective of cottage artisans of sorts into a manufacturing juggernaut that prevailed in the face of material shortages of many manifest flavors as well as round-the-clock bombing. Early guns were meticulously crafted and expensive. Later weapons, though functional, were designed from the outset to be readily manufacturable. Those in between exhibited characteristics of each. The three best examples are the Steyr MP34, the Beretta 38A, and the MP40.
Historic Shotgun Maker Franchi Introduces New Bolt-Action (Full Review)
Published: June 28, 2018 { 7 comments }The Momentum is a nice rifle, but not for the reasons Franchi thinks it is.
The Italian company has been manufacturing high-quality bird guns for 150 years, and in April of 2018 they announced their first foray into the bolt-action rifle market. Franchi hopes to translate its heritage of craftsmanship and innovation to a new kind of firearm, and for the most part, they succeeded.
FN SCAR Review – The Most Refined Assault Rifle in the World
Published: June 23, 2018 { 13 comments }Modularity is the new gospel in modern firepower, and the FN SCAR just drips with it. The upper receiver starts out as an extruded bit of aluminum, while the polymer lower contains the fire control system and secures the magazine. There are two major subtypes. The SCAR-Light (SCAR-L) runs 5.56x45mm. The SCAR-Heavy (SCAR-H) chambers 7.62x51mm.
Nemo Omen 300 Win Mag – AR Gets A Turbo Charger
Published: June 22, 2018 { 16 comments }When I heard semi-auto and 300 Winchester Magnum, I assumed the gun had to be gigantic. It is large, but not Micheal Bay oversized. At first glance, you can see the DNA shared with an AR-15. There are a few changes to accommodate the caliber, but it keeps the things I find important.
Nosler Model 48 NCH Puts Rifle Power in Handgun Hunting
Published: June 20, 2018 { 4 comments }Nosler is taking note from the black rifle market and is building a rifle-class firearm in a handgun package for handgun hunting and sport shooting.
Most Important Aspects of Selecting a Handgun for Self-Defense: Fit and Function
Published: June 16, 2018 { 10 comments }There is an old story about a Texas Ranger. He was attending a social event with his family, wearing his issue sidearm. A woman approached the Ranger and said “I see you are wearing a pistol, are you expecting trouble?” The Ranger replied politely, “Why no ma’am, if I was expecting trouble, I would have brought a rifle.”
Historical Origins of the HK93, AK74, M16A1 and AR18
Published: June 16, 2018 { 14 comments }Mechanical systems like small arms evolve in response to myriad forces both industrial and martial. Somebody has an idea that seems to work, and that idea is tweaked, adjusted, and improved over time until it becomes something better, more reliable, and more efficient. The astute student of modern small arms, however, can generally tease out the origins of a mechanism with a little study.
The Sabatti Urban Sniper w/Trijicon Review: Tactical Precision Italian Style
Published: June 16, 2018 { 11 comments }Imported to the United States exclusively by the Italian Firearms Group, the Urban Sniper sports a relatively short (for a long-range precision platform) 20-inch bull barrel. Even with that shorter barrel, the Urban Sniper isn’t a lightweight at 8.75 pounds, though few of today’s long-range rifles are exactly nimble. It is also very accurate, has a great trigger and fits on the shoulder well.
Field Test: Beretta’s APX Full Size and Compact
Published: June 16, 2018 { 4 comments }The APX was born out of the Army’s Modular Handgun trials. Manufacturers came out with new pistols and revisions of existing models in their efforts to win the lucrative contract to equip the United States Military with 74 boatloads of new handguns to replace the Beretta M9 series now in service.
High Tower Armory MBS 95 Hi-Point Bullpup Kit Now Shipping!
Published: June 14, 2018 { 26 comments }After two years in development, High Tower Armory is excited to say that their MBS 95 bullpup conversion kit for Hi-Point carbines is now shipping.
The HK MP5 vs. the Walther MPL – Alternative History
Published: June 8, 2018 { 6 comments }The Walther MPL is the ultimate example of a general utility submachine gun. In the roles filled by the wartime German MP40, American Grease Gun, Russian PPSh, and British Sten the MPL is quite literally ideal. The rate of fire is slow, and the gun is rugged and simple. By contrast, the MP5 fires much faster and is really a specialist’s weapon. In the hands of a trained operator, the MP5 puts a swarm of zippy little 9mm bullets into teacup-sized groups at bad breath ranges. When employed in a swamp or powdery desert environment, however, the complexity of the MP5 becomes a liability.
Glock 42 and 43: Single Stack Superlatives
Published: June 8, 2018 { 18 comments }The G-42 and G-43 are Glock’s concealed carry optimized single stack pistols in .380 and 9mm. Both models have been highly successful, Glock recently produced the one-millionth Glock 43. That is a lot of happy Americans and bears closer examination. Glock claims that the G-43 was the most highly desired and anticipated release in GLOCK’s history.
Tough, Versatile, and Budget-Friendly, Midland’s Backpack Shotgun Might be Your Best Hiking Companion
Published: June 7, 2018 { 36 comments }“If I could only have one gun…” We’ve all asked this question. It’s a hypothetical doomsday scenario for most, but anyone hoping to carry a firearm on a backpacking trip has felt the reality of this dilemma. The happy medium between compact, lightweight, and versatile can be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve.
SIG MCX VIRTUS 300 AAC Swappable Barrel Review
Published: June 7, 2018 { 4 comments }Over the last 9 months of testing, the SIG MCX VIRTUS has proven to be a very reliable and useful weapon. In its 5.56 configurations, we saw it run in all weather conditions over the winter, a 2000 rounds suppressed test and many other shenanigans. The most impressive part to me was that we had a multi-configurable rifle, that consistently shot ½ MOA groups. This week, we finally got the long awaited 300 AAC barrel.
German Combat Pistols – Did the Guys Who Brought Us the Tiger Tank Really Think This was Enough Gun?
Published: June 1, 2018 { 45 comments }Always pressed for weapons, the Germans employed no less than twenty-two major handgun types during World War 2.The Nazis got their guns wherever they could find them. Quality ranged from impeccable to abysmal with everything in between. The Germans issued more than 300,000 Browning Hi Powers made under occupation in Belgium. Designated the Pistole 640(b) in Wehrmacht parlance, the Hi Power was arguably the finest combat handgun of the war.
Training with Air Guns: Shoot at Home with High Quality Repetitions and Low Cost
Published: June 1, 2018 { 7 comments }Police officers, competitive shooters, and military units train with air guns. What do they know that you don’t? It is safer and cheaper than live fire while measurably improving performance. There is no better way to teach trigger control and reduce anticipation of recoil. The cost of range training is more than just the ammunition. We must also include vehicle mileage, targets and range fees but perhaps the most precious resource consumed is time.
Mossberg 590M Review – Magic Mag Fed Shotgun
Published: June 1, 2018 { 49 comments }Looks mean is one thing, but it has to run to matter. And the 590M did run. It ate everything I threw at it, including multiple magazines out of my 12 gauge trash bucket. The trash bucket is a 5 gallon bucket I toss all the leftover ammo in from shotgun reviews or any other sketchy ammo I run across. The cheapest of the cheap, mil surplus, slugs left over from my 3 gun days, and anything I get from a fire sale. Despite the fact that the gun says 2 ¾ inch shells only, I fed it some Augilla mini shells.