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Trijicon Optics TRASHED! Newest RMR HD & RCR Red Dot Torture TEST

Trijicon Optics TRASHED! Newest RMR HD & RCR Red Dot Torture TEST


Earlier this week Trijicon announced two new red dot optics. The enclosed RCR and the open RMR HD. The RMR HD and RCR feature the latest and greatest tech that Trijicon could muster in red dot optics for 2023

Testing the Innovative Holosun SCS

Testing the Innovative Holosun SCS


The SCS sets itself apart from other micro-optics by having each model’s footprint tailored to a specific gun.

2 - Lights and Lasers for CCW?

Lights and Lasers for CCW?


A good way to start a fight amongst your friends is to bring up the subject of lights and lasers for concealed carry guns. Opinions run strong on this one, and they are all over the map. Some will tell you lasers build bad habits, and you should never have one. Some will tell you lights get in the way on a CCW piece, and you shouldn’t use one anyway. And some will just tell you that if John Moses Browning intended you to have a laser and light, he would have built one back in 1910.

Steiner MPS: Enclosed-Emitter Micro Pistol Sight mounted to an ACRO cut Brownells slide mounted on my Glock 19

Steiner MPS: Enclosed-Emitter Micro Pistol Sight Review


Micro red dot sights (MRDS) have taken over the firearm industry, and consumers are now demanding factory firearms to be compatible with these systems. While this is great to see for the benefits red dots provide, the new trend seems to be pushing towards enclosed-emitter optics.

I mounted a Trijicon RMR optic on the RDO.

The Best Pistol Red Dots Out There


The question is, what dots should we be using? We’ve gathered a diverse selection that represents some of the best dots in various genres of pistol red do

2 - How to Zero a Red Dot - Five Steps

How to Zero a Red Dot – Five Steps


You won’t be able to take advantage of these little technological marvels if you don’t know how to get them zeroed. Zeroing a red dot is a lot like zeroing a scope, but the lack of magnification can make it a little more challenging.

2 - The Aimpoint TL - A European Oddball

The Aimpoint TL – A European Oddball


The current king of the red dot optic is Aimpoint. Aimpoint produced the first modern red dot in 1975 and since then has been the king of red dots. Their numerous contracts with police and military units ensured the Aimpoint series are well proven and reliable. They’ve mastered the art of the red dot, and today we are looking at the Aimpoint TL with a 4 MOA red dot.

2 - Athlon Optics Red Dots

Athlon Optics Red Dots


Athlon Optics is a brand that should be on your radar, in the hyper competitive world of optics. Over the next few months, we have some magnified scopes coming in as well. But for now, on the red dot front? This is a value that is very hard to beat.

New EOTech EFLX Red Dot Review

New EOTech EFLX Mini Red Dot Sight (MRDS) Review


While there is a minimal amount of distortion that can be noticed while moving the optic around, it is in fact minimal and is what I would call “best in class”.

2 - Buy It Direct: Maven’s Fine RS.5 4-24x50 Rifle Scope

Buy It Direct: Maven’s Fine RS.5 4-24×50 Rifle Scope


Since their optics are not sold in stores and are only available direct to customers, many shooters and hunters don’t know that the Maven Outdoor Equipment Company is producing some of the best scopes and binoculars on the market today. Yes, some of the best.